Holy Prison

Chapter 2242: Release

"Second-Rank Master...Melosa, that's really hard for you. A second-Rank Master actually came to a small place like Hongtian Universe." Chu Feng smiled lightly.

The surface is calm, and Chu Feng's heart is a little unsure at this time. If Melosha's strength is relatively low, then her status in Hongyi's heart may not be very high, but the second-rank master, with such strength, Melosha is in Hongyi. The status of Yi's heart will certainly not be low.

"Chu Feng, you show your identity. I think you know what you mean. Father will help. By then, you are sure to become a master-level powerhouse. Even with the holy prison, how likely do you think you are to become a master-level powerhouse? "Melosa said proudly, "If you don't surrender the holy prison, even if you are lucky enough to become the master, you will be dead!"

Melosha believed that, as she said so, Chu Feng's holy prison should belong to her. For someone who is not even the master, the second-rank master, the master, the pressure is extremely huge!

"Melosa, I'm so scared." Chu Feng said with a faint smile. He said that he was scared, but seeing him like that, there was no sense of fear, "Melosa, don't scare me, you show up. Here, it’s not in compliance with the rules! Tell yourself, if the news of your presence here spreads, what will happen to you!"

Melosha's face changed slightly. She didn't expect Chu Feng's words to be so powerful, "Chu Feng, it seems that you know a lot more than I expected!" Melosha said solemnly, if she knew There are relatively few things, so Chu Feng will definitely be frightened, Chu Feng said so, he must have a certain understanding of the above situation!

Hong Yi is the controller, isn’t Hong Yi the only one in charge, the owner of the Hongtian universe is Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian has a good relationship with Xuanyuan’s family. Melosha appears in this universe to attack Nuwa, and then she is Chu Feng handed over the holy prison, which was a bit unruly! The rule can be broken in the hearts of the strong, but if another strong opposes it and the matter becomes clear, those who break the rules will have some trouble!

"Melosa, go ahead." Chu Feng said quietly, "Do you have any friends or subordinates in this universe? In addition, what kind of strength do you have now? The weapon of dominance can burst out of the power of several ranks. To be clear, you may leave."

Melosha said coldly: "Chu Feng, you are really courageous! What you mean is, if I don't make it clear, you will keep me detained."

"Really the ignorant is fearless, Chu Feng, the power of the master level, that is unimaginable now. As for the controller, for the controller, a world like Hongtian Universe can easily be destroyed!"

Chu Feng said quietly: "Melosa, if you want to leave, you just answer honestly, otherwise, you just give me a chance to keep you here!"

"Very good! Chu Feng, what you did, I've written it down! This time I entered it, it was indeed a bit unruly. However, if I want to trouble you in the future, it will definitely meet the rules. Chu Feng, what kind of treatment do you want to have when the time comes?" Melosha laughed, but her smile was very cold!

"Answer!" Chu Feng said quietly.

Melosha said blankly: "There are no friends and no subordinates in it. Now that she is outside, she should be a little bit stronger than the power of the Saints."

"That's Quasi-dominant level." Chu Feng said solemnly.

Melosha said indifferently: "I didn't expect you to know Quasi-dominant. It seems that Hongtian Universe has emerged as a Quasi-dominant-level powerhouse. I am afraid that your life will not be easy! Your current state, is it broken? The jar is broken? Don't even think of killing me. With your strength, even if you kill me, I will be able to come back to life!"

"Where is so much nonsense?" Chu Feng frowned.

Melosha snorted and continued: "I have a master device. If I go outside, it should be able to explode the power of the sixth grade, but the power of the sixth grade will make me very hurt! Chu Feng, your question, I have answered all of them. If you continue to force me to stay here, you will never be the master!"

"Rank 6 power can burst out" Chu Feng frowned secretly. This is a troublesome thing. I originally thought that if Melosha was released, it could be easily captured, but now it seems that if Melosha is released, I think It is not so easy to catch it back, the strength of the sixth rank, if one is not good, Melosha will give him a second!

Now that the level of the holy prison has reached the master weapon, it has the ability to resurrect, but if he is killed by the power of the sixth rank, Chu Feng can't guarantee that he will be resurrected!

Even if hundreds of heaven guards are united in defense, it is not easy to block the power of the sixth rank. If the power of Melosha's sixth rank can explode for a long time, a hundred heaven guards may not be able to stop it!

Using Zhantian, he can naturally use this, but the consequences of using it may be quite serious! Melosha has already revealed his identity. If he uses Zhan Tian to kill Melosha, he will become innocent even if he is reasonable, and Su Jiaxuanyuan's family may not be able to say anything by then!

This time, it was quite different from the one at the Paradise Base. At that time, those people clearly wanted to kill him. The rules were there and he could kill him!

Now there is no strong rule for him to kill Melosha. The imprisonment of Melosha is within the rules, and killing her is beyond the rules! Some brothers might say that when Zhantian uses his power, don't use the fifth-grade power, that is, use the sixth-grade power, wouldn't it happen to be able to fight Melosha?

That said, but there is a problem. If Melosha doesn't resist Zhantian's attack, let Zhantian's attack kill her.

If Melosha died under the attack of Zhan Tian, ​​Chu Feng probably wouldn't have to enter the Lord's Purgatory at that time, and Hong Yi would just get him over! As for Melosha, of course she would not die, but if she died under a sixth-Rank attack, it would not be too difficult for her father Hongyi to resurrect her!

"The practice world is also a place to fight for fathers." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, if he has a very powerful backer, even if Melosha is killed, the problem is not big!

However, he did not! The Su family and the Xuanyuan family can't be regarded as his patrons now, and as for Yaomeng, they can not be regarded as his patrons even though Chu Yang and Yang Yu are now talking about marriage!

Yang Yu is Yang Yu, Yaomeng is Yaomeng, and for someone with a weird temper like Yaomeng, Chu Feng probably would not give Chu Feng a strong support just because Yang Yu is her apprentice!

"I can't be the offspring of the strong, I can only become the strong myself!" Chu Feng muttered to himself, in this world, after all, there are only a few with a strong background, and most people have to work hard!

"Chu Feng, I have spent a lot of time thinking about it, I think I can leave?" Melosa said quietly. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, Melosha, tell me, if you burst out of the sixth-rank power, which level is the sixth-rank strength, low-level, intermediate, high-level, perfect, or great perfect power? How long can it last?"

Melosha mocked: "It's so clear. It seems that after you let me go, you still want to catch me back. It's really whimsical! The strongest power I can explode is Sixth Rank Consummation. The duration is about ten seconds. Zhong! I swear by my soul and the will to dominate. What I just said is not a false statement!"

"Chu Feng, let me ask you one last sentence, holy prison, do you want to hand it over? If you hand over the holy prison, you will die. However, your father will resurrect you at that time, and will make you a strong master. Who! At that time you can also be one of my men, and your wives will not die."

"If you still don’t appreciate it, you will definitely be dead by then, and my wife, children, friends, all will not survive! Even if you don’t think about yourself, you must also think about your relatives and friends. Click. Before I leave this space, you still have a chance. After leaving, then you can only watch your family and friends die in despair. In the end, you will also die."

Chu Feng said quietly: "Melosa, thank you for your kindness, but I really have no interest in your proposal. I have no sexual interest in you either!"

"You are dead!" Melosha said coldly.

"Oh, that's not necessarily! Melosha, before you said that you want an immortal corpse as a carrier, now it seems that you don't need it, it's just a trick for you to confuse, right?"

As Chu Feng spoke, a clone of him and Melosha appeared outside, "Drink!" Melosha gave a secret cry, and an aura of horror erupted from her in an instant.

Quasi-dominant level!

The aura that erupted from Melosha is the aura that the quasi-dominant-level powerhouse only has, and the general quasi-dominance-level powerhouse is not that strong yet!

"Melosa, you have half an hour to leave. Within half an hour, I will not order you to be killed, nor will I chase you down. After half an hour, then I will be welcome." Chu Fengdan Soundtrack.

"Chu Feng, why didn't my deity come out?" Melosha sneered, "Afraid that I would kill you? It's useless for you to hide, and you will definitely die in my hands!"

"Holy Prison World, you are welcome to come in again and be a guest at that time! If you enter it again, your treatment may be a little bit worse." Chu Feng said quietly.

"Die me!"

Melosha waved her hand, and Chu Feng's clone instantly turned into nothingness. Such a clone didn't have much power. For Chu Feng, it would be no big problem to destroy a hundred and eighty.

"I can't find the Holy Prison. It seems that the level of the Holy Prison has been improved!" Melosha secretly said in her heart. She scanned with all her strength, but no Holy Prison was found nearby. If she found the Holy Prison, she wanted to attack the Holy Prison. Kill Chu Feng!

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