Holy Prison

Chapter 2204: Dominate the alarm

In order to prevent someone from making ghosts, in the heaven base, all the master-level powerhouses, none of them can know the situation in the Hongmeng world.

If people are dead inside, people on the outside, even if they have soul jade slips, can’t be known in just a few hundred years. The world of Tumeng is the first-rank dominates the world. Even if 10,000 years have passed, people inside will not necessarily respond. go outside.

Therefore, although more than three million strong men died inside, none of the hundreds of dominance-level strong men outside knew!

"How is it?" Hong Hao glanced at the dominant powers present. In this paradise base, they can communicate with people in the world of Tumeng. However, it is not whether they can receive communications from the other side of the world of Hongmeng. Hong Hao can decide by himself, it needs everyone's consent to make it!

"Let's take it." said a master of the Lan family. "Take it." One of Wu's dominance-level powerhouses also did not respond, and they were more anxious.

A lot of people spoke, and Hong Hao finally turned his eyes on Su Xu, "I don't want to connect, but even if I say no, it's probably useless. Just pick it up." Su Xu said quietly, most of them. The people in the group have already agreed, and it is useless to object to how much the minority obey.

Moreover, there is not much need to object to such a thing.

"Brother Su, it is estimated that someone has died inside." A powerful master of the Wu family on this side smiled lightly, "Miss Su Ling is going to be sad."

"That's not necessarily!" Su Xu frowned slightly, there was still a little worry in his heart. If Chu Feng died, Su Ling would definitely be sad.

Su Xu has a son, but no daughter. Su Ling gets along a lot with his third uncle. Su Xu doesn't want Chu Feng to die in Hongmeng World and Su Ling is sad.

"Chu boy, don't let Xiaoling down." Su Xu secretly said in his heart, "If you kill, no matter how much you kill, my Su family will support you. If you are killed, there is nothing to say!"

"Since everyone has no objections, then connect!" Hong Hao waved his hand, and a light curtain appeared in front of him in an instant, and Lan Zhuo and several others were displayed in the light curtain.

"Four uncle, something has happened!" It was Hong Yang who spoke. When he spoke, he immediately caused a lot of powerful masters to feel bad.

"What's going on, let's talk in detail." Hong Hao said solemnly.

Hongyang took a deep breath and said, "Uncle Si, this is the case. Many of the people we entered here have already died, and the number is estimated to be three million!"

Just now, there was only a bad idea in his heart. When Hong Yang said this, Hong Hao and the others at the dominance level were shocked.

The powers of the Saint-sovereign level, even the powers of the quasi-dominant level, in their opinion, are just some small shrimps, but the strength of those small shrimps is actually not weak!

How long will it take for a powerful person at the holy level to appear? It will take a very long time for a saint-level powerhouse to appear, and it will actually fall more than three million!

"The world collapsed?" Hong Hao said. They didn't think that those people died in the hands of Chu Feng. The time was too short. It was only five hundred years. Five hundred years. Killed three million. In that year, they had to kill. Lost five or six thousand strong people, this is a bit crazy, those strong ones are not fools!

Hongyang smiled bitterly: "Uncle Si, no, it is Chu Feng. All those people died in Chu Feng's hands."


On the side of the paradise base, all the master-level powerhouses were quiet. They had spoken in a low voice before, but now they all quieted down!

"Xiao Zhuo, is this true?" a dominant-level expert from the Lan family said. In the light curtain, Lan Zhuo nodded slightly and said: "Second Lord, yes!"

"Chu Feng didn't know any means. We couldn't successfully locate him in many cases. He made sneak attacks again and again, and immediately fleeed after the attack. We didn't find a chance to kill him."

Most of the master-level powerhouses' complexions turned gloomy, Su Xu's face showed a faint smile at this moment, "Good boy, not bad." Su Xu secretly said in his heart.

"Lan Zhuo, where's my nephew?" A dominant-level powerhouse in the Wu family said solemnly. In his heart, the ominous premonition was very strong!

Lan Zhuo said helplessly: "We tried our best, but we didn't contact Brother Wu. I think Brother Wu might have something wrong."

"Where is Huang Yuan?" a master-level powerhouse in the Huang family asked.

"There is no contact either." Lan Zhuo said.

Lan Zhuo’s words, that made the faces of the Wu family and the Huang family’s dominance-level powerhouses extremely ugly. Although they are not particularly strong, Wu Caishen and Huang Yuan are in the family. His status is very high, like Huang Yuan, he is the son of the head of the Huang family.

The son of Yipin Master!

"My lords, Chu Feng, the evil thief, actually killed so many fellow daoists frantically. Perhaps he used some improper means. I wonder if he can be chased after he has been sanctioned?" The quasi-dominant-level powerhouse who is not too strong speaks. This quasi-dominant-level powerhouse said so, that it was transmitted by the monk Yuanxin.

Su Xu's eyes flashed and said in a low voice: "Entering the Lost World, there are no rules at all. How can there be any improper means? More than 10 million people were chased and killed, and more than 3 million died. There is actually a face to say this. If so, this face is really a little thick!"

Su Xu has always had a refined image, but in Su Ling's case, many people have seen his minions. He is sharp and can do the same!

"In three days, I will reply to you!" Hong Hao said solemnly. He waved his hand as he said, and the light curtain in front of them instantly disappeared and disconnected.

Su Xu said indifferently: "Everyone, let me talk about one question first. Before you insisted on chasing Chu Feng, although the old man was a bit dissatisfied, he finally agreed."

"Now if you want to modify the rules, then, I just want to ask you, what is the face of my Su family? Su Xu is just a small person, face is not important, but the face of the old man is still a little important, who should hurt If he loses his face, if he gets angry, many people will die!"

Many people like Hong Hao are terrified in their hearts, Su Xu, many of them are not afraid, but Su Jiang is the master of the first-class, and the old man of the Su family is the master of the superior!

Before the Su family gave face, it does not mean that it is weak and shrinking from fear of other families. It was no problem to give a face before. If now, if the Su family is pressed to let the Su family give face, then some people will definitely have to bear the Su family’s father Rage, the rage of a master!

"Ah, Brother Su, we didn't say that we changed the rules randomly as the little thing just said. Let's discuss this matter carefully!"

"After all, many people died, Brother Su, you have to understand everyone's feelings, right?"

A second-rank master of the Xuanyuan family on this side said quietly: "Brother Hong Hao, my old man, he hates things like changing the rules indiscriminately. I believe his old man would be unhappy if he knew we were changing the rules indiscriminately. Happy! Go in, isn't it a murderer?"

"Go in to kill, you can only kill, you can't be killed, there is no such reason! Although a little more people die, but one death and one million years of death mean the same thing!"

"Since there were rules before, then we have to obey the rules well. There are no rules and there is no circle. If everyone does not follow the rules, the world will be messed up!"

The Xuanyuan family is relatively close to Lin Tian, ​​and Chu Feng has a good relationship with Lin Tian. People from the Xuanyuan family naturally stand on Chu Feng's side.

Many people died this time, over three million, but none of them were close to the Su family, and none of them were close to the Xuanyuan family.

Those who have something to do with Yaomeng did not die. Chu Feng also thought that when Yang Yu became his own daughter-in-law, he would kill people related to Yaomeng unless there was a brain problem.

There are more than ten million people in total. It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to remember their information, but for people like Chu Feng, it is very easy to remember their detailed information.

With detailed information, how could it be possible to kill the wrong person.

Su Xu, Xuanyuan and the others are quite sure that no one who was close to the Su and Xuanyuan families died! "There are a lot of dead people this time. We have no intention of arguing here. Let's report the matter. Then, let's see what the above means." Hong Hao said quickly.

"Huh!" A strong man in the Wu family disappeared with a cold snort, and the two master-level strong men in the Huang family also disappeared immediately.

After a short time, most of the people disappeared. Su Xu did not leave. However, he sent a message. He first sent a message to his elder brother. After thinking about it, he also sent a message to his father. I went to a message, this matter, I am afraid that Elder Su will also come out!

"Chu boy, you can really toss, but that's good! Since you want to kill you, those people will be killed if you kill them. I am looking forward to how many ranks you can get if you become a master-level powerhouse by then." Su Xu A faint smile appeared on his face, "One hundred and forty rulers, maybe, it's really possible!"

"Brother Su, I am in a good mood." The Xuanyuan family had two dominance-level powerhouses on this side. One left at this time, and one did not leave.

"Heh, brother Yang, aren't you the same?" Su Xu smiled. The man in his thirties in front of him was Xuanyuan Yang, a powerful master of the Xuanyuan family, and at the same time, a son of the old man Xuanyuan. Among the Xuanyuan family, he is the fifth oldest, with a distinguished status!

Xuanyuan Yang shook his head slightly: "How can I be happy about Brother Su? Although Chu Feng is still a little weaker now, he might become the second-rank master or even the first-rank master by then!"

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