Holy Prison

Chapter 2217: Expansion

It has been more than half a month since the war in the God Realm ended. For more than half a month, Chu Feng did not rush into the holy realm, but accompanied Feng Bingning and the others around, playing around.

The battle in the God Realm was much smoother than expected. Chu Feng's vacation for such a short period of time is completely okay. The God Realm is under the control of God Chu City again, and he will not die because of his time off for a while. Few people!

"This is life," Chu Feng muttered. He was lying on the beach, basking in the sun and blowing the sea breeze, watching Feng Bingning and the girls laugh and laugh on the beach.

Miao Feiying, wearing a seductive bikini, walked towards Chu Feng. That perfect figure would definitely make countless women jealous. With the improvement of their strength, Miao Feiying and the others have different looks and temperament compared to before. Small promotion.

"What's the matter?" Chu Feng smiled.

Miao Feiying said: "Husband, there is one thing, do you have to care about it?" "What is it, let me hear it." Chu Feng reached out and grabbed Miao Feiying's chest.

"It's serious." Miao Feiying slapped Chu Feng's claws away. "Xiang'er is now a saint-level powerhouse, but there is not a girl he likes. He repaired. It didn't exist when the Wei was relatively low. Now that the cultivation base has reached such a point, the vision must be higher!

"Fei Ying, it seems that you blame me for making his cultivation base too high." Chu Feng smiled. "How can... It's just that if this continues, it is not a single thing. He wants to be promoted to the quasi-dominant level. It is probably a long time later. I think that this aspect should be time, otherwise, Chu Han and their children I'm about to be born" Miao Feiying said a little anxiously.

Feng Bingning and the others also heard Miao Feiying's voice, and at this time they gathered around one by one. "Husband, Yang'er is also a Sovereign-level cultivator, so we must hurry up." Yin Qianqian said.

Chu Feng has four sons and three daughters. Now Chu Han and Chu Yun have wives. The wives are Kong Xuan and Ling Ruwu; Chu Xin, Chu Shi, and Chu Yu have three husbands. They are Duan San and Tang An.

It is Chu Xiang, Chu Yang, and Chu Shi who are not married, but Chu Shi’s mother, Song Ye, is not so worried now. Recently, Chu Shi has shown signs of love.

A weird smile appeared on Chu Feng’s face when he thought of Chu Shi’s love. The target of Chu Shi’s love was actually Mu Yun who had followed him from the base of heaven. Although it is not very obvious now, it is with Chu Feng’s keen mind. , He could feel that Chu Shi and them all had that meaning.

If there is no precedent for Duan San, Mu Yun would not be too slanderous, but with Duan San's precedent, Mu Yun is now a little more comfortable.

Of course, it was just a little more comfortable. A few days ago, when Mu Yun saw Chu Feng, it was a sign of hiding.

"Feng, you have to hurry up on this matter, otherwise, in hundreds of thousands of millions of years, Xiang'er and the others will not necessarily get married." Feng Bing condensed.

For parents, this is a major event for children's marriage!

Chu Feng nodded slightly and smiled: "I have already had some cares, and there are two good candidates. However, Yanger and the others may not catch them!"

"Feng, are they worthy of Yang'er's strength and status?" Feng Bingning said in astonishment, Chu Yang and Chu Xiang, both of them are at the holy level.

In terms of appearance, Chu Xiang and the others are no worse than Chu Feng, a father. With such conditions, plus they have a father like Chu Feng, who is interesting to them, I don't know how many.

"Nowadays, there is indeed a little bit. But emotional matters have nothing to do with strength. The two rascals have high-level eyes and see if they can catch up to them." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "The two All girls are closely related to the characters above."

What Chu Feng said was naturally Yang Yu and Tu Ying. Tu Ying was the precious granddaughter of the previous Tier 1 dominator Tu Meng. Now Tu Meng does not have the strength to dominate Tier 1, but it may not be impossible to recover in the future.

In Yang Yu's words, the highest strength in her family is only the quasi-dominant, but she has a good master, demon dream, and the most mysterious among several masters!

Tu Ying, her mind was only a few years old before, but now that she has passed by, she must have improved her mind.

"What about them? What do they look like?" Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng waved his hand, and an image of Tu Ying and Yang Yu appeared in front of them in an instant, "Not bad, Xianger, they don't know whether they like it or not, but I like it." Miao Feiying said with satisfaction.

"They are among the two treasures in the holy prison." Chu Feng laughed, "Before I was busy dealing with the things of the gods, the holy prison has not reached the eighteenth level, so some things have been delayed."

Miao Feiying frowned and said: "Now the holy prison is not up to the eighteenth level." "Well, but the problem of the God Realm has been dealt with. There is time. From now on, the problem is not big." Chu Feng said.

There are a large number of people among the nine badges, and those people need to be released, and the power in the nine badges can't stay in that badge forever.

However, the power in the nine badges cannot be introduced all at once, and it will definitely lead to a mess!

"Well, let's take a look in the holy prison space together." Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng's words fell, nine of them disappeared and entered the holy prison space, and the nine badges all appeared in Chu Feng's hands in the blink of an eye.

"Chu Feng, how many people want to come out? If there are too many people coming out and the strength is very strong, then the holy prison space will not be able to bear it." Miao Xianer said.

"rest assured."

Chu Feng chuckles, "Holy Prison Space is indeed fragile and too small. Now I let the Holy Prison Space grow a lot! Bing Ning, you take one piece!"

The badge was nine pieces, and Chu Feng and the others happened to be nine people, Feng Bingning and the others had one piece, and Chu Feng's hand also had one piece.

The sacred consciousness was connected with Feng Bingning and the others, and in a short time, Chu Feng passed a large amount of information into Feng Bingning and their minds, "Go ahead," Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning and the women nodded, and they quickly formed a circle. Chu Feng was surrounded by the eight of them, and the badge in their hands gradually lit up.

Chu Feng kept playing the magic trick. Feng Bingning and the others also played the magic trick after a few seconds. As they played the magic trick, waves of spatial fluctuations spread from the badge in their hands.

About three minutes later, a trace of gray power emerged from the badges in Chu Feng's hands. The badges in Feng Bingning's hands also poured out gray power. The gray power came out into Chu Feng and their bodies, and then into Feng Bingning's bodies. The gray power flew towards Chu Feng and entered Chu Feng's body.

The body was a furnace, and Chu Feng and the others refined those powers. A short time passed, and the power that entered Chu Feng's body emerged from the top of his head. When it entered, it was gray, and when it emerged from the top of Chu Feng's head , That already has a touch of gold!

"Holy Prison, absorb it!"

Chu Feng was the master of the holy prison. At this time, he sent a clear order to the holy prison. The strands of pale golden power seemed to be swallowed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Husband, the stability of the holy prison space has indeed increased a little bit." Miao Xian'er said in surprise. "I can't lie to you?" Chu Feng smiled, "Okay, time has to be accelerated, 100,000 times of time acceleration, too fast, our body may not be able to bear it, there is no need to take risks!"

Chu Feng said that when his mind moved, the heart of time was activated, and the power of the heart of time enveloped Chu Feng for several meters, and Feng Bingning and the others were in it.

At the beginning, when Chu Feng got the heart of time, he had no ability to let the heart of time absorb the force of time, but now Chu Feng can do it.

The strands of time power are produced by this world, and the heart of time can be absorbed. After absorbing, it is much more convenient to use than directly using strands of time power!

For example, with a ray of time that accelerates a million times, using it can only accelerate it a million times, and after using it, it cannot be suspended.

The Heart of Time does not have such troubles. After absorbing the power of time, it can accelerate a million times, accelerate a hundred thousand times, ten thousand times, or even double!

Moreover, if you want to pause, you can pause immediately. If you want to have a larger scope of action, you can have a larger scope of action.

When there is no time to accelerate, the light golden power that emerges from the top of Chu Feng's head is relatively slow, strands of it, and the power contained is not too much. When it accelerates 100,000 times, the top of Chu Feng's head looks like It is constantly squirting golden light!

The golden power spurted out, and the overall stability of the holy prison space continued to improve. At the same time, the holy prison space continued to expand, especially the fourth floor where Chu Feng and the others were located, the fastest expansion!

Today’s holy prison has a total of four floors. The first floor is the sky cell, the torture chamber and other things; the second floor is the original hope, but the area is much larger; the third floor is the one that can be accelerated, and the area is also It is much larger than before, and it can also be accelerated, but if it is accelerated, it consumes a lot of money. This function is basically useless by Chu Feng now.

The fourth floor is the floor where the eight domain towers are located. It is the floor with the largest area and the most stable space. When the person in the badge comes out, it must be on this floor!

The first, second, and third layers of golden power have also absorbed a lot. However, most of the golden power is absorbed by the fourth layer. The size of the fourth layer needs to be increased, and the spatial stability is also Need to improve a lot!

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