Holy Prison

Chapter 2298: Space Wormhole

The Immortal Burial is close to the Devil Blood in the east, and the demon corpse in the south. Chu Feng is now in the west of the Immortal Burial, and it is a long way to the devil blood or the demon corpse.

With Chu Feng’s cultivation base, if he flies all the way, without using special treasures, he won’t be able to reach the blood or the corpse in a few months. However, in the Sovereign Purgatory, there is a space wormhole, as long as the space is found. Wormholes, through space wormholes, you can go from one place to another in a short time.

As for the teleportation array, there is no such thing in the Sovereign Purgatory now, but this time there are so many people, it is estimated that someone will build a teleportation array, but here, teleportation is not a simple matter and consumes a lot of energy. Not to mention, the teleportation array also needs someone to maintain it all the time!

"Space Wormhole!"

There was joy on Chu Feng’s face, and the scan of the Sky Eye was very powerful. With his current cultivation base, the scan of the Sky Eye was stressful for him, but the pressure was not particularly great. He continued to open it for three to five months. What will be the problem.

As for the space wormhole, Chu Feng knew that there was a space wormhole. He didn’t mean to use space wormholes to run around. However, he knew where there were space wormholes, and then took the space wormholes one by one. Very important! Occupying a lot of space wormholes, then it will be much easier to escape!

He understood the laws of space, and after a little groping, Chu Feng understood the space wormhole in front of him.

"A very stable space wormhole, very good, this space wormhole belongs to Master Chu!" Chu Feng said quickly, pinching the law to encrypt this space wormhole.

Space wormholes are not occupied by anyone. If no one encrypts them, they can use them as long as they reach a certain level of strength. The encrypted space wormholes require special techniques to open them. Moreover, this is still You know where there is a space wormhole to open, after encryption, Chu Feng can completely hide this space wormhole!

After being encrypted and hidden, in theory, only Chu Feng can feel that this space wormhole can be opened. Of course, it is only theoretically. If you encounter a sufficiently powerful character, it is possible to discover the space wormhole he has hidden. Then the space wormhole was unlocked, but in the Lord's Purgatory, there should be very few or no such people!

Chu Feng's cultivation base is already at the peak of the Quasi-Dominator level, and his mental state cultivation is also extremely high. How can the Quasi-Dominator level powerhouse discover what he has hidden?

If someone uses the scanning power of the Domination level, they can be found if they are not too far apart. However, even the power of the Domination level will take a lot of time to crack without damaging the space wormhole. Among those inside, Chu Feng believes that there must be a lot of power that can burst out of the dominance level, but it must be very rare to continue to maintain the power of the dominion level to crack!

If it was cracked with the power below the master, what would Chu Feng get out would be so easy to crack? It takes hundreds of years to crack, it is very likely that the wormhole in the final space will be destroyed and you will be busy for nothing!

This space wormhole, for Chu Feng, is a little bit dangerous. At that time, someone discovered the space wormhole, and then a lot of people gathered to wait and see!

However, the possibility of this is very small. There are so many people coming in this time. How do those people know that the person who installed the space lock is Chu Feng?

Everyone here is mainly to get the holy prison. Those who come in are not single-minded. If they find a space wormhole, they must set a space lock like Chu Feng!

If there are too many people who set up space locks, it will not be useful to stay on the ground and wait for the rabbits. It is very likely that after many years of guarding, the result is nothing!


Chu Feng instantly entered the spatial wormhole. The moment he disappeared, the spatial wormhole emitting a little strange fluctuation disappeared immediately. Even if someone else gets here, it is extremely difficult to find the missing spatial wormhole!

Chu Feng appeared from another place, and there was a person nearby. As soon as Chu Feng appeared, his voice came over.

"Your uncle!" Chu Feng said, the sky hand appeared outside at the same time as his voice, and in the blink of an eye, he was caught by him into the holy prison world.

Space wormholes require space locks on both sides. It took a little time. Chu Feng also added space locks on this side so that he has the first safer passage. When in trouble, just On the one side or the other side, through the space wormhole, the enemy can be thrown away at once!

Chu Feng quickly grasped the person, the sky eye was always open, and after only three hours passed, he found out two more space channels and two different dimension spaces for him.

Space channels and different-dimensional spaces are relatively concealed and not easy to be discovered, but it also depends on what kind of power is searching, the holy prison sky eye, that is the scanning power that dominates the sixth rank. Under such scanning power , As long as the spatial channels within the scanning range have different-dimensional space, it is not easy not to be discovered!

In three hours, Chu Feng caught more than 1,000 people, more than 2,000 people were caught in total, but compared with the number of 30 million, the figure of around 2,000 seemed too insignificant!

Moreover, it was not just three thousand people who entered the Lord's Purgatory this time!

In four hours, many people who were random enough to enter it gathered together, and a thousand strong people gathered in a place not too far away from Chu Feng.

One of the thousand strong men said in a deep voice. He didn't think that he would be successful in positioning, but "Didi!"

A crisp sound rang. The sound is a treasure. If the positioning fails, it will not emit a sound. At this time, a sound is heard, indicating that the positioning is successful!

"Master Luo, it's this direction!" A saint-level powerhouse said with excitement. They didn't expect that their luck would be so good that they would succeed in positioning for the first time!

Chu Feng would certainly not let people succeed in positioning casually, and they would definitely fail if they were far apart. Successful positioning at this time means that Chu Feng is not too far away from them!

"Master Luo, let's go over there quickly, and if we catch or kill Chu Feng, the benefits will be great!" Another saint-level powerhouse said with joy.

"Wait, let's go over. Maybe it's not that we got a big benefit, but was destroyed by Chu Feng!" The Lord Luo said solemnly, "Don't forget, more than three million powerful people died in Chu Feng before. Hands! The first thing we need to do is to spread the news, and then gather some people!"

"Master Luo, we have more than a thousand people here. Isn't that enough? If there are too many people, we will get less rewards. If we just drag it, we should be enough, right? You don't have to drag him too long. Time, as long as you hold him for half an hour, I think many people will gather here!"

The strong man surnamed Luo frowned and said: "Chu Feng is not just a person, he also has Bi Feng and his helpers. In addition, his eight wives must be here, and there are many powerful heaven guards, those heaven guards, The strength is estimated to be no weaker than me! We have a thousand people here, I'm afraid it really can't hold Chu Feng."

"Master Luo, if we send out a message, if we don't make a move in time and let Chu Feng escape without a trace, I'm afraid the above will be blamed."

Of the 1,000 strong men, only a few have participated in the previous battle, and most of them have not participated in the previous battle, so they are a little skeptical of Chu Feng's strength.

Many people think that Chu Feng could survive the last time, and he could kill more than three million strong men, mainly those safe points. Without those safe points, Chu Feng would definitely be dead!

They knew that Chu Feng had eight wives, and they knew that they were not weak in strength, but each of them had strong information about themselves.

Chu Feng has sky guards, this is no secret now, but they don't know that the strength of those sky guards has reached the level of quasi-dominant peak!

When the holy prison was upgraded last time, the strength of the heavenly guards was already at the top among the quasi-rulers. This time the holy prison was upgraded, the heavenly guards did not become the masters, but their strength was on top of the previous foundation. With some improvement, they were already top-notch, and each of them had reached the pinnacle of quasi-dominance. Without using special treasures, Chu Feng fought with them. In one-on-one situations, within half an hour. Can't win!

Even the strength of Feng Bingning and the others, and the strength of the Tianwei are not accurate. Naturally, those people are even less likely to know that even the masters of the seventh rank of the Tianshou can directly enter the holy prison space.

The strong man surnamed Luo who "blame the above" was shocked. This possibility is not small. They have successfully positioned Chu Feng on this side, but if no one is dragging it, at the speed of Chu Feng, it is estimated that in a short time Not on this side, in that case, the value of the information they send out will be greatly reduced.

"Found Chu Feng!"

The strong man surnamed Luo spread the message, casually, with a wave of his hand, a thousand people stood on a giant sword and hurried toward the direction they had just positioned.

"Chu Feng, someone is here!"

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. At the same time, an image appeared in Chu Feng's mind. A gray huge sword hurriedly towards his side, the gray on the huge sword. Light can hide the trace, but under the powerful scanning of the sky eye, such hiding is completely useless.

"They're here, I'm afraid that the news about me on this side was also passed on by them." A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. If the news did not get out, no one else would run to the immortal funeral, as long as it passed out. Thirty to four million strong men will go to Dexian's Burial and gather in this direction where he is!

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