Holy Prison

Chapter 848: The beginning of revenge

"Miao Xian'er, don't alarm the other party first, and see if you can block this place in the shortest possible time so that everyone can't leave to the absolute barrier." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said: "Don't worry, I will do it quietly. Now that the central brain is dormant, let me figure out some things first."

I couldn't disturb the central brain, so Miao Xian'er moved slowly, and it took about ten days for Miao Xian'er to have a result.

"Chu Feng, you can turn off those teleportation stations, but after closing, take some time to manually turn on those teleportation stations." Miao Xianer said.

"How long is it?" Chu Feng asked in the holy prison space with his eyes opened. "In about half an hour, if the teleportation stations are closed, the Shushu will definitely wake up by then. I must fight the Shushu with all my strength to help you." Miao Xianer said.

"Magic? This is the name of the central brain brain?" Chu Feng said. "Yeah, she also has a certain amount of wisdom. The Wang family has obtained great benefits before. The Demon Shu should also have obtained it at that time. The establishment of Wang Yuancheng is probably inseparable from the great benefits obtained at that time." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng secretly calculated it in his heart. It only took half an hour. This is too little. He can kill many members of the royal family but it is difficult to kill them all!

"Miao Xian'er, in half an hour, can you compete for the weapon system?" Chu Feng asked. "Chu Feng, this is impossible. The weapon system is very important. The devil girl has a very strong defense against it." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng frowned and said, "If it's just to seize a part of it, then there must be a weapon system on the next floor. Can it be done by seizing control of some of the weapon systems there?"

"It's just a part? This may be possible." Miao Xian'er calculated it for a while, "Chu Feng, do you want to block people from here with weapons from leaving?"

"Well, Miao Xian'er, try to take control of some of the weapon systems there, and it is better to make the weapon systems of the lower layers of the magic girl ineffective." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er snorted: "You have ordered so much, you think these are easy." "Uh, Miao Xian'er, didn't you say you are better than her?" Chu Feng said.

"I am naturally better than her, but this is her site, and she has the advantage. If this is my site and she invades, she wouldn't want to take advantage of it." Miao Xianer said.

"Okay, okay, you are great, try your best on the premise of protecting yourself, if they all run away, then you can see if you can find a way to control this Wang Yuancheng, if you can control this Wang Yuancheng That's cool." Chu Feng said, a super battle city, which is a great temptation for any force in the abyss.

Miao Xian'er said: "Controlling Wang Yuancheng, this possibility is very small, okay, I have to compete with her, when will it start?"

"Immediately, close all the transmission stations, and then start the battle for the weapon system." Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Om!" "Om!" "Om!"

A series of relaxing voices rang, and inside Wang Yuan Mansion, many of the teleportation platforms with a faint green light all turned dark gray.

The teleportation platform turned into a dark gray color. Many people saw this, but they didn't care, but soon, the stern alarm sounded inside the entire Wang Yuan Mansion.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!" Many people said loudly, and many people under Wang Yuancheng panicked inexplicably. They did not expect that there would be an enemy attack below!

"Moshu, Momei, immediately scan for the invaders and eliminate the invaders." An emperor-level powerhouse in the third floor said loudly and authentically, in which he knew that Momei must be able to hear his words. "Your Temporary Administrator, the weapon system is disturbed and cannot be activated temporarily, otherwise it may cause accidental injury. Do you want to activate it?" A voice seemed to sound in the ears of that Emperor God level powerhouse.

The powerhouse of the Emperor God level was taken aback for a moment. He did not expect that the Central Wisdom Brain was disturbed. He knew the power of the Wisdom Shu, but Wang Yuanfu used countless Wisdom Brains to fight against the Wisdom Shu. Not the opponent of Magic Shu. "The comer is not good!" The Emperor God level powerhouse said inwardly.

"No activation. Demon Shu, where is the enemy?" The Emperor God-level expert said. Now Wang Yuan Mansion has a lot of people in it, and some powerful weapons can't even bear him. If activated, he will kill himself. But the cup is out. "The attack in the analysis came from another top intelligence!"

"Top-level intelligence? Demon, there is no other enemy invading, only one top-level intelligence invading?" said the Emperor God level powerhouse. "For the time being, I found this." Mo Shu said.

The emperor **** level powerhouse frowned, and the teleportation platform was closed. It is very likely that a powerhouse entered it. If there is no powerhouse to get inside, what does it mean to retreat inside. "My lord." An emperor **** level powerhouse appeared in front of the emperor **** level powerhouse.

"Let the order go on and let someone manually restore the teleportation station!" said the Emperor God-level powerhouse, "let everyone pay attention. Once you find the enemy, immediately send a message to let the others know."

It took only half a minute from the time when Miao Xian'er let the teleportation station closed to now. In such a little time, the entire Wang Yuan Mansion was in chaos. If a god-level powerhouse enters, it is inside. It’s very dangerous. Those who don’t know are that no god-level powerhouse enters at all. Only a god-level guard from Chu Feng came in. Of course, the god-level guard came in. It was equal to Chu Feng and many other Tianwei also came in.

At this time on the 17th, like many others, rushed out of the room. It didn't take long for the 17th to reach a place not far from an emperor-level powerhouse.

A golden pistol appeared in No.17's hand, and No.17 shot the powerhouse of the Emperor God level without hesitation.

With the sound of gunshots, at close range, a bullet immediately entered the head of the emperor-level powerhouse. The color of horror in the eyes of the Emperor God level powerhouse was quickly extinguished before the soul fire appeared!

A bullet was shot, and the pistol and the number seventeen immediately disappeared in place. "Ah!" someone screamed, that one Emperor God level powerhouse died, and some people around were all shocked, even the Emperor God level powerhouse died. If the attack was against them, then They must be dead too.

"Wang Jie, it's Wang Jie, what is he doing!!" Someone said in anger, that the dead Emperor God level powerhouse had a deep relationship with him.

"It's not Wang Jie, that person is definitely not Wang Jie, someone else has become Wang Jie!"

Some brave people around who hadn't escaped were talking about it, and soon a lot of people gathered here, including the emperor-level powerhouse who had previously contacted the magic girl.

"You found that the other party used foreign objects?" The Emperor God level expert asked a little. "Yes, my lord." Humane said.

"Magic Shu, did you find it?" The Emperor God level expert raised his head and asked. "Your Temporary Administrator, another superintelligence is taking control of the weapon with me, and I can't take care of the others." The magician's voice sounded.

That powerhouse of the Emperor God level was terrified, and if another super-intelligence was allowed to gain control, then perhaps no one could escape!

"Magic Shu, fight the invader with all your strength, and we will deal with the rest." The Emperor God-level powerhouse said, he didn't dare to distract Demon Girl at this time. "Yes, the temporary administrator," said the magic girl.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng sat blankly, showing the outside picture in his mind. At the beginning, only an emperor-level expert came over, but it didn't take long for him to The Emperor God level powerhouse on the second floor was also the place where the Emperor God level powerhouse died.

"Brother Wang Ao, there is nothing unusual here." said the Emperor God-level powerhouse who came later. "Definitely, the opponent doesn't seem to be strong, otherwise, he won't use foreign objects. I guess it's lying in a treasure right now, and that treasure may become something else. Nearby." The Emperor God level expert who had been there before analyzed.

"Steward Long, these few bombs can kill the two Emperor God level powerhouses outside and some guys around them." Chu Feng thought of five bombs and appeared in front of him. These five bombs were all from the beginning. I bought it at the Blackstone auction house. I bought a hundred items and spent two million catties of the best spar.

"Master, it's not easy to assess. If they don't have powerful defensive treasures, these five bombs are enough. If they have powerful defensive treasures, they may be less." Long steward said.

There was a fierce light in Chu Feng's eyes, and when his mind moved, five more bombs appeared in front of him. In addition, there were a total of ten bombs before. These ten bombs added up to 18 trillion catties of the best spar. Eighteen trillion catties, this number is not easy to understand. In terms of the image, these eighteen trillion catties can buy eighteen war mothers!

War mothership, that thing is very precious, one can imagine how powerful these ten bombs are. "Assholes of Wang Yuan Mansion, you shouldn't provoke Uncle Chu Feng." Chu Feng said in his heart that all ten bombs appeared outside.

An extremely violent explosion sounded, and Chu Feng felt that the holy prison space seemed to tremble slightly. Outside, there were two Emperor God level powerhouses and the surrounding three Emperor God level powerhouses and hundreds of others. All of them lost their lives in an instant! The power of horror is that the powerhouses at the Exalted God level will be injured even if they stay there. The two Emperor God level powerhouses have relatively powerful defensive treasures, but they still can't stop the horrible explosion!

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