Holy Prison

Chapter 906: Sniper

The living corpses outside are also of the King God level. If they don't have a powerful weapon, He Feng, their attacks will definitely be useless. If Rankin is not good at attacking, then the heavy responsibility of the attack will fall on Chu Feng alone.

Chu Feng thought, a silver knife appeared in his hand. This silver knife was the one Bai Lao wanted to buy. Now more than ten years have passed. Chu Feng has used it in the domain tower. It's a lot of times, so it has opened up a little bit, but there is still a big gap with it!

Although it didn't fully open the front, when this small knife appeared, the cold light flashing on the blade made Rankin and the others feel a bit stinging in their bodies!

"Magic." A look of surprise appeared in Rankin's eyes. From this small knife, Rankin also felt a trace of demonicity, which was not strong, but very strong!

Chu Feng nodded slightly. He paid attention to the living corpse outside. Suddenly, Chu Feng was holding the knife manually, and the knife passed through Chu Feng's golden guardian around them and appeared in the corpse water lake outside. In front of the knife was a living corpse of the emperor god's high-level strength. The knife shot, and its mouth opened and let out a silent howl, instantly condensed from the corpse energy into a corpse shield in front of him.

The corpse shield made by the power of the Emperor God level is naturally not weak, but under the attack of that small knife, the corpse shield was immediately broken into a hole, and the small knife penetrated the corpse shield, and then in that emperor The god-level powerhouse pierced his head without reacting!

Killing that powerful emperor **** level with a single blade, the knife slowed down a bit, but in the blink of an eye, another top beast corpse of the king **** was killed.

"come back!"

Chu Feng let out a deep cry in his heart, and the small knife shuddered and immediately shot back into Chu Feng's hand. This small knife was enchanted. If one is not good, it might have ran away on its own. Chu Feng understands. However, it was not only because of this reason that Chu Feng immediately took the knife back. There was another reason. There was a problem with the water outside. It could weaken the connection between Chu Feng’s divine consciousness and the knife. If not immediately If you take it back, then the knife might really run away!

The living corpses outside still have a little bit of wisdom, or that they have some instincts. Chu Feng stabs out a living corpse of the Emperor God's high level and a living corpse of the King God's top level immediately died. They probably also have some instincts. Fear, so even though Chu Feng's knives were taken back, they retreated and disappeared into Chu Feng's sight.

"Senior is really good! One blow scared those things away." Sun Chengdao. Lan Jin was also surprised by Chu Feng's attack power, but at this time his brows frowned: "Brother Chu, is there a problem with the water outside?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly and his face solemnly said, "Well, there is a problem. My weapon went outside, and the water outside quickly weakened my connection with the knife."

"Fortunately, this sword is more powerful. It is estimated that ordinary weapons will be easily destroyed outside." Chu Feng said that a sword appeared in his hand. It is a good sword, even with a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees. The low temperature of thousands of degrees below zero, this sword is also able to withstand, Chu Feng threw the sword out of the protection circle, and in Chu Feng's eyes, the sword was already within a tenth of a second. Is completely corroded!

Chu Feng said: "If there is no protection for people below the **** level, it is estimated that they will immediately turn into corpse water outside. The **** level people should be able to bear a little bit, but it will not take too long. Go! Weapons that don't reach the level of an artifact can't exist outside, and even a powerful artifact can't stand the corrosion of the water outside for a long time."

The faces of He Feng and Sun Cheng changed slightly. The corpse water outside was too powerful. If Chu Feng and the others hadn't helped them, they would have died by now.

"How can it be so powerful, the water above seems to be the same as ordinary water." Sun Chengdao. Chu Feng also had an interview. There was indeed no problem with the water above the Shishui Lake, but the water below it was terrifying!

Rankin said at this time: "Brother Chu, although I don't want to scare you, there is one thing I want to tell you. It is estimated that the diamond bracelet will not be able to withstand it for too long. This water is too strong, and the pressure on the diamond bracelet is increasing. ."

"Jiu Shao, can't bear to say it ten seconds before." Chu Feng said. Rankin nodded slightly, and Chu Feng said that such words meant that there was a great treasure. He felt relieved. If there is no treasure to defend in such a terrifying place, it would be very hurt.

"Miao Xian'er, put Sun Cheng and He Feng into the holy prison space." Chu Feng said in his mind. Miao Xian'er's voice sounded: "Chu Feng, take them in forcibly? Except that you are safer to enter the sacred prison space, it is very dangerous for others to enter the sacred prison space. The chance of death is up to three-thirds. One."

Chu Feng's face changed slightly, this is really not good news! He just thought, maybe everyone can enter the holy prison space and let the holy prison sink naturally, but the news of Miao Xian'er made such a possibility impossible!

"Jiu Shao, I also have a ‘good’ news to tell you." Chu Feng said. Rankin smiled bitterly: "It's weird if there is good news at this time! Let's talk, what's the ‘good’ news?"

"If you can't enter the treasure space, forcibly enter, the chance of death is very high!" Chu Feng said.

Rankin also has treasures that can pretend to be human. He tried it at this time. "It's really good news." Rankin said. He found that the treasures he owns can't be accepted at this time!

"Sun Cheng, He Feng, you are more careful, the treasure space cannot accept people!" Rankin said. He Feng and Sun Cheng nodded their heads. They regretted how they followed impulsively this time, but what is the use of regret at this time, they can only follow Chu Feng and the others!

Only half a minute passed, and Chu Feng stared in one direction. Although he hadn't seen it yet, he felt a living corpse coming over there.

The small knife in Chu Feng's hand flew out in an instant. Every time a powerful life was killed, the small knife would open up a little bit more and become more powerful!

A miserable howling sounded into Chu Feng's ears. Chu Feng knew clearly that the knife had hit the target. It should have been a living corpse of the Emperor God's high-level strength that was shot and killed by the knife!

The death of the living corpse did not cause the rest of the living corpses to retreat. Rankin caused the diamond bracelet to emit a stronger light. Chu Feng and the others could see the distance of about 100 meters around them. There are dozens of scary living corpses!

"Hiss!" Li Feng and Sun Cheng took a deep breath, they were already surrounded by living corpses. "Nine Young Master, good defense!" Chu Feng said that the knife flew out again. He injected a little light of merit into the knife, protected by the light of merit, and the knife shot his connection with the knife should not be so. Eliminate quickly.

The living corpses launched an attack, and the diamond bracelet shook very violently, and Rankin's hair went without wind. He also used his full strength at this time!

This time when the knife was shot, Chu Feng really felt that the connection with the knife did not disappear so quickly. The knife shot, and in a short period of time, more than ten living corpses were killed by the knife. These more than ten living corpses were big. Some of them are the living corpses of the Emperor God level. Killing such a living corpse makes Rankin's pressure much lighter!

"Brother Chu, there!" Rankin said in surprise. Chu Feng retracted the knife and turned around. The living corpses outside did not attack at this time. They all looked terrified, and a very ugly monster appeared. In Chu Feng's line of sight, the main body of that monster was like a square piece of rotten meat. On that piece of rotten meat, there were granulation shoots. The tops of the granulation shoots were heads. Some were Some human heads are the heads of other creatures!

"What is this!" Sun Cheng said in surprise, because Rankin strengthened the light of the diamond bracelet, so they could see a little bit vaguely!

"It doesn't matter if it looks ugly, but its strength should be at the Emperor God level." Chu Feng said, in fact, this can be basically judged from the appearance of the rest of the living corpses. There are also some Emperor God level strengths outside. Living corpses, but they are also very afraid of this monster that appears!

"Brother Chu, can you deal with it? If you can't defend it, I'll come." Rankin said. Chu Feng glanced at Rankin. The powerhouse behind him was really good to him, a man of enchanting level talent, and he also had something that could deal with the Emperor God level powerhouse. "Defense is alright." Chu Feng said.

This small knife is not the blood of an emperor-level powerhouse who has never touched it. Chu Feng injected a little more light of merit into the small knife and shot the small knife out instantly!

The strength of the Emperor God level powerhouse was greatly improved compared to the Emperor God level powerhouse. When the knife shot over, the heads of the many granulation shoots of that monster immediately bit the past.

The knife shot through more than a dozen heads in the blink of an eye. The monster obviously underestimated the knife. When it was attacked by the knife, it immediately became furious. Chu Feng hadn't retracted the knife at this time. He thought of one. The emperor spear made by Jin Ke in the moving holy prison space appeared in his hands.

"Bang!" The emperor's gun rang, and a red bullet was shot out at a terrible speed. The speed at which the bullet was shot out was at least hundreds of times faster than the speed at which the knife was shot!

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