Holy Prison

Chapter 856: Silent sea

Most of the oceans and lakes in the abyss are not pretty. Some are dark red, some are black, and the black and green ones are pretty. If you judge the best-looking ocean in the abyss, Silent Sea is probably on the list. Famous!

The sea of ​​the Silent Sea is azure. When the water is calm, it is really beautiful. There are often some people in the abyss here to travel, but most of the tourists are going around, they don’t dare. Close to the Silent Sea, let alone deep into the Silent Sea!

Many beautiful things are terrible, such as colorful snakes, spiders, and some very beautiful looking man-eating plants. The Silent Sea is beautiful, but the same is terrible. The longer people stay here, the more they will know the terrible Silent Sea. According to incomplete statistics, there are at least a thousand god-level powerhouses who have died in the Silent Sea!

There are so many that are known, and the unknown, so naturally there are more. With the fierce fame, the powerhouse who is now the god-excellent level respects this place!

Chu Feng was anxious, and it took a little over six days to reach a city near Silent Sea. "My lord, do you see the sea? Do you see the quiet sea? I know a safer route, and the scenery there is also very beautiful! Ten days, the fee is 1,000 premium magic stones, which is very cost-effective."

"My lord, the route I know is safer than his. I have been here for thousands of years, and there has never been any danger!"

"grown ups"

Just after Chu Feng came out of the teleportation formation, a lot of people immediately surrounded him, and many people who came just like him were surrounded by others.

Silent Sea, where the scenery is beautiful and the light of silence, has spawned two professions. One is tour guides. They know where the scenery is more beautiful, which routes are safer, when is a good time for viewing and when there is great danger ! The second is the light collectors. They collect Silent Light and sell it. The danger is huge. But if some Silent Light is collected, then the harvest is also very huge. Many people come here to buy Silent Light, and they don’t worry. market!

Chu Feng thought about it a little bit. Maybe he really needs a good tour guide. It's not good to enter the Silent Sea rashly. It's better to learn more before entering! Those tour guides must know more about this place one by one, and they should be able to get a lot of useful information from their mouths.

Chu Feng checked the information of the people surrounding him, "You, just you." Chu Feng pointed to a human being, who looked like an old man in his fifties, and his true age was over a million years old. , Platinum Dzogchen, the value of goodness is much higher than the value of sin.

"Yes, my lord!" Morissot was pleasantly surprised, but he hadn't received the business for many days, but he didn't expect to receive the business with good luck today.

Those who were around Chu Feng immediately dispersed when they saw that Chu Feng had appointed someone. "Find a place and let's talk." Chu Feng said.

"Yes, my lord." Morissot was pleased. He asked the price at the beginning and he won't get the best magic stone. He didn't quote the price before, and Chu Feng didn't ask now. Such customers usually sell more. Be generous.

Morissot took Chu Feng forward, and it didn't take long for them to reach a tavern on a mountain. This tavern is located on the top of the mountain, from which you can see the sea of ​​silence.

"Pretty." Chu Feng praised the silent sea from a distance. The silent sea at this time was very calm, and the sky blue silent sea was indeed a kind of beautiful enjoyment.

"My lord, this is not a good viewing spot. There are many better viewing spots. I will take adults one by one." Morissot said, "Adult, junior Morissot, this small shop is The younger generation has opened it themselves, and the younger generation has been studying winemaking for many years. Now there are some good wines from the early years. Adults can taste them if they don't dislike it."

Chu Feng smiled slightly and entered the store with Na Morissot. The store is not big. Now there are no other customers in the store. There is a woman and a child in the store. That woman should be Morissot’s wife and the child is. Their children.

Most of the people in the abyss are formed by the aura of the abyss, but this does not mean that the people of the abyss have no wives, husbands and children.

The pure people of the abyss combine, it is impossible for them to produce offspring through mating like the life above the infinite, but they can also have offspring. There are some special fruits in the abyss. If the husband and wife continue to inject the atmosphere of the abyss into it After some time, a new life may be produced in the fruit. The new life produced in this way possesses the fire of soul, and they have no soul.

There are also some situations. From the people in the outer world to the abyss, they combine with each other and their offspring naturally have souls. They belong to human beings. If the people in the outside world combine with the people in the abyss, then the offspring may have souls. It is also possible to have the fire of the soul, like the Wang family, the Wang Xiong that Chu Feng killed before, he is a member of the Wang family, but what he has is not the soul but the fire of the soul!

When Chu Feng entered the shop, the woman and the little child saluted respectfully and respected the strong. These four words have long been deeply imprinted in the depths of everyone's soul in the abyss, the person of the abyss. Most of them have received this kind of education, except that the strong must remain respectful to the enemy!

"You don't need to be polite." Chu Feng waved his hand and said that he would not have any prejudices against people who are not enemies, even if the opponent is from the abyss.

"Sir, please sit down." Morissot said, "Madam, go and get the best wine I have hidden!" Morissot has seen countless people, and he believes that his eyes can't be mistaken. Chu Feng should be one. Big people, if they greet them well, then they can get more benefits.

Chu Feng was very clear about Morissot's inner thoughts, but it didn't matter. If Morissot could give him some information he wanted, then it would be fine even to give Morissot some more benefits.

The wine came up quickly, and Chu Feng glanced at Morissot: "Morissot, sit down, too. I sit and you stand. I'm not used to this."

"Thank you, sir." Morissot sat down opposite Chu Feng, "sir, try it." Morissot said and quickly filled Chu Feng with a bowl of wine.

When the wine was poured, there was no smell at all. Morissot watched expectantly. Chu Feng took a sip. Chu Feng's eyes lit up when he went down. The wine didn't smell at all, but after drinking it, Actually made Chu Feng feel very wonderful!

"Good wine, it's a pity that there is no aroma. If there is aroma of wine, it would be better." Chu Feng said, the taste of wine is naturally good, but there is no aroma, which always makes Chu Feng feel a little regretful. . Morissot sighed lightly: "I also think it has a good color and fragrance, but this wine is not the same if it has a fragrance."

"That's good. If you can't force it, then you don't have to force it." Chu Feng smiled and said, "Morissot, honestly tell you, I don't want you to take me around, but I want you to tell me something about Silent Sea, I I want to go deep into the silent sea!"

Morissot's heart trembled: "My lord, don't enter the Silent Sea. It's scary and terrible! It's in the periphery. Every year, many light collectors die, and many adventurers enter the Silent Sea, but Very few can come back, and many of those who come back are a lifetime of death!"

Chu Feng waved his hand and said, "Morisuo, you don't need to talk about these. I still know the danger of Silent Sea. You only need to talk about some other situations in Silent Sea."

"Yes, my lord!" Morrisot said. "My lord, there are three dangerous places in the Silent Sea. One is the light of silence, the other is the sea monster inside, and the third is the light collector. The three are equally terrifying! The light of silence, you don't know where it will come from Come, when it arrives, you may not be able to escape if you want to escape. It is very comfortable to shoot at people, but the soul fire will burn quickly and then extinguish! The sea monsters in the silent sea are very powerful, and many seas Guais ​​are good at stealth. They are powerful killers. It is said that in the depths of the Silent Sea, powerful sea monsters are no less powerful than demon-level powers!"

Speaking of this, Morissot had a look of fear in his eyes, and Chu Feng estimated that he had been frightened by some sea monsters before. "Well, my lord, I made you laugh." Morissot said embarrassedly, "I almost died under the attack of sea monsters before."

"It's okay, keep talking." Chu Feng said.

Morissot nodded slightly: "Well. The light collector, this is also very scary in the sea of ​​silence. Killing others to capture the light of silence is much easier than collecting the light of silence! My lord, there are actually two more. The point is more terrifying." "Oh, let's talk about it." Chu Feng said, Chu Feng has heard of the three previous points.

Morissot said: "It is the undercurrent and the person who has caught the light of silence! The Sea of ​​Silence looks calm, but there are many undercurrents in it. If it encounters undercurrents, then even the most powerful might not be able to get rid of it. It is terrible for people who have fallen into the Light of Silence to go crazy, especially if a powerful person is caught in the Light of Silence, it will be even more terrifying!"

"Do you understand the depths of the Quiet Sea? What's the situation there?" Chu Feng said. "My lord, no one knows the depths of the Silent Sea for sure. It is rumored that there are islands in the depths of the Silent Sea, and there are thick fog on the islands, but this is just a rumor, and no one has come out to confirm it. "Morissot said, "Some people say that there is a treasure in the depths of the Silent Sea, but no one sees the treasure. There are quite a few strong men who died there!"

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