Holy Prison

Chapter 2223: Appreciate treasures

"Remember, among the three thousand people, at least ten are more important in my opinion." Chu Feng said quietly. There are now quite a few people in the most sacred mountain, and three thousand are selected in Chu Feng's opinion. It is very easy for a very unimportant person. Chu Feng doesn't want to have 3,000 people, none of them is more important to him.

The so-called more important ones are well understood. Those who are closely related to the important figures of Chu Feng and Shenchu ​​City are more important, and the rest are not more important.

In Chu Feng's view, life has no distinction between high and low, but when it comes to individuals, some people are more important, and some people are not so important. This is normal.

For example, Chu Feng, Feng Bingning and the others are very important in his heart, and ordinary women who don't know him are naturally not so important in his heart.

Salmon snorted and moved quickly with Venerable Ice and some powerful figures on the Most Sacred Mountain. If the three thousand people selected are given to Chu Feng, they will most likely be awakened by the soul. Everyone in the mountain would not stand up voluntarily to become one of those three thousand people!

"Chu Feng, ten of them, there should be no problem, right?" The remaining 2,990 people were ready. Salmon and the others reappeared in Chu Feng's line of sight. There were ten people beside him. Everyone has a close relationship with important figures in Shenchu ​​City, but, like Yin Qianqian's mother, no.

"Yes, Salmon, I hope that the person you come over will not have a problem, such as being highly toxic... If there is a problem, don't blame me for not complying with the promise!" Chu Feng said quietly.

Venerable Salmon, they have such ideas, but they will not trouble themselves, such ideas are just their ideas and they have not been practiced!

Venerable Ice snorted, the Water Heart Crystal in her hand cut through the space and appeared in front of Chu Feng. At the same time, a spatial ring in Venerable Salmon's hand appeared in front of Chu Feng.

The Holy Consciousness scanned it, and Chu Feng immediately determined that there were indeed three thousand people in the space ring, and the ten people who had just appeared were among them.

"Everyone listened to the order, evacuate 10 billion kilometers!" Chu Feng said quietly. In a short time, thousands of people in Shenchu ​​City disappeared without a trace!

Venerable Salmon and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but none of their faces were good-looking. They gave away things, but they only got a thousand years of breathing time.

Moreover, it is still possible for Chu Feng and the others to attack within this thousand years. Of course, there will be no more than ten attackers. In this regard, Venerable Salmon and the others are not worried.

"Everyone, if you have a good way, just say it." Venerable Salmon said. A Saint King-level expert smiled bitterly: "Apart from waiting, what else can we do?"

"If you leave the Most Sacred Mountain, it is estimated that it will not be long before you leave, and Chu Feng and others will find it alive or killed! What can we do without leaving the Most Sacred Mountain?"

"Hey." Another Saint King-level expert sighed slightly, "It's too fast, it's becoming too fast! Chu Feng and the others actually do it, it only has a little time! I don't know the two elders are now What kind of situation is it? If they didn’t die, it would be better, if they died"

"If he died, he was killed by a sneak attack by Chu Feng and the others. The Supreme Elder estimated that they were killed without taking a shot. There are also the dominant powers sleeping in our universe, and the quasi-dominant powers did not wake up. There are a lot more, and we still have hope." The third Saint King-level powerhouse said.

Now, in the Most Sacred Mountain, there are only two strong people at the Saint-King level, and there are only three strong people at the Saint-King level, and the total number of Saints and Kings is only five!

Ten billion kilometers, this distance is very long, but for the saints, this is not a long distance. In a short time, Chu Feng and the others retreated tens of billions of kilometers away. From here, some high-powered people and sages You can scan to the side of the Most Sacred Mountain, but the Most Sacred Mountain has a strong defense, and the Holy Consciousness cannot scan anything.

"My father-in-law, just now" Chu Feng said to Yin Xiao. Just now, it was my mother-in-law, and his attitude towards Salmon and them was still very firm.

"No need to say more." Yin Xiao waved his hand and said, "You are right, if you are not firm, we can only step back more!" "Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly, knowing that Yin Xiao would not mind. However, this kind of thing needs to be explained, and it must show that he is not cold-blooded or ruthless.

"Bing Ning, you surround the Most Sacred Mountain and build your strongholds one by one to surround the entire Most Sacred Mountain. Don't let any of them escape." Chu Feng said.

"How about you?" Feng Bingning asked.

Chu Feng said helplessly: "I'm the fate of running errands. There are still many people in the entire Holy Realm who haven't been arrested. They can't be allowed to wander outside, right?"

"Boss, the so-called, those who can do more work, just accept your fate, haha!" Zhou Wen laughed. "Fatty, let's make a good gesture when the time comes." Chu Feng said, he read the three words "good" a lot.

"This, you treat me as if I didn't say anything" Zhou Wen curled his lips.

Soon Chu Feng left. In the holy realm, the people who rushed to the side of the sacred mountain were arrested one by one. Those who did not rush to the side of the sacred mountain needed him and Linglong to run more. Up.

During this run, that was a year or two. In the entire Holy Realm, Chu Feng went around a lot. There were not a few people caught by him, and all of them entered the Holy Prison space.

There are too many people, and now Chu Feng has no ability to wake up all their souls in a short time, so that a large number of people's souls will reach the eighteenth level of the holy prison, or the Tongtian Tower will open!

Tongtian Tower, Chu Feng could not open it before, but now, he has reached the conditions for it to open! There are a total of nine control jade talisman fragments in Tongtian Pagoda, and eight of them are needed to open. Now, Chu Feng already has eight control jade talisman fragments!

The first two pieces were originally obtained by Chu Feng, and the third piece was not prepared before. After killing Dragon Anode and them, Chu Feng had already made the third piece together.

The fourth piece was originally in the hands of Long Yin, but now it is in the hands of Chu Feng; the fifth piece was originally in the hands of Monkey King, not to mention Chu Feng; the sixth piece was previously in the hands of the Feng clan, now In the hands of Chu Feng!

The seventh piece, previously in the hands of Venerable Black Moon, is now in the hands of Chu Feng; the eighth piece was previously in the hands of Hongjun. The control jade talisman fragment on the ninth floor of the Tongtian Tower was in the hands of Venerable Ice. Chu Feng knew about this one. However, he had not spoken before. At that time, the most important thing was not the control jade talisman in the hands of Venerable Ice. Fragments!

Tianxinzi, the heart crystal of water, control the jade talisman fragments, among the three, the least important now is to control the jade talisman fragments, the last one that controls the jade talisman fragments, Chu Feng can take his time.

"Fatty, Xiao Mingzi, you are comfortable!" Chu Feng's smiling and cursing voice sounded in Zhou Wen's ears. In the past two years, he ran around to run, and he just came back to see Zhou Wen and the others drinking small wine leisurely.

"Boss, you are traveling everywhere, we stay here every day, boring, boring!" Zhou Wen laughed. "I am!" Chu Feng said as he sat down and poured himself a glass of wine for a drink.

Tang Ming said: "Boss, really wait until a thousand years? After a thousand years, it is estimated that the situation will not change too much. If Salmon and others are still"

"I don't want to wait for a thousand years, it's just Xiao Mingzi, have you come up with a good way?" Chu Feng smiled lightly. "This, no. Although the strength of the Most Sacred Mountain is weaker than ours, it is also very strong. In the Most Sacred Mountain, Salmon and the others can't get out of it. There is nothing to do with them." Tang Ming said helplessly.

"Let's go, let's take a look at the most sacred mountain." Chu Feng smiled lightly.

Hongjun, Pangu, Master Tianhen, Feng Bingning, Chu Feng, Mu Yun, Tao Chen, Kuanglong, plus Tang Ming and Zhou Wen, there are exactly ten people. In a short time, they have reached the holy mountain. How far away.

In the most sacred mountain, Venerable Salmon Bing and the others quickly received the news. After a few seconds, they reached a place where they could see Chu Feng and them.

In the past or two years, Chu Feng has been running around. Venerable Samon Bing and the others don't have to run. However, the two of them are not good at eating and sleeping, and they are boring to do anything they love to do!

"Chu Feng, what are you doing again?" Salmon said solemnly. Although his voice had traveled tens of thousands of meters, it seemed to be ringing in Chu Feng's ears.

"Sammon, let's just come over and take a look, don't be too nervous!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "We are just ten people here, haven't we violated the agreement?"

Salmon snorted coldly. Although he felt that Chu Feng and the ten of them would definitely not be able to pose a threat to the Most Sacred Mountain, he couldn't rest assured if Chu Feng and the others were around!

Use attacks to expel Chu Feng and the others. This Salmon and the others just think about it. If they dare to attack, Chu Feng will definitely immediately put forward more demanding conditions!

Killing Chu Feng and them all in one blow, this Samon estimated that it would not be possible, even if it was done, next, the next strong people in the city of Shenchu, then they will negotiate conditions.

"Chu Feng, we don't welcome you too much on our side, if it's okay, don't hang around here!" Salmon said solemnly. "Venerable Salmon, when I came here, I actually want you to appreciate one of my treasures." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Remind, I will attack in ten seconds!"

"Defense, strengthen the defense immediately!" Salmon's command sounded in the most sacred mountain, "Everyone, give me all my strength to improve my defense, don't slacken!"

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