Holy Prison

Chapter 853: The scary of Super Battle City

"Wang Yuantao is also dead!" Wang Hao said solemnly, Wang Xiong was the cultivation base of the Emperor God, and the news of his death came here first, and Wang Yuantao was the top cultivation base of the Emperor God!

Wang Hao's words made the faces of the powerful people around him even more ugly. The news of the death of two Emperor God level experts came, and it is likely that more people died. Their relatives and friends who stayed in Wang Yuancheng may have already died at this moment!

"Asshole, if you let me know who made the move, I will cut him a thousand swords and then pull out his soul to torture him forever!" A god-respecting and junior powerhouse said coldly.

Wang Hua frowned and said, "Patriarch, where are the other people in Wang Yuan Mansion?" "They must have received the news too!" Wang Hao said.

Wang Hao's voice fell, and a huge knock on the door rang. The person outside was probably not knocking at the door but was using the land to pat the door! "Open the door." Wang Hao said.

The door opened, and a strong man with two heads appeared in front of Wang Hao and the others. This is a two-headed man. The two-headed man has two heads. They also have two soul fires. One head is crushed by the soul fire. You can survive even if you lose it! Two-headed people are slower to practice, but after they have reached a relatively advanced level, they are generally much better than people of the same level!

"Palace Master, it is estimated that something has happened on Wang Yuancheng's side." The two-headed man quickly said, "Uh, it seems that you already know about it."

Wang Hao and their faces were ugly at this time, and the two-headed man was not a fool. As soon as he spoke, he knew that Wang Hao and the others also knew the news.

"Tate, there must be a big problem on Wang Yuancheng's side. We must return to Wang Yuancheng." Wang Hao said. The brows on both heads of the two-headed man wrinkled: "Palace Lord, we are not looking for the rule monument on this side? This is not good, if we are here, then we have hope for the rule monument. , If we all leave, then the rule of heaven monument will not have our Wang Yuan Mansion's share!"

Wang Hao said solemnly: "Keep the notice, don't force it. Those who want to go back prepare immediately. We will leave in an hour. If you don't want to go back, then stay here!"

Half an hour later, the news of the death of another Emperor God level expert came over. By this time, the news of the death of the three Emperor God level experts on the side of Wang Yuancheng had all been passed over!

The three emperor-level powerhouses are dead, and if Wang Hao and the others can't guess that someone has entered the interior of Wang Yuancheng, their IQ is infinitely close to zero!

An hour later, about half of the people from Wang's family on the western side of the abyss stayed, and the other half returned to Wangyuan City at maximum speed!

Wang Yuancheng, after a few days of competing with Moshu for authority, Miao Xian'er already controlled a lot of authority, including authority for some weapons on the second and third floors as well as some external weapons.

Inside Wang Yuancheng, there were three million people at the beginning, more than one million of them died in the hands of Wang Xiong and other crazy people, and hundreds of thousands of people died under Chu Feng’s bomb offensive. , Now there are about a million people in Wang Yuancheng. Outside Wang Yuancheng, it was also a little chaotic at this time. The death of some people in Wang Yuancheng was spread to the outside, and the whole Wang Yuancheng seemed a little flustered, and many people chose to leave Wang Yuancheng temporarily.

"Chu Feng, the weapons I control can already attack every place on the second and third floors." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng's eyes were cold: "Attack, clean up the remaining people! Also, attack some people outside Wang Yuancheng!"

"Okay!" Miao Xian'er said, she is not a human being, and she has no unbearable heart. Now following Chu Feng, she will execute whatever order Chu Feng is!

"DaDaDa!" "Suddenly!" "Woo"

In the second and third floors of Wang Yuan City, many weapons first became powerful. Those weapons were originally designed to deal with those who attacked Wang Yuan City, but they did not expect that they were now used on those who attacked Wang Yuan Mansion!

Inside Wang Yuancheng, the highest strength now is the Great Perfection of the King God, and those weapons can be destroyed even if they have sufficient energy to be used by the powerhouses of the Emperor God level, in just a few seconds, Wang Yuan Millions of people on the second and third floors of the mansion have all died under the attack of many weapons!

Most of the countless weapons are a combination of technological civilization and other civilizations. Chu Feng was shocked to see the power displayed. There are hundreds of kings and gods in there, but they are only short. In the past ten seconds or so, millions of people including hundreds of kings and gods were destroyed!

"This battle city, I must get a hand by then, he is too strong!" Chu Feng secretly said, Miao Xian'er only controls a part of the weapons, if you have the authority to seize all the weapons, then even if you have Hundreds of millions of people can be wiped out in just a short time!

In his heart, he was amazed at the horror of Wang Yuancheng, a super battle city. Chu Feng was also secretly grateful. Fortunately, when he was in prison for a hundred years, Wang Yuancheng was preparing to deal with the powers of the gods outside. The energy was concentrated there. Zhu’s computing resources are also concentrated there. Otherwise, it’s really a question of whether he can succeed or not. There is a mastermind in a hundred-year prison, but Moshu should be able to control it. If Moshu’s computing resources were not concentrated elsewhere, it would be great. Xian'er is not so easy to control the mastermind and open the prison door or something!

"Miao Xian'er, wait, don't attack people outside." Chu Feng said. Now attacking people outside, Chu Feng is worried that some strong people will be attracted in a short time, and then he won't be able to escape.

"Good." Miao Xianer said.

There is no one person on the second and third floors. Chu Feng put away many space objects and some things that fell after the death of the strong. If those space objects still have fallen things, it must be dead. Can get a lot of kindness, but now he is relatively short of money, so many things can not be wasted.

"Miao Xian'er, is there anything valuable in it? Such a big battle city won't be empty, right?" Chu Feng said. "Chu Feng, if there is anything, you can see clearly, at least there is no one on the first, second and third floors." Miao Xian'er said, "Wang Yuan Mansion's powerhouse will go over there to fight for the rule sky monument. Many things are certain. It was taken away."

"It's a pity." Chu Feng shook his head. It would be great if he could make a lot of money, but he just collected a few things and made a small profit. If those things are lost, it is estimated that they will not be enough to support him to build many days. Catch the criminals and raise the merit points to one billion!

Now the merit point is a little over 900 million, not too far away from one billion. Chu Feng is looking forward to the upgrade of the holy prison at that time!

The holy prison is now eighth level, but the sky eye is already at the ninth level, even the dragon steward is still not sure what will happen to the sky eye if the holy prison reaches the ninth level.

More than ten days passed quickly in Chu Feng's training, and the merit crown in Chu Feng's mind gradually trembled slightly. This was the merit crown warning him that the danger was approaching!

"Miao Xian'er, whether it has been consolidated, we are going to retreat." Chu Feng sent the message to Miao Xian'er. "Ready, you can retreat anytime!" Miao Xian'er said.

As soon as Chu Feng's mind moved, a Tianwei immediately appeared outside. Because of the interference of Miao Xian'er, and the fact that the Tianwei was invisible, Mo Shu didn't find that Tianwei, nor did he find that Tianwei was natural. I can't talk about attacking that one Sky Guard!

That Tianwei quickly arrived at a teleportation platform. Before this teleportation platform was opened manually by many people and it took a lot of time, but Miao Xianer controlled this teleportation platform, and Tianwei arrived at that one. The teleportation platform of the teleportation platform turned green and the sky guard was teleported away.


As soon as the Tianwei left, the Demon Shu noticed the changes in the teleportation platform and immediately controlled some weapons to attack the teleportation platform, but at this time the Heaven Guard had already reached the barrier.

When she reached the absolute barrier, Miao Xian'er continued to influence Mo Shu's scan, and the shadow guard used the token to quickly reach the house where Wang Jie was obtained.

"Steward Long, take in number five right away." Chu Feng said, the position of number five was discovered by the magical boy at the moment he left. This time his luck was not so good, and the weapon deployed by the magical boy covered half of the fifth body. It was smashed into scum, and fortunately, the holy prison was attached to the intact half of the body, so at this time the holy prison had left the Wang Yuan Mansion.

Steward Long put No. 5 away, and the other Tianwei went out and immediately left Wang Jie's room in stealth with the holy prison.

"Miao Xian'er, launch an attack on the people from the royal family outside!!" Chu Feng said in the holy prison space.

Miao Xian'er responded, and many places in Wang Yuancheng immediately changed. Some small holes appeared on the outer walls of some buildings. In some originally empty places, a wonderful building might have emerged at this time. !

Many people in Wang Yuancheng have discovered some changes in Wang Yuancheng now. "Wow, is this the weapon system activated?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Crap!" Some people from the hostile forces in Wang Yuan Palace and some people belonging to Wang Yuan Palace felt bad in their hearts.

Some of the things that emerged were naturally belonging to the weapon system. In a short period of time, many hidden weapons in this super battle city of Wang Yuancheng opened fire, and the fire of the weapon system made it clear to those who are now in Wang Yuancheng. I know the terrible Wang Yuancheng this super battle city.

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