Holy Prison

Chapter 2315: Demon blood

"So many powerful people." Chu Feng was shocked. He thought that there were only two or three fierce beasts of the third and fourth ranks. He did not expect that the total number of the third and fourth fierce beasts reached 13!

The strength of the fifth rank fierce beast is also extremely strong, reaching 22! As for those after the fifth rank, for Chu Feng, as long as they don't gather, the threat is not big.

"Apsy, the fifth-rank fierce beast, how many have reached the fifth-rank consummation?" Chu Feng asked, Tian Hu's defense is very strong, but the fifth-rank consummation fierce beast, don't make a critical strike, just a normal full blow. It is necessary to understand that the Heavenly Guard can be broken!

"Eleventh." Apsey said.

There are two at the third rank, and the eleven at the fourth rank. Those who reach the fifth-rank consummation within the fifth rank are also the eleventh place. Adding up, the 25th rank is extremely dangerous to Chu Feng!

For the rest, the sixth-grade fierce beast is not too threatening to Chu Feng, the fifth-grade fierce beast is not a small threat. If such a fierce beast strikes a critical strike, it is possible for its attack power to reach the fifth-grade perfection. Of course, those fierce beasts don't use critical strikes casually. Critical strikes often kill a thousand enemies and harm themselves by 800!

"Apsy, pass me the information about all the master-level beasts in Chaos Xuanhai, let alone you can't do it!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"This... okay." Apsey resigned himself to his fate, and the person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant, he may not have heard of this sentence, but he has carried out it carefully and thoroughly!

Soon, the information about the Domination-level beasts came to Chu Feng's mind. The information was very detailed. Which dominion-level beasts have a good relationship, and which dominion-level beasts have favorite non-domination-level beasts. lack!

"Apsy, these materials are not fake, are they?" Chu Feng said.

Apsi quickly promised: "There is no fake, absolutely no fake, I promise with the soul of my own master! Our fierce beast breaches the oath, it will not end well!"

"Well, count your acquaintances, if I leave at that time, you can let you go!" Chu Feng said, "Now, take me to Demon Blood first, don't deliberately avoid it. By the way, my surname is Chu."

"Yes, Master Chu!"

Apsi Road, the next moment, both Chu Feng and Apsi appeared outside. There were no restrictions on Apsi Chu Peak, but it honestly did not want to escape.

With the power of Chu Feng, Apsi knew that he had no ability to escape at all. If he escaped, it would be death!

Sitting cross-legged on Apsi's back, Chu Feng said in a low voice. With a swing of Apsi's tail, he immediately moved forward at an extremely fast speed. Its speed was several times that of Chu Feng!

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Xian'er, what's the matter?" Chu Feng asked with a smile in his mind. "Catch more fierce beasts then!" Miao Xian'er smiled.

"The fierce beasts have no universe. If you catch them and let them use the holy world as their mother world, then you will become the master, and your strength will not be so bad!"

Chu Feng said in his mind a little strangely: "Xian'er, is this all right? If this is possible, when those strong people with background become masters, won't the elders catch a lot of beasts?"

"How can such a smart person be stupid?" Miao Xian'er smiled softly, "Do you think they didn't catch it? Do you think you catch as many as you want?"

"Like Su Ling, her family must have caught a dominion-level fierce beast for her to make it use Su Ling's world as its mother world, but Su Ling did not reach the dominance level before. She forgot to talk about this matter. One person becomes the dominion. After that, the strength of strength has a great relationship with the strength of the integrated world, and the strength of a world is related to the size, stability, and strength of the world. There are one or two dominance-level strengths in a world. , The strength is up to the next level!"

"The general world can become the mother world of the sixth and seventh rank fierce beasts, and the powerful world can become the mother world of the fourth and fifth rank fierce beasts. As for the third rank fierce beast, unless the holy world is like this, other worlds, and that fierce If the beast enters, the result must be the world collapse! If Su Ling's world is not wrong, it should be a fourth-rank fierce beast. With the help of Old Su, it is possible to get a few fourth-rank fierce beasts, but there are many fourth-rank fierce beasts. No, no three-rank fierce beast will work."

"Holy Prison is formed by controlling the stone purgatory. Naturally, it has some special benefits. This is even one of the special benefits." Miao Xian'er smiled.

A faint smile appeared on Chu Feng's face: "Xian'er, are these the materials that have just been unblocked?"

"No, it's what Tumon said." Miao Xian'er said, "I caught Apsi, and I chatted with him, but I didn't expect to get this information. This information is true. I have asked many people to verify it. After that, many of the people you caught knew about this news."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "In this way, you have to beat some people well by then, and maybe you can learn more useful information from them."

Thinking of the fierce beasts in the Profound Sea of ​​Chaos, Chu Feng's heart became a little hot. If he catches many fierce beasts by that time, he will become the master, maybe he can directly become the third-rank or even the second-rank master!

As for the first-rank, Chu Feng doesn’t have much hope. The first-rank master achieved by the combination of Lin Tian, ​​emptiness and reality, he has not gone through such steps, even if the world is stronger, even if there are more fierce beasts in the world, he will not be able to directly reach it. Get a product!

"Xian'er, what about the master-level powerhouses I caught, are they good for me to become a master by then?" Chu Feng said. "No, they have their own universe. It is possible for those who are strong at the Sovereign and Quasi-dominant level. If the mother universe is destroyed, it is possible that the holy prison world will become their new mother universe!" Miao Xian'er Said, "But they are different from those fierce beasts, they have hatred in your heart, their wisdom is high, and the holy prison world becomes their mother universe, it's difficult!"

"If they accept punishment and the crime is gone, it should be possible." Chu Feng said.

"This should really be possible, but most of those guys are sinful, and it takes more than a little bit of time for the sin to be exhausted."

"Come slowly. There is one hundred and forty years to dominate. Don't worry too much."

Apsi's speed is much faster than Chu Feng, even if it takes a little time to encounter other Dominant beasts on the way, within five days, Chu Feng's feet have already stepped on the ground of the devil blood!

The immortal burial feels more ethereal and casual, and with the magic blood, Chu Feng felt the aura of killing when he reached this side! That kind of murderous aura is not formed by recent battles on this side, but has been deposited over countless years!

Some people like the environment of the fairy burial, and some people like the environment of the devil blood and monster corpse, so after their death, the place of burial is different!

"Little boys of devil blood, you Uncle Chu is here!" The cold light in Chu Feng's eyes flickered, and when he thought of Feng Bingning in the immortal burial, Chu Feng couldn't help the killing intent in his heart.

Now that the distance is very far away, Tianyan has long been unable to sense Feng Bingning's breath. In fact, Chu Feng and Feng Bingning have lost contact for six or seven days!

"Most people have already gathered on the side of the Immortal Burial. There is no need to keep your hands!" Chu Feng's figure disappeared in the same place. It didn't take long for a quasi-dominant powerhouse above the devil blood The powerful ones disappear silently!

The Sky Eye had locked on some people, and many people gathered around those people. When the Demon Blood acted on this side, Chu Feng was the closest target to lock on.

Half an hour later, a 3,000-person team above the Demon Blood disappeared. Ninety-nine Sky Guards, plus Lan Wen and others, won a 3,000-person team without any problems.

Half a day later, the second larger team was eaten by Chu Feng. This team had a larger number of 3,700 people!

The team of more than 3,000 people can't be found by the immortal burial, but the demon blood and the monster corpse can still find many such teams.

The number of Immortal Burial's teams is tens of thousands. This is largely due to the pressure of Chu Feng. If there is no pressure from Chu Feng to those people, the captains of some teams would not have the ability to gather tens of thousands of powerful people!

In a twinkling of an eye, a month or so has passed, and some people have already felt something is wrong with the blood of the devil, and many people can't get in touch these days.

It's normal for one or two people to be unable to contact their friends. The other person may be in a place where they can't contact the outside world, but if there are too many such people, it makes no sense.

Rumors of devil blood spread, and many people felt that Chu Feng had reached devil blood, but after trying to get in touch with the fairy burial, they found that the people on the fairy burial were not idle.

Celestial burial.

"Can't the teams with many devil blood contact?" Hong Yang frowned. He said, looking at the compass in his hand. The pointer of the compass in his hand pointed to the front, and the front was where Feng Bingning was!

Hong Yang's expression changed, Wu Caishen and the others also thought that their expressions became difficult to look. "It seems that Chu Feng and Miao Feiying have acted separately!" Huang Yuan said solemnly.

Wu Caishen frowned and said, "There is something wrong. The news from the side of the demon blood that disappeared a month ago, counting the time, it is only forty days since we chased and killed Feng Bingning. It seems that it takes time for Chu Feng to reach the Chaos Profound Sea, and it takes a lot of time to pass through the Chaos Profound Sea."

"Brother Wu, have you forgotten the space wormhole?" Huang Yuan said.

Wu Caishen shook his head and said, "Of course I didn't forget. There must be no space wormhole on that side. Our people have checked it. Moreover, if there is a space wormhole, he doesn't have to let Feng Bingning lead us away, just teleport away!"

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