Holy Prison

Chapter 2339: Achievement master

Hong Yi pinched his fingers and forgot it. After more than ten seconds passed, Hong Yi frowned and said, "Strange, I can't find a little bit, Brother Su, are you sure you and Brother Xuanyuan didn't do anything?"

"What do you mean?" Su Wu said quietly, "The girl is outgoing. My grandfather needs to let Chu Feng reach the second-rank master before accepting it. Ling'er and I have had a lot of troubles, and I can barely accept the third-rank master. If it is against Chu Feng, Ling'er still has to make me feel uneasy. Besides, if Chu Feng's accident happened, it was not you and Tu Tian that benefited?"

"Brother Hong, really isn't you?" Xuanyuanhong's voice rang. The next moment Xuanyuanhong's figure appeared on Hongyi's side. He had just appeared, and Xuetu also appeared on this side.

Hongyi said helplessly, "Brother Xuanyuan, is my reputation so bad?"

"It's not much better." Xuanyuanhong said quietly, the same controllers, and they know more about each other. Among the several controllers, only Yaomeng is mysterious!

Hongyi protects his shortcomings and has some hypocrisy, Xuanyuanhong and the others know them clearly.

"Old way, I don't care about you!" Hongyi glared at Xuanyuanhong and said, "If none of us took a shot, then it would be Yaomeng who shot!"

"I didn't make a move!"

The faint female voice sounded like a dream.

"Friend Yaomeng, why not come out and see you?" Su Wu said. "It's not necessary, just clarify, whether you believe it or not." Yao Meng's voice sounded again.

Su Wu and the others spoke again, Yao Meng had no response, "We have only a few masters in total, and the daoists of Yao Meng are really incompatible." Hong Yi shook his head and said, "A few brothers, Yao Meng specially It’s not her that I want to take action. The problem seems to be serious!"

"Start the Holy Purgatory immediately!" Su Wu said in a deep voice.

Xuanyuan nodded slightly: "I also agree to start the Holy Venerable Purgatory immediately. There are so many people in the Holy Venerable Purgatory, if they are hurt."

"I don't think it's so good." Tu Tian said quietly, "You said before that you must be sealed up. It won't work to check it. Why are you so anxious now?"

Su Wu frowned and said, "Brother Tu Tian, ​​your juniors are also in it." "I have too many juniors. If I am not a tool, I can't blame others." Tu Tian said quietly, "Besides, I think they will be fine. , The unknown power’s target cannot be them. If they are, they can make a move earlier, and then make a move later, why bother to join in this excitement at this time?"

"Ah, Brother Su, Brother Xuanyuan, it's not good to take action at this time? There are a large number of people in it. If the set time is not up, we will break the action, it will have an impact on the Holy Venerable Purgatory." Hong said. "Brother Su, Chu Feng is not your Su family's son-in-law now, don't you be so nervous?"

Su Wu's face returned to calm and quietly said: "I'm not nervous, I just remind you that the holy prison is inside. If it is gone, then, hehe"

The expressions of Hongyi and Tu Tian changed slightly. Unknown power could penetrate in, and they might not be able to take the Holy Prison away from them, although the Lord Purgatory they have a lot of arrangements for the Holy Prison!

"Brother Hongyi, the unknown power hides its head and reveals its tail, and it will be harmful to us at that time. Would you like to change your mind?" Xuanyuan said quietly.

"What you said makes sense, just turn it on, but there are a lot of people in it. If you turn it on roughly, many people will die. We turn it on a little bit slower. It only takes a few days to turn on. I don't believe that Unknown power can get the holy prison within a few days and then transfer it!" Hong said.

"No problem." Su Wu and Xuanyuanhong both nodded. They didn't have the idea of ​​rudely starting the Lord's Purgatory.

Chu Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood, he could not remember how many thunder tribulations he had endured, or how many times he spurted blood from his mouth!

On the face of Chu Feng was a multi-colored robbery cloud, and thunder and lightning of various colors fell down after a little time. Even with medical treatment, Chu Feng's original serious injury continued to worsen!

Supporting Chu Feng not to fall, this time is on the one hand his firm belief that he will never fall, on the other hand it is the love of Feng Bingning and the others, and some of the power of friendship passed from Bi Feng and the others.

Yes, it is the power of love and the power of friendship! It is the will, love, and friendship that dominate the power. Ordinary people can't use them, but the power of the dominance level can! The deeper the love and the deeper the friendship, the stronger the power that can be provided. Moreover, the power provided by this kind of power will not make Domination Wuliangjie stronger!

At this time, Chu Feng could see that from Feng Bingning and the other women, a golden light came out of them. The diameter of the light was all three to four centimeters. The silver light came out of Bi Feng and the others. The power provided by all of them within one centimeter in diameter is much less than the power provided by Feng Bingning and the others!

The light was connected to Chu Feng's body and nourished his heart lake. Although he felt that he might fall in the next minute, he persisted minute by minute!

"This is my dream. I have my wife, children, and friends. No one can take it away, no one!" This thought in Chu Feng's heart kept rolling.

"There is no heaven, if there is, then I am this heaven! If there is a law between this heaven and earth, I am the only law!"

Suddenly a strong ray of light burst out of Chu Feng's eyes, and the ray of light burst out, as if looking across the infinite world, it seemed that all the laws in the world became hypocritical in those eyes!

The light touched a falling thunder thunder. In his light, the falling thunder thunder was easily wiped out. You must know that the thunder thunder has the power of the third stage great perfection!

Chu Feng said softly, he raised his head and looked at Jieyun, the light in his eyes shot into the multicolored Jieyun, wherever his eyes were swept, Jieyun would become nothingness!

Each of Feng Bingning's eyes was shocked, and Chu Feng had just endured it very hard, and suddenly the small universe broke out.

"Captain, this is" Zhong Tao said in surprise.

"The captain seems to have a breakthrough, but this strength is really strong." Bi Feng said, "It should not be a breakthrough in cultivation, but a breakthrough in mood."

Bi Feng's guess is not wrong. Chu Feng has made a breakthrough in his mood right now. He was trapped in the realm of Heaven and Earth Sacred Heart before, but now his mood has been elevated to the fifth level!

The fifth level of state of mind is no world, no place, no self, no one in such a state of mind. On average, there is no one among a thousand masters. Most of the state of mind is in the state of heaven and earth sacred heart!

Chu Feng's state of mind has reached the fifth level, and because he knows that this should be his dream now, his state of mind cultivation is not just to the fifth level!

The fifth level is different from the previous ones. The mood of the fifth level is only divided into three levels. The first level is without heaven and earth; the second level is impossible; the third level is without self!

There are many master-level powerhouses, as far as Chu Feng knows, there are a hundred thousand. There are about ninety people who have reached the first level of the fifth monster in their moods; the two hand fingers who have reached the second level can be counted!

Chu Feng knew that this was just a dream of himself, and his strong thoughts directly brought him to the second level, no way! Without self, Chu Feng has not reached this level. He has too much concern. If there is no self, where is Feng Bingning? If this dream wakes up, what will it look like?

Now, even if Chu Feng had a chance to reach the state of "non-self", he would not reach it. He hadn't been prepared for that!

"Stop the robbery!"

When the robbery cloud was broken by almost two-thirds, Chu Feng spread a thought. If it doesn’t pass, the next robbery will come soon, and the next robbery will pass by three minutes. Only one can successfully overcome the catastrophe!

If the next catastrophe successfully crosses the catastrophe, Chu Feng will immediately become the first-rank master, but that is unrealistic for Chu Feng today.

Regardless of how easy it is for Chu Feng to break the robbery cloud, how can such an attack be easily used? Chu Feng estimated that in a year of dominance, he might not be able to use such an eye of destruction again!

The injury of the body has not recovered, and the eye of the smashing method will no longer be used at that time. What should I take to survive another third? Not to mention the one third of the next level, even if the remaining one third of this disaster, Chu Feng felt that he hadn't had much chance to survive.

The robbery cloud vibrated and instantly turned into a multicolored light. In a very short, very short time, the multicolored light spread to most of the entire holy refining!

Many of Hongyang and the others stared at the sky blankly, "Become the master, and Chu Feng has become the master! In the colorful sky, Chu Feng has directly become the second-rank master, and the last calamity has passed two thirds. Chu Feng estimates that his strength is not the bottom among the second-tier masters." Lan Zhuo smiled wryly.

At this moment, Lan Zhuo and the others felt a huge gap, Chu Feng was already the second-rank master, and they were just quasi-dominated!

In the whole world, there are five or six masters, only three first-rank masters, and only fifty or sixty second-rank masters. Chu Feng has become a second-rank master, and his strength is already in the top 100, or even the top 50!

"How could this happen, Chu Feng?" Huang Yuan said dumbly. His father was a first-rank master, but he was only a first-rank intermediate, and Chu Feng became a second-rank master. Even if his father wanted to kill Chu Feng, it would not be easy. Huang Peng, who is the second-rank master of Chu Feng, would never dare to attack easily!

"Chu Feng has become the second-rank master, we" Hongyang has an ugly face. They have suffered heavy losses in the millions of years of fighting, but Chu Feng has become the second-rank master, the difference is too big!

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