Holy Prison

Chapter 335: Defeated treaty

"The formation is broken, the formation is broken!" Chu Feng just put the Tasagle away and someone said loudly! "It's really broken, the spiritual mind is not restricted, it's cool to be unrestricted like this, like before, a little distance is too depressing!" Another humane said.

Chu Feng and the others tried to release their divine sense, and sure enough, their divine sense was not restricted at this time!

"This desert has been stained red with blood." Kong Lao sighed lightly, and within a radius of a radius, the original yellow sand turned blood red!

Old Cui said: "That guy in Tasagle said that the formation is a **** sand formation, does it mean that blood stains yellow sand" "It's possible." Old Yang said.

Everyone looked at the blood-red desert with a bit of emotion. At this time, Lan Wen looked forward blankly. "Lan Wen, Lan Wen!" Chu Feng swiped his hand in front of Lan Wen a few times and Lan Wen recovered.

"Brother Feng, what's the matter?"

Chu Feng said, "Lan Wen, what are you thinking about?" Lan Wen showed a bit of bitterness on his face: "Brother Feng, this time I am afraid that I will kill a lot of snake men. Some of them may have been given by Tasagler. Are attacking us!"

"Lan Wen, don't think too much, life is sometimes so compelling. If you don't kill, we will have to die. You don't have to think about how to choose between our death or their death." Chu Feng said.

Lan Wen nodded slightly: "I know Brother Feng, maybe, on the road of training, there will be many more in this time!"

"There will definitely be a lot of things like this, Lan Wen, I think it's good to be worthy of my conscience! For example, like this time of killing, I am worthy of my conscience. I did not kill for no reason! We came over, just thinking. Let the snake man surrender the murderer. This condition is not difficult for the snake man. It is Tasagler who wants to kill us all in the desert before he has the next thing!" Zhou Wen said.

Tang Ming said: "Fat man, I don't know if the enemy who killed your parents died in the hands of those snake men!"

"Not yet, I just interrogated the fellow Tasagler." Chu Feng said.

At this time, a little bit in the distance, a blue-haired snake-man woman emerged from the sand and shouted: "Everyone, on behalf of the snake-man family, I apologize to you, because Tasagler has become our king. We don't have the ability to resist him, so this is what happened."

"Joke, although Tasagler is quite strong, you will not be able to resist his snake-men clan before laying down this big formation, then you are not so vulnerable! Most of your snake-men clan, I’m afraid there are Annihilate our minds. If this is not the case, how can the previous big formation be established smoothly," the Pope said coldly.

The Old Witch King opened his mouth and said: "I think it would be better for us to continue to wipe out the entire snake-man clan completely. This time, we have forged a great feud. If we don't wipe out all of them, then we will leave. The people are afraid of chaos!"

When the Old Witch King said so, many of the fellows suddenly moved in their hearts. This time everyone was very angry, especially the Pope, a powerful red archbishop of the Holy Court actually died here!

"You first hand over the enemy who killed my parents to me immediately!" Zhou Wen said loudly. "Elder Zhou, please wait a moment!" The blue-clothed woman had an unsightly expression. The Pope's attitude made her quite worried. If the Pope and the others do it together, the snake-men family can survive how many people. Is a problem.

Soon dozens of snake men appeared beside the woman, a dozen of them were tied with ropes, and the other snake men were holding the dozen or so snake men.

"Shit, you surrendered us, didn’t you kill two humans? If you surrender your own tribe, you will be met with retribution!" One of the dozen or so snake men held in custody shouted angrily Truthfully, "Which one of you didn't kill some humans, why is it that we were handed over by our own people to the snake **** and watched in the sky? Your behavior can be seen clearly by the snake god!"

"Hand them over!" The blue-haired woman showed a sad look on her face. Although those guys killed people, she was also very uncomfortable to be handed over from her clan.

Zhou Wen's eyes were red, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the snake men and got the dozen or so snake men away from the rest of the snake men!

"Xiao Mingzi, let me find out if it's them, and if there are any other people." Zhou Wen said. Tang Ming nodded slightly and immediately used the technique of hypnosis. The dozens of snake-men were not strong. With Tang Ming's current strength, it was easy to hypnotize them.

In just a short period of time, all a dozen snake people were hypnotized by Tang Ming. At this time, the Pope and the others were also looking at Tang Ming and the others without speaking.

"Why did you kill my parents? Are there any other people?" Zhou Wen said loudly, his eyes were red and clear at this time.

More than a dozen people spoke at the same time, and so many people said that their voices were very messy.

"Shut up the rest, you say!" Zhou Wen pointed to the strongest guy among them. When Zhou Wen said this, the rest of the people immediately closed their mouths and the guy pointed at by Zhou Wen stared blankly and said: "Back when we saw your parents, your mother was very beautiful, so we wanted to steal someone. , But your parents are not weak, and your mother is too strong, in the end we had to kill your mother, but we did not kill your father, he escaped!"

"He ran away, but he died in the end!" Zhou Wen clenched his fist tightly, "They died, but you are still alive! Say, are there any other people beside you? Is everyone involved in

"There are three other people, but they are already dead. Everyone here is involved." The snakeman said.

Zhou Wen took a deep breath: "Xiao Mingzi, thank you very much!"

Tang Ming nodded slightly and let go of those guys' control. "What did you do to us" shouted a snake man.

"Kneel down to Lao Tzu!" Zhou Wen kicked a snake man's knee with one kick, and the snake man suddenly shattered with one leg and knee. "Don't think about it!" The snake man said loudly, Zhou Wen kicked again, the snake man was another One of his knees was also shattered, and he fell to his knees involuntarily.

"Boy, you want to kill us, you won't be happy." A snake man said, he was about to commit suicide, "Want to commit suicide? No way!" Zhou Wen slapped over, and all the teeth of the guy's mouth were slapped off by Zhou Wen. Up!

After slapped off the teeth of that guy's mouth, Zhou Wen slapped them all out one by one. "I will mention you to my parents' graves to pay homage to their undead!" Zhou Wen said coldly, "Brother Feng, can you accept them?"

Chu Feng frowned and said: "Well, fat man, the people I have taken are not so easy to let them out." "Zhou Wen, let me take them for you." Lan Wen said about the dozen or so snakes. All of a sudden disappeared.

"Thank you!" Zhou Wen said.

A little bit in the distance, the blue-haired woman said: "Everyone, our snake-men have now released Zhou Wen’s enemies, and my snake-men have suffered nearly 500,000 casualties. Can you let me go? "

"This time we almost died here, letting go of the snake people, I don't agree." Lei Wang said.

"Everything is going to die!" The Cannibal King said coldly, "Snake nature is good. Such a race will be much purer if the entire earth is destroyed!"

"Amitabha, God has the virtue of good life, and I don't know the matter of extinction." Master Baimei said. "The previous killing was due to the first, but now, if we kill too much, it will be useless for us to practice in the future." Saint Buddhism said.

The patriarch of the Crow family said: "Is it that we just expose that is not such a good thing! The snake people died in our hands before that they deserved to die, we killed them, but it is not revenge for the snake people! The actions of the family must be retaliated!"

"I don't agree to just let it go!" The Egyptian mummy leader said.

A little bit in the distance, those snakes have ugly faces, and the pope and others, most of them agree with **** revenge!

"Everyone, my snake-men are willing to hand over some of the treasures they have obtained over the years, and I hope that the strong will let me go." The blue-haired woman said, "In addition, I can promise that my snake-men will not I will retaliate because of this time."

"Your promise is worthless, and we all look down on the treasures of the snake people." The Pope said coldly.

True person Li Xuan said at this time: "I think it's not too good to say that genocide is not so good, so that all of us will be more sinful. Xiao Chu, do you have the ability to see the depth of a person's sin?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "For people who are not too strong, you can generally tell." Chu Feng didn't want others to know that he could see a person's evil, but there are some things that you can't hide. It can be concealed that through some of the people he has arrested, others want to know that it is not too difficult for him to see the depth of a person's crime.

"Everyone, I think, it’s better to let Xiao Chu tell the difference. For snakes with more sinful sins, kill them, but the sins are not high, this time let them survive! After Xiao Chu distinguishes it, you can hypnotize everyone. He has said some of his own evil deeds." Li Xuanzhen said humanely.

Really Li Xuan said that, each of the guys started to think. "Great good, so that we don't want to kill innocent people, I agree with this method." Master Baimei said.

"Very good!" The Sect Master also said.

King Lei nodded slightly: "That's not bad. The sinners die. It is fairer. What do you think of the Pope?" The Pope nodded slightly: "If Elder Chu can really see it, I'm not too It’s a big opinion, but all of the snake people must come out for inspection."

Chu Feng said: "The Pope, I can indeed see some of those who are not too strong. Then everyone will be hypnotized and verified."

In the distance, the blue-haired woman heard what Chu Feng and the others said. They secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they were also a little entangled in their hearts. If all the snake people were allowed to come out, if the Pope and the others regretted it, they would have snakes one by one. It is estimated that none of them can escape.

"Pope, everybody, if our people are really sinful, then you kill them and we will not complain too much. However, all of our people come out, if you kill all of them, if that's the case, I He will become the biggest sinner of the snake-men clan!" The blue-haired woman said, "If you can guarantee that you are doing what you say, I can notify you to let all the people come out."

Let all the clansmen come out for inspection, the blue-haired woman is also a last resort. If this is not the case, she knows that there is absolutely no chance for the snake people to be spared today! Although this desert is quite deep, there are not many strong men in the snake-men clan now, and they simply can't stop the joint attack of so many strong men from the Pope.

"Guaranteed? What else do we need to guarantee. If you don't want the snake people to be wiped out, then let all of them come out. This is the only way out!" The pope said coldly, "A cardinal in my church has died. Here, you'd better let everyone come out before the anger I suppressed has come up, otherwise even if others don't do anything, I will destroy your snake clan!"

"Pope your anger, let me wait and discuss it." The blue-haired woman said that she disappeared quickly, and the rest of the snake-men were also submerged in the sand.

"Elder Chu, I don't know how powerful you can see the evil of a powerful person," a powerful witch cultivator said. At this time, many other people's eyes fell on Chu Feng.

Chu Feng knew that at this time, if an answer was not good, many guys might have thoughts in their hearts, and who would hope that their sins would be discovered by others.

"I don’t have that ability for a guy who is too strong. Only people who are much weaker than me can see more clearly. People with the same strength as me can see it rather vaguely and not too sure, but the strength exceeds My person, I don't have that ability." Chu Feng said.

"Elder Chu, I don’t know how my sins are," said a fellow with more than 50,000 combat effectiveness of the Natural Gods. "Elder Chu’s strength is much stronger than mine. You should be able to see it more clearly. Elder Chu, just say, If I am clear, I can correct it when the time comes. If the sin is more serious, it may affect the improvement of my cultivation level in the future."

Chu Feng was unsure whether the guy really wanted to know or pretended to know, a little helplessly: "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't help with this. Your strength is too strong. I think it's quite vague. See the extent of your sins."

"That's a shame." The guy said, but he secretly relieved, and many other guys with similar strengths are also secretly relieved.

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