Holy Prison

Chapter 2169: Billion

"Ling'er, three to five, just bet at the last few minutes, 20 million bet!" Chu Feng's voice rang in Zhao Ling's mind. If the bet is early, it is estimated that Wu Caishen will come over. Inside, it's probably not three and five!

If the round dice is hit, it will be one hundred and fifty times the odds, 20 million will be pushed up, and the dealer will pay as much as 3 billion! With such a loss, Wu Caishen must cry to death!

Moreover, if it is pressured, Wu Caishen still dare not pay, he owes someone else, it is better to say a little bit, owing the gambling debt to the little princess of the Su family, shouldn't be confused.

At this moment, Chu Feng’s table was shaken by the croupier. Chu Feng’s heart jumped, and it was the last minute. This luck really came. He didn’t shook three identical points at this table. , However, it was four o'clock!

Three points are the same, that probability is small, and the total is four points. Such a probability is also very small. If it is pressed, although there is no one hundred and fifty times odds, there are fifty times odds!

"Brother Bi, you go to Ling'er's table 6, immediately, five fives, all pressure!"

"Zhong Tao, come to my table No. 1, there are still ten seconds!"

Chu Feng said through a message that he only notified Bi Feng and Zhong Tao, but Kadi and Qin Yue did not inform. Wu Caishen may have made some preparations, although Chu Feng estimated that they could beat Wu Caishen by surprise this time. , However, if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of it. It is good to let Cardi and Qin Yue keep a little more chips in their hands. Even if both sides miss, Cardi and the others will have the chips in their hands to make Chu Feng give Wu Caishen fiercely. one strike!

Wu Caishen was in the casino right now, but he was chatting with people in the room instead of in the lobby, but he was a little restless at the moment.

"Brother Wu, has the plan to deal with Chu Feng been perfected?" Huang Yuan frowned. "Brother Huang, there was a little problem yesterday, you have to adjust, there will be a perfect plan, don't worry. Chu Feng is not a simple character, if you are in a hurry, then we will all get into trouble!" Wu Caishen said.

"Kadi, ten million, three six, press it immediately!" Chu Feng's voice suddenly rang in Kadi's mind. Kadi received the sound transmission, without any hesitation, he shot a colorful bargaining chip in his hand. Pressed to the top of three sixes!

"Ten thousand and three six?" Someone at the tables of Cardi immediately exclaimed. Chu Feng was paying attention to the surroundings. At this time, Zhao Ling was at the sixth table, and he immediately left to reach the table where Cardi was. Table number nine!

At Zhao Ling's table, just before the croupier shouted out to leave his hand, Zhao Ling's 20 million chips immediately fell above the three fives, and Bi Feng's 20 million chips naturally fell above the three fives!

"Buy it away" Zhao Ling's croupier at the table yelled for a moment. He saw Zhao Ling and Bi Fengying's four million chips on the table!

"Three, five, forty million!" a gambler not far from Zhao Ling exclaimed, this person was arranged by Wu Caishen in all likelihood, and when there was a problem, he would give a loud warning!

"Isn't it open? Waiting for someone to come out?" Zhao Ling said coldly. "I..." The croupier hesitated, and Zhao Ling's eyes became extremely sharp in an instant. Under Zhao Ling's sharp gaze, the croupier opened the cup involuntarily, "Three, three Five, fifteen o'clock!"

In an instant, the croupier who opened the cup felt that the strength of his whole body seemed to be taken away. Forty million, that was forty million, and he hit the dice!

One hundred and fifty times the odds, forty million casinos will pay six billion!

At this time, just like the croupier, there was a man who got to table 9 and he knew it was bad when he heard someone press 40 million at table 6. But now, that's there. It's too late for table No. 6. He just moved his hands and feet at table No. 9. It will take at least three seconds before he can do it again!

"Qin Yue, immediately, 20 million, fourteen o'clock!" Chu Feng's voice rang in Qin Yue's mind. After receiving Chu Feng's voice transmission, Qin Yue immediately pressed the two colorful chips without any hesitation. Fourteen above.

Fourteen points, twelve times the odds, 20 million, if you win, it can immediately become 240 million, which is not a small number!

"Twenty million!"

At Qin Yue's table, someone also exclaimed at this time. On the side of Kadi's No. 9 table, a man who had just arrived at the No. 9 table immediately rushed to the No. 13 table where Qin Yue was at!

Three seconds passed. The man who rushed to Qin Yue's side hesitated for a while or immediately moved his hands and feet. The odds of twelve times are not low. Other tables may not be more expensive than this. High odds, the previous one was missed. If this one is also missed, even if he is a close friend of Wu Caishen, it is estimated that Wu Caishen will tear him alive!

"Zhong Tao, four o'clock! Immediately!"

At the No. 1 table where Chu Feng was at, at this time, all his four colorful chips were pressed above four o'clock. Zhong Tao was only one-tenth of a second slower than him, before the croupier exited with the words "Buy Done". , Four above, that has already put a big bet of 60 million!

"Master, it's not good!"

The door of Wu Caishen's room was pushed open vigorously, "What's the matter, so flustered!" Wu Caishen shouted. "Master, come, come, here are Chu Feng!" The person who opened the door of Wu Caishen's room was a little alarmed. He just came from the gambling hall, but he only knew that someone had hit three and five!

"What!" Wu Caishen stood up suddenly, "Hit?" "Yes, three, fifty, forty million!" Wu Cai's cronies who entered the room said immediately.

Wu Caishen's body shook, he couldn't take out six billion things, but six billion, that's six billion, not six hundred thousand points! !

"Not open yet? Waiting for someone to come over?" Chu Feng said indifferently at the number one table. Needless to say, at their table, some people exclaimed, and there was so much pressure. Some people exclaimed, which is normal!

"Sixty million at four o'clock, God!"

Hearing the exclamation from the side of table 1, and the side of table 13, the person who just changed the number of the dice on table 13 felt that his body was also weak!

Such thoughts flashed in that person's mind. He didn't even go to the side of table 1. Table 13 was far away from table 1, and it was too late even if it passed in an instant.

I just used it on the 13th table. It takes at least three seconds to change the number of dice on the 1st table. Three seconds, this time is very short, but the croupier cannot wait three seconds before opening Well, in that case, even a pig knows that there is a problem with their casino!

Within three years, so many people gambled in their casino, and naturally there will be many losers. If people know that the casino is out of business, then Wu Caishen definitely has no good life!

"Open, of course." The croupier at Chu Feng's table settled and immediately opened the cup, "One, one, two, four o'clock!" The croupier said weakly.

Sixty million, four points, fifty times the odds, three billion points! The croupier knew that Fortuna Casino was planted this time, completely planted!

Zhao Ling’s side was 6 billion, and Chu Feng’s side was 3 billion. Adding up, that’s a huge amount of 9 billion points. As for Cardi and Qin Yue, the croupiers had all come out, and they added up and pressed them out. Thirty million, but it was not overwhelmed!

When Wu Caishen appeared, Chu Feng changed back to what he was like, and Zhao Ling and others now changed back to what he was like.

"Brother Wu, yesterday you persuaded me to press down more, I went back and thought about it carefully, what you said is right, the pressure is less, that is not to give you face to Brother Wu, look down on you, Brother Wu!"

"So, we came over today and pressed a little more. Brother Wu, you are too polite. Yesterday we came over and you came to say hello. In order not to delay your business, Brother Wu, so this time, we came here in a different way. It's a sin to think that Brother Wu was still upset!" Chu Feng said with a smile.

"It's just that some of you haven't reached your goal, Brother Wu. Brother Wu said yesterday that there is no problem with winning one or two billion. Today we didn't even win 10 billion, alas!"

A large number of people gathered here, and many of them were here yesterday. Yesterday, Wu Caishen’s words, they heard very clearly, Chu Feng’s words fell, and there was a person who lost a lot in the casino. He opened his mouth and said: "Wu Caishen said that yesterday, I think I can definitely afford it!"

"Yes, who is Wu Caishen, can't afford to pay? Just kidding! In recent years, the treasures used on the duel stage are worth one or two billion!"

"Nine billion only, small meaning."

There are so many people around, and there are people who have fallen into trouble. This is too normal. Some people are afraid of Wu Caishen, but there are many people who are not afraid of Wu Caishen!

There was a smile on Wu Caishen's face, but his smile seemed a little reluctant at this time: "Brother Chu, what I said before, that is naturally counted!"

"My friends, here is something Wu announces. In order to prevent future re-bets from damaging your interests, the casino has increased the upper limit of betting, and the upper limit of betting is 200,000!"

Increasing the upper limit of the staking can prevent Chu Feng from winning a lot at once, but Wu Caishen’s future earnings will also decrease a lot!

Two hundred thousand points, this is a lot, but even if you roll the dice, there are only 30 million points, which is too little for those high rollers.

The vast majority of the revenue of the Fortuna Casino comes from those high-rollers. Otherwise, the Fortuna Casino can make more than one billion after tax deductions for more than three years?

After Chu Feng and the others left yesterday, it was not that Wu Caishen didn't consider setting the upper limit of the bet, but after thinking about it, he decided to take a gamble!

After all, if it goes well, it is a huge market of two to three hundred billion, and it is worth his bet!

However, he didn't expect Chu Feng to be so ruthless. He left yesterday and came over today. He actually slaughtered such a big knife and won nine billion in crazy!

"Brother Chu, you won nine billion, and I will give you another billion. How about we make a friend?" Wu Caishen laughed. "Awesome." Chu Feng secretly said, Wu Caishen's hand, it is quite beautiful, he won 9 billion, Wu Caishen gave 1 billion, and also set an upper limit. If he disagrees, it will look very beautiful. Nothing!

"Brother Wu is polite, since Brother Wu said so, if I don't make a friend of Brother Wu, I'm so sorry Brother Wu!" Chu Feng smiled.

"Haha, Brother Chu is really refreshing!" Chu Feng agreed. While Wu Caishen felt a little regretful, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Since Chu Feng agreed, he probably won't be able to win in his casino next. , However, with a ceiling set, his casino’s revenue will definitely be greatly reduced by that time. In a thousand years, whether he can earn nine billion is a problem. It is almost impossible to survive a thousand years. You have to lose two or three billion!

"Brother Chu, you can’t get so many points. Let’s go to the treasure area." Wu Caishen laughed, and Chu Feng nodded slightly. They headed towards the treasure area together. Many people, that's also Follow them to the Treasures area to watch the excitement.

There are many treasures listed in the treasure area, and each item is marked with the number of points. People with more than 100,000 points and more than 10 million points are also available!

"Ling'er, you come and collect it!" Chu Feng said. He pointed to the treasures, and Zhao Ling smiled and put the treasures into his space ring.

"That's it, Brother Wu, it adds up to 683 million, right?" Chu Feng said. Wu Caishen nodded and laughed: "That's right, Brother Chu, you are going to make me bleed this time!"

Wu Caishen said that a large number of treasures appeared outside, and Zhi Nao immediately evaluated the price of those things. Now the things in the heaven base are all Zhi Nao estimates, absolutely fair!

For things with more than nine billion points, even if it is a brain, it will take some time for the price to come out. After more than ten minutes, most of the treasures owned by the **** of wealth have already entered the Zhao Ling space ring!

"Brother Chu, 10 billion, isn't it wrong?" Wu Caishen took a deep breath. Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "That's right, Brother Wu, then we will leave first, and business is booming! By the way, the upper limit of 200,000 points, I think this is pretty good, if it is higher, As Brother Wu said, if you can't afford to pay, there will be a little trouble!"

"Brother Chu, don't worry!" Wu Caishen nodded.

"Brother Wu, goodbye!" Chu Feng arched his hands and Zhong Tao and they immediately left the casino, "Go, let's go to our casino!" Chu Feng smiled lightly, "Since the capital is sufficient, Wu Caishen set a ceiling. The upper limit on our side can be mentioned. Just on the basis of the current one hundred thousand, five million is good!"

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