Holy Prison

Chapter 2274: Walk before death

"Can't afford to waste time" Chu Feng thought, and many of Hongjun and others thought. "The Haoyang Temple has been hit hard now. For a short time, people on the Haoyang Temple side cannot make Leiyun Mansion anxious. Husband, I think this change in the world will make Leiyun Mansion anxious." Miao Feiying said. .

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Feiying, keep talking."

"Before the power of Tumeng world was gathered, can we find a way to absorb the power on this side of the Land of Nine Suns, and perhaps make the environment on this side become bad for Leiyun Palace and others?" Miao Feiying said, "Husband, the Tongtian Pagoda connects the Yang Realm, the Nine Suns and the Nine Yin in the Yin Realm. You can control the jade charms in your hands. Can you use the power of the Tongtian Pagoda? The Tongtian Pagoda is the dominating device, and it is in this one The power of the master in the universe is definitely not small."

"It is difficult to absorb the power of the land of the nine suns. If the environment of the land of the nine suns is changed so that the Leiyun Mansion and the Haoyang Temple are weakened on this side, it is possible to do this. Use the Tongtian Tower to make the nine The power of the Yin Land can reach this side. When Yin and Yang merge, the effects of many of the previous arrangements of the Thunder Cloud Mansion and the Haoyang Temple will decrease. The power of the Haoyang Formation will definitely decrease, but this will take a lot of time." Peak Road.

Having said this, Chu Feng frowned and said: "This is effective, but the effect is estimated to be a little insufficient! Only if this is the case, we are more anxious."

"Chu Feng, the first point, it's not impossible to do it." Hongjun smiled lightly. "Master Hong, what's your opinion?" Chu Feng hurriedly said, his strength is stronger than Hongjun, but there are still many aspects where Hongjun is better than Chu Feng, and sometimes even smart people will consider it. Not week.

Hongjun smiled and said: "Chu Feng, have you forgotten Tianxinzi? Nine Tianxinzi, nine cold pools, and nine suns, do you think there is a little connection?"

"When Tianxinzi was in the outside world, changing the rules of heaven and earth had no effect on this side, but now that you are in the land of nine suns, I think Tianxinzi will have some magical effects."

Chu Feng's eyes lit up: "Yes, yes, Tianxinzi is probably useful. In the world of Tumeng, nine badges absorb the power of the world, and in this Hongtian universe, nine Tianxinzi is estimated to be able to absorb power! But! There is a small problem. Only after the absorbed power can it be transformed into the power in the holy prison world."

"Haha, this transformation is your business." Hongjun smiled.

Chu Feng faced Miao Xian'er, without waiting for him to say, Miao Xian'er said, "Is he going to let his followers take the holy prison away from Leiyun Mansion and Haoyang Temple? No problem."

"Yeah!" Chu Feng nodded, and Miao Xian'er immediately let one of his followers go outside with the holy prison, and that one hurried away from the Haoyang Temple!

In Leiyun Mansion, several powerful men frowned, "They ran away." Zuo Leng said coldly, "It seems we need to remind Chu Feng!"

"Exterminate the entourage!" Lei Qing said quietly.

Vicari shot, a red lightning appeared on the head of the entourage that Miao Xian'er got out, "Boom!" A violent explosion sounded, the thunder and lightning disappeared, the sky hand that appeared outside disappeared, and Miao Xian'er got outside. The entourage did not die but was seriously injured!

When Chu Feng thought, the entourage outside was immediately admitted to the holy prison. "Chu Feng!" A pleasant voice sounded near the place where the holy prison was located.

"It's Feng Ling." Miao Xian'er said, among the five powerhouses in Thunder Cloud Palace, there is only Feng Ling a woman, and this voice is probably Feng Ling.

"Chu Feng, I think you can hear it." Feng Ling said with a smile, "Listen to my sister, how about coming to Leiyun Mansion obediently?"

"Sorry, let me leave for a while, what about thinking about it for a while?" Chu Feng's voice sounded outside. "Little brother Chu Feng, this is not good. My sister can't help you." Feng Ling said with a smile, "Lei is the first one of them, but each of them is not as good as his sister."

"Feng Ling, if you give up, you can leave Hongtian Universe safely, otherwise, you may not be able to leave safely by then." Chu Feng said.

"Oh...you are really interesting, little brother Chu Feng, do you think that if you have caused some damage to the Haoyang Temple, you can also hurt the Thunder Cloud Mansion? Even if there is no Leiyun Mansion, continue to deal with the Haoyang Temple, you It’s not so easy to destroy the Haoyang Temple.” Feng Ling smiled, “Little Brother Chu Feng, if you are too disobedient, our Thunder Cloud Mansion will first unite with Haoyang Temple and kill you first. Say it again!"

"Heh...Fairy Wind Spirit, even if you want to unite with Thunder Cloud Mansion, Haoyang Temple may not be able to unite with you." Chu Feng smiled, "Now, the strength of your Thunder Cloud Mansion is stronger than that of Haoyang Temple. Shao, unite with you and get their share in the holy prison?"

"If you don't unite, you still have the possibility of getting it. If you unite, the chance of getting it is zero. Fairy Fengling, you are fools when you become Haoyang Temple.

Feng Ling smiled and said: "Little brother Chu Feng, you are not stupid. Come here first and we can talk about the conditions. If we can solve the problem peacefully, we will solve it peacefully. It's not easy for you to say yes. No? We will all have big losses in the fight, and your losses will be even greater."

"I said before that I would go to the side of Leiyun Mansion, but let me leave first, there is no discussion about this." Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Little brother Chu Feng, this is meaningless for you. If that's the case, the elder sister will see how many followers you can get outside. If you come out, the elder sister will destroy one. Now you are in the land of nine suns, but It's not in the Land of Nine Yin as before." Feng Ling said quietly.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng frowned slightly, Tang Ming and many of them also frowned, and they would destroy one when they went out. Leiyun Palace would consume more power, definitely compared to his side. There are a lot of them, but Leiyun Mansion has five quasi-dominant-level powerhouses. There are more than 20 quasi-dominant-level powerhouses and tens of thousands of immortal-level powerhouses. In the past, they still stored a lot of power, and they should be able to sustain consumption .

When Chu Feng was in the Land of Nine Yins before, if the Haoyang Temple and Leiyun Mansion attacked Chu Feng, the attack would have a lot of damage from the Land of Nine Suns to the Land of Nine Yins. Now the attack of Thunder Cloud Mansion, It is estimated that the energy consumed is less than half of the previous, or even the previous third!

"Xian'er, leave a lot of distance first, and now you are too close to the Haoyang Temple." Chu Feng said, he planned to let a large number of people in the holy prison go out to resist the attack of Thunder Cloud Palace, but that had to leave a little bit. Besides, it is too close to the Haoyang Temple. If Haoyang Temple also comes when Thunder Cloud Mansion is attacking, Chu Feng and the others will probably suffer a lot of damage!


Miao Xian'er let a follower go outside, and when he got outside, the follower burned his soul and moved forward at full speed. Moreover, he also used the treasure to increase the speed!

With the rapid speed of the entourage and the scanning of the sky's eye, he could also find a safe way forward, but he only went forward for a few seconds!

The attack from Leiyun Mansion came, and the quasi-dominant-level attack immediately turned that entourage into a scorched corpse on the ground!

The first one just died, and the second entourage went outside. The same soul burned and the same speed-increasing treasure was used. Chu Feng and the others added defenses to him, but the second only lasted a few seconds. Clock time!

The cultivation base of the followers outside is not low, they can travel a long distance in one second, and in a few seconds, the travel distance is very long, but the distance of the Haoyang Temple attack is farther!

It is impossible for the followers to completely leave the attack distance of the Haoyang Temple, but after a longer distance, the attack of the Haoyang Temple will definitely be affected. This is the same for the Thunder Cloud Temple! Now, the holy prison is far away from the Haoyang Temple, and at the same time away from the Thunder Cloud Mansion!

Time continued to pass, outside the holy prison, one by one, the entourage died, and the holy prison was getting farther and farther from Leiyun Mansion and Luoyang Temple!

"Lei first seat, shall we let Leiyun Mansion move? Chu Feng may leave like this, and there may be some conspiracy. Let's go over and trap the holy prison!" Vikari said.

Lei Qing looked at Feng Ling. In terms of strength, he was stronger, but in terms of strategy, Feng Ling was a stronger woman than him. In many things, Lei Qing would listen to Feng Ling's opinions.

"There is no need to go there for the time being." Feng Ling thought for a while, "Chu Feng did this. Maybe the goal is to want us to leave the place where we are now. We have been in this place for a long time. Here, our Leiyun Mansion can be the most powerful. Elsewhere, his strength is about 30% weaker! As long as we leave, some things on this side will soon be destroyed by the Haoyang Temple, and it will be useless to return!"

Lei Qing frowned and said, "Feng Ling, what are your specific thoughts?" "It is impossible for Chu Feng to leave the Land of the Nine Suns, just to maintain the attack, it is very likely that Chu Feng wants to leave some space and let him be in the holy prison space. Some people get outside, trapped in the holy prison, this is not a long-term solution." Feng Ling said.

"Someone is outside, there are flaws. If we can catch some people who are very important to Chu Feng, things will be easier to handle." Feng Ling smiled.

Lei Qing nodded slightly: "Let's do it this way, I would also like to see how many strong people are in the holy prison at this moment, the previous attacks like the Haoyang Temple can actually be supported!"

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed. It took an average of five seconds to die a powerful entourage. Twelve or so in a minute, half an hour, and more than 350 entourages who appeared outside died. These three One hundred and fifty, most of them have immortal strength, and many are even immortal strong!

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