Holy Prison

Chapter 2197: Doomsday news

Two hours passed "Boom!"

A powerful aura erupted from DeLorean, level of immortality. In the past two hours, he broke through from level 5 to level 1 immortality. Of course, this was accelerated by one hundred thousand times, if not one hundred thousand times. Time speeds up, it is absolutely impossible. With his strength, it is not as easy to improve Xu Fei's strength before!

"Take your mind, and you can continue to break through!" Chu Feng's voice sounded deep in De Luo An's soul, his voice sounded, De Luo An's excitement immediately calmed down, this part is because of De Luo An's self-discipline , More importantly, because Chu Feng's voice affected his mind!

The second level is immortal, the third level is immortal, the fourth level is immortal, and when the fourth level is immortal, the effect of the medicine in Droan's body will fade!

"Consolidate for a while!" Chu Feng said quietly. He gave DeLuo An three minutes, three minutes outside, 100,000 times the acceleration time is not short.

Three minutes later, Chu Feng put away the time bead, and soon, DeLorean's closed eyes opened. "Thank you, sir!" De Luoan's eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

"You deserve it!" Chu Feng drank a sip of tea and smiled lightly. "Deloan, don't be too happy. The improvement this time has greatly overdrawn your potential. Your sequelae are now It is very powerful, and if you want to improve your cultivation base later, it will be very difficult, and there will be no progress for a long time!"

"My lord, I'm content, I'm content! I'm content to be an indelible powerhouse, not to mention becoming a fourth-level indelible powerhouse!" Delora said.

The fourth-level immortality, compared with his previous five-level immortality, the improvement in strength is not a little bit, and a hundred selves before, may not be able to beat the one he is now!

"Contentment, you can always have fun! However, contentment mentality is not a good mentality for becoming a stronger power." Chu Feng smiled lightly, "Droan, I have another thing for you to do. ."

"My lord, please order, do things for adults, never die!" De Luoan said in a deep voice. He knew in his heart that Chu Feng can choose other people and can choose him. This is His chance, if this chance is not grasped tightly, he will be a pig!

"This world is heading for destruction." Chu Feng said softly.

A trace of sadness flashed in DeLorean's eyes. How could he not understand this? This world was not like this before. At that time, there were not many dead spirits in the whole world. Now, most of the whole world is dead spirits. Everyone dies and becomes dead spirits. The world of dead spirits continues to expand!

"Droan, I am not from this world. I am entrusted by someone to save some people. You send the news. If you are willing to leave this world, let them gather in the survival bases, and I will leave. In this world, they will be taken away from this world!" Chu Feng said.

A look of shock appeared in DeLorean's eyes: "My lord, are you serious?"

"Do you think I am joking with you?" Chu Feng said quietly. "My lord, I'm just too excited." DeLorean quickly said, "My lord, everyone has long wanted to leave this world, but, my lord, how many people can you take away? Although a large number of people died, this There are still many people in one world!"

"Everyone who gathers should be taken away, but at present, there are only six opportunities. After six times, those who have not left will not be able to leave!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "We have been to Yang before. The gate base, the Yangmen base is relatively large, so let’s hear the news, if you want to leave, gather at the Yangmen base!"

"From the Yang family, I will go over and explain that there should be no problem. The teleportation formation is maintained by the bone core. At this time, you don't have to bear the bone core anymore!"

DeLuoan said: "My lord, it's better to have some time between the six times, so that everyone can have a preparation time. Some people have time to return after leaving the survival base."

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Explain to everyone that there are only so many opportunities. If you miss it, you will never have another chance! This universe will not last long!"

"My lord, the world won't last long? Probably not. Although the situation is getting worse and worse, it's still relatively stable. It should be able to last a long time, right?" Delora said.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "There is nothing I can't tell you. After forty years, there will be tens of millions of powerful men who have reached the Saint-sovereign level cultivation base enter this world."

"This world will begin to collapse after nine thousand years. After more than 10,000 years, this world may no longer exist."

DeLuoan's eyes were full of horror. As Chu Feng said, it was too scary. The world collapsed, it would be the end of the world. If you didn't escape before then, you would definitely be dead!

"My lord, why do so many powerful people enter this world?" Delorain took a deep breath and asked. "In order to get something, among them there are one or two thousand strong quasi-dominant-level strength, among them, ten or twenty can show the dominance-level strength. Not all of them are good people." Chu Feng said quietly.

"My lord, that is, if you don't evacuate in time, maybe you will die before the world collapses." Deloan said solemnly.

Chu Feng nodded: "Well, it's almost like this. You can send the news. I will save as many people as possible. I don't want to leave. I don't want to coexist and die with this world. I don't force it! Those who want to leave, DeLorean, I don’t want anyone unable to leave because they can’t afford the transmission fee. If that’s the case, I feel distressed, do you understand?"

"My lord, I understand!" DeLorean nodded, "My lord, this matter is very important, and my influence is still lower. If you can discuss it with Yang Lao and others, the effect will be even better. it is good!"

Chu Feng got up and said, "I will go to the Yangmen base to chat with Brother Yang. Other people, if they have any questions, let them come to me by themselves. I'm not interested in going to the door for service!"

At the Yangmen base, Chu Feng came to this side again, and as soon as he arrived at the gate of the Imperial City, Yang De and Yang Cheng, father and son, appeared on this side.

"Brother Chu, last time I said goodbye and wanted to drink and chat with you again, but I don't know where you went." Yang De said with a smile on his old face.

"Brother Yang, come here today, can't you just have a chat?" Chu Feng chuckled lightly.

In the imperial city, it didn't take long for Chu Feng to tell Yang De and others what he had said with DeLuo An. "Brother Chu, you didn't joke with us about this matter?" Yang De said solemnly.

"What do you mean?" Chu Feng shrugged.

Yang De frowned and said, "Brother Chu, this matter is not trivial! I absolutely trust Brother Chu you, but some people don't necessarily believe in your survival bases!"

"Although there is a big problem in this world today, I want some people to believe that this world will be over in no time. This is a bit difficult!"

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Will someone prevent the people from their own survival base from getting here?" "This one, I think it may appear, some people might think it is a conspiracy." Yang De said helplessly. Brother Chu, if we leave this world, are we going to another world?"

"Brother Yang, there is nothing to do with Yangmen Base. People from other bases can't come by themselves. I definitely don't force it. However, I must not stop the people in my base from getting to this side. If someone stops it. , Then, don't blame me for being polite!" Chu Feng said, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Those badges can accept people, or absorb this universe and let this universe collapse into each badge. Before absorbing this universe, Chu Feng must first collect people. Otherwise, the universe will collapse and many People who can't safely enter the badges will die when they enter!

"Brother Chu, this matter is not trivial. Brother Chu, you have to forgive me. I have to be cautious about this matter." Yang De took a deep breath and said solemnly, "I wonder if Brother Chu can make an oath? Brother Chu is to save. People, I still have such a request a little too much, but I still hope that Chu Feng can understand."

"There are only a few people left in this world, and there can be no accidents. Otherwise, my death by Yang De will not be enough to pay for my sins!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, what I said, there is no falsehood, and swear by the holy character. If there is falsehood in what I say, let me never achieve the day of dominance!"

"Brother Chu, I’m sorry, I’ve offended it. There’s nothing wrong with my Yangmen base. The six main bases controlled by my Yang family, all secondary bases and tertiary bases, are all fine. Cheng’er, let me go on. Everyone in the base controlled by the Yang family moved to the main base, and all teleportation formations were fully opened. If the bone core is not enough, the main base will give full support!" Yang De Shen said.

"Yes, father!" Yang Cheng passed on Yang De's order at an instant. If Chu Feng could make such a vow, they didn't believe that Chu Feng was just talking and playing!

The news from Chu Feng spread to the survival bases one after another at an extremely fast speed. Many survival bases have taken action, but, as Yang De expected, many survival bases sneered at the news!

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