Holy Prison

Chapter 2219: Enter the Holy Realm

"Really?" Chu Feng smiled.

Tu Meng said unhappily, "What good is it for me to lie to you. If you can survive, then you will be the son-in-law of the Su family. I have to flatter you. How can I forget your help?"

"Come on, you'll be fond of talents, and if you'll be fond of people, you won't be where you are now." Chu Feng smiled, "At that time, we will help each other!"

"No problem." Tumeng said, "By the way, how many sons do you still have not married? How do they look like you?"

Chu Feng exploded with a foul language. He didn't expect a strong man like Tu Meng to say such a thing. "Old ghost Tu Meng, look in the mirror yourself. You look like you are much more abstract than I am." Chu Feng said bluntly, Tu Meng was not polite anymore, he was kind of a fart!

"Your son will marry my granddaughter at that time, then you will be my junior. Chu Feng, for the elders, we must respect a little bit." Tu Meng smiled at Chu Feng's innocence and didn't care about drinking.

Chu Feng shrugged and said, "Sure, if you dare to call Elder Su and you dare to call your uncle, I can treat you as an elder!"

Tu Meng suffocated and asked Su Jiang to call him his uncle and brother Su to his father. This gave him a little more courage, but he didn't dare. Su Jiang did not have a first-class master before, but now he knows that Su Jiang is already It is the first product!

"Come on, let's pay for each of them." Tumengdao, in the training world, many times they have their own. For example, Chu Xiang, Chu Yang and the others at this time, if they find a woman as their wife, then the female strength It's relatively low. If there are grandpa, grandpa, or even ancestors above, Chu Feng will never know that the ancestors who see the woman must call the ancestor respectfully, right?

"This is the human word." Chu Feng smiled.

Tu Meng said helplessly: "I'm doing a crime. How nice it is to ask you to call me senior as before, Chu Feng, where is your son? I have to check."

"Drink first, then I will let them come here, you will see them." Chu Feng said.

It didn't take long for the entourage to return to Shenguang City with the Holy Prison. Chu Feng's order was passed to Chu Xiang and Chu Yang. Those who were not in the Shenguang City immediately returned to the Shenguang City and entered the Holy Prison.

Chu Xiang and Chu Yang met with Tu Meng first. Tu Meng was quite satisfied with both of them, but it was only if Tu Ying and his juniors felt about each other.

"Xiang'er, Yang'er, how?" Chu Feng smiled lightly. They are now hiding in the dark. Feng Bingning and their daughters, Tu Ying, and Yang Yu turned to Chu Feng for a while and thought about it. Before returning to Shenguang City in the Holy Prison, he still went to the Yang Family and Yang Family to express his meaning in this regard.

This world is Chu Feng’s world, and, thanks to Chu Feng, the Yang family did not object to being able to leave from that lost world. However, Yang Yu is also Yang De’s beloved granddaughter, and he means the same as Tumeng. In this regard, it is necessary for the juniors to be willing to do so, forcing them to stay together!

The Yang family had already found a place in the holy prison world to temporarily settle down. Chu Feng and Song Ye went to the Yang family together. When they left, there was an extra Yang Yu.

"very good."

Chu Feng's vision is very high, and the person he likes is naturally not far off. Chu Xiang and Chu Yang don't usually mean that at all, but now they are a little moved.

As expected by Chu Feng, Chu Xiang's gaze mainly fell on Tu Ying, who was some weird elves, while Chu Yang's gaze fell mainly on Yang Yu, who looked weak and weak.

"You have to fight for happiness yourself. I don't want your father to teach me now, right?" Chu Feng smiled. "Hey, dad, you still have to give some pointers when you come. You have rich experience in this area." Chu Xiang smirked, "Dad, what is the origin of the old man we saw just now?"

"You don't care about him, Tu Ying, you like it if you like it, don't consider other factors, Yang'er, you are the same." Chu Feng said.

"Dad, I know." Chu Yang smiled. Chu Yang was the reincarnation of a strong man. Before, Chu Feng was a little worried that Chu Yang's previous consciousness awakening would have a greater impact on his xinxing. Now Chu Feng is worried about this. Small, according to records, the Sun God King is only the cultivation base of the Sovereign-level, and now Chu Yang is already the cultivation base of the Sovereign-level!

"Well, you will live here for some time from now." Chu Feng said. Chu Xiang said, "Dad, can you not be here, in the outside world?"

"Now they will be willing to go outside with you?"

Chu Feng left the sacred prison space, and Feng Bingning and the others did not take long. In the sacred prison space, Chu Xiang and Chu Yang pursued each.

Both Chu Feng and Miao Feiying Feiye breathed a sigh of relief. They were somewhat worried that Chu Xiang and Chu Yang were already incompetent, but now it seems that such worry is unnecessary. It was just that they hadn't arrived in spring before. !

"Okay, now you can play well with those guys in the temple." Chu Feng raised his head and looked at the sky with a light smile, "Bing Ning, if you have anything to deal with, quickly deal with it. The person who should be called is called Qi, after an hour, we will head to the Holy Realm!"

Feng Bingning said in surprise: "Feng, would you like to keep a little secret? Would it be too high-profile?" "It is impossible for the temple to get such news." Chu Feng smiled, "You gather people Well, I'll go to see Linglong, this guy is running around and I don't know what's going on now."

Zhou Wen's voice reached Chu Feng's ears, "The Linglong guy couldn't be idle. He gave it some treasures and ran away. The current strength should be very good!"

"I sensed a little bit of its breath, I'll go over and take a look." Chu Feng smiled, as he said that the figure instantly disappeared in place and teleported to the distance.

Ten minutes later, Chu Feng had already appeared in front of Linglong. This guy, who was lazily basking in the sun at the moment, jumped up when he sensed Chu Feng's arrival.

"Brother Chu, where did you go before?" Linglong said excitedly.

Chu Feng looked at the Linglong. The Linglong in front of him was only two or three meters long. Its body seemed to be made of gemstones in a colorful color. It looked similar to the Shenlong, except that it was much smaller now.

"Linglong, not bad, I didn't expect you to have the strength of the Saint King level." Chu Feng smiled. At this time, the Linglong is no longer the old one. The old one is not even a saint. Now Linglong is already a Saint King-level powerhouse. Before, it didn't have many attack methods, and now it has many attack methods.

"Brother Chu, it's the treasure you gave me." Linglong happily flew around Chu Feng, "I was just an immortal saint before. After I use the treasures you brought back from Brother Chu, , The strength you have now, Brother Chu, I feel that your strength is stronger than mine, holy honorable?"

"A little bit stronger." Chu Feng smiled. Seeing Linglong, and Linglong had the strength of the Saint King, Chu Feng was in a good mood. Linglong had helped him a lot back then.

"Linglong, why are you basking in the sun here without returning to Shenguang City?" Chu Feng sat down and said. "I just jumped over from another place, and I'm about to take a break and go over." Linglong also fell down and said, "Brother Chu, I didn't expect you to come back alive. I'm so happy."

Chu Feng gave Linglong a violent shudder: "I will definitely come back alive, you also thought that I might not die." "This this" Linglong looked at Chu Feng innocently.

"Well, take me back to Shenguang City, and then go to the Holy Realm with me. It's time to play with the front of the temple." Chu Feng smiled lightly.

Linglong said that it became much bigger in an instant, leading Chu Feng to advance quickly, faster than Chu Feng's speed. In a short time, Linglong had already taken Chu Feng back to Shenguang City.

"Everyone, elders, great elders!" Long Yang made a slight salute. The place where he is now is the elder's house. Those who reach the Saint King level in the temple become the elders, but only those who are quasi-dominant. In order to enter the elder's house, the temple's elder's house, is now the most powerful institution.

"Yeah!" It was a woman in red who was speaking. She and the other person were sitting taller than the others. In this elder's house, only two of them were the masters.

"Dragon anode, I heard that there is something wrong with the God Realm." Another ruler said, that ruler looked forty or fifty years old, and the aura emanating from him was unfathomable!

It has been a long time since the war in the God Realm had problems, but the two masters had just left the customs, so they heard the news that they were injured, and most of their time was spent in training.

"Yes." Long Yang said in a deep voice, "Two Supreme Elders, today I am here for another piece of news. Many strong people in Shenchu ​​City have entered the Holy Realm!"

"Dragon anode, your abilities have made this seat a little doubtful. The situation in the God Realm is so good that it can become what it is now." The master who looked forty or fifty years old said in a deep voice. If Chu Feng were here, he should be able to recognize that this dominance-level powerhouse was a fourth-rank master named Olord.

Ollod was not in a good mood right now. He was awakened by an elder. He thought there was something good, but he heard bad news. Now Long Yang has brought bad news.

"Dragon anode, we want Chu Feng to die. If you can't do things well and can't let Chu Feng die, then you have to be careful of your own life!" The red-dressed woman said quietly.

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