Holy Prison

Chapter 2301: Immortal Burial Ground

In the west, south, north, and east of the immortal burial, Chu Feng tried his best to escape, grabbing people, time passed quickly in his escape and arrest, it seemed that it was only a blink of an eye, time has passed ten thousand years!

In ten thousand years, Chu Feng has been in danger many times. There is a danger from the chaser and a threat from the Lord's Purgatory itself! The Lord’s Purgatory is not a safe place. Once, Chu Feng fell into a place, that place was full of destruction and killing, and there were terror traps. It took him hundreds of years to get from that place. Escape!

For tens of thousands of years, Chu Feng has basically traversed the entire fairy burial. Most of the space wormholes were discovered by him, and most of the space wormholes controlled by Chu Feng were used by him! Those used space wormholes basically cannot be used for the second time. Some of them have been forcibly destroyed, and some, although they have not been destroyed, but on the space wormhole, there is likely to be a large number of powerful people gathered. There are also traps set up!

In ten thousand years, Chu Feng was pitted and teleported over. It was not that there was no one on the other side, but thousands or even tens of thousands of people gathered there! Thanks to Chu Feng's strong strength, he was able to bludgeon out of the trap! After being pitted three times, Chu Feng used the space wormhole once, and Chu Feng basically didn't need the second one. It was too dangerous!

It is not too difficult for Chu Feng to solve a team of thousands of people, and it is difficult for a team of tens of thousands of people! Even if there are 10,000 Saint-sovereign-level powerhouses and no quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, no one can burst out that the power of the master-level is very powerful!

"Xianzang, don't treat me!"

Chu Feng muttered in his heart, if you hide in the holy prison, you should be able to hide for a long time, but Chu Feng is not willing to do that! It may be possible for a short time like that, but it is dangerous for a long time!

Hidden in the sacred prison space, 10,000 strong people can't be positioned when gathered, how about 100,000? If one hundred thousand strong people still cannot be positioned, what about one million?

It really made it difficult for Chu Feng to mix up with such a powerful team in the Sovereign Purgatory. Millions of powerhouses would work together, and perhaps they would kill Chu Feng directly from a distance!

The clever approach is to continuously reduce the number of opponents. When the number of opponents is reduced to a certain level, it is not Chu Feng who is hiding, but the opponent!

If you have been hiding in the holy prison world for millions of years, it would be too useless. If you feel useless, you still want to be the master?

Moreover, arresting people is good, and Chu Feng doesn't have too much merit for that thing! When entering the Sovereign Purgatory, Chu Feng's merit points were 10,000 points. Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, Chu Feng's merit points have reached more than 36,000 points, an increase of more than 26,000 points! Five million strong, more than 26,000 merit points, this is not too much, you know, the five million strong, one by one is the power of the holy class, many of them are even the quasi-dominant level. By!

Speaking of it, Chu Feng’s gross income is more than 26,000 merit points. In these ten thousand years, Chu Feng has killed many people. Many of those people were not evil people. They killed them, even in self-defense. Chu Feng would deduct a little merit point, it is estimated that ten to twenty thousand merit points were deducted!

"Chu Feng, are you going to Demon Blood?" Miao Xian'er said, "There is still a place where you haven't gone to the fairy burial." "The place of the fairy burial" Chu Feng said.

Immortal burial, there is a place of celestial burial, but Chu Feng can say that the entire celestial burial has been turned around, and no place of celestial burial was found.

The so-called immortal burial place, in fact, is not buried in immortals, but the saint, quasi-dominant, and even the master-level power! The universe is reincarnation, but the Lord Purgatory is a special place, it does not enter reincarnation!

Many people don’t want to enter the cycle of reincarnation by themselves. Some people don’t want their relatives and friends to be obliterated by reincarnation after they die. Therefore, there is a land of immortal burial, a land of devil blood, and a land of monster corpses. Slowly, These three places have developed into three pieces, which have become the current Purgatory of the Lord!

Chu Feng has heard a little bit of rumors that there are treasures in the land of immortal burial, the land of demonic blood, and the land of monster corpses! Those buried in, they are not ordinary people, they usually have funerary objects. Of course it is not their funerary objects that make Chu Feng a little enthusiastic, but some treasures naturally formed in such a place!

Some treasures are destroyed after being buried for a long time. In such a place, there are many destroyed treasures, destruction and rebirth. This is often the same. There are many destroyed treasures. At the same time, the new treasures are not. less!

"Xian'er, I still don't know where the burial place of the bird and immortal is." Chu Feng said in his mind, the entire burial of the immortal was spread, but Chu Feng did not find the place of the immortal burial!

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Far away in the sky, close in front of you." "What do you mean?" Chu Feng said.

"Stupid." Miao Xianer said, "The place of the burial of immortals is not in the same dimension as the burial of the immortals. Now we are in this area, and we can reach the place of the burial of immortals! I just unblocked it. I have some information, it is the information of the immortal burial place. You need to visit that place."

"Xian'er, if it’s for treasures, I don’t think there is any need to go. Catch people outside, maybe you can get more treasures." Chu Feng said, he caught five million people in the past ten thousand years and got The number of treasures is a bit scary, but what makes Chu Feng a little depressed is that there are no good treasures among them.

"The controller can definitely know what's going on inside, it's hard to tell whether there are any treasures inside."

Miao Xian'er smiled and said, "Then do you have any thoughts about the reasons?" "Let's talk." Chu Feng said, if Miao Xian'er has enough reasons, he will naturally go in.

"The first one, in the land of the immortal burial ground, there may be a new masterless master. You don't need something like that, but Sister Bing Ning can use it, and those heavenly guards can also be used, quasi-dominate. The peak cultivation base, if there is still a master tool, the improvement of strength will be ideal."

"Second, the Lord Purgatory was not created by two powerful men. Outside, the controller's mind cannot be scanned inside! Moreover, there is a characteristic in it, the strength cannot exceed the quasi-dominant level, and there is strength in it. Those who exceed the quasi-dominant level will be teleported out immediately, even if the controller is suppressed to the quasi-dominant level, there is no problem."

"The third one is very complicated. If those guys follow in, they should not dare to attack indiscriminately inside! Fourth point, if you can't hold on there anymore, you can exit from there at any time. It is random, randomly appearing anywhere on the fairy burial!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up. If there are a few points like this, it is still possible to go to the Immortal Burial Site. If it is complicated, this is a benefit for him!

Can't attack arbitrarily, which is another advantage for him! If you can get a lot of treasures, it will be even more wonderful.

"Xian'er, are you sure that the controller inside cannot scan it?" Chu Feng said. "Not sure, but the message left by Lin Tian is like this" Miao Xianer said.

"The information is not left by Steward Long." This thought flashed through Chu Feng's mind. There was a little hesitation on Chu Feng's face. If it was the ghost of Steward Long, it would not be too safe to enter in this way.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, the chance that Steward Long is doing ghosts shouldn't be very high. The information has been left in the Holy Prison space a long time ago." "Steward Long is also very long in the Holy Prison. "Chu Feng said in his mind, it is normal for Steward Long to leave a lot of tricks for such a long time.

At this moment, a feeling of heart palpitations appeared. Such a feeling Chu Feng had appeared many times over the past ten thousand years. The conditioned reflex was normal, and Chu Feng suddenly entered the holy prison space.

Chu Feng disappeared within a ten-thousandth of a second, and countless terrifying sword auras appeared near the place where he was. Under the attack of those sword auras, the mountains of tens of thousands of meters were shattered!

"Chu Feng, see where you run! This last area has been carefully checked by us, and there is no space wormhole!"

Many people rushed towards the area where Chu Feng was located. Chu Feng in other areas had already escaped. Many people guessed that Chu Feng had arrived in this area so they hid near this area!

"Chu Feng, you are in big trouble!" said Miao Xian'er. She said that a three-dimensional topographic map appeared in front of her with a wave of her hand. A golden light spot on the topographic map was the location of the holy prison. There were three golden light spots on the topographic map. There are many strong men who besieged and killed in the direction, and the other direction is connected to the Chaos Profound Sea!

Chaos Profound Sea, that is not a good place. Some safer sea passages can pass people, and in many places, it can't pass people!

The sea area near the area where Chu Feng is staying is the territory of a powerful fierce beast, and that fierce beast is a six-rank dominating strength fierce beast!

On the land, a single six-ranked fierce beast might not be able to help Chu Feng, but in the Primal Chaos Sea, if Chu Feng confronted that fierce beast, it would be more fortunate!

Is it possible that there is no younger brother for the 6th-Rank Dominant Beast? That fierce beast, it is very likely that there is a little brother with a seventh-level dominating strength, hello, maybe there are friends with a sixth-level dominating strength coming to help! In addition, it is estimated that the number of younger brothers at the sage level and the quasi-dominant level is not a few!

"It seems that I don't want to go to the fairy burial place, but I have to go." Chu Feng said helplessly, "These guys are too ruthless, and the circle is getting tighter!"

If you don’t go to the place of immortal burial, you have to enter the Chaos Profound Sea. Chu Feng doesn’t want to enter the Chaos Profound Sea at this moment. The place is clearly a dangerous place. The situation is already sad now. The local residents of, he can bear one or two, if he summons friends to a group of dominant beasts, he can only be dumbfounded!

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