Holy Prison

Chapter 2346: Grace

"They will definitely not make a move. If they make a move, then the world will be in chaos!" Su Wu said that the world is in chaos, which is not in the interests of Su Wu and his control.

Now Su Wu and the others are in a state of balance. In a state of balance, everyone is in peace, and the juniors below are also in peace. This is better!

When there is a big war, there is only one situation, that is, the strength of one side is much stronger than that of the other side. It is very difficult for this situation to happen!

The conflict between Chu Feng and Su Peng was still a small-scale conflict. If Su Wuhong and the others were in conflict, it would be a large-scale conflict.

More vividly, the conflict between Su Wu and the others is a world war, and the conflict between Chu Feng and the others is a contradiction in some areas. This contradiction is within a controllable range.

"There is no problem if they don't take action, Su Peng, I'm not too scared yet." Chu Feng said in his mind. "That's all right." Su Wu responded. In the distance, Su Wu's eyes flashed with surprise. He thought he had a thorough view of Chu Feng's strength. Now listening to what Chu Feng said, it seems that Chu Feng still has a trump card. !

"Chu Feng, you can speak up!" Huang Peng said solemnly.

Chu Feng said quietly: "Brother Huang, since you said so, take this white jade back, it is too precious, I can't afford it!"

"Chu Feng, you are declaring war on this seat!" Huang Peng started shooting the case!

Chu Feng tasted the tea ceremony: "Brother Huang, everyone is not blind. Who made the accident deliberately can see clearly and clearly! Elder Su and others should also be paying attention to this side at the moment, Brother Huang You obviously deliberately wanted to trouble me, and then wanted to take the opportunity to get to the holy prison. Huang Yuan is also pitiful. In your eyes, he is not important at all, but I have a little doubt whether he is your own? It’s not too long like you."

"Chu Feng, you are looking for death!" Huang Peng shouted coldly. He pointed at Chu Feng, and an invisible domineering will power instantly arrived in front of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng snorted softly, and a purple-golden light gleamed from his eyes, and Huang Peng's power was just right against the purple-golden light.

When the two powers collided, the purple-golden light was not repelled, but instead swallowed some of Huang Peng's power.

"Dare!" Huang Peng shouted, he instantly increased his strength a lot. Before that, it was only 80% strength, but now it is 10% strength.

As Huang Peng increased his strength, the invisible power of will became tangible, and a faint yellow beam of light appeared in front of everyone, the purple-golden light and the pale yellow beam of light matched!

"What place do you think this is?"

At this moment, a voice with a hint of anger rang, Su Jiang appeared on this side, and Su Ling's third uncle Su Xu appeared together with Su Jiang.

"Father, Third Uncle." Su Ling called out quickly, and the purple-golden light in Chu Feng's eyes disappeared when Chu Feng's mind moved. This short period of time consumed about one percent of his dream energy, and he was able to fight with the first-rank master. , It consumes too much dream energy, and the dream energy possessed by Chu Feng is enough to fight like this for a half-hour with the first-rank dominating powerhouse. If it is in an excited battle state, let alone half an hour, it is estimated that it will not last for ten minutes. .

In this state, if the dream can be full, you can fight slowly, and you can fight for an hour with the first-rank master, and the rapid burst can even kill the first-rank master like Huang Yuan!

Chu Feng retracted his attack, and Huang Peng also retracted his attack. If he continues at this time, it will not give the Su family a lot of face. Su Jiang is still relatively easy to live here. If Mr. Su starts a fire, Su Peng knows he has some If he couldn't bear the situation that he was wronged, Hongyi and the others were not easy to cover.

Moreover, Huang Peng knew that even if he attacked again, it was estimated that there would be no effect. The power that Chu Feng just broke out was not weaker than him. Huang Peng made a mistake. Chu Feng's attack was still Compared to the attack he broke out, it was only that Chu Feng's attack power was very special.

Chu Feng’s power can resist Huang Peng’s power for quite a while. It’s not that the power he bursts out is as strong as Huang Peng. If Huang Peng’s power attacks a second-rank Dzogchen strong, the second-rank Dzogchen is strong. This is unbearable. If you use 1% of the power of dream energy at a time, it will not be too difficult for the second-rank Dzogchen strong to bear it.

Huang Peng and the others have their own advantages and disadvantages. Huang Peng is a first-rank master. He can continuously provide powerful power. For Chu Feng, dream ability is limited. This is a dream. One of the shortcomings of energy, the second shortcoming is that dreams can be used in a small amount, the defense is relatively strong, the attack is relatively weak.

The advantages of dream energy, Chu Feng can burst out a large amount of dream power at one time. With his current cultivation base, when the dream is full, the bursting power may exceed the endurance limit of a strong person like Huang Peng. !

Maybe some brothers would say that Chu Feng just resisted Huang Peng's attack. If more power broke out, wouldn't it be possible to suppress Huang Peng?

It's not the same thing. There is a limit to power. If you exceed that limit, increase your power tenfold, and you may increase your attack by less than one tenth!

Chu Feng's ability to withstand Huang Yuan's attack easily does not mean that he can easily defeat Huang Yuan, but Chu Feng can deal with several powerful attacks relatively easily at the same time!

"Senior Su Jiang, Senior Su Xu!" Chu Feng hurriedly saluted.

Su Xu smiled slightly at Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, I didn't expect that we would meet again in such a short period of time. It was really beyond my expectation!"

"Brother Huang, it's not appropriate to do it directly with my Tianwu Star, right?" Su Jiang said solemnly to Huang Peng, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes. For Huang Peng, he still had a little hope. , But at this moment, he discovered that Huang Peng, who was standing in front of him, was very different from his original impression of Huang Peng!

Huang Peng took a deep breath and said: "Su Jiang, let Chu Feng hand over the people, I will leave now!" "Huang Peng, this is the Su family, do you have the qualifications to show off your power?" Su Xuhuo said, he had seen him before Huang Peng, that would be a more respectful call to Brother Peng, now Huang Xu will definitely not call!

"Lao Su!" Su Jiang glared at Su Xu.

Su Xu hummed a chair and came out to sit next to Chu Feng and the others. He poured himself a cup of tea, and he drank it all as soon as he raised his head.

"Brother Huang, if you want someone like this, if they give it to you, we, from now on, will be absolutely righteous!" Su Jiang took a deep breath and said solemnly.

Su Jiang felt a throb in his heart when he said this. A friend for many years, he didn't expect to reach such a point. This is really sad!

Chu Feng thought of Tang Ming and the others. If one day, Tang Ming, Zhou Wen and others would turn from friends to enemies, Chu Feng would not dare to imagine!

"No, it definitely won't happen that day." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. Huang Peng estimated that there was an uneasy factor in his heart. Tang Ming and the others, Chu Feng estimated not. The feelings between him and Tang Ming and Zhou Wen Compared with the feelings between Huang Peng and Su Jiang, the feelings between Huang Peng and Su Jiang are much purer.

Huang Peng frowned and said, "Su Jiang, I didn't expect that because of a Chu Feng, you would actually say such things... Are you really worthy of a Chu Feng?"

"Huang Peng, you should know that it's not because of Chu Feng, but because you have changed!" Su Jiang said in a deep voice, "Huang Peng, do you know that I don't know you anymore, not just you, Huang Yuan The same is true. He used to be a good child. I feel heartache for your changes like this!"

Hearing Su Jiang's words, Chu Feng's heart was slightly shaken.

"Su Jiang is the first-rank master, and Su Wu is the master. Even if Su Jiang is clumsy, Su Wu can't be clumsy. Could it be that Huang Yuan and the others have hidden secrets?" Chu Feng secretly asked.

"Did Tutian do it, or was it influenced by external forces? Or they have loopholes in their hearts, and then their xinxing was affected by external forces!"

The more he thinks about it, the more Chu Feng realizes the possibility that a single Huang Peng or Huang Yuan changes, then there is nothing strange, time can change people, can make a wicked person a good person, and can also make a good person a good person. It's a little strange that a villain who is full of evil spirits, but at the same time makes many people change.

If Chu Feng didn't know that there was external power, he wouldn't be surprised, but he knew the external power, the invasion of external power, this is completely possible!

"Whether or not external forces have invaded, Huang Peng and the others are enemies. There is no change in this point." Chu Feng secretly said to Huang Peng, even if Chu Feng said to Huang Peng now that you might be affected by external forces, would he believe it? ? If there is a chance to kill Chu Feng, will he be merciful?

Thinking of this aspect, Chu Feng tried his best to check, but ordinary people, who are enemies, must still be caught, and those who should be killed must be killed mercilessly!

"I have changed? Su Jiang, you have changed!" Huang Peng sneered, "Since my cultivation level fell behind you, you have gradually looked down on me! In this world, friendship is unreliable, and you can only live by yourself. I have worked **** my own to achieve my current position, and you have opposed me time and time again!"

"Friendship, friendship of fart, now Chu Feng has some relationship with your Su family. What did Chu Feng have to do with your Su family before? You still take care of me! What do you think of me, Huang Peng, in your eyes I’ve long been no longer friends. Now that you said something like this today, I’m too lazy to say it. If you hand it over, we are no longer friends!"

"You!" Su Jiang's body shook, even if he had the cultivation base of the first-rank master, when he heard Huang Peng's words, he was a little angry and couldn't bear it.

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