Holy Prison

Chapter 875: Treatment history

"Oh? I didn't expect that Xiao Chu, you are also proficient in medicine, so let me see it." Shi Hua smiled honestly. He didn't have any hope for Chu Feng to heal him, but Chu Feng wanted to try it. If it does, then try it. Even if it can't be cured, Chu Feng won't make his injury worse.

"President Hua, please stretch out your hand." Chu Feng said, Shi Hua stretched out his hand, Chu Feng put his hand on Shi Hua's wrist, "The technique of breaking the pulse?" Shi Hua said in surprise.

In the case of Infinity, the inspection of injuries usually involves direct use of spiritual consciousness. Few people break the pulse, but the general medical skills using the technique of breaking the pulse are more proficient if the other party does not pretend it intentionally.

The divine consciousness scan is very comprehensive, but sometimes it is not deep enough to break the pulse. For some medical experts, this is listening to the voice of the human body. The human body displays everything on the pulse image. It is not necessary to use a spiritual scan to determine a person's injury and then give the correct treatment.

Pressing his finger on Shi Hua’s wrist, Chu Feng was shocked. Shi Hua’s pulse was as vast as a river, but it faintly gave Chu Feng a feeling of weakness in his successors. In addition, the pulse was chaotic, and there seemed to be a different species. The power of Shi Hua was in conflict with his own power.

After making a judgment for himself, Chu Feng said in his mind: "Miao Xian'er, pass me the diagnosis report of the clinic!" "Okay!" Miao Xian'er said, and a lot of information soon arrived. In Chu Feng's mind.

The medical institute’s diagnosis report is much more detailed than what Chu Feng diagnosed himself. Shi Hua’s problem, every cell in his body suffered some damage in the sky thunder, some hidden veins were broken, and there are still in the body. Two alien forces, one is very huge, the other is very insidious. Both forces are temporarily suppressed by Shi Hua, but this is not a long-term solution. If those two forces erupt, either of them may be required. Killed Shi Hua's life.

"Dean Hua, the situation inside your body is not so good." Chu Feng let go. "What the **** is wrong, talk about it?" Shi Hua said with a light smile.

Chu Feng said solemnly: "If you don't get treatment, you will live at most 500 years, and you will definitely die within 500 years!"

Shi Hua's eyes were shocked. He didn't expect that Chu Feng had diagnosed so clearly. He also had some understanding of medical skills. After a period of retreat, he also had a clearer understanding of his own situation. His own judgment There is not much difference with Chu Feng's judgment.

"Xiao Chu, I didn't expect your medical skills to be so good. It took me a lot of time to understand it clearly. You actually diagnosed it in a short time. Now that you diagnosed Xiao Chu, you should also know mine. There is no way to save your body from being deeply injured by the power of the sky thunder. Xiao Chu, it is estimated that you, the candidate dean, will become the official dean of the Seminary Academy in advance. What is unfortunate is that you will accept a mess." Shi Hua Tao.

Chu Feng waved his hand again and again: "Dean Hua, this mess is yours." Shi Hua's eyes showed disappointment: "Xiao Chu, you mean, don't you want to be the dean of the Academy?"

"President Hua, you have misunderstood. I mean, you are fortunate enough to have met me. I am sure that you can cure the current state of your body." Chu Feng said.

"Really?" Shi Hua was excited to weaken the control of the two alien powers in his body. The two alien powers made a mess. A mouthful of blood poured in Shi Hua's mouth. There was no extra power to deal with that blood. Could it be that a mouthful of blood came out. Shi Hua's blood spurted out, and before they fell on the ground, Chu Feng waved them into nothingness in the air. "Dean Hua, be careful, I'll heal your injuries." Chu Feng said, standing behind Shi Hua and then gently pressing his right hand on Shi Hua's back.

A faint warm current entered Shi Hua’s body, and the medical clinic had already begun to take effect at this time, "Miao Xian'er, don’t heal all of them this time, heal some of them, so that Dean Hua’s strength will recover some injuries temporarily. It’s okay to get worse.” Chu Feng commanded in his mind to cure Shi Hua once, and it was not good to shock Shi Hua too much.

"No problem." Miao Xianer said.

The warm current entered Shi Hua's body, and the traces of warm current between the two different kinds of energies formed a channel, and the center of the channel was a sphere.

Two different kinds of power, one is the power of thunder and lightning, and the other is a dark red insidious power. With the formation of that channel, both powers have something to follow the channel to get to the ball. Inside.

Shi Hua stared at his body in shock. The two forces occupied half of the sphere and then rotated within the sphere.

The ball is like a Tai Chi ball. Two forces rotate within that ball. It didn't take long for a fusion force to emerge from that ball, and the fusion force quickly entered Shi Hua's body. Within some cells, those cells absorbed those forces very easily and then repaired them quickly.

"This" Shi Hua was very shocked. He didn't expect things to be solved so easily. But thinking about it, Shi Hua knew that this was not easy. It was easy to form that channel in his body, but It is not easy to merge the two powers. As long as there is even a slight imbalance in the power, the energy in his body will explode. In that case, he will die, and Chu Feng will die too!

Chu Feng was also a little frightened at this time. He wasn't worried about himself, he was worried about Shi Hua. If Shi Hua died, he would be guilty. If it was him, he wouldn't even know this method. I dared to try, but now it is controlled by the doctor, and he still believes in the doctor Chu Feng, so he is not too shocked!

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon a whole day passed. Chu Feng moved his hand away from Shi Hua's back. There was a trace of exhaustion on his face. This exhausted color was not a pretense. Yes, Chu Feng didn't expect that the healing treatment would not only cost money, but also his soul and physical strength would also consume a lot of it. After a day of treatment, his body is now somewhat unable to resist.

"Dean Hua, this can only be done first, I have to recover, and then I can continue to treat you." Chu Feng said.

"Xiao Chu, thank you! My old life was saved by you. If your medical skills are only minimal, then many people will be ashamed to death." Shi Hua opened his eyes and smiled. , There is no sense of weakness in his voice. Of course he does not have the power of the god-level at this time, even if he encounters a powerful emperor-level powerhouse, he will not be able to deal with it, but the words of ordinary emperor-level characters There is no problem.

Shi Hua felt a little grateful for inviting Chu Feng to become the dean of the Shenchu ​​Academy at this time. If it were not for the invitation at the time, Chu Feng would not come to the Shenchu ​​Academy at this time, so he probably wants to live. It will be more difficult.

"Dean Hua, your injury is so serious. This is a great offense to the First Seminary. Why don't you invite some senior masters from the First Seminary to come forward?" Chu Feng frowned. Before he got here, he still thought that history. Hua's injury should not be too serious. It was only after arriving here that Shi Hua's injury was much heavier than he expected.

Shi Hua said helplessly: "I don't have your diagnostic skills. If it is not necessary, it is best not to disturb those seniors. I only had a relatively accurate diagnosis not long ago. If you can't, I will be prepared. I left the customs and asked someone to help."

"So that's the case." Chu Feng nodded and smiled, "Dean Hua, since you are in better health now, you don't need to leave some of the things in the Seminary School to me, you can take care of it yourself."

Shi Hua smiled slightly: "Xiao Chu, if it were you, how would you deal with such a situation?" Chu Feng frowned. If it is related to the Sifang bandits, things are not so easy to handle. The overall strength of the forces of Confucianism may not be weaker than that of the Sifang Bandits, but one is in the light, one is in the dark, one is reasonable, and the other is unreasonable. The Junior College is very disadvantaged!

"Xiao Chu, I'm not just thinking about you, but discussing with you. I am a little helpless in the current situation!" Shi Hua said.

"Dean Hua, can you be sure that the other party is a Quartet bandit? The other party has attacked you, you should know the other party's breath, can you let a god-level powerhouse go and determine the other party's location to find someone?" Chu Feng asked. There was a hint of approval in Shi Hua's eyes. It is not good to come up with ideas without clarifying the situation. It is better to make a decision like Chu Feng.

Shi Hua said: "The reason why I suspect that it is the Sifang Bandit is because the person who attacked me did not leave any aura. The Sifang Bandit can run rampant and has maintained a secret identity, that is because they possess a secret method, that secret method. It can make people not leave any breath. A god-level powerhouse may be able to detect it, but I didn’t have the power of the god-level at that time. You know the alien energy in my body. There is nothing left in it. breath!"

"Dean Hua, have you provoked the Quartet bandits?" Chu Feng said. Shi Hua frowned slightly and said, "The only person who might have gotten into the Sifang bandits recently was to help Duan San a little bit. Some of the students died. There should be no reason for the Sifang bandits to attack me again!"

"Those students are sure to die at the hands of the Quartet bandits?"

Shi Hua nodded: "It should be certain that the murderer left handwriting on the scene after the murder. There should not be many people who dare to pretend to be a Sifang bandit. Those students are just ordinary students, and they have nothing to do with each other. "

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