Holy Prison

Chapter 2329: Beasts follow

"Benefits and obligations are equal, I know this naturally. What I want to know is the basic benefits and obligations." Hei Ya said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and said: "The basic advantage is that you will have good living conditions in the holy prison world. If you want to leave the holy prison world, you can leave; many beasts have a little problem with their wisdom. If my strength is reached, I can help solve it. Of course, this is not too difficult."

"If you need to pay a relatively large price to solve the problem, the fulfillment of the obligation may be a little heavier. In terms of basic obligations, you must not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and you must not act against me and do things that harm my interests!"

"Nothing?" Hei Ya said.

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, if Fellow Heiya doesn't work, you can say something about your opinion." "Reluctantly, it's okay. In terms of basic rights, you have to add one more item. Punish!" Hei Ya said.

"Friend Heiya, please take a look at the God’s First Law of our God’s First City. If you think there is no problem, everything in the future will be handled according to the God’s First Law." Chu Feng said, he said a large amount of information in an instant. To Heiya.

Ten seconds later, Hei Ya nodded slightly: "This God's first law is quite detailed, according to God's first law, I agree." "Then fellow fellow Hei Ya, should I welcome you to be a member of the holy prison world?" Chu Feng smiled.

"Okay!" Hei Ya said with a smile.

"Friend Heiya, do you have tea? Since you are a member of the holy prison world, please have a cup of tea."

Hei Ya said in a funny way: "Dao Fellow Chu Feng, you are really real. Before you became a member of the Holy Prison World, you didn't even have a cup of tea, but now you have a cup of tea."

"Haha, saving is a good habit." Chu Feng laughed. He waved his hand when he said, and he was in a pavilion with Heiya in an instant.

"Comrade Chu Feng, hum!" Miao Xian'er hummed softly in Chu Feng's mind. "Where is the big beauty, has the soul been hooked away by others?"

"Yeah, Xian'er, work hard at night to bring back your husband and my soul, hehe!"

"I want to be beautiful! I have to tell Sister Bing Ning and the others that you can only work with your own hands for ten or eight years!"

The fierce beasts looked around, and ten days passed in a blink of an eye. With a move of Chu Feng's mind, the dominating fierce beasts all over the holy prison world all appeared in front of Chu Feng in an instant.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"That is, I haven't had enough, the wine is good, the food is even better, Chu Feng, let me go back soon!"

"Chu Feng, what the **** are you doing?"

Many fierce beasts complained. Many of their thoughts are relatively simple. What kind of thoughts are in their hearts, they said directly. Chu Feng has not been scolded at the moment, which is pretty good!

Chu Feng coughed lightly, and the fierce beasts became quiet. The silence was not mainly because of Chu Feng's voice but Heiya's eyes turning around.

"Everyone, it's time for you to decide to stay and stay. The life you have enjoyed in these ten days can be enjoyed in the future, and even some of the things that have not been enjoyed can be enjoyed in the future, and some have not been seen. You can also see the beautiful scenery I’ve been to. If I decide to leave, I will now let me leave the world of the Holy Prison and go to the Lord’s Purgatory."

Chu Feng said that his eyes swept across the fierce beasts. All these fierce beasts were left behind in the world of the holy prison and they were able to hold them. The more he stays, the stronger he will become after he becomes the ruler. Naturally, the more he stays, the better. !

"I have decided to stay." Hei Ya smiled slightly and said, "You should think about it yourself. This is a big event for you. If you stay, if Chu Feng dies, you may also be affected. Influence, after all, many people Chu Feng provoked."

Chu Feng rolled his eyes secretly, "If Chu Feng dies by then", isn't this cursing him to Master Chu, "I will bear it if you speak for me," Chu Feng muttered in his heart.

"Master Heiya stays, what else is there to be afraid of? I stay!"

"I will stay too, wherever Master Hei Ya is, I will be there!"

Before Hei Ya didn't speak, each of the fierce beasts hesitated and did not speak. Hei Ya's words fell, and many fierce beasts suddenly spoke. In a short time, more than a hundred fierce beasts were decided to stay!

"Eldest sister, follow Chu Feng. When the time comes, the Hong family and Tu Tian will be fine. Elder sister you insist on staying. I will stay with the older sister." Yu Zhang's voice sounded in Hei Ya's mind.

A touch of emotion flashed in Hei Ya's eyes: "Yuzhang, you don't need to be like this. You have relatives in the dominating purgatory. If you don't want to stay in the holy purgatory, you can enter the dominating purgatory."

"Sister, I have decided!"

Yu Zhang transmitted a low voice from his mouth: "Sister stay, and I will stay too. If you don't want to stay, think about it again!"

A hint of surprise flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. Hei Ya was the third-rank master, and Yu Zhang was the third-rank master. Both of them actually agreed to stay, but Chu Feng was very satisfied with them.

Yu Zhang's popularity is also quite good. Before he expressed his position, some fierce beasts hesitated and did not speak. At this moment, he spoke. Many fierce beasts opened their mouths to express their consent to let the holy prison world become the mother universe!

In just two minutes, more than 200 of the two hundred and twenty beasts have agreed to stay. "I'm sorry, I can't bear to leave the Lord's Purgatory." The first fierce beast who didn't want to stay said, this is a fourth-grade fierce beast.

With the first one, the second and the third soon, there were more than 20 fierce beasts who did not express their views in the end, more than a dozen expressed their departure, and a few were willing to stay!

"Does anyone go back? If they go back now, there is still time." Chu Feng said solemnly.

There is no sound of the beasts, since those beasts have made a decision, they will not easily change.

"No one regrets it, so give everyone a moment to say goodbye. Those who decide to leave later will leave, and those who decide to stay and have nothing to deal with outside, can immediately begin to integrate with the world of holy prison. There are still things outside that have not been dealt with properly. Yes, you can go out and deal with it." Chu Feng said.

Half an hour later, about half of the fierce beasts left the holy prison world, and ten days later, all the fierce beasts that left returned to the holy prison world.

Time flies, Hongyang and the rest of them are only 1.2 million people, each team has 16,000 people, and a total of 100 teams are not enough.

Many plans were researched by Hongyang and the others, but what made them very entangled was that Chu Feng ignored them, and for 100,000 years, Chu Feng did not harass them!

Afraid of Chu Feng’s sneak attack, in order to catch Chu Feng, Hongyang and the others were more vigilant in the next 100,000 years, but their vigilance had no effect! What Hongyang and the others didn't know was that for these years, Chu Feng had been practicing in the world of holy prison, and there were no birds at all. Chu Feng is now thinking more about the dominance of Immeasurable Tribulation at that time!

Two hundred thousand years later, Chu Feng did not appear, and 300,000 years later, Chu Feng still did not appear.

In a blink of an eye, it has been more than 800,000 years since Chu Feng entered the Sovereign Purgatory. At this time, the two hundred and eighty fierce beasts of Hei Ya have long been integrated with the holy prison world, and the holy prison world has become their mother universe. First, in the mother universe, Chu Feng did not restrict their attacks, their attacks were stronger, and they were weaker in other universes!

In addition, dying in the mother universe makes resurrection easier, while dying in other universes makes resurrection much more difficult!

Holy Prison World, Hongtian Universe, the fusion degree of that universe in the stone has reached 99% and it is sprinting towards 100%. This final 1% fusion degree is much slower. !

"Unexpectedly, there is still no slack." Chu Feng muttered, Hongyang gave the order to die, plus thinking about his own life, even if hundreds of thousands of years have passed, each team is more vigilant.

With a team of 16,000 people, it is not easy for Chu Feng to deal with them without using the power of the fierce beast when they are more vigilant! The team of 16,000 people is not 16,000 cats and dogs, but 16,000 sage-level quasi-dominant-level powerhouses. Every sage and quasi-dominant are very powerful!

"This is really a cocoon. If I knew that those fierce beasts would follow so much, I wouldn't have such an agreement with Hongyang and others." Chu Feng said in his heart.

Hongyang and his team separated to catch him. He did not use the power of the beast. This was an agreement. Now Hongyang and their team are separated, and he uses the power of the beast to break the agreement!

"Chu Feng, those corpse beasts" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "You have caught a lot of corpse beasts. Besides, there are corpse beasts in some places in the Lord's Purgatory."

"Treasures are always crazy, you know."

Chu Feng said weakly in his mind: "I don't understand."

"If you don't understand, why don't I find treasures for you to replenish your brain?" Miao Xian'er said in an angry manner. "Thank you, Mrs. Xian'er, for your kindness, heart-warming."

Three days later, a few people with good noses in a team suddenly smelled a strange fragrance. "Captain, let's take a look over there, there seems to be something going on there."

"It seems that there is a situation. Some scents are coming from over there. It smells good."

After the team moved forward and approached, everyone smelled the fragrance. "The strange treasure is definitely a strange treasure. This scent should be ripe with kiwi fruit!" someone said excitedly.

"Everyone, be careful, this place may not be safe!"

"Where is it safe in the Lord's Purgatory? Let's defend with all our strength, just go in carefully!"

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