Holy Prison

Chapter 885: deterrence

This green-robed ancestor is a god-level powerhouse, and it is worthwhile to delay some time with him. Just like now, Chu Feng knew that the eighth domain tower had at least 27 floors!

"Lupao, how did you communicate?" Chu Feng asked. The color of doubt in the eyes of the ancestor of the green robe has not disappeared: "Little brother, I tell you, you also need to tell the ancestor how you got from the first floor to the third floor." The ancestor of the green robe said. "No problem." Chu Feng responded happily.

The ancestor of the green robe said: "There may be some Boundary Breaking Stones hidden in some places on each floor. As long as the Boundary Breaking Stone is obtained, and the strength has reached the level of the gods, it is relatively easy to pass through the layers. The energy in the middle is limited. When the energy is used up, you have to find new breaking stones. Old ancestors, I have good luck. I have got several breaking stones before!

Chu Feng's eyes showed a stunned look. It is impossible to get such news from Miao Xian'er, but of course he can ask himself in it. This is good news for him. If all the strong will wait. At a very high level, he would not know when he wanted to find a powerful entourage.

"It's your turn!" Lupao ancestor said. Chu Feng smiled and said: "I can see the level of the boundary gate. As long as some conditions are met, I can pass through the boundary gate to reach the world above!"

"Jiemen, I've never seen the old ancestor of that stuff before, can it be seen only by people with supreme merit? That's it, it must be like this." Lupao ancestor muttered.

Chu Feng sat down on the stool in the courtyard: "Green Robe, I'm asking you about this. How many floors are on this floor, and how many powerhouses have reached the god-exalted level?"

"The high-level training is easier, there are not many strong people in the lower level. Below the fifth floor, as far as I know, there are no more than ten god-excellent level strong people, but there are one or two thousand emperor-level cubs!" The ancestor of the green robe also sat down and squinted, "Little brother, is your master a saint?"

Chu Feng's heart moved: "Green Robe, where is this saying?"

"You can have this kind of merit at more than two hundred years old. If it weren't for the help of a saint, there is nothing possible." The ancestor of the green robe laughed, "I know that there are saints in the world at the top, but I didn't expect Such saints will go to the first floor. Isn’t there any treasure that comes out of the first floor?"

"Lupao, which layers do you know have saints?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. The ancestor of the green robe said: "I haven't seen a saint with my own eyes, but I know that there are saints above the 20th floor, but above the 20th floor, that is not accessible to ordinary people, only to be favored or reached by the saints above. Those who have the strength of a saint can enter!"

Chu Feng was slightly agitated. There is a saint on the 20th floor. If he has enough merit to let a saint become a follower, he can walk sideways on infinity! If there are a lot of saints to follow, the saints will wake up when the time comes, and the ancient demon will be completely fearless when he wakes up!

"Little brother, you have powerful merits and a sage as a teacher. By then, the possibility of becoming a sage is relatively high." The envy in Lupao's eyes is very strong, which means that there is a strong power behind Chu Feng. And Chu Feng himself has great potential, and Lupao only shouted affectionately with a little brother!

Chu Feng said: "Green Robe, I want to meet everyone who has reached the Emperor God level strength at this level. I wonder if you can help?"

There was a hint of excitement on the face of the green-robed ancestor. If he could be related to Chu Feng, he would be very willing. Someone at this level would not be weaker than him, but as long as he revealed a little bit of news, he would Compared to the strong guy, it is no problem to invite him over. As for the strength weaker than him, dare not to listen to his green robe ancestor.

"No problem, but it takes a little time." Lupao ancestor said. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, then I will trouble Lupao. Ten days later, let's meet in this Rock City!"

Having negotiated with the green-robed ancestor, Chu Feng quickly left Rock City. The wilderness has many powerful creatures. Chu Feng is looking for the trouble of those creatures, gaining combat points and improving himself in the **** battle. The actual combat ability!

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and the outside Tianwei left the ancient holy city and began to march towards Shenchu ​​City. In the domain tower, Chu Feng returned to Rock City again.

Those who have been to Rock City before, and now that Chu Feng approached Rock City again, he felt a strong aura. Don’t use that, those auras come from the powerhouses who have reached the strength of the Emperor God!

"Little brother, everyone is invited!" The Lupao ancestor suddenly appeared beside Chu Feng. Chu Feng followed the ancestor of the green robe, and it didn't take long for him to get to the manor of the ancestor of the green robe.

In the Manor, a series of messages passed into Chu Feng’s mind. There were a total of eleven messages, which meant that all the eleven people could become his followers like the ancestor of the green robe. If he paid enough The words of the battle points!

After discovering so many people who can become followers, Chu Feng's mood is very good. Of these people, nine of them are at the Emperor God level, and two are at the Exalted God level, and one is at the Exalted God level. At the elementary level, the strength is much weaker than the green robe ancestor, but one is the pinnacle of a god, and the strength is quite powerful!

A total of four hundred people arrived. Among them, four were strong at the god-exalted level, three of the four strong at the god-exalted level could become Chu Feng’s entourage, and there was one who had no information passed to Chu Feng to represent him. Can’t be Chu Feng’s entourage. On that person, Chu Feng can see red light in his eyes, which shows that he still has a lot of crimes unsolved. If he kills him, he can have extra combat points. It was Chu Feng who used more formal means to kill. If he asked others to help or use powerful foreign objects, then he would get very few combat points!

Four hundred people were in a hall. Chu Feng came in, and all four hundred eyes fell on him. All the four hundred people reached the strength of the Emperor God level. Although they did not intentionally oppress, but Looking at that kind of pressure with four hundred eyes is not something ordinary people can bear!

Under the pressure, Chu Feng felt that his powerful physical body seemed to be groaning, but there was no change in his face to completely withstand the pressure.

"You guys, are you looking for death?" Chu Feng said in a cold voice without expression.

The pressure disappeared, and all four hundred people took away the pressure they had brought to Chu Feng. "The little guy is very angry." A coquettish woman giggled.

The three god-level powerhouses looked at each other and their sense of consciousness penetrated into Chu Feng's mind. If Chu Feng controlled, then even the god-level powerhouse would not be able to see the merit crown in his mind. , But now Chu Feng let the three god-level powerhouses see clearly.

"Glorious virtue, great!"

"The green robe didn't lie this time."

"Little brother, it seems that there is really a powerful saint behind you."

The first sentence was said by the person who respected the first level of God, the second sentence was said by the senior person who could not become Chu Feng’s follower, and the last sentence was said by the strong man who respected the peak of God. He saw something. This merit crown didn't seem to be made by Chu Feng himself but someone helped.

The powerhouse at the Venerable God level doesn't have the ability to help Chu Feng only a saint! At this point, the strong man at the peak of the gods was not wrong. Chu Feng's crown of merit was indeed not made by himself but by Nuwa who helped him condense it!

There were quite a few tables in the hall. There was a table of the four powerful gods in Lupao and a chair at that table. Chu Feng walked over and sat down unceremoniously. Although each of these people is stronger than him, he is the Lord of the Holy Prison, and these people are in the Holy Prison, and his identity is by no means inferior to them. There is really no need to be too polite to them.

"The little brother brought us together, I don't know what the purpose is?" The powerhouse at the peak of the gods smiled authentically. Seeing him like this, many people are speechless. This is still the murderer. Those people don't understand Leng Li's thoughts. Leng Li knows himself that he has been alive for a long time, and he has been trapped in the peak of the gods for a long time. If he can't improve any more, then his limit will be there soon.

Although he has killed countless people, Leng Li is still afraid of death. He was a bit resigned at first, but the appearance of Chu Feng made him see hope. If Chu Feng could let the saint behind him help him, then It is absolutely no problem for him to improve his cultivation and live for a few more years.

"No intention, just want to see the masters of this level." Chu Feng said with a light smile. "Boy, you are so impatient that you can't entertain your grandfathers!" a bad-tempered senior emperor **** said coldly, a faint red light appeared on his body, this is a sin value that has not disappeared People!

Chu Feng glanced at the guy faintly and said: "Green robe, cold and harsh, I don't like this person, you can figure it out!" "Die!" He snorted coldly, and he stretched out his right hand to the senior Emperor God. Hold a virtual grip from the strong man, the high-level strong man of the Emperor God, as if being squeezed by the heavens and the earth, his entire body immediately turned into flesh and died so that he could no longer die!

Relentlessly and harshly, some of their evil values ​​were completely eliminated, but the former owner of the holy prison died, and their restrictions were much smaller. In the domain tower, they would have no problem killing a small number of people. , But if you kill indiscriminately, then it will attract Heavenly Punishment. In the domain tower, Heavenly Punishment is a terrible thing!

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