Holy Prison

Chapter 2271: Haoyang Temple

There is a woman on both sides of the Haoyang Temple and Thunder Cloud Mansion. The dispute between the Nine Tailed Demon King and Feng Ling has been around for a long time, and they know each other better.

The Nine-Tailed Demon King guessed that this idea came from the wind, but it is actually true!

"Get ready, if Chu Feng's people can't go in obediently, even if they are strong, they have to let him in." Lieyang Tianjun said quietly.

The others nodded. Time slowly passed. About two hours later, the Haoyang Temple appeared in the sky's eye scan. During this time, it deviated from the direction a little bit. Someone on the side of Leiyun Mansion immediately reminded Chu Feng to correct his direction!

"Master, what are you going to do?" Miao Xian'er said. At this moment, the image scanned by the sky appeared in Chu Feng's mind, and the Haoyang Temple was naturally in it.

The huge temple is on a high platform. The height of the platform is more than one hundred kilometers long and wide, and the height is more than one thousand meters. The temple on the high platform is more than six kilometers high. Outside the temple, each pillar supports the temple. They are all over a kilometer long, tens of meters in diameter or side length!

In the mortal world, a towering skyscraper was not as tall as a relatively large pillar in the Haoyang Temple! Compared with the huge Haoyang Temple, skyscrapers are so weak!

"The nine fireballs, I don't know what they are doing." Chu Feng said. On the high platform, there are nine fireballs around the temple, each of which is hundreds of meters in diameter. The male is burning, and it contains terrifying power. .

Miao Xian'er said: "Master, that should be a defensive field. It can also be used for attacks. Usually, you can fill it with more power, and you can use it in battle."

Chu Feng exclaimed, outside, the entourage changed a little bit, although it was only a little bit, but Chu Feng was always paying attention, trying to hide it from him is not easy.

"Correct the direction!"

Chu Feng's order was passed into the mind of the follower, and the follower immediately corrected the direction, but in a short time, the corrected direction was immediately changed a little!

"I want to see what the **** are you doing." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, relying on the high defense of the holy prison, Chu Feng just replaced a low-powered follower to let the low-powered follower move on. At this time, Chu The peak did not check whether the direction has deviated!

A few minutes later, under the guidance of the strong from Lieyang Tianjun and the others, Chu Feng's entourage outside entered the Haoyang formation.

The Haoyang Formation is near the temple, about ten kilometers away, so Lieyang Tianjun and the others had to make Chu Feng's followers change their directions!

When the entourage entered the Haoyang formation, a voice sounded near the entourage outside. "Chu Feng, I know you can definitely hear me." It was Lieyang Tianjun's voice, and Lieyang Tianjun's tone was quite good now, "Chu Feng, how about a small deal? "

"What deal?"

Chu Feng's voice sounded outside, and the less powerful entourage outside was all admitted to the holy prison space by Chu Feng. He didn't worry about Lieyang Tianjun and the others entering the holy prison world, if they thought that way. If they do, Chu Feng will definitely approve of their entry!

"When you die, the holy prison belongs to us; when that time comes, we will resurrect you, and then we will find a way to make you a dominant power!" Lieyang Tianjun said.

"Chu Feng, the holy prison is very hot for you. If you own it, there will only be a dead end, and it will hurt your relatives and friends. That would not be beautiful! You should know Lin Tian Yes, what was Lin Tian's strength back then, what kind of strength are you now?"

"As a first-rank master, does Lin Tian need me to say more now? Even if you become a master, can you become a first-rank master? Even if you become a first-rank master, can you always occupy the holy prison? Chu Feng, that thing is not. What you should have, your current cultivation base is not low, give it up, give up it, you may become the master at that time, even if you can't become the master, you can live peacefully with your family and friends for many years!"

"Chu Feng, the holy prison is just something outside of the body. For that little thing outside of the body, it is not the work of a wise man to put himself and his relatives and friends in danger."

In the sacred prison space, Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Master, Lieyang Tianjun's words are really tempting. Is there a feeling of handing over the sacred prison?"

"It's true that the temptation is not small." Chu Feng smiled, "If I didn't offend many powerful people, and if I didn't have Ling'er, it would really be possible to hand over the holy prison."

The holy prison is something that makes him an ordinary person with his current strength. Chu Feng definitely doesn't want to hand him over, but if that is the case, Chu Feng is really possible. The holy prison is very important, but there are some things for Chu. Feng is still much more important than the holy prison!

Now, it is completely impossible. Even without Su Ling's factor, he has offended so many powerful men and climbed to the top unhappily, only to be severely trampled to death!

In the world of Tumeng, Chu Feng killed more than 3 million people. Wu Caishen and others were also killed by him. Some of them are estimated to be resurrected. If they survived, they would let Chu go. peak? Even if those Chu Feng didn't kill them before, many of them still want to kill Chu Feng!

Before killing more than three million people, those were great threats, but compared to the other, those were nothing. Chu Feng had killed the dominant-level powerhouses and caught several dominion-level powerhouses. Well, Hongyi’s eldest daughter is now locked up in the holy prison. If you don’t try to climb up, there is only one dead end!

"Who is your excellency?" Chu Feng said.

"Lieyang Tianjun!"

The information of Lieyang Tianjun flashed through Chu Feng's mind, "Lieyang Tianjun, thank you for your consideration." Chu Feng smiled. "Chu Feng, you are welcome. If you agree, it will be good for you and good for us. This is a win-win situation for us." Lieyang Tianjun said.

Win-win your uncle!

Chu Feng muttered in his heart, "Heavenly Sovereign Lieyang, I don't know how many dominant-level powerhouses are on your side, who are there? Are there more than one force like you in this land of nine suns? Which of these forces? Lieyang Tianjun, there is no problem with such things, right?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

"Chu Feng, don't you want to agree?" Lieyang Tianjun said.

"That's not necessarily, what you said is reasonable." Chu Feng said, "However, I don't want to be a fool. You let me know something. I will think about it. Otherwise, you will force an attack."

Lieyang Tianjun thought for a while and said, "Chu Feng, it's not impossible to tell you this. What's more, I will tell you so that you can give up!"

"Our side is the Haoyang Temple, six dominating powerhouses, two of them now have sixth-grade cultivation bases and can burst out fifth-grade powers; four have seventh-grade cultivation bases that can burst out fifth-grade powers, quasi-dominant Twenty-one powerhouses at the rank, and tens of thousands of powerhouses at the immortal rank!" Lieyangtianjun said.

"The Land of Nine Suns is indeed not just our power, there is another power, Leiyun Mansion. If you can get here, it is estimated that the people of Leiyun Mansion will contribute. The strength of Leiyun Mansion is similar to our Haoyang Temple. , On their side are five masters in total!"

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng smiled bitterly. Before he estimated that on the basis of four, there would be at most four or five more dominant powers. However, there are six on the Haoyang Universe side, and the Leiyun Mansion side has There are five, and they add up to eleven Domination-level powerhouses. This is too cheating!

If there are quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, there are 21 on this side, and Leiyun Mansion estimates that there will be no less. There are forty quasi-dominant-level powerhouses in total, which is twice the previous estimate of 20! Under the quasi-dominance, there are tens of thousands of powerful immortal ranks on one side, and this force is also very powerful!

"Chu Feng, let me introduce one more thing to you. The Holy Prison is now in a big formation we made, called the Haoyang Great Formation. The Haoyang Great Formation can gather our six masters and 21 quasi-masters. There is also the power of tens of thousands of indestructible powerhouses, and the power is probably not small!"

"Before we attack, if you give the holy prison, swear by the soul of the lord, we will resurrect you at that time, and after that, there will be absolutely no retaliation against you, and we will find ways to make You reach the master level cultivation base, of course, this requires your mental state cultivation base to reach the standard." Lieyang Tianzun said, "Chu Feng, you think about it carefully, for yourself, and for your family and friends!"

"Lieyang Tianzun, can you let me know which dominion-level powerhouses are?" Chu Feng said. "Yes." Lieyang Tianzun patiently explained to Chu Feng that if it can be resolved peacefully, he is very willing to resolve it peacefully. In that case, the power of the Haoyang Temple will not be weakened, and he will be given the holy prison by the time. The chance of snatching the house is low!

"Your uncle!"

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng cursed, eleven dominating the strong, four of which were originally second-rank dominators, and the rest were all third-rank dominators before!

With so many Fourth-Rank dominates and Third-Rank dominates dealing with him, Chu Feng feels very "honoured"! "Image, image." Miao Xian'er said with a grin.

"Xian'er, you're still smiling, your husband and I will be divided by them." Chu Feng curled his lips and said. "Master, if you come here alone, you might be able to come here. This time we are prepared to come over, we might not die here!" Miao Xian'er smiled, "There are so many people, it's not without benefits. If you can If you catch them all one by one, you can get a lot of merit points, then Lei Qing, if you catch them, I think there will be a lot of merit points!"

"In such a situation, it is difficult to catch them." Chu Feng frowned. "Apart from anything else, it is very difficult to break the Haoyang Temple in front of you! This time on this side, it will definitely have to fight for a long time. War, and it is estimated that many people will die on this side!"

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