Holy Prison

Chapter 803: Into the abyss

"Brother Chu, help. If you don't go to the abyss this time, maybe you won't have any chances in the future. I can buy it at 10 million yuan. I know you must still keep some." The strong are loud and authentic.

Hearing that person's scream, many people were also moved. The regrets in the hearts of those who had previously sold the Abyss Crystal to Chu Feng suddenly rose.

"One million catties? I can sell you some." Someone said, "I also have some here, which can be sold to you!" Several voices sounded from the crowd.

Chu Feng smiled slightly. Although he had collected the abyss crystals from the market before, some people still kept some in their hands. Moreover, after he finished the acquisition, some people in other cities also brought the abyss crystals. On this side, they wanted to come over and use the Abyss Crystal to make a lot of money, but when they got there, they found that the sky had changed, and the Abyss Crystal was not sold at all. At this time, someone shouted to buy the Abyss Crystal at a high price, and of course they were willing to sell it.

There are many people who sell the Abyss Crystal, and some people decide to go to the Abyss temporarily. The Abyss Crystal has stabilized at three million while Chu Feng is not selling the Abyss Crystal. Although the previous person reported 10 million. , But there are a lot of people who provide the abyss crystal, it is impossible to make 10 million transactions.

Chu Feng didn't participate in this last little opportunity to make money. It didn't take long for a large number of strong men to come quickly toward this side and enter the abyss.

There are about 300,000 people in the ancient formation, and some people at or below the **** level enter the ancient formation, but the number of such people Very rarely, they know very well that the death rate will be extremely high in the past, so it is better to stay here honestly.

"Everyone, I need to explain a few things to everyone. First, this is a random ancient formation towards the first level of the abyss. When we get there, we may appear in a very safe place or a very dangerous place. Therefore, Everyone is ready, there are a lot of strong people here, but no one will take care of you then!"

"Second, there is no requirement for the following people at the king level. You can kill them at will. People of the Emperor God level, the Emperor God level, and the Exalted God level. Be careful not to overdo it. If you enter the abyss city, you can’t do it Slaughter the city, try not to kill weak people. If the city is slaughtered, then it may cause **** revenge from the abyss."

"Third, whether it is a unified operation or a decentralized operation when the time comes, let's talk about the situation when we get there."

"Fourth, it is easier to return to infinity when we reach the abyss. We have passed from infinity. As long as we ascend in the abyss, we can leave the abyss and return to infinity. Note that you need the abyss crystal to come back. If you are not prepared The Abyss Crystal, you can get it by killing some abyss creatures at that time! But killing the abyss creatures will accumulate the aura of the abyss, and the aura of the abyss can attract the strong of the abyss. Be careful when you kill!"

It was the silver-robed old man, he said little by little, there are a lot of precautions, and the abyss is not infinite. If you listen to these precautions in your heart, you will have a little more hope of leaving the abyss alive!

In the words of the silver-robed old man and the expectations of the people in the ancient formation, the ancient formation gradually lit up, and wisps of light wandered within the countless formations within the ancient formation. , A large number of abyss crystals were installed in a space ring and placed in the energy port of the ancient formation. As time passed, the abyss crystal energy in that space ring was quickly absorbed.

"Brother Chu, take care of each other when the time comes?" A top powerhouse of the king **** near Chu Feng said through the voice. Chu Feng smiled and said: "It depends on the situation then."

Taking care of each other, Chu Feng knows that even if it is said that things like this are of no use at the time, if there is a need, then they must take care of each other. If there is no need, it is good not to fight each other. They There is no friendship between these people!

The abyss crystals in the space ring were absorbed faster and faster, and the light of the ancient formation gradually became dazzling, and the people outside the ancient formation were a little confused about Chu Feng's figure.

A deep voice rang, the ancient formation vibrated, the dazzling white light instantly disappeared, and all of them in Chu Feng disappeared within the ancient formation!

"Go, they are in the abyss!"

"Oh, what a **** pity, I actually want to go into the abyss and see it, but there are not enough spars!"

"God bless you, don't cause an abyss and infinite war!"

Countless people outside the ancient formation were talking about it at this time. "Everyone, please leave the ancient formation area!" The Fei family's strong came forward. This ancient formation is now their private property. They don't want many people to gather here. There are many formation patterns on the ancient formation. I don't want some strong people to understand those formation patterns. Some of the Fei family's deep cultivation bases can see that those formation patterns should be very precious. If they study thoroughly, perhaps the Fei family's strength can be improved a lot.

There used to be many strong people here before the Fei family could not compete with so many strong people. Now that those strong people have left, the Fei family will naturally block this place.

In the abyss, in the dark red sky, there are a few stars emitting scarlet light, and there is a layer of white gray ground trembling gently.

A bone hand stretched out from the trembling place, and slowly, a skull emerged from the gray ground. "Ka Ka!" The skull's mouth was open and there was a burst of unpleasant sounds that made people sad.

Just when half of the skeleton came out from the ground, twenty or thirty people suddenly appeared nearby, one of them appeared right next to the skeleton, and the hollow eyes of the skeleton. The red light flashed in the middle, and then its speed rose up suddenly, and immediately caught the person next to it.

"Be careful!"

Chu Feng gave a soft drink, and a sword light shot past, and suddenly the head of the skull was pierced by him. "Damn skeleton, thanks!" the attacked person was startled.

"It's okay, it's just a skeleton that has just woken up, and it can't hurt you." Chu Feng said, that person is a god-level powerhouse, and it is more difficult for a platinum-level skeleton to hurt it.

"Why are there only more than 20 of us?" Someone asked in astonishment, Chu Feng and the others felt something was wrong, shouldn't everyone send it together? Why are there only 20 or 30 of them here?

Twenty or thirty people, there is no god-level powerhouse, of which there are three emperor god-level powerhouses, five emperor god-level powerhouses, fifteen king-shen-level powerhouses, and two general god-level powerhouses. character.

Chu Feng glanced at the person who appeared here. Chu Feng's heart sank slightly. It is estimated that he used too much luck before. At this moment, the luck is really bad. There are twenty or thirty people here, and one of them is a strong Emperor God level. It was Fei Haozhuo, the fourth youngest of the Fei family, and one of the five powerhouses of the Emperor God level was actually a member of the Fei family!

"Could it be that the ancient formation passed the people in the ancient formation to different places in the abyss?" Chu Feng thought in his heart and felt whether he could enter the holy prison space, not bad, at least he felt that he could enter the holy prison space. In this way, even if there is something, he can enter the holy prison space and hide.

"Everyone, it seems that we are separated from the rest. Next, let me lead everyone!" Fei Haozhuo glanced over Chu Feng's eyes and revealed a trace of joy. This team is the strongest, and What makes him happy is that the Chu Feng he wants to kill is also in this team!

Chu Feng did not look at Fei Haozhuo, but through his sky eyes, Chu Feng clearly saw the flash of joy in Fei Haozhuo's eyes when he looked at him.

The remaining two Emperor God level experts frowned. "Two, do you have any opinions?" Fei Haozhuo looked at the two Emperor God level powerhouses.

"I do not have."

The two Emperor God-level powerhouses were dissatisfied. Are they willing to lead others casually? But here, Fei Haozhuo's cultivation base is the most powerful. Fei Haozhuo is the peak of the Emperor God. One of them is the top Emperor God and the other is the high Emperor God. Together, it is estimated that Fei Haozhuo cannot beat Fei Haozhuo.

"Very well, what about the others, do you have any comments?" Fei Haozhuo said. Chu Feng frowned secretly, under the leadership of Fei Haozhuo, this is a thing that makes people unhappy, but now it is not a wise decision to enter the holy prison space and hide, if he enters the holy prison space at this time , May let people know that he did not give the spar to others before, but just entered the space of the treasure he owns!

"Senior, no!"

"It is our blessing that the seniors are willing to lead us!"

At the Emperor God level, the King God level also has two masters of the God level expressing their views one by one. "Chu Feng, why, do you have an opinion?" Fei Haozhuo looked at Chu Feng indifferently.

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, no! Seniors have a profound cultivation, and I believe they are also very good. Seniors are very suitable to lead us!"

"That's good." Fei Haozhuo said.

"Senior, I feel that my strength has been suppressed!" There is a humanity of the King God level. "It's normal. The abyss creatures will be suppressed when they enter the outside world. People outside enter the abyss. The same is true. Didn't you take the pill made from the abyss crystal? After taking it, you won't be suppressed." Fei Haozhuo said. .

"Senior, I don't have one," said the strong man of the King God level.

Chu Feng said: "Don't worry, seniors must have been prepared long ago, don't you think seniors?" "I do have some preparations. You should have some preparations when you entered the abyss." Fei Haozuo swept Chu Feng. At a glance, he didn't know whether Feng was helping him to speak or deliberately causing him to lose the pill. The pill made from Abyss Crystal is not cheap. He is now the leader. If he takes the pill, he will definitely Can't charge everyone's money.

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