Holy Prison

Chapter 2206: Negotiation result

Huang Peng's eyes were slightly cold: "Boss Su, Yuan'er's child, you saw him grow up. He is dead now. Isn't it great for you to be like this?"

"Brother Peng, Huang Yuan's child, I really watched him grow up. I will tell the old man and let him find a way to resurrect him." Su Jiang sighed lightly, although Huang Peng is now getting close to the blood slaughter. However, he still couldn't be completely cruel.

For a long time, he and Huang Peng, it was not a year or two of friendship! Huang Peng's eyes looked a little better, and Su Jiang could agree to this, that was the friendship from before.

"Master Peng, some things have changed, the old man should help this time, but if there are such things next time, the old man may not necessarily help." Su Jiang said solemnly.

Su Jiang didn't say it clearly, but with Huang Peng's wisdom, how could he not know what he was talking about? "Boss Su, this time, thank you very much." Huang Yuan said, "Everyone, the second phase of communication, I think it can be ended early, and it doesn't make much sense to continue to communicate. Next, let's discuss how to deal with Chu Feng. Right."

A hint of anger flashed in Su Jiang's eyes, and he agreed to Huang Peng's resurrection of Huang Yuan, but Huang Peng was still here to deal with Chu Feng in time!

"Brother Huang Peng, according to what we said before, if Chu Feng survives for ten thousand years, then let him return to the original universe. In the current situation, it is impossible to deal with him, right?" Su Xu said solemnly. Su Jiang is not easy to say, it can only be said by him or Su Hai. Generally speaking, he will say it at such times.

Su Hai's temper was a bit more violent. According to him, it might be very violent. This time Su Hai came here mainly to see a woman, and he was not focused on discussing matters.

"San Ye, kill so many people, just go back, don't you have such a good thing? No matter what the others, I am the first to not agree!" Qin Luoshan said.

"I didn't agree either. I acted so harshly and must be punished severely!"

"Even if we don't kill him, we still have to make him suffer. It's not a good thing for young people to kill like him! It's okay to kill some, but if you overdo it, it's not good. Kill more than three million, obviously. It's an overdose!"

"San Ye Su, if we let Chu Feng go back without any explanation, others would think that our child would be killed. This time, maybe there will be another time. If this kind of ethos is not cured, then I don’t know how it will be. What is it like!"

Quite a few people spoke out, supporting the severe punishment of Chu Feng. The majority of people in the Hongyi family and the blood slaughter family support the severe punishment of Chu Feng and the monster dream family. Some people also support the severe punishment of Chu Feng, and some maintain neutrality. Huang Yuan and many other powerful masters outside the five elements, many also support the severe punishment of Chu Feng!

The five masters divide most of the dominance-level powerhouses into five lines. In addition to the five lines, there are also many dominion-level powerhouses, such as Huang Yuan. He is close to the blood but not the blood slaughter. Department, like him, there are many strong people who do not belong to any one of the five lines, and the number of these strong people is more than that of any one of the five lines.

"Brother Su, it seems that everyone's opinions support the severe punishment of Chu Feng, which accounts for the majority." Hongying looked at Su Jiang and smiled. This time, he, Su Jiang and Huang Peng, three first-rank masters It's all here, the second-rank masters, there are twenty or thirty, and half of the second-rank masters have arrived!

Su Jiang said quietly: "What most people agree with is not necessarily correct. Everyone knows what my father means. If you think that severely punishing Chu Feng can make my father nod, then I can contact him. After the contact, if the old man is not satisfied, he will bear the consequences."

"This... Brother Su, such a small thing, I don't think there is any need to disturb the adults above too much." Hongying said, he didn't want to come over, and he would start a fire, and he would be the first one by then. He had to burn him, he didn't want a streaking or something in full view.

"Then continue to discuss." Su Jiang said quietly.

Wu Luoshan said solemnly: "Patriarch Su, I don’t know what you mean? Chu Feng has killed a lot of people, so we have to give us an explanation. Although our strength is not as strong as Patriarch Su, and even less than Father Su, everyone is too. There are people with faces and relatives and friends who have died. Can't they not show it?"

"Let me say a few words." Xuanyuanming said, "At this time, it is impossible to severely punish Chu Feng. It will not be passed by Mr. Su, and it will not be passed by my man."

"The communication has reached such a point, there is no need to continue, it is over, Chu Feng, also let him return to his own universe, when the time comes, the Lord's Purgatory will be opened and Chu Feng will enter the Holy Prison's Purgatory once, whether it is life or death , But according to God’s will, this time things can be ended." Xuanyuan Ming said, "I can barely accept this one!"

When Xuanyuanming's words fell, many people began to think about it, "Brother Xuanyuan, at that time, can the dominant powers enter it?" Wu Luoshan said solemnly.

Sovereign Purgatory, dominance-level powerhouses can enter it, but only dominion-level powerhouses with very low strength can enter it. Seventh-Rank is OK, 6th-Rank dominates, basically not!

"Are you embarrassed?" Xuanyuanming said quietly, "What is it like for people below the Domination level to enter the battle of the Domination level?" "If you can't enter, what's the point?" Wu Luoshan said coldly, "Although I want to slap Chu Feng's death boy with a slap, but below the master level, his strength is not bad."

"Thousands of people can't help him now, and within the purgatory of the Lord, they may not help him."

Xuanyuanming frowned and said, "Brother Wu, it's meaningless to pretend to be confused like this. Can you not think of what went wrong with Brother Wu's wisdom?"

"That world is Tumeng's world. Brother Wu, don't tell me. You don't know which safe strongholds are. Chu Feng must rely on those safe strongholds to survive and kill a lot of pursuits. Well, there is no safe place in the Lord's Purgatory! Brother Wu, if you feel that my proposal is not working, I will withdraw what I said before, and I will agree to what Brother Su said!"

Wu Luoshan considered it for a while and nodded slightly: "Well, Brother Xuanyuan, I can still accept it, but I hope that the Lord's Purgatory can be opened as soon as possible."

Wu Luoshan agreed, and many people also agreed. They didn't kill Chu Feng this time. At that time, in the holy purgatory, they would definitely be more prepared! They didn't believe that they didn't have a safe base one by one, Chu Feng could still survive!

Some powerful masters at the dominance level even thought of a little problem. At that time, they can clone themselves or enter into the holy purgatory. If they can't kill Chu Feng in that way, then Chu Feng has a hard life!

"Brother Su Jiang, what do you think? If you don't deal with him this time, you have already taken care of the face of the Su family. The face of the Su family needs to be taken care of, and everyone's face also needs to be taken care of."

"If Chu Feng really deserves to die, he should be able to survive then, if he deserves to die, naturally there is no need to say more!" Hong Ying said quietly.

Su Jiang nodded slightly. He knew that such a condition was a condition that everyone could accept. It didn't break the rules this time too much. However, Chu Feng would be in great danger at that time. He hides, in the Lord's Purgatory, but there is no such thing as safe.

"Wait a minute." Su Xu said, "This time we have so many Domination-level powerhouses, and if we count a little guy who is not yet Domination-level, don't you feel a little blushing?"

"I propose to contact Chu Feng first, listen to his opinions, and if he does not have excessive requirements, please satisfy them."

Su Xu said the sound transmission to Su Jiang: "Boss Su, now this tragedy of Chu Feng passed by fluke, the next tragedy may not be able to pass, let us do something, then Xiao Ling will feel better. If If Chu Feng can really dominate one hundred and forty years and become the second-tier dominating powerhouse, the relationship between everyone will be better."

"Yeah." Su Jiang nodded slightly.

"The meaning of Oldest Su is what I meant." Su Jiang said quietly. Some people frowned slightly when he spoke, but no one responded.

What Su Xu just said, only the unreasonable requirements can be satisfied. If the excessive requirements are not satisfied, that is, such a statement. If they comment, it is estimated that Su Jiang and Su Xu will immediately turn their faces.

"You don't have any comments, so let's contact Chu Feng and tell him how to deal with it." Hongying said quietly, "Brother Su Xu, you can contact me!"

"Yes." Su Xu said. He said that when he reached the duel table that turned into a teleportation platform, each of the Domination-level powerhouses provided some strength to make the teleportation platform light up slightly.

Su Xu called in his heart. His call was quickly passed to the world of Tumeng. If there is nothing wrong with Tumen at the moment, his call, without permission from Tumeng, is absolutely impossible to reach the world of Tumeng. , There is no problem now.

Chu Feng thought about the world of Tumeng. At this moment, Su Xu's voice sounded in his heart, the voice was not loud, but Chu Feng could hear it clearly.

"Senior Su Xu." Chu Feng responded.

On the teleportation platform, Su Xu felt a little loose in his heart, and just got in touch, "Chu Feng, you can really toss, heaven base, now the gathered master-level powerhouses, over ten thousand!"

Su Xu quickly spoke about the result of the discussion. "Without strength, there really is no human rights." Chu Feng took a deep breath. This time, if it weren't for the help of Su Family Xuanyuan's family, even if there were those safety points, it would be fixed!

"Chu Feng, talk about your request. As long as it is not too excessive, it should be able to help you achieve it." Su Xu said.

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