Holy Prison

Chapter 869: Infinite situation

In an infinite unnamed area, a faint devilish energy surged from the ground. It didn't take long for a bottomless hole with a diameter of ten centimeters to appear. As the devilish energy surged, the hole expanded continuously.

"Brothers, if there are monsters coming out of it then, let's not be polite!" A middle-aged man laughed. He didn't expect to encounter a magic well here. If you kill the monsters coming out of it, you might get the abyss. Crystal, although many people who came to the abyss have returned, but above the infinite, the requirements for the abyss crystal are still relatively strong, and the price of an abyss crystal is stable between 400,000 and 500,000 catties of the best crystal.

"You're polite, you're a polite fart, if the devil comes over, it will be killed!" A blue-clothed youth raised the sword in his hand. "I said you two, treat the'friends' from the abyss, please be a little polite!" said another guy who was lying on the bluestone with a grass in his mouth.

There are a dozen people around the magic well, and they don’t have much fear in their hearts, because now in the abyss, the middle-level kings can come over, they have one king-sound intermediate and two kings-junior levels. People! This is an adventure squad, with three kings and gods, and the rest are all gods. The strength of this adventure squad is relatively strong.

The magic well expanded to the size of the well head, and the ten or so people were ready. The magic well was so big, the people below should be able to come over.

An aura rose from the magic well. When a figure appeared on the magic well, the dozen or so people who had been prepared for it immediately launched an attack!

Eight generals and three kings, the attack is very powerful! But what made their hearts horrified was that their attack was completely blocked by the person who appeared, and the person who blocked their attack seemed easy! "Humph!" Chu Feng snorted coldly. Under his cold hum, all the eleven people were immediately retreated and suffered some minor injuries. They were attacked as soon as they came out. Unhappy.

The eleven people were surprised, they were all masters, and they could detect the mercy of Chu Feng's men. "Don't move rashly, he doesn't have the breath of the abyss." The captain of the eleven hurriedly spoke.

Chu Feng came out of the Ascension Well. Soon, Chu Zhen, Mo Xiu and Yang Haifeng also came out of them. They had a breath of treasure and isolation, but at such a close distance, those eleven people were stronger than them. I could feel the aura of the abyss in Chu Zhen and them.

"Could it be that the one who is also in the abyss is just too powerful and we can't feel the aura of the abyss in him?" The eleven people were worried at this time.

"Dad, how are you?" Chu Feng said to Chu Zhen and the others. "It's okay, but I feel a little depressed, are they?" Chu Zhen said, their strength is relatively low, it is normal to appear in the abyss first and then reach infinity. If the strength is relatively high, the feeling of depression will be more depressed. It's small, but if it doesn't absorb the breath of life, it will suppress the strength to a certain extent.

Chu Feng glanced at those people faintly and said: "Everyone, don't worry, I am not a person of the abyss, I am going down from Infinity."

"This brother, how offended just now!" The middle-rank Wangshen hurriedly clasped his fists. Chu Feng is strong. It is a good thing not to blame them at this time. If you blame them or even want to kill them, this Wangshen Intermediate powerhouses know that people like them will become a corpse on the ground in a short time.

"Forget it, be careful when attacking in the future." Chu Feng said. "Thank you Xiongtai Haihan, let's go." The middle-rank Wangshen left immediately after speaking, and the rest of them naturally left quickly.

"Captain, is Gang that really the person of the abyss? The three beside him are all the person of the abyss!"

"It's really strange, that person's cultivation base is tyrannical, at least the cultivation base of King God Peak, but he actually respects someone who is only Black Iron Rank."

The middle-ranked kingshen said in a deep voice, "Stop talking about it. There is no need to deceive us for such a strong man. If he wants to kill us, we must be dead by this time!"

When those people left, Chu Zhen and the others relaxed a lot. They didn't know how powerful Chu Feng was. Although those people were large in number, there was absolutely no pressure on Chu Feng!

"Feng'er, is infinity here? It feels much better than the abyss. The air makes people very comfortable." Mo Xiu smiled.

"Mom, that's right, this is right here." Chu Feng smiled, "Daddy and Mom Yang team, you should enter that space first. I will go to a place to see first, and then I will see Mr. Yang and the others!"

Yang Haifeng nodded slightly, with an expression of excitement on his face. The rest of the Yang family were dead, and now he only has Mr. Yang's relatives.

Chu Zhen and the others entered the sacred prison space, and Chu Feng quickly determined where he was, and it was not too far away from the Wanzhan Life and Death Zone.

Not far away, Chu Feng had already reached Tai'a City, the life and death zone of Ten Thousand Wars after several teleports.

Tai'a City, the manor Chu Feng bought before. Now this manor is mainly occupied by Shi Qing and Sang Ge. Sang Yi has a very good talent. Now he has cultivated the God of Great Perfection. He took over Chi Shan. Prior to working in this manor, Chi Shan was born into a military family, and he went to the Trumen Kingdom to lead the army to fight.

"Not bad, did I bother you haha!" Chu Feng's laughter sounded inside the manor, embracing Shi Qing with a little intimacy and Sang Yi quickly stopped and then stood respectfully. With.

"Feel free and feel free." Chu Feng smiled and said, "Sang Yi, when did you get better?" Chu Feng did not expect that Sang Yi and Shi Qing would have a relationship.

Sang Yi's old face was reddened: "Ah, the master, it didn't take long. The master, welcome back from the abyss!" "Welcome the master back." Shi Qing said too.

Chu Feng said: "Shi Qing, give me the information, I will flash it immediately, and I can't disturb you too much haha!" Shi Qing was always preparing some information that Chu Feng needed. Hearing what Chu Feng said, she quickly put a space ring He took it out and gave it to Chu Feng: "Sang Yi, don't you hurry and pass on the news of the doormaster's return."

"Sect master, I'll withdraw first!" Sang Yi said helplessly, Shi Qing is very strong, and sometimes she is not polite, but Sang Yi doesn't mind, and outsiders have nothing to say.

"Wait." Chu Feng said, "Shi Qing, there is nothing wrong with the Chumen Kingdom, right?" Shi Qing shook her head: "Master, the development of the Chumen Kingdom is fairly smooth, and Skynet and Blood Knife are all well developed. "Shi Qing said.

Chu Feng nodded: "Sang Yi, you don't need to report, this time I came around and left, so keep on making friends haha!"

Chu Feng left immediately after speaking, "The sect master came out of the abyss, and it seemed that he had put a lot of burden on people." Sang Yi said.

"Yeah." Shi Qing nodded slightly. She also felt the same way. This time Chu Zhen and the others took over the abyss, and Chu Long also had a destination. Now the problem of the cultivation technique is basically solved, and he does it this time. It is natural for my son to be an older brother and feel a lot easier.

It has been many years since Chu Feng entered the abyss. In these years, the Chumen Kingdom has developed relatively fast. Today, the Chumen Kingdom has nearly a hundred powerful people at the Emperor God level, and 3,000 powerful people at the King God level. However, only about a quarter of them actually joined the Trumen Kingdom.

In terms of warships, the Chumen Kingdom now has two war mothers and dozens of sky cruisers. Naturally there are more warships in the second and third classes. The Chufeng Kingdom is not yet an empire, but its strength can be considered as one of the kingdoms. Top!

Chu Feng arrived at Huangji City, and then met with some strong people in Huangji City and exchanged ideas with Yingzheng about the next development. After Chu Feng left the Chumen Kingdom, the Chu Kingdom has already embarked on it. Formally, there are so many people who support the management, as long as there is no strong force to suppress the Trumen Kingdom, there will be no major problems in the Trumen Kingdom.

Leaving the Chumen Kingdom, Chu Feng immediately headed towards the Nine Profound Empire. While advancing towards the Nine Profound Empire, Chu Feng read the many jade slips in the space ring that Shi Qing gave him.

The time to enter the abyss is long or short, and some people and things have changed a lot over the years.

In the Infinite North, many people have seen the flying boat, and the number of times the flying boat has appeared has increased. Many powerful people have reached the Infinite North, but so far, no one has got the exact news of the flying boat!

Zhou Wen did a good job in the Eastern Wilderness. Although he did not establish any influence, he had a relatively good relationship with many powerful people in the Eastern Wilderness. Tang Ming and Han Xiang encountered some problems in the development of the Baizhou in Central Earth. The forces do not like that their forces develop too quickly and secretly suppress them, but the problem is not too serious now.

As for the Feng clan, there was a previous agreement. The Feng clan is now relatively calm, but Shi Mei’s news has made Chu Feng faintly worried. Feng Qingyang noticed the Chumen Kingdom. Now the Chumen Kingdom is developing rapidly, but if If Feng Qingyang did secretly, maybe the Chumen Kingdom would have some trouble!

On the whole of Infinity, it is quite chaotic. Before many strong people entered the abyss, now the strong people from the infinite abyss have obviously increased. Fortunately, now only people at the middle level of the abyss can enter the abyss. The abyss, otherwise the infinite must be more chaotic!

"The troubled times." After reading the information collected by Shi Qing, Chu Feng sighed in his heart. In such a troubled world, if there is no strength, it would be a very awkward thing. It is still good now that his strength is not now It's weak!

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