Holy Prison

Chapter 825: Really agree

The sky's eyes scanned, and Chu Feng observed carefully. He tried to enter the divine sense, but he did not expect to enter it easily. Under the scanning of the divine sense, Chu Feng felt that this thing seemed to be inconsistent except for the good materials. No other special ones.

"Strange things." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, such a thing should not only have good materials, but the result of the divine consciousness scan is indeed like this.

Shi Han said, "Brother Chu, how about it? There shouldn't be any problems with it, right?" Chu Feng took the stone sculpture in his hand and looked at it carefully: "Senior, let me take a look."

Steward Long’s results had not come out yet, Chu Feng looked at it carefully, and it didn’t take long for his eyes to focus on the corner and the eyes of the statue. The statue is golden yellow, but the corners are pure golden, and those eyes seem to have a faint red light, the red light is hidden under the golden yellow, it is hard to find if you are not paying attention.

"Senior Shi, you should check this statue in the future, what kind of origin is it?" Chu Feng said. Shi Han nodded: "Well, naturally I checked it, but I don't have a lot of information. I only know that this should be a relatively noble monster. In ancient times, some powerful people used to guard the gate!"

"Master, Shi Yan's curse is only related to this statue." At this time, the voice of the steward Long sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "It should be an item refined by the abyssal power in ancient times. The cultivation base of the refining powerhouse definitely surpassed the god-level powerhouse who was a saint or abyss troll level powerhouse.

Chu Feng was overjoyed, the source of the curse was found, and it might be easier to deal with it then. At this moment, his merit crown trembled in Chu Feng's mind, and the light of merit passed into every corner of his body in an instant. Chu Feng's heart was shocked, and the voice of Steward Long suddenly sounded in Chu Feng's mind. Middle: "Master, this statue has just launched a curse on you, and the crown of merit has blocked the curse."

"Bang!" Chu Feng threw the statue on the tabletop. In a short period of time, his light of merit has been consumed a lot. If he hadn't kept a lot of light of merit in the crown of merit in his previous practice, I am afraid that this time his fear of life will drop a lot!

"Little brother Chu, what's the matter?" Shi Han said.

Chu Feng glanced at the statue in horror. Fortunately, he has a crown of merit, otherwise I'm afraid he would follow Shi Yan's footsteps. "Senior, this thing is the source of the curse we are looking for! Shi Yan was cursed only after touching this thing, and the curse just attacked me." Chu Feng said solemnly.

Shi Han was shocked: "Brother Chu, are you also cursed?" Chu Feng shook his head: "No, fortunately I have some defense against such a curse!"

"Huh, it's okay!" Shi Han said, "If you are cursed by you, brother Chu, then I am a little ashamed. Brother Chu, since this is the source of the curse, can Yan'er's curse be lifted? The curse can be lifted, and there will be a big reward at that time!"

"Steward Long, how about it, can it be relieved?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Master, the curse ability of this item has decreased a lot. It is estimated that it is not effective for a strong person like Shi Han, so Shi Han has got it for a long time without cursing. Although the curse ability has decreased, the curse is not easy. Released." Long steward said.

"If it can be resolved easily, it means that there should be a method, and talk about the method." Chu Feng said. Steward Long said: "Master, you need to scan this statue more to understand the method. Master, you need to scan forcibly, and it will take at least several hours!"

"Scan," Chu Feng said in his mind.

Seeing that Chu Feng didn't speak, Shi Han said, "Brother Chu, is there something wrong?" "Senior, let me put this statue here for now, I'll take a look first." Chu Feng said.

"Okay, okay!" Shi Han continued, "Brother Chu, please."

After Shi Han left, Chu Feng returned to the room to practice quietly. The statue was temporarily received by Chu Feng in the holy prison space. The sky's eyes scanned the inside, continuously collecting little information about the statue.

Time flies quickly, eight hours passed in a blink of an eye, and Steward Long's voice finally rang in Chu Feng's mind: "Master, there is already a result."

Chu Feng opened his eyes and his eyes flickered: "Steward Long, how can we eliminate Shi Yan's curse?" "Master, there are two ways to eliminate that curse, first, the blood of the saint; second, sincerely agree with you. "Long steward said.

Chu Feng frowned. The blood of a saint is so easy to get. There are Nuwa's hands and heads in his sacred prison space. You can see the golden blood when the hands are broken, but take Nuwa's blood. , Chu Feng couldn't do it and didn't dare to do it. Even if he bit the bullet, he might not be able to successfully get a drop of holy blood!

As for the sincere agreement, Chu Feng has never heard of it. "Steward Long, what is this true agreement?" Chu Feng asked.

Steward Long said: "The master is a very domineering oath. The two parties who initiate the agreement with one heart and soul will die. If one person dies, the other party will die. The oath has an effect, that is, one party can transfer the known damage. On the other side, there is also an effect that the less talented party can get some benefits, and the speed of training can be increased a lot. In addition, the two parties who have initiated the real life agreement can feel it even if they are far apart. Approximate location of the other party. The agreement of true love is only effective between men and women who truly love each other. Men and women who are not truly in love are invalid. After activation, if one party betrays, the power of the oath will forcibly obliterate the betrayer In this case, the other party will not die."

"There is such a thing!" Chu Feng immediately thought of Chu Long, "No, Xiaolong can't make such a **** vow with others!"

"Master, even if Chu Long wants to make such an oath with Shi Yan, he can't do it. He may fall in love with Shi Yan, but Shi Yan at most treats him as an ordinary friend." Steward Long was in Chu Feng's mind. Middle way.

Chu Feng said: "Steward Long, there is no other way?" "Master, in the current situation, there are only these two ways. If the master is very superb, or if the level of the holy prison is very high, then that is true. Shi Yan can be cured directly." Steward Long said.

Chu Feng stood up and stomped in the room, "Finally, Shi Han treated me well, just tell him the method, and then immediately take Chu Long to leave." Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Master, Shi Yan is here." Steward Long's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind. Shi Yan entered the small courtyard of Chu Feng and the others. Soon Chu Long finished his training and achieved Shi Yan. In front of. "Steward Long, you said that if the Shi family is unable to find the blood of the saint, then I will take Chu Long away from him and Shi Yan. Is this correct?" Chu Feng looked at Shi Yan from a distance through the window And Chu Longdao, Shi Yan and Chu Long had a very happy chat right now.

Steward Long said: "Master, from your corner, there is nothing wrong with doing this, but if Chu Long knows this, I am afraid I will hate you!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly and sighed and said, "He is also a hundred and tens of years old. In fact, I am not qualified to decide such a thing for him. Such a thing should be decided by himself. But I only have this brother. What if he died because of Shi Yan's death!"

Steward Long did not agree. Chu Feng watched Shi Yan and Chu Long quietly. After more than half an hour passed, Chu Feng opened the room when Shi Yan was about to leave.

Shi Yan was about to leave. Seeing Chu Feng came quickly, Chu Long naturally followed. "Brother Chu Feng, thank you for your help." Shi Yan bowed slightly, "I've been here before, but at that time, Brother Chu Feng was practicing, so I won't bother you much." Chu Feng waved his hand and smiled. Said: "You are welcome. Shi Yan, you are going back, please inform your father, if he has time, I want to talk to him."

"Okay." Shi Yan nodded and said, "Chu Long, Brother Chu Feng, then I will leave first and come to see you."

"I will send you." Chu Long said.

Chu Long sent Shi Yan out, and after a few minutes, Shi Han appeared in front of Chu Feng in the pavilion where he was talking before. "Brother Chu, is there any result?" Shi Han asked without waiting to sit down.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Senior, sit down and talk." Shi Han sat down, and Chu Feng said: "Senior, I have already conducted a deeper inspection. There are two ways to eliminate Shi Yan's curse."

Shi Han's eyes lit up: "Talk about it."

"Senior, don't be too happy. These two methods may not be so easy to meet the conditions. The first method requires the blood of a saint, and the blood of the saint is used to draw a specific magic circle in Shi Yan's palm. The curse can be eliminated; the second method is to truly agree with you. I don’t know if you have heard of this kind of thing. You can set a true agreement with Shi Yanli in a specific circle. Then you can transfer the curse to Shi Yanli. On the person who made the real agreement. Because the power of the curse is not strong, after the transfer, the person who is transferred will not be killed." Chu Feng said.

Shi Han's face changed slightly: "The blood of the saints, the true heart and fate? I know this true heart and fate, few people will use that thing!"

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