Holy Prison

Chapter 2323: Give you a chance

"Two million...There are indeed too many people." Bi Fengdao, the previous earth, two million people were a medium-sized city, if gathered together, it would be mighty!

"Think slowly." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "It's not a big problem if you can't catch it. Forty million is left with only two million. This is a good record!"

Zhong Tao smiled and said: "Captain, this is just good, this is very abnormal! It is estimated that Hongyang and their lungs are exploding! Captain, I think it might be a good idea to continue to be angry with them. Tell them Well, don't kill them, add some firewood to the foundation that they are already burning with anger, maybe they will continue to hunt down!"

"Captain, this is indeed a little bit possible." Cardi said, "Holy masters, quasi-dominant-level powerhouses still care more about dignity, and if they step on their dignity severely, they may make crazy moves! "

Bi Feng smiled and said: "Captain, Hong Yang and the others definitely want to be the masters. Now they are defeated like that and cannot kill you. You will have a heart demon, but the heart demon will not be too heavy. If it can make their heart demon worse. , They may give us a surprise!"

"Bi Feng's method is good."

Chu Feng's eyes lit up and said, "Zhong Tao, you might as well try what you said, but the bigger ones may not succeed. There are too many people. Among those people, there are many rational ones!"

"Brother Feng, if you can't deal with them, it's better to put it aside first." Lan Wen said, "Isn't there a treasure in the Lord's Purgatory that can promote people to the quasi-dominant level, is there a treasure that can make people become a strong master? ?"

"Heh, why haven't I heard of the latter one?" Chu Feng smiled, "It's just a rumor that there are treasures in the holy lord purgatory that can make people become masters. Rumors are only! Such rumours are not true. There are restrictions on the cultivation of the state of mind. People who do not reach the standard of cultivation of the state of mind cannot become the master even if they obtain treasures."

"Moreover, a universe is needed."

Lan Wen smiled and said: "Brother Feng, maybe the treasure comes with a universe! The rumors may be exaggerated. People who reach the standard of mental state cultivation may be able to become the master. If you can become the master here, then the time will come. Hongyang, maybe they can all be caught!"

If Chu Feng becomes the master, his strength will not be too bad, the master-level cultivation base will not be the strength it is today!

"Wen'er, this is a kind of beautiful hope." Chu Feng smiled, "I don't expect to have a treasure that can make people a master. It would be nice to have something that can make a saintly powerful person a quasi-master, only you He Bing Ning has a quasi-dominant level cultivation base, Xian'er and the others have not yet a quasi-dominant level cultivation base!"

It’s worth mentioning that the improvement of Miao Xian’er’s strength after attaining the Sovereign level has nothing to do with the upgrade of the Sacred Prison. Now Sage Prison has become a high-level weapon, and Miao Xian’er’s cultivation level is still the Sovereign level. !

This time the upgrade of the holy prison, the strength of the heaven guards has not improved. Their cultivation level to dominate the peak has reached a limit. Perhaps if Chu Feng becomes the dominator, they can also take some light from Chu Feng to become the dominator. Now Even when Chu Feng had not yet become the master, they had a master cultivation base, which was not realistic.

The upgrade of the holy prison this time has not changed much. Nothing new has emerged. The Tianshou Tianhu Tianhu Ophthalmologist is still in the same state, but they can continue to strengthen the medical clinic before. The clinic has only strengthened to the second level, and the Tianyan, Tianshou and Tianhu have been strengthened to the third level!

The holy prison becomes a high-level weapon, and the sky eyes can be strengthened to the fourth level. Each of the sky eyes and Tianhu Tianwei medical reports can strengthen 200,000 merit points. The four add up to 800,000 merit points. Think of Chu Feng. Some headaches!

Eight hundred thousand merit points, this is not a small number, he has caught more than three thousand ten thousand saint-level quasi-dominant-level powerhouses, and the merit points obtained are only one hundred thousand!

The next upgrade of the Holy Prison can be said to be indefinitely far away. However, there is no problem with the high-level slayer, with the second and third-grade slayers. What's more, the sacred slayer is more advanced than the top slayer in many aspects. Be strong!

"Captain, you have been moving around these years, and haven't you found any treasures that can promote a person from the holy sovereign level to the quasi-dominant level?" Qin Yue said.

Chu Feng shook his head: "Why would it be so easy, such a treasure would not be made in the bright place? If it is in the bright place, do you think you will wait until we come to collect it?"

"The scanning of the sky eye is very strong, but there are actually many places in the entire Sovereign Purgatory that have not been scanned. There are treasures and there are such places!"

"Let's add a little bit of blockage to Hongyang and the others, and give them some conditions to let them struggle! When they are tangled, we can go hunt for treasure!"

"Brother Hongyang, Brother Huang, Brother Lan" Chu Feng's voice resounded in the area where Hongyang and the others gathered. He didn't wait for him to say anything else, just yelled, and the angry flames in Hongyang and the others turned into blazing fires. Raging fire!

"Chu Feng, before you die, you should be as proud as possible!" Hong Yang said indifferently, even if he was angry again, at this time he also controlled to make Chu Feng feel more happy when he saw it.

"Brother Hongyang, I know you are very depressed, this...if you want to cry, just cry out. Men cry, it's not a crime to cry," Chu Feng chuckled, his voice really made Hongyang and the others have a punch. The urge to smash Chu Feng's face.

Hongyang said quietly: "You have to know that there is not one surnamed Chu in these five masters of the world, but there is one surnamed Hong! With this alone, you are destined to be a loser, and you are destined to be the Chu family. Cut off children and grandchildren! You will die, your wife, children, grandchildren, parents, friends, all will die!"

"You thought that if you caught a lot of people, you won? It's a joke, Chu Feng, winning or losing is already doomed. You are just a little ant, a poor bug!"

Chu Feng chuckled softly: "Brother Hongyang, if I were a little ant, wouldn’t you be inferior to ants? Can’t you be resurrected, why are you shrinking into a ball at this time? Such behavior does not meet your top five Control the identity of the descendants of the family! Brother Hongyang, this is on land. I promise that the fierce beasts who submit to me will not shoot. How about, divide them into groups, and we will continue to play on the fairy burial?"

"You two million people, ours is just over one hundred and ten people, more than ten thousand to one. Under such circumstances, if you are still afraid, I think it will be difficult for you to become a master by then! Yes, Let me give you another guarantee. I will try my best to only arrest people and not kill people. At that time, it is possible for you to leave the holy prison space alive. Consider?"

A gleam in Hongyang's eyes, Chu Feng's words moved many of them, and many of them were not moved at all. They were already pessimistic and disappointed in killing Chu Feng. None of the 40 million powerful people before killed Chu. Peak, now two million.

"Chu Feng, what are the rules? Tell me and listen." Hongyang said.

Chu Feng mocked and said: "There are more rules? Brother Hongyang, or, let me add a few more rules. We don't run, attack, or hide. What do you think?"

"If you have the heart to give you a chance to play with you, you don't have the guts to not play. We have already arrested 36 million people, and I am not behind you two million!"

"Brother Hongyang, I would like to remind you before Shanren. If you fail twice, this will become your big demon. Without help, the chance of becoming a master is almost zero. Even if someone helps, there is such a demon. , When the time comes to become the master, the strength will not be strong, and it may even be completely wiped out under the immeasurable dominance!"

"Even if I die, as long as I don’t die in your hands, and as long as you don’t kill me with brighter means, your inner demon will not be removed. Please consider it carefully. After you consider it, you will separate and hunt down. Me, the condition is the previous condition, there is no falsehood! Go and don’t have to send it, hahaha"

Chu Feng's voice went away, Hongyang and many others frowned tightly, "Brothers, what do you think? Chu Feng said, we continue like this, it is not great." Hongyang Tao.

Before Chu Feng told them those things, before they set out those conditions, it was a wise choice for them to gather here, and even if there was a demon, it would not be too serious.

When Chu Feng set such conditions, the situation is different. If they continue to stick to it like this, then it will indeed have a big impact on the improvement of the cultivation level!

Hongyang and their two million people, most of them don’t care about the impact now. In their opinion, freedom and life are more important, but Hongyang and other top powerhouses care. There are people on top to help them. The hope of becoming the master is not small. Only by becoming the master can you become the true core figure of the family!

"Chu Feng's conditions are indeed very exciting, but it is estimated that only a small part of the people are attracted. Many people don't want to do anything with Chu Feng anymore. Even if they do, the effect will not be very good!" Lan Zhuo Frowning, their words at this time only they can hear others can not hear.

Bloody said coldly: "If we want them to make a move, they dare not make a move? I want to see, if we do, which one would dare to neglect by then!"

"Amitabha Buddha, Brother Xuehan, is just a threat, this is not good." Monk Yuanxin declared a Buddha cry, "The current situation is different from the previous situation. At the same time of prestige, you must cooperate with the temptation! Ten percent of the power can only be used for 90%. We can’t say anything, and with the temptation, the power of ten percent can be used for 11%!"

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