Holy Prison

Chapter 892: Auction Competition

"Lock him, don't rush to catch him for the time being, wait until he leaves Chaos City! Pay attention to him, don't let people kill him." Chu Feng said, people like Jin Ke probably are not willing to kill him, but Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, if you are killed, it will not be easy to find someone like Jin Ke at that time.

Tenth-level Celestial Eyes can lock ten people, and now there are no more than ten people. There is naturally no problem with locking Jinke. "Okay, locked, this guy is more careful." Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng checked Jin Ke's situation through the eyes of the sky. He did not approach the Qiseye Auction House but went to a manor in Chaos City. His appearance changed and his breath also changed, even if he was a very familiar person. You may not recognize him as Jin Ke!

The price of the auctioned golden guns is still rising. Under Tang Ming and the others, the price has already exceeded 900 billion catties of the best spar and nearly one trillion catties of the best spar. By this time, there are few bidders. Now, the price will only jump every few seconds!

"My Tyrant League bid 950 billion catties!" A somewhat arrogant voice rang out. The people in the auction could hear that voice clearly. Those who heard a lot of his voice frowned. Wrinkled.

The VIP room where Chu Feng and the others are located, Tang Ming said: "The Tyrant League is a big power in the Middle-earth Hundred States. There are twenty or thirty gods in the sect. This should be the Tyrant League. The grandson of the leader, Yan Yu, was cultivated as a high-ranking god, and he was over two thousand years old. Because of his talent, he was favored by his grandfather.

Tang Ming is in the middle-earth hundred states, and he is relatively clear about the influence of the middle-earth states. "This guy is not a idiot. I only called out until now." Zhou Wen said.

When Yan Yu called out at this time, it was to deter others and let others give up fighting with him. This is a relatively common thing in auction houses. When this price is reached, it is a confession for both Qiseye and Jinke. , So even if he speaks, there is nothing wrong with it. If he shouted like this earlier, some strong people in Qiseye would probably invite him to drink tea!

The name of the Tyrannical League is quite resounding. Yan Yu's words came out and three of the competitors who had originally competed suddenly withdrew and only one person increased the price based on Yan Yu's bid.

"Damn it!" Yan Yu said angrily in another VIP room. If such an expensive item can be bought at a lower price, it might be tens of billions of kilograms or even hundreds of billions of high-quality spar. One hundred billion catties of the best spar, which is equivalent to the spar reserves of a decent dragon vein!

"One trillion catties!" Chu Feng made a bid. As soon as he bid, the price on the huge display screen reached one trillion catties. This price Chu Feng did not succeed, and Yan Yu soon had another Everyone is bidding!

"Eleven hundred billion catties!"

Chu Feng bid again, this time no one finally followed. When Yan Yu and the others were thinking about it, five minutes had passed. Chu Feng bought the pistol.

"This thing is really expensive!" Tang Ming was relieved when they saw the deal. "Expensive reason." Tang Ming said with a light smile.

Qi Se Ye was only checked out after the auction was completed. The auction continued, and soon the second golden gun was put up for auction. This time the price of the auction reached a high of 900 billion in ten seconds!

"One trillion!" Chu Feng bid again. This time the target of entering the auction house is the two pistols. They will be used to defend Chu Zhen and the others. Although the price is expensive, Chu Feng does not care too much. .

Some people may be surprised that Jin Ke is about to be caught soon, why should he pay a high price at this time? The reason is simple. Jin Ke is the producer, but Chu Feng cannot be sure that Jin Ke has such a pistol at this time. If he doesn't, then he won't be able to get two powerful pistols immediately after catching Jin Ke.

"Asshole thing, check, find me who is against me!" Yan Yu said furiously. "Master Yu, this is Qiseye." A person next to Yan Yu reminded softly that Qiseye's power was stronger than that of the Tyrant League. Offending Qiseye, Naha Heavenly League had no good life.

"Check out one person. Isn't Qi Seye still selling our face? I don't know how much I spent in this auction house! You, let you walk over." Yan Yu was cruelly in the chest of the woman in her arms Grabbed a hand.

"Yes, Young Master Yan." The woman endured the pain, Yan Yu must have left a silt on her chest! The woman left, and soon she and a fifty-something-looking old man arrived in the VIP room where Yan Yu was.

When the old man arrived, Yan Yu and Chu Feng made bids to each other, and the two had already raised the price to fifteen hundred billion catties!

"President Liang, this person deliberately bid with me maliciously. I hope President Liang can give me an explanation!" Yan Yu said solemnly. His attitude is not good but not bad. Wang Shen's junior is lower than him, but the backstage is harder than him!

"Master Yu, he is a real purchaser, not a malicious bid. The competition between Master Yu and him is normal, and Qi Seye cannot interfere." The old man who came in said calmly.

Yan Yu said: "President Liang, then, give me the information of that person, I will not be embarrassed with Qi Seye, then I will go chat with him!" "Master Yu, you know this is impossible, if I do this today, another day You may also share your information with Master Yu to others. Master Yu will definitely not want this to happen. Seven-color leaf protects the privacy of guests. Master Yu knows this. Please forgive me for the difficulty in helping."

"Master Yu, Qi Seye is right to do this. President Liang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm fine." Yan Yu was a humane.

"Well, I wish Master Yu you have fun."

The old man withdrew to Yan Yu and drove a few women out of the room, "You bastard, fight with me, I want to see if you can fight it!" Yan Yu sneered.

Yan Yu made an angry bid, and Chu Feng made a tepid price, but Zhou Wen and the others were frightened at this moment.

Sixteen hundred billion catties, seventeen hundred billion catties, and eighteen hundred billion catties.

There were only two bids, and neither of them made a sound, but many people could feel the strong confrontation! Everyone would like to watch this kind of fun, so many people watched the changes on the big screen enthusiastically.

"Brother Feng, forget it, the price is too high, it's not worth it!" Lan Wen said, she is not worried that Chu Feng can't pay the bill, but it's almost two trillion catties, which can almost buy two handles. Pistol!

"Yes, Brother Feng, it's not necessary, let that guy suffer a big loss." Tang Ming said. Chu Feng smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, play with him again."

Chu Feng here, Lan Wen, persuaded them, and several of Yan Yu’s companions in Yan Yu’s VIP room also persuaded, "Master Yu, stop it, stop it and let that guy buy him at a high price. Make another bid, if that guy doesn't bid, he will fall into your hand." Followed a master of Yan Yu.

"This time I wanted to come over and buy the pistol. Even if I came back empty-handed, I still want that guy to be a bigger one. My Yan Yu's things are not so easy to grab!" Yan Yu sneered. At this moment, one person entered Yan Yu's private room.

"Master Yu, the master instructed to fight that person as hard as we can. We have already discovered where Jin Ke is. If we planted it in our hands, then what we paid will come back. We just pay some handling fees. In the hands of the opponent, then a large amount of spar will be in our hands after Dejinke's hands." The person who entered smiled and said that a spatial ring appeared in his hand, "There is twenty trillion in it. If there are still fewer catty crystals, with the strength of our Tyrant League, I believe Qi Seye will not think that our Tyrant League will not pay!"

Yan Yu's eyes lit up: "Okay, great, bastard, I will kill him and fight with me!"

In the VIP room of Chu Feng, Chu Feng frowned secretly. He had discovered Yan Yu a long time ago. He knew everything in the VIP room of Yan Yu clearly, but he didn't expect the Tyrant League to belong. People actually discovered Jin Ke. "Miao Xian'er, pay close attention to not let Jin Ke fall into the hands of the Tyrant League! If you find that it is not good, immediately throw that fixed thunder out and receive Jin Ke into the holy prison space. Come." Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Okay." Miao Xian'er replied. The fixed body thunder is one of the countless treasures owned by Chu Feng. It is not particularly powerful, but if it is thrown out, even the powerhouse of the Emperor God level will be frozen. In two seconds, when Jin Ke was frozen and not resisting, Tianshou could easily get him into the holy prison space.

After receiving the news of the incoming person, Yan Yu had a bottom in his heart, and he immediately raised his voice: "Who is your excellency, isn't the face of my Tyrant League ready to give it?"

"This is the auction house. If I understand it correctly, this is a place to compete for financial resources, not a place to compete for power! Bringing out the Decepticons is a mere joke. The Decepticons are so poor that they need concessions to auction one or two things What?" Chu Feng responded unceremoniously. Of course, his response was not in his own voice.

"Okay, you have a kind. I request that the limited-time auction be changed to an unlimited-time auction. In addition, whoever admits defeat, the two of us must give each other the money that has been reported!" Yan Yu said angrily. He was angry. It's true, there are still seven points, but it's pretended.

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