Holy Prison

Chapter 821: Talk to Shi Han

"Cursing the source? Steward Long, you mean, Shi Yan was not murdered by someone, but maybe something terrible or something weird might have been touched?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

Steward Long said: "Master, the curse in Shi Yan is less likely to be deliberately added to her by others. It is the curse of the strong man who respects God and Dzogchen, and it should be possible to find a little bit with Shi Jia's ability. Shi Yan encountered The possibility of something that shouldn't be touched is relatively high. Considering that she doesn't run around often, the possibility that she has been to places that shouldn't be visited is relatively small."

Chu Feng did not chat with Steward Long for the time being. The time passed every second. The brows of the medical experts who joined with Chu Feng and Chu Long were frowned. They checked carefully, but they found nothing unusual. Shi There are places in Yan that are restricted by their spiritual sense, but with some of their courage, they dare not ask the spiritual sense to check those places in Shi Yan.

"How?" More than ten minutes have passed. Shi Han couldn't wait to say. If he can find out, there should be some clues by now. If there are no clues at all, then even give more clues. Ten hours and twenty hours, I am afraid there will be no gain!

"Patriarch, I am incompetent, alas! Miss Yan doesn't seem to have any physical problems, but this is obviously impossible. This is the first time I have encountered such a situation!" An emperor-level powerhouse sighed lightly.

"Senior Shi, I'm really sorry." Another humane.

Shi Han's eyes swept over, and all the medical experts shook their heads apologetically. "Thank you all, five stewards, for taking them down to rest." Shi Han said, pointing at Chu Feng and Chu Long, "These two little brothers, you stay awhile."

"Yes, Patriarch." The green-robed old man took the rest of the people and left. Only Chu Feng, Chu Long, Shi Han and their father and daughter were left in the courtyard.

"Han, what's the situation?" a woman walked out of the room. "There is no result yet, ma'am, you and Yan'er are waiting here, more medical experts are here, they will come, I will talk to these two little brothers." Shi Han said.

Both Shi Yan and their mother and daughter looked at Chu Feng in surprise. They didn't expect Shi Han to leave Chu Feng on purpose and they wanted to talk.

"Okay." The woman nodded slightly. The space fluctuated slightly, and the next moment Chu Feng and the others appeared in another courtyard.

"Little brother, are you from the outside world?" Shi Han looked at Chu Feng with a light smile, "Sit down, don't be too restrictive. I am not the head of the Shi family now, just a father who wants his daughter to get better."

Both Chu Feng and Chu Long didn't say thank you too politely and sat down on the stone table and chairs in the courtyard. "The predecessor's eyes are like sticks, I really came from the outside world." Chu Feng said.

"It's infinite, but this time, many people have come here." Shi Han said. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, but unlike the others, I am not bored and want to come down and kill the people in the abyss. He is my brother. He was brought into the abyss from a star, so I entered. I searched in the abyss. I was lucky. I found it in a short time."

Shi Han nodded: "It can be seen that he did not enter the infinity but entered the abyss first. You are related by blood, so there is only one possibility. He entered the abyss directly from a sky star. Little brother, actually you There is no need to explain to me too much. The ancestor of my Shi family is actually an infinite person."

"That's a coincidence." Chu Feng smiled. Shi Han nodded secretly in his heart, and briefly talked a few words. He felt that Chu Feng was not a simple person, a powerhouse of the King God level, he was not humble or humble when facing him. In contrast, Chu Long appeared nervous, but his nervousness seemed to be different from ordinary people's nervousness. Shi Han had noticed that Chu Long looked at Shi Yan before, and he knew that Chu Long was only afraid of seeing Shi Yan because he was Shi Yan. That's why Chu Long's father showed his nervous expression.

Shi Han said, "Little brother, even if you kill the people in the abyss, as long as you don’t kill the Shi family, the Shi family will not harm you. However, you still have to be careful about others. People who come here infinitely hate, and now there are a lot of strong people coming from the Shi family, you will stay in the Shi family for a while."

"Thank you, Senior." Chu Feng said, Chu Long's eyes were filled with joy. If he stayed in Shijiapu, he should still be able to see Shi Yan by then, and maybe he could talk to her.

"Xiaolong, seniors and I will talk about some issues alone." Chu Feng looked at Chu Long and said. "Quickly drop to the side to make adjustments, and don't lose face in front of your future old man." Chu Feng said in a voice transmission, "I'll help you look at some problems a little bit."

Chu Long quickly stood up: "Predecessor, then you can talk to my brother first. The scenery over there is good, I will go and take a look over there." "Well, as long as there are no restrictions, you can just watch it." Shi Han smiled.

Chu Long left, and the smile on Shi Han's face narrowed: "Little brother, I think you should have seen something, please tell me!"

Chu Feng said: "Senior, my surname is Chu. I did see something, but please prepare for it. I don't have any good way to cure Shi Yan."

"Let's talk." Shi Han took a deep breath. Chu Feng said, "Does the senior know the fate?" Shi Han nodded slightly: "Well, I know, this thing really exists, but it is invisible and intangible. If the fate is exhausted, even if you are alone No matter how strong it is, it will die."

Chu Feng nodded: "Senior, what you said is quite right, but not everyone is invisible to life, I can sense some."

Shi Han is not too strange. There are no wonders in the world. He is a powerhouse at the god-exalted level. He has experienced a lot of things. He has encountered many strange things before.

"Shi Yan is very likely to be cursed. The power of the curse has reduced her life rating. Now it has dropped to a very low level, and it is still falling slowly. If this decline does not stop, then according to the present Shi Yan can still live for about ten years at the rate of decline in life rate. If the rate of decline accelerates, she may die at any time!" Chu Feng said slowly.

Shi Han's expression did not change much, but the blue veins that appeared on his hand let Chu Feng know that he was not at peace at this time. "Huh!" Shi Han let out a long sigh, "Little brother Chu, I don't know if Yan'er's life can increase, even if it can't, can her life stop its decline?"

Chu Feng said: "Increase in strength can increase life style. This should be the only way to enhance Shi Yan's life style. But this method is to treat the symptoms and not the root cause. If the power of the curse is not eliminated, then her life style will eventually be It's reduced to zero. Senior, please forgive the younger generation's incompetence, the power of the curse is too strong, and the younger generation's abilities are limited, and she can't stop her degrading."

"Brother Chu, if you find the source of the curse, will it help the curse of Yan'er disappear?" Shi Han said. Chu Feng nodded: "That's for sure, but you must be careful when looking for this. It is a powerhouse of the god-exalted level. I think if you get caught, you will be affected by the curse."

"Little brother Chu, thank you very much. If you don't know this, maybe Yan'er will die by the time I am a father who is unclear!" Shi Han said, "I will try my best to find out the cursed items for Yan'er. You may still need your help from Little Brother Chu at that time."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "No problem, Senior, I have a small request, I don't know if Senior can agree to it?" "Say it, hehe." Shi Han said.

Chu Feng said, "Predecessors have probably seen it too. My younger brother was really tempted with Shi Yan. He was tempted without saying a word with Shi Yan. Seniors and juniors didn't dare to ask too much. I just hope that seniors can let him. Shi Yan and my brother can talk to each other. If they can talk, then they can be friends. If they can’t talk, they can cut off my brother’s thinking.”

"No problem." Shi Han agreed happily, "Brother Chu, if they are just friends, then it is not a problem for your face, Brother Chu, but if Yan'er gets better then, they think If there is further development, then things are not that simple. I said that is the first point. Even if I promised, if your brother can't keep up with the conditions, then many people will say'no'."

Chu Feng nodded: "Understand, thank you for your accomplishment." "This little accomplishment is nothing like you helping me." Shi Han said, "Brother Chu, you will live in this courtyard for a while. Well, I'll let Yaner come over and take a look often. If they can chat, I guess I don't want to say that Yaner will often run here in the future."

"Okay." Chu Feng nodded. "I'm going to deal with others first. There are a lot of powerful guys in the manor. Some guys are here to see the excitement of my Shi family." Shi Han disappeared in front of Chu Feng in an instant.

"Brother, what are you talking to Senior Shi? By the way, Shi Yan's situation, did you see something, Brother?" Shi Han appeared in front of Chu Feng just after he left Chu Long.

Chu Feng frowned and said, "Sit down, what are you doing frizzy? Shi Yan's problem is not small, but if you think of a way, it should be resolved by then. By the way, I just talked with Senior Shi. If you live in this courtyard for a while, Shi Yan will come to see it. It depends on your ability to get people to come over often in the future. Now you can be friends, but if you want to go deeper, with your current conditions, you can’t."

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