Holy Prison

Chapter 2326: Rapid fusion

"A small universe." Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "Well, I will try to merge first. Look at Xian'er and the others, and let me know if there is a situation!"

Feng Bingning and Lan Wen both nodded, and Chu Feng hugged the two women and kissed each of them and disappeared into this small space.

When he reached another small space, Chu Feng did not immediately start the world integration.

"Is it true or a dream?"

"If it's a dream, did Yaomeng help me or harm me?"

"The previous smirk, who made it, if it was a dream, was it made by someone outside the dream? And the old man's face on the trunk, who was it?"

"Lin Tian has nine wives, Bing Ning and the others, plus Ling Er is exactly nine. Could it be that...I am actually Lin Tian? If so, why is this happening?"

Let go of your mind, countless questions appeared in Chu Feng's mind. "Senior Demon Meng, if this is my dream, you should be able to hear me." Chu Feng said softly, "please come out and solve my doubts!"

Ten seconds passed without a voice.

"Senior Demon Dream, when I was in the holy prison before, you reminded me that I only have three questions, who am I, am I in a dream now, and why I am in a dream!" Chu Feng said "Senior Demon Meng, if you can hear me, please come out and explain, I am very grateful!"

After half a minute, there was still no response. Just when Chu Feng thought there would be no response, a light sigh sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "It's true, it's illusion, work hard."

"Senior Demon Meng, is that you?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up, "Thank you for the trouble to make it clearer!"

Yao Meng did not speak again, Chu Feng asked again, but after a few minutes, Yao Meng still did not speak again. "Since I have spoken, I don't just say a little bit of truth, unless... I am restricted, I can't say more!" Chu Feng said in his heart.

He thought of the sly smile he had encountered before, and that sly smile he encountered only once in a long time and did not often encounter it!

"That sly smile should have been made by the enemy. The Demon Meng is helping me? The old face on the trunk, is the Demon Meng reminding me?'It is true, it is also an illusion, work hard.' If this is a dream, then This dream is definitely not that simple. Perhaps there will be problems in the dream, and problems will also appear in reality." In a short time, Chu Feng turned countless thoughts in his heart.

"Effort, is it trying to improve the cultivation base, trying to survive, or trying to improve the level of the holy prison, trying to reintegrate Lin Tian and Tianlin?"

Chu Feng made a cup of tea for himself and thought, and this thought was two or three hours. "Whether it's true or illusion, it's the right thing to improve your strength and live!" Chu Feng muttered softly, his mental cultivation level increased, and Chu Feng instantly suppressed the countless thoughts that appeared in his heart!

The dark blue stone appeared in Chu Feng's hands, and Chu Feng led him, and the power in the little stone quickly came out to merge with the holy prison world.

The world of the holy prison, the world of Hongtian, the small universe among the small dark blue stones, the world of the holy prison and the world of Hongtian are like cement and sand, the power of the small universe in the small dark blue stones is like water, without water, cement It is not easy to blend with sand. With water, it can easily become mortar!

As the power in the little stone was introduced into the world of the holy prison, Chu Feng clearly felt that the connection between the world of the holy prison and the Hongtian universe was strengthening the connection in such a universe, even if the distance was farther, it could be sensed, but Chu Feng couldn't pass from the holy prison world to the Dehongtian universe all at once through such induction.

The connection between the Holy Prison World and Hongtian Universe has also been continuously strengthened before, but Chu Feng could not feel it so clearly that the previous strengthening, at that time, after a while, Chu Feng could more clearly sense the relationship between the Holy Prison World and Hongtian Universe. The connection between the universe and the universe is strengthened!

Absorbing the power of the universe in the little stone, the speed of the fusion of the holy prison world and the world of Hongtian has increased more than a thousand times, and the speed of fusion is still accelerating as more power is absorbed!

Thousands of times, ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times, a few days later, the fusion speed of the holy prison world and the Hongtian world has increased a million times, to such an extent that the speed of the fusion of the two worlds has not increased much!

A million times faster, a year is a million years, and hundreds of thousands of years is hundreds of billions of years. This time the holy lord’s journey to **** is more than 800,000 years away. At the current speed of integration, Chu Feng estimates , Perhaps 800,000 years, the fusion of the universe in the holy prison world Hongtian universe and the little stones can reach 100%!

With the degree of integration reaching 100%, Chu Feng may sense Dominating Immeasurable Tribulation at any time, as long as he survives Domination Immeasurable Tribulation, he can become a Domination-level powerhouse!

Before, Chu Feng was a little bit worried about going through the Domination Immeasurable Tribulation, but now, as long as there are no people making trouble, he doesn't worry much.

If this is really his dream, in his dream, he will have some magical powers!

For example, before thinking about what is in the little stone, most of it was based on Chu Feng's ideas!

Before he knew this, Chu Feng was 80% sure that he could get through the immeasurable calamity. Now, let's not say 100%, he still has a 95% certainty!

"Before I leave, I should be able to become the master... No, before I leave, I must be the master!" Chu Feng thought in his heart, knowing that his ideas might be of great use, why would Chu Feng not use it?

If they could become masters before leaving, Hongyang and the others would have fun. The holy prison world, the Hongtian universe, plus the newly acquired small universe, the world is very powerful.

In terms of the strong in the world, there are now more than 80 strong masters in the world with the holy prison world as the mother universe. This is a tyrannical force. It is a pity that there is no fierce beast of the fourth rank. There is no Tier 3 fierce beast.

"After a hundred thousand years, when the degree of integration reaches a certain level, I shouldn't need my guidance. When the time comes, I will still find some fierce beasts to chat." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

In the past 80 years, they took the initiative to enter the holy prison world. If you go to chat with some fierce beasts, Chu Feng believes that some fierce beasts should be fooled!

Every time there is more fierce beast with the holy prison world as its mother world, Chu Feng will become stronger when he becomes the master. This matter is very important.

In his heart, Chu Feng began to turn some of the persuaded thoughts of those fierce beasts, but it didn't take long for Chu Feng's face to turn pale.

"Chu Feng, stop thinking about it!" Miao Xian'er screamed in Chu Feng's mind, and the medical clinic immediately treated Chu Feng, but the strength of the medical clinic did not have any therapeutic effect on Chu Feng. !

Chu Feng also felt that his own state was wrong, and quickly captured the thoughts in his heart.

"Just think about it, it's almost impossible to see such a problem." Chu Feng showed a wry smile on his face. When such a situation occurs, it is likely that he is now in a dream.

"The previous destined person should be someone in reality. Xiaolong is not destined. In reality, I don't have a brother?"

After stopping that thought, Chu Feng's complexion returned to normal soon, but Chu Feng knew that it was just appearance, and it would be impossible for him to use that kind of power for a relatively long period of time.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of years have passed. Miao Xian'er and their daughters have already become quasi-dominant-level powerhouses. Hongyang and the others have already acted. However, the holy prison has been upgraded again before, even if There was a small team that had located a place that was not too far away from the holy prison, and had not located Chu Feng and the others!

In the holy prison, Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, the world in the dark blue stone in his hand has reached a relatively high degree of integration with the holy prison world, and without his guidance, the power of the universe in the little stone is also Will integrate into the holy prison world.

"It's time to act. The fierce beast needs a visit. Hongyang and the others can start to deal with it." Chu Feng smiled on his face. He has not left the holy prison world in the past 100,000 years, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know the outside world. In the situation, many people outside were locked in by the eyes of the sky, and Chu Feng had known that Hongyang and the others had dispersed!

Hongyang and the two million people, most of them did not agree to be grouped to deal with Chu Feng. They just threatened Hongyang and they could not handle so many people. In the end, they threatened and lured those who were unwilling to take action. . But what drove Hongyang and the others was that they had not found any trace of Chu Feng in a thousand years, had not been found in ten thousand years, and had not found any trace of Chu Feng in one hundred thousand years!

In the fairy burial, a team was looking for treasures without much vigilance. As a result of Hongyang and their discussions, Chu Feng might be hunting for treasures, and then be trapped in a certain place!

Treasure hunting, these many people are happy, most of the two million people are Saint-class powerhouses, if they can find treasures and promote them to the quasi-dominant cultivation base, they will laugh in their dreams.

"I don't know if there are any treasures in it."

"Maybe there is no treasure, only Chu Feng, haha!"

"Bah, don't talk nonsense, won't our luck be so bad?"

"What are you afraid of? Didn't Chu Feng say it before? He doesn't use the power of those fierce beasts. It's just his wives, Bi Feng and the others... and some Heavenly Guards. What can we do?"

Among the 8,000-plus people, many people talked about it. Chu Feng hasn't appeared for 100,000 years, and the fear in some of them has faded.

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