Holy Prison

Chapter 861: upgrade begins

In two years, there are about 12,500 islands, of which more than 10,100 islands have people. Of course, they are not living but dead!

There are more than 10,000 dead people, all of them are the powerhouses of the gods! Many of them destroyed their own space items before they died, and they did not destroy them. Most of the space items were in their bodies. Chu Feng couldn't destroy them. They couldn't get them. A few of them were not available to Chu Feng. Naturally, I found a way to get it.

It took two years, but these two years are still worthwhile. Chu Feng has obtained more than 600 space items in total, more than 600 space items, all of which are the space items of a god-level powerhouse, as a **** Level powerhouse, in the space items, will there be no good things?

There are more than six hundred spatial objects, and the value of the things inside is much higher than the value of the six hundred trillion catties of super spars obtained before!

Chu Feng is considered to have seen the world, but when all the objects in more than six hundred spatial objects were piled into the holy prison space, looking at the countless treasures, Chu Feng's breathing became a little quick. .

"Steward Dragon, estimate the price, how many trillion catties of top-grade spar are the things here?" Chu Feng took a deep breath and changed someone, even if it was an Emperor God level expert facing this. It is estimated that many treasures will have to sit stupidly for a long time, Chu Feng is not bad, and he will wake up in a few seconds.

Long steward said: "Master, the value is not easy to estimate, because many things are worth more than the upper limit that the holy prison can estimate now. At a rough estimate, their value is more than five trillion catties of the best spar!"

"Get rich! Hahaha!" Chu Feng laughed. He originally only had ten trillion catties of top grade spar, but he did not expect to get so many treasures here in Silent Sea in a short time. Five quadrillion, this is the initial estimated value of the Dragon Steward, the real value may be more than 100 million!

The price estimated by Steward Long is quite scary, but more than 600 god-level powerhouses, on average, the wealth of a god-level powerhouse space ring is less than ten trillion, how much? Not much at all! You know, those people are all powerhouses at the god-exalted level, they may not have ten trillion catties of the best spar, but it is normal to have treasures worth more than 10 trillion catties of the best spar. !

In fact, Chu Feng received less property from those god-exalted powerhouse space rings. The reason for this is that Chu Feng knew that it should have been some of the property that some god-exalted powerhouses had before they came to take the risk. I gave it to my family and friends! In this way, even if something happens to them, their relatives and friends can get a lot of money and live on well.

After the laughter, Chu Feng calmed down safely. It was only incidental to obtain these wealth. He came here mainly to upgrade the holy prison. Fortune is also part of his strength, but Chu Feng is more concerned about his own strength. Upgrade and the power of the holy prison!

"Steward Long, leave one Tianwei, and put away the rest, and let that one go to the center of Silent Sea." Chu Feng ordered softly.

There were a lot of sky guards outside, one by one entered the holy prison space, and soon there was only one sky guard outside, and that one sky guard immediately led the holy prison towards the center surrounded by more than 10,000 islands. Area away.

Half an hour later, Tianwei turned around and reached the central area. "Steward Long, I took Tianwei." Chu Feng said.

Tianwei put away, Chu Feng appeared outside with a thought.

"Master, don't you put all the sky guards outside?" Long steward said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly and said in his mind: "No, if there is a need for Dragon Steward, you will release the Tianwei again."

Chu Feng still had a little worry in his heart that the upgrade of the holy prison would make the sleeping Queen of Silence feel a little bit. The trouble will be much bigger!

Among the treasures obtained this time was a boat-shaped treasure, which Chu Feng had refined for a period of time when he was in the holy prison space. Now that boat-shaped treasure, Chu Feng can barely control it.

After releasing the boat-shaped baby, the baby turned into a large ship hundreds of meters long. Chu Feng fell to the bow, and soon the boat-shaped baby defensive cover rose. , The reason why the heaven guards are not allowed to come out is also a big reason for having this treasure. The defense of this treasure is stronger, and the combined defenses of the sky guards will not compare to this ship-shaped treasure. How strong is the defense!

"Steward Long, if there is a great danger then, put me in the holy prison space." Chu Feng sat cross-legged on the boat and said in his mind.

When the sacred prison is upgraded, if Chu Feng enters the sacred prison space, then it will have a great harm to his body's cultivation base, but when it is a last resort, of course, life is more important. "Good master, don't worry, master, there shouldn't be anyone here to disturb you," Steward Long said.

"Steward Long, start upgrading!" Chu Feng said.

"Yes, Master, the holy prison upgrade will begin immediately!"

Silent Sea Beach, it’s almost the best time of the year to get the light of silence. Countless boats stopped on the seaside of Silent Sea. On the shore, many people gathered together in threes and five to brag and beat. This is the time to relax. If you are on the sea of ​​silence, you must concentrate highly.

"Morissot, you are leisurely, now the cultivation base has reached the big demon rank, and I have my own light-gathering fleet!" A gray-clothed old man smiled and walked towards Morissot, who was drinking at a small table.

A figure flashed in Morissot's mind. That person was not someone else but Chu Feng, and Morissot would not have developed without the crystal stones that Chu Feng had given him.

"Oh, I hope that the adult left after entering the sea of ​​silence. The past two years have not erupted in silence, which is pretty good." Morissot said inwardly.

"Lao Luo, tomorrow will be the calm period, and now it has slowly calmed down, can you go?" Morissot said, a little while before entering the calm period, many light collectors will enter the quiet sea. At this time The risk of entry is still relatively high, but the harvest can be relatively large!

The gray-clothed old man looked at the endless azure sea and said, "I don't know what's wrong, I feel something is wrong. We don't set off now, we can set off tomorrow."

"Okay, listen to you, fate is important." Morissot said. Hearing their conversation, some light collectors not far away breathed a sigh of relief. If Morissot asked them to enter at this time, but lost The possibility of **** is much higher.

"Look, someone has gone to sea!" said the gray-clothed old man.

Ship after ship entered the Silent Sea. These ships are not ordinary ships. They are made of special wood. In the Silent Sea, ordinary ships will quickly crack with the light of silence! For these ships, the ordinary light of silence cannot destroy them, but if you are unlucky and hit by a larger light of silence, the ship will be damaged.

"Hey, everyone wait a minute, let's go to the sea tomorrow, Lao Luo said it feels bad!" Morissot said loudly. "Old man Luo, wait slowly for tomorrow. Let's go first. When the time comes, there will be less light of silence. Don't cry for us, hahaha!"

"Wealth and danger, brothers, go!"

Many people still entered the Silent Sea, but some people did not enter the Silent Sea after listening to Morissot's words. The gray-clothed old man still had some reputation among these light collectors.

Ship after ship entered the silent sea, and the ship was moving fast, and in a short time, those ships were far away from the shore. "Look, what is that!!" someone exclaimed authentically.

"The quiet light is the quiet light! Retreat, everyone quickly retreat!" the gray-clothed old man roared wildly. No one hesitated. Hearing his roar, countless people on the beach immediately retreated hundreds of kilometers. !

The Silent Light came quickly, and some people in the sea flew up to escape, but when the Silent Light appeared, the suction of the Silent Sea was unprecedentedly strong, and even the powerhouse of the god-level might not be able to escape. The strongest among those people was that no one at the King God level had the ability to escape.

The quiet light rushed to the shore, and when the quiet light dissipated, all the people who had entered the sea before were gone, and their boats were also gone in the quiet light.

"Oh!" Morissot still many people sighed, the fate of collecting all the land, if you don't withdraw as soon as possible, one thing will be swallowed by the quiet sea sooner or later!

"Old Mo, thanks!"

Many people came over to say thank you, if it weren't for Morissot's previous call, they might have died too. "It's okay." There was no smile on Morissot's face. He thought of Chu Feng again. If Chu Feng had entered the Silent Sea and hadn't exited, Morissot would definitely be dead at the moment.

"Hey, what's the matter, it seems that light is coming from the depths of the silent sea!" shouted a person with good eyes. "Light, is the light of silence!"

"No, right? The light of silence is light blue, and those lights seem to come in all colors!"

Soon many people on the quiet sea can see clearly, in the depths of the quiet sea, there are indeed many lights of various colors shooting out!

"It's not the light of silence, is it because there are treasures in the center of the sea of ​​silence?" someone's eyes glowed authentically. "Treasures, even if there are treasures, do you have that fate to get them?" The terrible sight of the light of silence just now remains in everyone's hearts. How can anyone dare to enter the sea of ​​silence at this time!

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