Holy Prison

Chapter 2278: Thunder Cloud Mansion Mobile

"These **** from Haoyang Temple!"

In Leiyun Mansion, several master-level powerhouses were on fire. They called out several times, but did not get the slightest response from the Haoyang Temple! The Haoyang Temple pretended not to know, but Leiyun Mansion and the others would believe it, even if it was a sealed palace, they would definitely know the situation of the outside world!

In the main hall, there are just a few of them who dominate the powerhouse. Everyone is the master, so you don't need to care about face. It's no problem to curse directly.

"The Haoyang Temple wants to see us fight Chu Feng and they both lose and lose!" Vikari said solemnly, "Are we doing what they wanted?"

"It's not as they wanted, we can only continue to wait. Now the temperature in the land of the nine suns has dropped a bit, and by then the land of the nine suns will become not the land of the nine suns, and many of our arrangements will disappear Use it!" Feng Ling said quietly, "I still agree to move. If we get the holy prison, we will clean up the Haoyang Temple!"

Zuo Lenghan and Xue Xinhe also said a few words, "That's it, let's move!" Lei Qing said solemnly, "Sacred Prison must be done at that time!"

Amid the huge roar, the entire Leiyun Mansion flew up. The huge mansion and some surrounding land flew together. Those lands and so on were originally planned in the mansion!

After half an hour passed, Miao Xian'er's voice suddenly rang in Chu Feng's mind; "Master, there is a situation, Leiyun Mansion flew towards us, the speed is much faster than the speed of our Axi City!"

"We, Axi City, should be able to resist the attacks of Thunder Cloud Mansion for a period of time." Chu Feng said. At this time, Chu Feng can choose to let everyone enter the holy prison. Time is not enough, but the entry is easy. It will be troublesome if it comes out, and if it comes out, you can't come out all at once!

People can't come out all at once, and then Axi City's defenses will not be able to resist the attacks of Thunder Cloud Mansion, and then Chu Feng will not be able to get out of the holy prison!

Yaomeng’s previous warnings were very useful. Without her warning, Chu Feng would certainly not bring so many people into it at once. In that case, when Leiyun Mansion was close, Chu Feng could only hide in the Holy Prison. In! Hiding in, then there is no need to think about coming out of the holy prison!

The five masters of Thunder Cloud Mansion have been used for many years in the Land of Nine Suns. The speed is extremely fast. After the Sky Eye Scan was found, it was only a hundred kilometers away from Axi City in just a few minutes!

Axi City has a side length of tens of kilometers, and Leiyun Mansion has a radius of more than 10 kilometers, and the distance of hundreds of kilometers is no longer a distance to Chu Feng!

"Little brother Chu Feng!" Feng Ling's coquettish voice sounded over the city of Axi, "Little brother Chu Feng, you are so unbehaved that you didn't take the initiative to come over, so my sister had to come and see you! Under circumstances, Thunder Cloud Mansion’s attack will be much stronger, you know this!"

"You have died a lot of people before? Do you want to resist? Your wife, children, and friends should have a lot of them here. If you die, it would be a pity! You handed over the holy prison At that time, we will resurrect you, and you can still live well, but because you are not behaved, the promise of making you the dominant power is gone. What do you think? Think about it!"

If they can get the holy prison in a few words, Feng Ling and the others are still willing to talk nonsense. If this is the case, then there is no need to worry about the holy prison being snatched by the Haoyang Temple!

"Where is there so much nonsense?" Chu Feng's faint voice sounded outside, "If you want to attack, then attack. If you don't attack, get out!"

In the Thunder Cloud Mansion, Feng Ling's eyes flashed with cold light, "First, attack, Chu Feng won't give up until he is in despair!" Feng Ling said solemnly.

"Yeah!" Lei Qing nodded slightly, his order sounded throughout the entire Thunder Cloud Mansion. Upon receiving his order, the tens of thousands of powerful people in the Thunder Cloud Mansion began to gather strength.

A black thunder and lightning appeared in the sky above Axi City. The lightning was as thick as 100 meters, and it hit the top of Axi City's defensive cover.

This time the attack was a fourth-rank high-level attack, which was stronger than the previous fourth-rank intermediate attack, but it did not make Axi City's defensive cover too shake!

A large number of people appeared outside, and in the past few hundred years, Chu Feng and others have not been idle. Axicheng's defense has been ten times stronger than the previous foundation!

"Yin Mei, give Leiyun Mansion too." Chu Feng said. The next moment, a huge fort emerged from Axi City, and the long barrel pointed towards Leiyun Mansion.

The huge fireball hit the defensive cover of Thunder Cloud Mansion fiercely, and Axi City’s attack reached the fifth-rank Great Perfection. Although it was not as powerful as Thunder Cloud Mansion’s attack, it was not negligible. Under Axi City’s attack, Lei The defense of Yunfu was also shaking.

"Chu Feng, this is your attack? It's ridiculous!" Zuo Lenghan's voice rang, "I want to see how many attacks you can withstand."

Among Axi City, Chu Feng was a little bit helpless, and Axi City's defense was not low, because there were a large number of billions of people, and there were more than 100 quasi-dominant-level powerhouses. In terms of defense, Axi City's defense is much stronger than that of the thundercloud mansion that has moved now, but the attacks, so many attacks, are not easy to converge!

For defense, more than one billion people can provide strength for Ash City. The defensive cover is not very picky for those forces, but the attacking turrets.

"Try it," Chu Feng said quietly.

"Erupt again?" In Thunder Cloud Mansion, Feng Ling glanced at the other people. It broke out before, and the injuries have basically recovered in hundreds of years. At this time, an outbreak will not cause them too much damage. , However, the injury will not be much lighter by then!

Lei Qing said: "First consume some of Chu Feng's power, and then attack. Our energy accumulation must surpass Chu Feng and the others!"

"The first seat is extremely true!"

"Listen to the first seat." Feng Ling said with a smile. In fact, she was thinking like Lei Qing in her heart, but Lei Qing is the first one. She can be smart, but she can't be too smart so that Lei Qing has no opinion. In that case, she is not far from unlucky!

Attacks from Thunder Cloud Mansion continued to erupt, and black thunder and lightning appeared in the sky above Axi City, and each thunder and lightning had a fourth-rank attack power!

It is difficult for Thunder Cloud Mansion to continuously burst out fourth-rank attacks when they are far apart, but when they are very close, it is no problem to continuously burst out fourth-rank attacks!

"Attention everyone, don't let any slack, it is a fourth-rank attack now, maybe the next one is a third-rank attack!" Chu Feng's voice with a smile sounded throughout Axi City, "Our Axi City's defense is still very strong. Yes, as long as everyone is not slacking off, Leiyun Mansion wants to break our defense, the possibility is not high!"

"As for the attack, don't worry, as long as you can hold onto it, we will definitely have a counterattack moment! Some of you guessed right. Tang Ming and the others have entered the nine sun stars, and they are already making arrangements. , I will surprise them in Leiyun Mansion then!"

Chu Feng is Dinghai Shenzhen for Shenchu ​​City. Shenchu ​​City has reached its current level under the leadership of Chu Feng. After Chu Feng's words came out, most of the worries in the hearts of some people who were worried were immediately removed!

"My Lord City Lord, you deceived our feelings, this time it is not a tourist!" someone said loudly. "Haha, why isn't it? Traveling can also be dangerous." Chu Feng laughed, "You have not lived a short life. How can you enjoy ordinary travel, right?"

"You have seen nine sun stars, you have seen the master-level attack, and you even felt the master-level powerhouse, it's not bad!"

"My Lord City Lord, this trip was so thrilling, I'm still plopping here with my careful belly." Another guy said with a weird voice.

Chu Feng said in an unpleasant manner: "If you don't plop, you will have a big problem! If you want to be gentle, this time the matter is over, I will organize a few more times. My home planet has a lot of attractions. You go to my home planet to stroll around, and after you stroll around, you will be basking in the sun and blowing the sea breeze on the sand stalls!"

"It's better to have a beautiful woman, Jie Jie! Basking in the sun, blowing the sea breeze, drinking a little wine, looking at the beautiful woman, thinking about my bones are crisp!"

"I also haha!"

The atmosphere of Axi City was originally a little solemn, but now many people exclaimed that the solemn atmosphere was wiped out.

"If you want to go, give me a little bit of effort. If you don't do your best, don't blame me for disqualifying you to go." Chu Feng smiled.

"Sir, don't worry!"

"Lord City Lord, even if you don't think about it, for the enjoyment of the time, we can't be lazy!"

A whole day passed in a blink of an eye. During the whole day, Leiyun Mansion attacked thousands of times, thousands of times, and naturally all were blocked by Chu Feng and the others.

"Prepare, five seconds later, full attack!" The voice of Thunder rang through the entire Thunder Cloud Mansion, and they felt that Axi City's defense was already weaker!

If you continue to attack, Lei Qing knows that Axi City’s defense will be lower, and the chance of a successful critical strike will be higher at that time, but the fourth-rank attack consumes a lot of energy. Within a day, thousands of fourth-rank attacks, The energy saved in Thunder Cloud Mansion has already consumed a half!

If the enemy is only Chu Feng and the others, Lei Qing doesn't need to care too much about how much energy is left, but there is still Haoyang Temple watching!

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