Holy Prison

Chapter 901: Talk to Jin Ke

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng appeared in front of Jin Ke. He sat down and poured himself a cup of tea. "Jin Ke, I didn't intend to explain before meeting you, but now I'm going to explain that it is inconvenient for me to finish my training these days, so I only appeared here now." Chu Feng smiled.

Jin Ke was originally quite angry. Hearing what Chu Feng said, the anger in his heart was a lot weaker, but when he was caught here, there must be some anger in his heart.

"Who is your Excellency, caught me here and why? If you force me to make something for you, then save the time, I am not interested!" Jin Ke said in a deep voice.

Chu Feng said: "Jin Ke, I'm sorry to invite you here in this way. I know that your greatest interest is research." "Research under the premise of freedom!" Jin Ke said.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Jin Ke, I sincerely talk to you. I hope you can also show some sincerity. If your attitude is still like this, then I don't mind killing you and then looking for other researchers. , I can invite you here, and I have the ability to invite others here! As a reminder, if you die, then all your dreams will be completely dissipated, and throughout your life, there will be no further progress in research!"

After Chu Feng said this sentence, he began to drink tea quietly. Jin Ke did not speak for a short time and the two were silent for a few minutes. "Tell me, how do you arrange for me to get me here?" Jin Ke broke the silence and said, he still doesn't want to die, he still has a lot of research to complete, and, by this time, he feels that he is in his life. There are other regrets, such as no wife and no children!

"Your task is to research and manufacture. If you need anything you can say, I will get it all for you! What kind of rights do you want?" Chu Feng said.

Jin Kedao: "If you can provide everything you need, then this is very good. There is research everywhere, and there is nothing to research here. The right I want, first, I can't just tell me anything, if I don't want to do something , Can’t force me to do it! Of course, if I’m not very unwilling, I’ll meet the general requirements. Second, how long will I lose my freedom? No one wants to be free for the rest of my life. Third, I need an assistant!"

Chu Feng considered it for a while and said, "The first one is okay, and the third one is okay. For the second one, I will show you around this space!"

Hope is home to many people, countless villages and many cities have been established on Hope. Chu Feng took Jin Ke to each village, and then stayed in each city for some time.

Sitting in a restaurant in Hope City, Jin Ke's eyes were full of surprises. What he saw and heard today shocked his heart.

"Where is this place? I have been to many places, but there has never been a place as simple and honest as here. The people here seem to be very friendly!" Jin Kedao, he found that he liked it a little bit, compared to Infinite chaos, here is like heaven!

Chu Feng said, "This is my world. This world is not small and will grow bigger and bigger. Everything here is a secret. If you want to go into the outside world, then all your memories here It will be cleared. Within one hundred thousand years, you will not be able to appear in the outside world. After one hundred thousand years, whatever you choose, whether you stay in this world or want to go out to the outside world!"

"I will not confine your freedom in the 100,000 years here. You can choose to communicate with the people here casually. If you fancy a woman, I will also bless you." Chu Feng smiled authentically.


Jin Ke said with a chuckle, "I like it a little bit, but if you die, will everything here disappear?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, this is the world inside a treasure. Even if I die, there won't be any trouble with that treasure!"

"Very well, I will call your boss in the future. I am now reduced to a part-time job." Jin Ke said. Chu Feng smiled and said: "Jin Ke, my surname is Chu, but you adapt quickly."

Jin Ke glanced out the window: "In such an environment like this, I think you should be an acceptable boss! If you don't accept it, I don't want to die yet. Boss, the woman here, is there your woman? of?"

"No, Jin Ke, what? Which one did you like?" Chu Feng smiled. "Not yet, can I pick some assistants at will?" Jin Ke said.

Chu Feng nodded: "It's casual, but it's best if the other party is willing, and will not do things hard when forced! Jin Ke, I have a few things to ask you."

"Boss, please ask." Jin Ke said.

"The price of the pistol you made is not cheap. How much does it cost? How much time does it take you to make a pistol like that? I know you have some other treasures. What are the specifics? Their cost is also to manufacture. What is time and power like?" Chu Feng said.

Jin Ke said: "Boss, let's talk to another place."

Chu Feng nodded and then they appeared where Jin Ke was at the beginning, and a pistol appeared in Jin Ke's hand: "The cost of this pistol is not high, that is, it looks like a billion catties of crystal stone. It takes about one month to manufacture if all kinds of equipment are equipped, but it is not easy to manufacture bullets. It takes about half a year to manufacture one bullet, so a pistol with six bullets will take about three years. manufacture complete!"

"The cost of one billion, manufactured and sold for trillions, in three years, it is very good." Chu Feng said, it is really good, you know, a bullet can kill a strong Emperor God level , It only takes half a year to make a bullet, and how long will it take for an Emperor God level powerhouse to cultivate to such a point.

"Jin Ke, is there a way to pass on a technique like yours to others? It is not easy for others to learn it?" Chu Feng said. Jin Ke shook his head: "It's not to lie to you, it's really not easy. To create this requires a state of mind, that is, a powerful person with respect to the gods. It is impossible to have such a state of mind without long time research!"

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, this guy is right. Such a state of mind is not something anyone can have."

"Jin Ke, it takes three years to make a handle, which is not very long, but now, why is the number of things like infinity still extremely rare?" Chu Feng said.

Jin Ke said: "Boss, there are very few purely researching on the power of science and technology like me. Few of us are willing to spend time on making pistols like this one after another, constantly researching, and constantly improving. This is what we want to do. . Selling one or two of these pistols is just to get some money and support to continue the research. Of course, you are my boss now, if you want a few, then I will be satisfied, but it’s better not I wasted too much time, because by then I might be able to develop more powerful weapons or something."

"Jin Ke, take the auction money that Qise Ye gave you this time." Chu Feng said. "Boss, you are too cruel. You bid with the Decepticons. After this incident, the Decepticons will have been in debt for millions of years!" Jin Ke took out the auction money and did not object, he knew His own golden gun was not worth that price. Compared with the Tyrant League, Chu Feng was not for the small profit.

The space ring Jin Ke given by Xia Shuang directly gave it to Chu Feng, and Chu Feng swept it inside. It contained spar wealth equivalent to more than three thousand trillion catties of the best spar. Play with the Tyrant League. Once, this was what Chu Feng wanted.

"Yes, make a little money." Chu Feng smiled, "Jin Ke, you are purely researching technology. Have you ever thought about integrating technology with other things? In that case, the weapons created may be more powerful. "

Jin Ke shook his head: "I thought about it, but I still stick to the current path. I believe that pure technological power is also extremely powerful! Boss, you don't have to persuade me at this point. If the boss wants such a weapon, You can catch such researchers in, but I know a few researchers who have no background."

Chu Feng's eyes lit up, Jin Ke, this is good news. Researchers like Jin Ke, it is what many forces want, but the sky is big and it is not easy to find them. If Jin Ke provides some information, The hope of catching a few more powerful researchers is much greater!

"Boss, don't hold on too much hope. Although I know some of the places they often go to and their names, they are all good at disguising, and they will stay away whenever there is a turmoil." Jin Kedao.

"Please tell me their detailed information. I will try my luck at that time, and maybe someone will come in and be with you at that time." Chu Feng said.

Jin Ke told the information of several people, and Chu Feng wrote down the information of those people: "Okay, let's talk about some of your other good things."

Several things appeared in front of Jin Ke's thoughts, "This is a trapped gun, which can launch an optical net. How long the optical net's power can trap a person depends on the strength of the opponent. If the opponent is a powerful emperor with great perfection. If it’s just trapped for two or three seconds, if it’s only the first level of the Emperor God, then ten minutes is no problem, the stored energy can be emitted eight times."

"This is a light armor for body protection. It looks like ordinary clothes when worn on the body. A stronger attack will stimulate electro-optical defense. While defending, it can also cause a certain amount of damage to the enemy."

"This is an emperor spear. I have newly designed something that can only be loaded one at a time, but the emperor grade powerhouse should also be able to kill, but I haven't tried it yet!"

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