Holy Prison

Chapter 904: Shishui Lake

"Jiu Shao, then, happy cooperation!" Chu Feng smiled honestly. He knew that Rankin probably didn’t say anything. Even if he knew about these things, if he didn’t cooperate with Rankin, he might be a little bit of trouble. .

"Happy cooperation!" Rankin raised his glass, Chu Feng clinked with Rankin and the two drank it. "Brother Chu, we don't have much time. I knew the news with good luck, but it couldn't be destroyed. Therefore, it won't take too long for someone to come here. We need to act as soon as possible." Rankin said.

"How much time do we have?"

"Three days." Rankin said.

It takes three days to say that it is not long or short. If everything goes well, you may be able to get the key in three days.

"Go ahead." Chu Feng said.

Together with Rankin, Chu Feng quickly left this small city. The entrance to the underground palace could not be in this small city. If it were, then it must have been discovered long ago.

It is suspicious that there is only one place near this small city, that is a lake, and Chu Feng and Lan Jin soon stood on the edge of that lake.

"Brother Chu, in this corpse water lake, no one of the lives who entered it has ever come out, and there are no other abnormalities nearby, so I think this is the entrance to the underground palace." Lan Jin looked at the lake indifferently.

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "Shishui Lake, who got the name, sounds really scary!" "I checked a little bit of information. It used to be a beautiful lake, and the mutation happened in hundreds of millions. Years ago, many strong people in this hundred million years came to investigate, and some strong people ventured into it!" Rankin said.

The lake was dark green. With the eyes of Chu Feng and the others, they could see the depth of tens of thousands of meters, but this lake was more than 10,000 meters deep, so Chu Feng and the others could not see the bottom. "Are they dead or alive?" Chu Feng said.

"I don't know, the soul jade slips with soul jade slips are intact for those who enter it, but they may not be alive, because the lake water prevents the spread of soul information!" Rankin said, "It is rumored that there is a saint below. Or the corpse of the Abyssal Demon, but no one came out of it, this rumor haha!"

"Jiu Shao, do you want to go down?" Chu Feng said.

Rankin looked at Chu Feng's calm eyes with a little madness: "Brother Chu, you don't want to go down and take a look? As long as we can get the key, there should be no problem coming out!"

"This is crazy, can this water touch it?" Chu Feng said. "Yes, as long as the body doesn't enter it whole, there is no problem." Rankin said.

Chu Feng had already planned to refuse in his heart. He might not get the flying boat. It is not worth taking such a risk for the flying boat. If they really can't get out of it, then Chu Zhen and the others will be very sad, and Feng Bingning , What to do then?

But when he encountered the water, Chu Feng was stunned. He knew that he could not refuse. He didn't feel anything when he didn't touch the water, but he felt a little bit of Nuwa when he met the water. breath.

"Part of Nuwa's body is under here?" Chu Feng immersed his entire palm in the water, carefully feeling in his heart. "Yes, it's really below here." Chu Feng was sure in his heart that the bottom must be part of Nuwa's body, or it's underwater, or in that underground palace.

If you don't know this one, then Chu Feng will not go down, but knowing this one, it is impossible not to go down, because Chu Feng promised Nuwa!

After three days, other people will know the news. There will be many people entering this corpse water lake by then. If they find part of Nu Wa's body, things will be more troublesome.

The body of the saint, God knows what a person who has obtained a part of Nuwa's body will do. Since he has agreed to Nvwa, Chu Feng can't do it if he knows it.

"Jiu Shao, what good way do you have, it's too dangerous to go on rashly." Chu Feng said. Rankin's mind moved a golden bracelet and appeared in his hand: "This is a diamond bracelet, the defense is pretty good, I hope it can protect us in the underground palace!"

Rankin said that it was good, so it must be a good thing. The diamond bracelet flew up from Rankin's hand and then quickly became bigger. The light from the diamond bracelet formed a diameter in a short time. A ball of light about three meters!

"Brother Chu, maybe we won't be able to reach the bottom of a treasure by then, and you may be asked to help by then." Rankin said. Chu Feng nodded slightly. He may not have many other things, but the treasure in his hand, above Infinity, there should not be many people as much as the treasure in his hand!

Rankin first entered the pale golden light ball formed by the diamond bracelet, and Chu Feng entered it as soon as he stepped into it. After Chu Feng entered it, the pale golden light ball slowly sank into the corpse water lake. , The light from the diamond bracelet squeezed the water of Shishui Lake for a short time, and the light ball formed by the diamond bracelet was submerged in the water.

Chu Feng and the others disappeared, and soon a few people also reached the Shishui Lake. These people Chu Feng had met before, it was the two brothers, a platinum junior and a golden peak.

"Brother, are there any treasures in this? Those two are definitely strong just now, they have all entered, should we enter?"

That brother is a little more stable. "They all used defensive treasures for their tyrannical strength. Let's enter, and there is probably no life. Let's listen to it first and see if there is any problem with this lake."

"Brother, there is no problem with this lake, you see." The talking young man said and washed his hands in the lake. "Let's enter first. If we encounter danger, we should exit immediately. Our strength is also good. Isn't it that weak? If we get something good, then maybe we can also become the power of the Conferred God!"

"If there is any danger, withdraw immediately!" The brother thought for a while. The two of them quickly entered the corpse water lake, and soon they found that something was wrong. Entering this corpse water lake unexpectedly When they sink down, they float up with all their strength, but it's useless. Something seems to be sucking them down at the bottom of the lake.

"Senior brother!" The junior brother said in a panic. "Accelerate sinking, we catch up with the two seniors in front, if they can help us a little, then maybe it will be all right." The senior said.

At this time, Chu Feng and the others were relatively calm, because they knew that this lake was not normal, and the light formed by the diamond bracelet protected their surroundings. They have not encountered any danger now.

"Jiu Shao, this diamond bracelet seems to have Buddha nature." Chu Feng said. Lan Jin smiled slightly: "Brother Chu has a good eye. This diamond bracelet used to be a personal treasure of a god-level powerhouse who practiced Buddha. That powerhouse has a little relationship with me, so I gave this diamond bracelet to It’s me. Because it’s carried around all the year round, it also has a buddha nature. Although it can’t attack, it’s pretty good defense.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "It is estimated that there is something evil in this corpse water lake. This Buddha nature should have a good effect on restraining it."

"Senior, help!" At this time, Chu Feng and the two people above their heads fell quickly, and the two fell, one of them yelled, and the other's eyes also had a little panic.

Rankin glanced at the two men and didn't say anything. The two men came in with such strength. Since they wanted to come in and make a baby, they had to bear the consequences.

"Senior, help, we don't know that this lake is so evil." The golden guy among the two said loudly.

"Let them come in." Chu Feng said. The goodness of these two people exceeds the value of sin, so Chu Feng opened this mouth, otherwise he would not have that interest.

Chu Feng, a partner, spoke, and Lan Jin nodded slightly and said, "Come in!"

"Thank you two seniors." Rankin allowed the humanity with a relatively high level of platinum and junior level. At this time, it is natural for them to enter the protection range of the diamond bracelet.

The two of them entered, and Chu Feng said indifferently: "You are really impatient to live in this corpse water lake with your cultivation base?"

"Shishui Lake?" The expressions of the two of them changed slightly when they heard this name. If they had known that this lake was called Shishui Lake before, they wouldn't risk the groundwater.

"Senior, this, we have just arrived in this city, and we don’t know about it yet. Thank you for your help. My name is He Feng, and this is my senior brother Sun Cheng." That platinum junior humanity, in fact, is justified. In terms of age, they are much older than Chu Feng, but this world is respected by strength, so they Chu Feng, they are seniors and they are juniors!

That one Sun Chengdao: "Two seniors, this lake is called Shishuihu. Our two schools are dealing with corpses. Maybe we can help the two seniors a little bit by then."

"Refining the corpse?" Rankin said. Sun Cheng shook his head: "It's not a senior, it's a Feng Shui tomb."

Chu Feng and Rankin took a similar look. The two of them learned this, so if you help these two people, it might be helpful. They are going to enter an underground palace, and maybe they need some of their abilities to get inside.

There are very few sects of Infinity who specialize in the study of Feng Shui tombs, but there are still some. Many people on Infinity still believe in this aspect. This is not a superstition. If the location of the tomb is not well chosen, it may cause a descendant. The unlucky family eventually perishes!

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