Holy Prison

Chapter 2202: Crazy slaughter

With blood splashing, the heads of the five saint-level powerhouses flew high, Chu Feng laughed away, but in fact, he didn't really go away!

Seeing that these saint-level powerhouses didn't take the defense too seriously, he shot again, but this time, he shot very fast, after the shot, he withdrew far away without any hesitation!

At the moment Chu Feng made his move, nearly three hundred saintly-level powerhouses made an all-out effort. Each of them was a control type attack, and it was a range attack. However, Chu Feng's attack time was extremely short this time, and he made his move. After that, they left immediately, and their control did not reach Chu Feng.

"It's so fast!"

The expressions of the powerful Saints are extremely ugly. Before their expressions, their words, they still have a little role in acting, but now they don’t have much role in acting!

Just now, on the surface, they said that, but the powerhouses of the holy-sovereign class agreed on a joint shot plan in a very short time.

If Chu Feng attacked again after one attack, it is estimated that a lot of control attacks would fall on him, but such a trap would be a bit low-level if you want to get into Chu Feng!

"Everyone, be careful, join forces, and don't get caught again."

This time, Chu Feng really left. He was not worried about how the three hundred or so saint-level powerhouses could drop him, but worried that others would come over!

He will not be located in the safe spot, but he is not in the safe spot now. If the positioning force is strong enough, Chu Feng can be located!

If he leaves, Chu Feng can also be located. However, if he does not stay in one place for too long, the effect of other people's positioning will be much worse, and he will have to be located again and again to determine his position. If there is no safe point, Chu Feng will definitely also Be surrounded, but if there is a safety point, it is different!

Even if the safe point area is enclosed, he can use the space to send jade charms to break through the space and send away, or he can use the teleportation array within the safe spot, and the teleportation array within each safe spot can teleport people to a long distance. Distance, the teleportation array in any safe point can transport people to the rest of the safe points two levels lower than this safe point.

For example, a teleportation array within a six-level security point can transmit Chu Feng to a four-level security point. However, there are also certain area restrictions, high-level security points, such a transmission area is relatively large, low-level security points , The transmission area will be much smaller!

The six-level security point, the teleportation area is relatively large, but there is a problem that those teleportation arrays are all one-offs, whether it is fixed-point teleportation or random long-distance teleportation, after the teleportation, the teleportation array will be destroyed immediately ! In this way, the power bursts out at once, the transmission distance can be relatively large, and if the transmission array is destroyed, it can avoid being tracked!

At that level 6 safety point, Chu Feng did not use the teleportation array. It was for this reason that there was no safety point, and then the drop could still be used!

As time passed day by day, killings continued to take place in the Tumeng world. In each team, Chu Feng killed a few people and 20 or 30 people more. After the killing, he would immediately flee!

It was those more than 10 million people who chased him down. However, in the past half a year, the number of chasers who died in the hands of Chu Feng has reached 20,000!

On an average day, more than one hundred people will die in Chu Feng's hands. When half a year has passed, the number of people who died in Chu Feng's hands was 20123!

Among the more than 20,000 people, most of them are Saints-level powerhouses, but among them there are also more than a dozen quasi-dominant-level powerhouses. When dealing with those quasi-dominance-level powerhouses, Chu Feng needless to say used special attacks. Treasure, however, even if it is, there are cases of missed assassinations.

In such a situation, Chu Feng immediately flees. If he succeeds, he also flees immediately, hitting out with one blow, and fleeing thousands of miles!

A lot of people were killed. Those people, needless to say, had space items one by one. Chu Feng didn't take most of the space items and didn't have time to take them. However, Chu Feng still took a small part of those things, just one A small part of those spatial rings are also very rich!

You know, those who are chasing Chu Feng and those whose cultivation base is lower than that of the Holy Venerable are extremely rare. Where can the strong of the Holy Venerable go?

What's more, there are people who have a quasi-dominant level cultivation base, and the space treasures of a quasi-dominant level powerhouse are a treasure house!

"Isn't it located on this side, why can't we locate it on this side?"

"It is estimated that there is a hidden place set up by Chu Feng, and Chu Feng may be in that hidden place now! Maybe he is still looking at us right now!"

"Should we call other teams over? If many teams gather here, forgive Chu Feng can't escape!"

"It's only half a year. It's still early to do that. Let's be careful. There are more people gathered. Who gets the holy prison? This is a big problem."

"Congratulations, you are right, I'm on this side, but you guys, I'm afraid I won't be able to locate my location." In a nearby safe spot, Chu Feng looked outside with a faint expression on his face. Smile, these safety points, that are very powerful!

Ignoring the people outside safely, Chu Feng closed his eyes and rested. The grass around the nest should be eaten as little as possible, preferably not!

One year, two years, three years!

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, three years have passed. The total number of chasers who died in Chu Feng's hands has exceeded one hundred thousand!

Tens of thousands of people died of more than one hundred thousand, and the death rate has reached 1%. Such a high mortality rate is estimated to be unexpected by those who hunted down. More than 10 million people were hunted down. They never thought that there would be such a large casualty!

According to some people's estimates, it is good for Chu Feng to hide for a year, because the strength of each group will not be bad. In one year, Chu Feng can kill a thousand people.

Now, it's only in the past three years, and the number of people who died has reached 100,000. If we continue at this rate, in 300 years, all the hunters will have to be buried in this Tumeng world. ! Of course, this is just an assumption. Such an assumption is unreliable. As the mortality rate increases, teams pay more attention to defense. Moreover, some teams with weaker strengths are different from other teams. Grouped together, or disbanded, members scattered into different groups!

Groups become stronger, simple assassinations, it is increasingly impossible to achieve good results, but for Chu Feng, this is interesting.

If you simply assassinate, you can kill all the powerful people who have entered the world of Tumen within a few hundred years, then it is a question whether Chu Feng's cultivation base can break through!

Setting up traps, using natural traps, poisons, and disguising injuries to induce people to hunt down and kill various methods, Chu Feng is endless!

Over the past ten years, the number of people who died in the hands of Chu Feng has reached 200,000. At this time, there are no teams of quasi-dominant powers, and there will be no fewer than 500 people!

In the first three years, one hundred thousand were killed, and the next seven years was only one hundred thousand. Chu Feng’s efficiency was much lower. However, in seven years, he was able to kill so many people, which is already very good. These are not pigs and sheep to be slaughtered, but terrifying powerhouses!

"Damn it, it's gone again!"

"Chu Feng must still be here!"

Huang Yuan's eyes were cold. His team was a team of fifty people. Twenty of them were the quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, and the rest were top-notch among the saintly-level powerhouses!

In addition to Huang Yuan's team, there is another team on this side. The number of that team has reached 800 people, all of whom are Saint-class powerhouses.

Just now, it was the 800-person team that was attacked. Not many people died, but two holy-level powerhouses were also killed!

"After Chu Feng leaves, can you locate it immediately?" Huang Yuan said solemnly. "Yes, less than half a minute after he left, we immediately located the location, and the location failed!" The captain of the 800-odd team looked ugly and authentic. The strong team composed of more than 800 saints was actually killed. The two slapped their faces so hard!

"Chu Feng definitely hasn't left too far away." A hint of hesitation flashed across Huang Yuan's face. A treasure appeared in his hand. He had chased him for ten years. This time he had the best chance.

In the past, Huang Yuan hadn't rushed to the scene of the incident, but when he rushed, Chu Feng was probably far away every time.

"It's only half a minute, maybe not half a minute, it should be possible to locate it." Huang Yuan gritted his teeth and immediately activated the treasure in his hand.

A scream of a saint-level powerhouse sounded, and Huang Yuan shot and killed a saint-level powerhouse in the blink of an eye. The blood of that saint-level powerhouse flew out and was instantly sucked into one of the treasures that Huang Yuan took out. Inside.

Huang Yuan gave a deep cry, he released his hand, and the treasure in his hand immediately flew towards the direction of Chu Feng's safety point.

"These guys really have powerful positioning treasures." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and used the Lion King Mask, and this time, he used the power of the Lion King Mask Sixth Stage!

The power of the sixth rank can support from three to ten seconds. Chu Feng has not used the power of the sixth rank of the Lion King mask before. Now there is a Huang Yuan nearby, which is worth his use!

"Zhan Tian, ​​let me see how powerful the sixth rank is!" Chu Feng sent a message to Zhan Tian. The next moment, he and Zhan Tian, ​​who were riding on Zhan Tian, ​​appeared outside together.

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