Holy Prison

Chapter 850: The light of silence

All the people on the teleportation platform died. The strong man at the peak of the emperor **** deliberately concealed the news, but there was no way to hide such a thing. It didn't take long for the rest of the people near the teleportation platform to know.

If those people start the transmission station manually with all their strength, it can be done in half an hour, but at this time people panic and slow down. I am afraid that there is nothing possible for half an hour.

Chu Feng noticed the situation now, and his heart was refreshed. If the teleportation station was opened within half an hour, he would have no confidence to get everyone inside within half an hour, but if the time delays, Chu Feng still has With a certain degree of certainty, all the people here can be dealt with!

"Little ones, grandpa will reward you with another bomb." Chu Feng said with a smile in the holy prison space, a trinity bomb fell onto another teleportation platform.

"Come back!" In the fourth layer, the Emperor God level expert shouted angrily, his right hand was emptied, and the powerful force was applied to the third layer. Chu Feng's bomb did not achieve any effect. , This bomb is used to bomb the King God-level powerhouse, there is no problem at all, and the Emperor God-level powerhouse with lower explosive power can also handle it, but the Emperor God-level powerhouse, then this kind of bomb is not a threat!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng showed a sneer in his eyes, not afraid that you would make a move, just afraid that you would not make a move! If the Emperor God level powerhouse stays in the fourth floor and does not take action, Chu Feng will still be a little embarrassed to deal with him, but if he is angry, then things will be easier to handle. Chu Feng is not only dealing with the king here. God-level powerhouse items.

On the fourth floor of Wang Yuancheng, Wang Xiong's face is ugly. Even with the losses now, he will not have any fruit to eat when Wang Hao and the others come back. If there are more losses, then he can only apologize with death. ! He knows that there may be some danger in doing it, but he also has no choice. If he doesn't do it, it is very likely that he will not escape!

"Steward Long, these two points, reward two bombs." Chu Feng designated the target in his mind. "Good master." Long steward said.

Two trinos could have been thrown out, and the Emperor God-level powerhouse shot again, but because it didn’t take into account that Chu Summit would attack two places at the same time, the Emperor God-level powerhouse just blocked one place. The trino primordial bomb exploded, and the trino primordial energy in another place still killed a lot of people!

"Steward Long, am I too bullying like this?" Chu Feng smiled and said so, but Chu Feng really enjoyed such bullying.

There is a lot of fun in bullying compared to people with higher abilities, but Chu Feng thought that if one day he could not rely on foreign objects to bully, it would be a little bit cooler. Compared to before, Chu Feng prefers to use his fists. Use swords and swords, fists to the flesh, swords and swords see blood!

Steward Long said: "Master, try not to rely on foreign objects in this way, otherwise it will not be good for your strength growth, Master."

"I know, but in such a situation, I'm silly to fight them without relying on foreign objects." Chu Feng smiled and said, "Steward Long, throw out the disguised light of silence."

Silent Light, this thing is also something that Chu Feng bought at the auction house. Among all those things, its unit price is the highest, and the price of 26 trillion catties is enough to buy more than 20 ships. The war mothership! Silent Light is a small thing, light blue in color, about the size of a ping-pong ball, but such a small thing, countless strong people will change the color!

There is a sea in the abyss called Silent Sea, Silent Sea is an extremely terrifying place, that is, the powerhouse of the god-excellent level will not reach the Silent Sea unless there are extremely important things.

The horror of the Silent Sea is that there is often a light of silence. The light of silence has a powerful power to harm the soul. Of course, the light of silence cannot harm the powerful abyssal powers, but there is also There is often a strong light of silence. Under the strong light of silence, even the strong of the emperor **** level can be killed. If there is a wave of nirvana, there are almost no creatures near the sea of ​​silence. One may survive!

The Light of Silence is terrible, but there are still some people who take great risks to collect the Light of Silence. If the collected Light of Silence is made into a bomb, it has terrible power.

The bomb called Silent Light that Chu Feng obtained has undergone extremely complex transformations. If it is exploded, there will be nothing strange. The energy of Silent Light will spread around like a toxin. If the divine consciousness meets, then the divine consciousness of that person will be stained with the light of silence.

After being caught in the light of silence, slowly the person will feel very excited. That feeling is like an ordinary person after taking drugs. In the case of excitement, if you hold back it, it’s better just the soul. Some strength is damaged, if you don't hold back and continue to let the divine consciousness contaminate more quiet light, then the soul will slowly burn away, and the final result will be death in madness!

Chu Feng was taken aback when it was auctioned. This thing was too poisonous, and many people at the auction were vying for it, but those who still hadn't worked hard for it, Chu Feng was taken out by Chu Feng.

Now that the light of silence was disguised by Chu Feng as something else, he was afraid that after an emperor-level powerhouse knew that it was the light of silence, the divine consciousness would not go to the third level.

After receiving Chu Feng's order, Steward Long threw the disguised Silent Light bomb all at once out of the holy prison space and landed on a teleportation platform.

The people around the teleportation platform were always paying attention, they were shocked when the bomb appeared, but at this time a bare palm formed by powerful soul power appeared around the bomb.

On the fourth floor of Wang Yuancheng, the power of the Emperor God level was watching with all his strength. He didn’t want to die when the bomb appeared. As soon as the bomb came out, Chu Feng would mobilize his power immediately. Protected around.

It's like a small firecracker exploding, without the rest, it's like a joke. "What's the matter?" Some people around the teleportation station looked at each other.

"I see, it must be the man in the dark deliberately doing this, he is playing tricks!" A powerful man of the King God level whispered.

On the fourth floor of Wang Yuancheng, the strong man at the peak of the Emperor God was very angry, "Bastard, bravely stand up, we will fight to the death!" An angry roar sounded within the third floor.

"It's nothing to hide from the fourth floor, come to the third floor if you have the kind, and see if you can kill you!" Chu Feng's changed voice sounded outside the holy prison space.

"Chu Feng, you are Chu Feng, you should be the one who rescued Chu Zhen and the others, and you must also be you at this time!" Wang Xiong said coldly, "Chu Feng, provoke our Wang Yuan Mansion, you are dead, even if It is the Shi family who helped you and you will die in the same way. Not only you, but your parents will also die!"

"Yes, I'm Chu Feng, hahaha!" Chu Feng laughed loudly. He admitted that Wang Xiong felt suspicious in his heart, isn't it Chu Feng?

Chu Feng laughed. He was really happy at this moment. Just now, Wang Xiong’s palms of divine consciousness covered the Light of Silence. As a result, the terrible energy of Light of Silence, Wang Xiong, was definitely contaminated. Just that energy can completely make Wang Xiong go crazy and finally die!

"Enjoy." On the edge of the teleportation platform, a god-level powerhouse's expression of enjoyment was stretched out. His consciousness was immediately stained with more light of silence and more silence. After the light, the expression of enjoyment on his face became stronger.

"What's the matter?" A few king-shen-level powerhouses felt that something was wrong, and a strong desire and excitement was born in their hearts!

Obviously I felt something was wrong, but many people around the teleportation platform also stretched out their divine consciousness, and their faces showed extremely comfortable expressions.

Wang Xiong had blocked most of it before, but there was still a small part of the Silent Light energy that was not absorbed by him. After his bare palm disappeared, the energy slowly spread out and was spread by the rest around the teleportation platform. Human consciousness is contaminated. ‘On the fourth floor of Wang Yuan’s Mansion, Wang Xiong’s heart quickly also felt excited, and that feeling made his previous angry mood improve in a short time.

"No!" Wang Xiong is worthy of being a strong man at the peak of the Emperor God. Although he absorbed a lot of quiet light, he quickly realized that the situation was abnormal.

"This feeling, this feeling" Wang Xiong muttered, his face suddenly changed, "The light of silence, **** it, the light of silence!"

Wang Xiong understood it, but it was too late. At this time, the light of silence had already entered his soul fire. His soul fire became much more vigorous than usual, and slowly became more This kind of exuberance will only make him feel comfortable and will not increase his strength. Moreover, the soul fire is rapidly consuming power under such exuberance.

"Attention, everyone, don't let the divine consciousness out of your body, the light of silence, there is light of silence!" Wang Xiong's voice sounded on the third floor. After saying a word, he immediately sat cross-legged and wanted to suppress the burning of the soul fire. But he absorbed so much light of silence, wherever he wanted to suppress it, he could suppress it. A strong feeling of excitement appeared in his heart, and Wang Xiong felt that his body was very comfortable. "Ah!" Wang Xiong roared. He knew that this kind of comfort was fatal. If this continued, he would lose his life in half an hour!

On the third layer, the light of silence spreads silently, and it didn’t take long for the entire third layer to be filled with some light of silence. In the third layer, one by one did not dare to confuse the consciousness. From the body, most of them had never seen the light of silence, but they had heard of it.

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