Holy Prison

Chapter 809: Shi Jie

During the battle, the spirit of the skeleton powerhouse at the peak of the Emperor God must have been concentrated, but there was a powerhouse in front of the Emperor God Dzogchen, and he was naturally focused on dealing with the powerhouse of the Emperor God Dzogchen. Where Thinking of this moment, there is actually a little bit coming from behind through the space!

The speed of the bullet was fast, and when the skeleton expert at the peak of the Emperor God felt dangerous, that bullet had already penetrated into the skull from the back of his head!

The fire of the soul was extinguished, and the skeleton powerhouse at the peak of the Emperor God was already dead in an instant. The remaining two Emperor God level skeleton powerhouses were terrified. They were distracted, the one Emperor God perfection powerhouse. He has gained power, missing the powerhouse at the peak of the Emperor God, how can a person at the top of the Emperor God and another person at the top of the Emperor God be his opponent? The powerhouse at the top of the Emperor God first died, and then in a short time. An emperor's top-level powerhouse also died. He died a bit unjustly. If not blocked by those skeletons, he would be able to escape smoothly, but the skeleton of the emperor god's great perfection powerhouse was blocked before now. It was also blocking his way, and being blocked by those skeletons, the emperor's Great Perfection powerhouse caught up with him and immediately had no way to survive.

"Awesome." Chu Feng said secretly in his heart. The strength of this emperor's great perfection was still very tyrannical. At this moment, it broke out, and in a short time, he killed an emperor and a top emperor in the sea of ​​skeletons. God's advanced powerhouse.

The three emperor-level powerhouses all died. Although there are more skeletons here than there was a powerhouse at the peak of the emperor **** at Chu Feng, but in a short period of time, the emperor god-level powerhouse was great. He rushed out of the sea of ​​skulls, before rushing out, he had time to collect some of the abyss crystals on the ground.

The Emperor God Dzogchen came out, and soon he reached Chu Feng's side. "Go first." Chu Feng used the teleportation charm, and the two of them immediately teleported a long distance. Although they haven't teleported out of this bone demon domain, they could feel some different auras far away.

"Shi Jie, Brother Chu, I don't owe you a bullet, but I owe you a life, and I will pay it back." The strong man of Emperor God's Dzogchen sat down on the ground all of a sudden, struggling to kill the two before. The Emperor God level powerhouse then rushed out. At this moment, he felt that the power in his body was less than one percent!

Chu Feng also sat down. "Brother Chu, this is the abyss crystal that the last few Emperor God level guys fell out. It belongs to Brother Chu." Shi Jie said three fist-sized abyss crystals appeared in front of him, and these three abyss crystals condensed. In fact, at a very first glance, they know that they contain powerful energy. The sky eye has not been confirmed by scanning, but Chu Feng can also roughly judge that the abyss containing the most of them can reach one hundred thousand abilities, and the least one is estimated to be too. It can reach fifty omnipotence.

The value of the abyss crystals is relatively high. If these three abyss crystals are replaced with the best crystal stones, they can pile up into a hill. "Brother Shi, this one belongs to mine, and the other two belong to you. Take it yourself." Chu Feng said and took the abyss crystal with the highest energy. This abyss crystal is the emperor. The skeleton powerhouse at the peak of God burst out.

"Brother Chu, if it wasn't your news, it wasn't that you killed the guy at the peak of the Emperor God, I wouldn't be able to kill the other two, they should be yours." Shi Jie said solemnly.

Chu Feng said, "Okay, I'll accept it, but you don't owe me favor." "Wait, Shi Jie's life is not so cheap." Shi Jie said and put away the two abyss crystals. "Brother Chu, what plans do you have next? Do you want to leave the abyss or continue to wander around the abyss?"

"I still have something to deal with, otherwise I will leave early." Chu Feng said. Shi Jie thought for a while and said, "Brother Chu, I owe you my life, let me be with you!"

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, what I want to do is easier to do by myself, Brother Shi, don't always think about owing me a life or anything, I didn't help much. Brother Shi, wait for your strength to recover. Some, let's separate here!"

"Brother Chu, if that's the case, then I won't follow. Brother Chu, there is a question I want to ask, if it is not convenient for Brother Chu to answer, then forget it." Shi Jie said.

"Brother Shi, please say."

Shi Jie said, "Brother Chu, why don't you have any abyssal aura from your body? Although I also tried to converge, the abyssal aura can't be fully converged at all. If it is a stronger abyssal powerhouse, get closer to me. I can sense it."

In the abyss, after killing the thing of the abyss, the strange aura of the abyss is offset by some of the aura of the abyss itself, but if there are too many things of the abyss, the aura of the abyss cannot be completely suppressed by that time.

"Brother Shi, this has something to do with personal exercises." Chu Feng smiled and said, "Brother Shi, don't resist." Chu Feng said that a small flame appeared at his fingertips, the small flame was only the size of a mung bean. But it looks very beautiful and full of sacred atmosphere. Chu Feng lightly flicked, the flame entered Shi Jie's body, and the flame entered Shi Jie's body. Shi Jie immediately found that the abyssal breath in his body was attracted by the flame and burned by the flame.

The flame was gone, Shi Jie no longer exuded the aura of the abyss. The aura of the abyss in his body was not completely cleared, but most of it has been cleared. The remaining little bit of Shi Jie can be suppressed. Don't let the breath pass out of the body.

"What a powerful flame." Shi Jie said in surprise. He felt that the flame in his body would make him suffer serious injuries if he wanted to burn his body! It was a trivial matter to make his body hurt. Shi Jie was really surprised by the effect of the flame on the breath of the abyss, as if it restrained the breath of the abyss.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "This flame is extremely difficult to cultivate. If you use up a little, you can use less. It's a good thing to be able to sit and chat with Brother Shi here. Please help me. Brother Shi don't talk about this. I can I don't want to cause trouble for myself."

"Understood." Shi Jie said. If this spreads out, it is estimated that some of the abyssal powerhouses will want to kill Chu Feng immediately, and some powerhouses above Infinity may also come to trouble Chu Feng! "Brother Shi, your strength should have recovered a bit, and I have to say goodbye, otherwise the few bone demons will be in trouble after the battle and find them." Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng left, Shi Jie also left soon.

This time I left Chu Feng without using the teleportation charm, and I don't know anything about the current situation in the abyss. If I use the teleportation charm at will, it may be teleported to the lair of some terrifying guy.

After using the magic leaf, Chu Feng changed into another appearance and moved forward quickly. With the power of the magic leaf, as long as he didn't run into an abyss powerhouse who reached the Emperor God level in close distance, Chu Feng would not worry about the abyss monsters. It can be seen that he is a fake.

A distinctive feature of the Bone Demon’s domain is that there are thick ashes on the ground. These ashes are the hotbed for the birth of skeletons. Chu Feng moved forward quickly, and it didn’t take long to find that there was no such ashes on the ground. .


Voices came into Chu Feng’s mind. Through the eyes of the sky, he had already seen some female demons. The upper body was like a human, and the faces were beautiful, but the lower body was ugly. Some were like spiders. They have long legs, some resemble snakes, and have long tails.

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, you should be careful when you approach witches like them. Some of them hate humans and other creatures in the abyss. In ancient times, saints. The trolls on the side of the abyss are opposed to the combination of humans and abyssal creatures, so they are all cursed and cursed. The combination of humans and abyssal creatures is something half human and half weird."

"Those half-human and half weird creatures hate humans and abyssal creatures. As they continue to grow, the saints and the strongest on the abyssal side cancel the curse, and most of those creatures are also killed. On the front line, the saints and the abyssal powerhouses left behind some creatures like that that they didn’t kill. Now that countless years have passed, the creatures like that in the past, the males were extinct because they couldn’t reproduce, and the female banshees, they could die before they died. Transformed themselves into new lives, so they survived."

"Stranger, leave, leave our territory immediately!" Chu Feng approached, and immediately a dozen female demons appeared in front of him.

After hearing what Miao Xian'er said, Chu Feng had some sympathy for these female demons. Chu Feng smiled slightly and said: "Everyone, I have no malice. I just want to buy a map. If you have an accurate map, you can sell one. Give it to me, and I will pay you a good price!"

"Map, we don't have any map, so leave immediately." A banshee screamed authentically. The voice of the banshee who spoke before was very good, but the voice of this banshee was very awful. Chu Feng frowned secretly, these banshees looked really unhospitable.

"Chu Feng, you used the wrong method. The banshees are generally timid. Tell them carefully, they are not polite. If you say it politely, they will be polite immediately. Of course, if you are polite, you may be more powerful. The female demon, then there is some trouble." Miao Xianer said.

There are no powerful banshees within a radius of 100 million kilometers. This banshee community is powerful, that is, the banshees of the King God level. As soon as Chu Feng's thoughts moved, the powerful aura immediately enveloped those banshees: "Give immediately This lord brings out an accurate map. If it is a little false, be careful that all of your banshees perish!"

Chu Feng was a powerful man of the Kings God level. As soon as his mighty aura emerged, the banshees in front of him immediately became frightened.

"Big, sir, this is the map you want!" A banshee who raised the power of the gods trembled and said a dozen spars appeared in front of her. Chu Feng shook his head secretly. The female demons are inferior and arrogant. They used to speak politely and even show off, but now they speak respectfully.

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