Holy Prison

Chapter 858: Silent Sea Center

Chu Feng currently stores a lot of merit holy flames. If a small amount of merit holy flames can dissipate the cold in the body of a Tianwei, it is worthwhile, but if more merit holy flames are needed, then it will not be worth it. After all, the holy flame of merit requires a lot of kindness to be transformed!

Outside, a light of silence hit Tianwei's body, and the body of that Tianwei's speed was greatly reduced, and his body immediately stiffened. "Steward Long, let that boat appear outside!" Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng bought a ship before, and that ship immediately appeared outside. The outer guard fell on the ship and then disappeared quickly. After the guard disappeared, the holy prison fell to that one. On board.

If there is no such boat, the holy prison will slowly sink to the bottom of the sea, but if there is that boat, the holy prison will lie quietly on that boat.

Chu Feng watched the situation outside, and it didn’t take long for a light of silence to hit the boat, which had an effect on the soul. This effect was definitely useless for a boat. The freezing effect was actually useful, that boat. It was frozen, but it was a very resilient boat, and it was able to float on the water without being destroyed.

"Not bad!" Chu Feng muttered authentically. If that boat would be destroyed under the silent light, then the situation would be much worse.

The holy prison quietly stopped in that ship. In the holy prison space, Chu Feng stepped up to use the flame power to remove the cold inside the body of the heavenly guards, and the raging fire enveloped all the heavenly guards in the flames!

Chu Feng carefully controlled it. This was a technical job. Those heavenly guards didn't resist. If he didn't work well, the flames would hurt those heavenly guards!

Time passed by one minute and one second, five or six hours passed, and the coldness in those Tianwei's body was completely cleared. At this time, Chu Feng also felt a little weakened. This is him. If another king is replaced If you are a god-level powerhouse, I am afraid that you will lose your strength long ago. Chu Feng's resilience is much stronger than ordinary people!

He was about to lose his strength. Chu Feng thought about absorbing the energy in the swallowing sky formation within his body, but after thinking about it, Chu Feng gave up. I don’t know what's going on behind, so I still don’t use those swallowing formations The energy in the middle is better, and it won’t take long for him to recover with the recovery of his body anyway.

Although he was exhausted, Chu Feng looked at the bottle of Silent Light with a smile on his face. This opponent can collect Silent Light, and it may be a treasure for him! The bottle of silent light was still colored when it was on the lake surface, but in this holy prison space, they have no color anymore, no color, colorless and tasteless, they are definitely best for sneak attacks. thing!

"Master, there is a situation outside!" Steward Long's voice suddenly sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Image." Chu Feng said, some of the outside images immediately passed into Chu Feng's mind, through the eyes of the sky, Chu Feng saw a sea monster approaching the wooden boat!

The sea monster slammed into the wooden boat. Under the strong impact of the sea monster, the wooden boat broke into many pieces immediately, and the holy prison stayed on one of the wooden boards and did not sink.

"Steward Long, take those pieces of wood, let a Tianwei appear outside and continue to advance with the holy prison!" Chu Feng ordered. "Yes, Master." Steward Long said that a Tianwei immediately appeared outside, the Tianwei appeared, and the holy prison was immediately led by that Tianwei and moved forward quickly.

The sea monster was taken aback by the sky guard that appeared suddenly, but when it found that the sky guard had fled immediately, it thought that the sky guard was afraid of it, so it hurriedly pursued it, but its speed was slower than that of the sky guard. Many were quickly thrown out by the sky guards. That sea monster might be strange for a while. The "monster" is so fast, and its strength should be higher than it. Why did it escape?

The first sky guard moved forward for about a minute before the light of silence entered the holy prison space, and then the second sky guard took the holy prison forward quickly, and after the second sky guard, the third sky guard again Appearing, one by one Tianwei came out and entered the holy prison space. Under such circumstances, Chu Feng quickly penetrated into the sea of ​​silence.

Two days passed quickly, "Steward Long, it's already very deep, okay?" Chu Feng asked Steward Long in his mind.

"Master, I don't know how much the impact will be. If you think it's okay, Master, then just stay here." Long steward said.

"Two days have passed. After tomorrow, the quiet sea will be relatively calm. I don't know if there will be strong people going deep into the quiet sea." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

The Silent Sea is huge. Chu Feng estimated that he is far away from the seaside of the Silent Sea, but it takes at least three or four months to go to the center of the Silent Sea!

"Fuck, the holy prison is not in a hurry now, let's go deeper, don't move too much to attract some strong people! The Silent Sea is so mysterious, I would like to see what the most central situation is!"

The curiosity in his heart rose, and he could get the light of silence again. When the holy prison was upgraded to be safer, Chu Feng made the decision to move on.

The wooden boat was damaged at the beginning. Chu Feng now threw out many wooden boards before the last Tianwei came in, and then let the holy prison fall on one of the wooden boards. The wooden boat was attacked by sea monsters. The plank sea monster's interest is much less!

Relying on many heavenly guards, relying on the sacred prison space, coupled with the power of his own flames to drive away those cold air, Chu Feng is constantly deepening in the silent sea, but the time to reach the center is longer than he expected. It's been much longer, he himself expected three or four months to reach the center, but in fact, it took eight or nine months for Chu Feng to reach the center of the Silent Sea!

"There is no light of silence, there is no light of silence here." Chu Feng in the holy prison space said in surprise, outside, a heavenly guard reached an area, this area did not have any light of silence from the sea shoot out.

A month ago, Chu Feng encountered the islands. Just like Morissot said, there was fog on those islands, and the islands were shrouded in the fog. Chu Feng believes that there must be strong people who have been to such a place and got there. After that, Chu Feng continued to move forward, turning around one island after another, and then he reached this area without the light of silence.

"Steward Long, how far can the Sky Eye scan?" Chu Feng said.

Steward Long said helplessly: "Master, you can't scan far, you can only scan about ten kilometers, and ten kilometers away is a blur."

Chu Feng frowned slightly, ten kilometers, this is indeed too small. "Steward Long, let Tianwei take a look around this place where there is no quiet light." Chu Feng said.

The Tianwei outside quickly received Chu Feng's order and turned around. He was almost flying close to the surface of the water at this time, and he would be under tremendous pressure if he was a little bit higher.

The speed was not fast, and the guard made a full circle in about ten minutes. "Master, it is a circular area with islands like that all around, and the area is about 100 kilometers in diameter." Long steward said.

Chu Feng touched his chin and said, "Steward Long, the islands you don't realize seem to be arranged into a formation protecting the middle area?"

At the beginning, Chu Feng didn't feel that way. Now that he knew that there were such islands all around, Chu Feng had this idea.

"The existence of those islands is estimated to have a greater impact on the divine consciousness, and a lesser impact on the scanning of the sky eye, so I can get here." Chu Feng speculated.

"Steward Long, let the outside sky guard go around in this area, including the seabed!" Chu Feng said, "The sky eye is fully open. I want to know the anomaly here."

If you don't know anything about this kind of sea area, Chu Feng will feel hairy when he goes out! Sacred Prison Upgrade He cannot be in the sacred prison space, he must be outside the sacred prison space, and the danger will be countless times higher than in the sacred prison space!

Tianwei turned around, and the sky eye was scanning with all its strength. After three days, Chu Feng finally searched this sea area, and found nothing at all!

There is no discovery, there is no suspicious place. This is the most suspicious place. Chu Feng walked around in the holy prison space and was a little undecided. The result of the discovery was that there was no danger outside. It seems that you can go out under such circumstances. Then the Holy Prison was upgraded, and the Crown of Merit had no warning at this time, but Chu Feng intuitively told himself that this was not a good time to go out!

Chu Feng lived to the present, he still believed in his own intuition, so he did not immediately choose to go out and upgrade the holy prison.

"Master, Lan Wen has come out of Taiwu Tower!" Steward Long's voice suddenly rang in Chu Feng's mind. Hearing the voice of Steward Long, Chu Feng disappeared in place and appeared in front of Lan Wen in that small village.

"Wen'er!" Chu Feng smiled and hugged Lan Wen in his arms. "Oh, my Wen'er is actually the top repair of Wangshen. Not bad, let my brother hug!" Lan Wen hugged it up and laughed.

"Brother Feng, let me down and let me down." Lan Wen said with a smile while holding Chu Feng's head, "Brother Feng, your cultivation base seems to have reached the top of the king, so fast!"

Lan Wen knew that she had absorbed some of the energy in the Great Witch Pagoda to be so fast. Before she came out, she thought that Chu Feng should only be a high-level cultivation base of the Kings God, but she did not expect that Chu Feng was already the same as hers. , What Lan Wen didn't know was that Chu Feng had the crown of merit, so the speed of her practice was much higher than before!

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