Holy Prison

Chapter 909: Enter the underground palace

He Feng and Sun Cheng didn't want to be separated, but they knew that they didn't have the place to talk at the moment. "Well, it's best if we don't separate. It's so dangerous here. Below, I can't imagine it." Rankin said with a light sigh.

Chu Feng glanced at He Feng and Sun Chengdao: "He Feng, Sun Cheng, you two may be separated by then, don't you have any comments?"

"Senior, it's okay to be separated, if there is danger, don't die together." He Feng said. "Brother Chu, you choose first." Rankin said.

Chu Feng pointed to Sun Cheng: "Sun Cheng, come with me when the time comes. I will try my best to keep you safe. If you are lucky enough to go out together, if you are not lucky, then you will be dead together."

"Brother Chu, you are letting me." Lan Jin said, He Feng and Sun Cheng, Sun Cheng's cultivation base is lower but He Feng's cultivation base is much higher. On the whole, He Feng's level It is higher.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Nine Masters, who said to let you, behind is the underground palace, Sun Cheng knows a little bit about the tombs, and I chose him to take advantage. Sun Cheng, don't resist."

A suction force acted on Sun Cheng, and Sun Cheng disappeared in front of Chu Feng and the others. Lan Jin looked at He Feng, and He Feng was quickly included in the space items.

"Brother Chu, it’s best if you don’t separate. If you do, Brother Chu, please remember a few words. Red is dangerous, yellow is normal, green is safer, dark red is extremely dangerous! The other colors are gorgeous. It's more dangerous!" Rankin said.

Chu Feng said, "Is this the information you got from Master Jiu?" Rankin nodded slightly, "Then there is not much information on it, only this is useful. Brother Chu, I still remember the first time I had you with you. When we met, you were far worse than you are now. How can I say that you were not much better than the ants in front of me at that time! But I didn't expect that now you are already surpassing me. If you can, I think Make you a friend, I don't want us to be enemies."

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Jiu Shao, friends do not rely on words, but do. But so far, I feel pretty good for Jiu Shao, maybe we can become friends."

"Brother Chu, don't call me Jiu Xiao from now on. This is what my ineffective little brothers call me. I don't have the face to make Brother Chu a little brother." Lan Jin smiled, "Let's compare your age, if Chu Brother, if you are older, you can call Xiao Jiu. If you are younger, how about you call Lao Jiu?"

"You don't need to report, I'm older, you don't understand me, but I know you, the dear son of the Nine Profound Empire." Chu Feng smiled, "Then I'll call you Xiao Jiu."

"No problem, but if one day my cultivation level surpasses you, you will call me the old nine." Rankin said. "No problem." Chu Feng said.

Lan Jin smiled and said, "It seems that Brother Chu, you have great confidence in yourself."

"Which one of us has no confidence in himself?" Chu Feng said. Rankin nodded slightly: "It's true, Brother Chu, you have to cheer and don't let me pass, otherwise you will be very depressed if you are called Xiao Jiu to Lao Jiu."

"Hahaha, don't worry, you have no chance!" Chu Feng laughed, "Xiao Jiu, if we can all go out alive this time, maybe we will be friends."

"I look forward to it!"

Chu Feng took a deep breath: "Are you ready? I'm about to take the spaceship away, and then let's rush. It's only a distance of a hundred meters. Even in the water outside, it can't be used at our speed. Seconds! One second, I hope that behemoth will not wake up!"

Rankin also took a deep breath: "Brother Chu, count down." "Okay, I will collect the spacecraft when the three-second countdown reaches zero." Chu Feng said, "Three, two, one, zero!"

Chu Feng counted to zero, and the pyramid-shaped spacecraft was immediately taken away by Chu Feng. Chu Feng and the others appeared in the water outside, and both of them moved instantly.

The Chu Feng King God is at the peak, the Rankin King God is at the top. Chu Feng and the others tried their best to increase their speed to the maximum. Their bodies seemed to be in front of the place where the boulders had lines in a very short time.

Before that, something that made Chu Feng and the others horrified happened. They felt that the behemoth was moving at the same time, and the two of them had no time to think too much. At this time, both of them hit the stone face with lines. on.

The stone surface is also strange. If you don’t use much force, then hitting it is hitting a hard rock, but if you use more force, then it’s like hitting the water, and Chu Feng and the others disappear instantly. In the stone surface.

Chu Feng and the others had just disappeared. After zero and one second, a black breath hit the stone surface, and there was a tremor, and a not weak force penetrated into the stone surface.

Chu Feng and Lan Jin squirted out a mouthful of blood, and that force followed and slammed into their backs. If it weren't for their defenses were stronger than those of the general Emperor God level. , Now that is already killing on the spot!

They were attacked and suffered serious injuries, but at this moment, Chu Feng and the others were not in the mood to pay attention to the injury. They moved all together, and the two of them entered the palace where the door was opened a little bit in the blink of an eye and then closed the door. It was closed immediately.

Chu Feng and the others just closed the door tightly, and the roar of the monster outside rang out. Chu Feng and the others were afraid to look outside, but even if they didn’t look at them, they knew that the corpse beast outside must be the god-level corpse. After hitting and disappearing, the god-level corpse beast successfully entered it after two trials.

A cry of Ruoyouruowu came, Chu Feng and the others could hear it clearly, it was the voice of a child. "Xiao Jiu, that window is one-way transparent." Chu Feng pointed to a small window in the room and said.

"The room is safe, let's go and take a look." Rankin also said through Voice. Chu Feng and the others are close to the small window, and the outside scene can naturally be seen from that window.

The corpse beast roared. At this time, it became a little smaller, but it was more than four meters in length. It looked terrifying. Of course, compared to its size, what was more terrifying was the kind of exposed. With aura, Chu Feng believed that even if many Emperor God level experts appeared in front of it, they would be torn and devoured by it in a short time!

The cry was approaching. Chu Feng and the others saw a child who looked only four or five years old. His chubby face looked very cute. The child had red hair, and he probably hadn’t cut it. , The red hair fell to the shoulders.

Chu Feng and Lan Jin looked at each other. They didn't plan to rush out to save the child, not only because the terrible corpse beast had not disappeared, but also because the child had red hair.

Red, according to the information obtained by Rankin, red is a terrible color in this. If the information is not deceptive, then this kid is not easy.

Seeing the child, the corpse beast actually took a step back in fright. Yes, it stepped back. A corpse beast that looked terrifying to Chu Feng and the others was actually scared by a broken boy who looked only four or five years old. I stepped back, no matter how you look at such a scene!

"Aw!" The corpse beast roared, Chu Feng and others thought it would go forward, but they didn't expect it to turn around and wanted to escape. This is weird enough. What's even more strange is that this corpse beast did not escape successfully. The little boy was faster than it. He appeared on the head of the corpse beast as if he had been there since the beginning of the world. !

The little fists raised, Chu Feng and the others saw what they saw. They saw that the little broken boy punched down the corpse beast's head and there was a hole in the head, and the little broken boy got through the hole. He got in and quickly took out a corpse pill and swallowed it.

Without the power of that corpse pill, the bones and flesh of that corpse beast quickly weathered, and it didn't take long for the corpse beast that was not too small to disappear.

Seeing that the corpse beast disappeared, the little broken boy who had received the corpse pill seemed satisfied. He hit a full gap and disappeared into Chu Feng's sight.

"Xiao Jiu, this world is really crazy." Chu Feng said through the voice. "I also have this feeling, what kind of strength that little ghost is, that corpse beast, I guess it has a god-level cultivation base, and it was killed by a punch and took the corpse pill. Our small body, I guess Can't stand him." Rankin said with a wry smile.

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, the house you are in is probably built by a saint, and the soundproofing is good. You should not be able to hear it outside. "

"Xiao Jiu, that kid just has red hair, if it is dark red, then" Chu Feng's eyes were a little frightened, and he was really scared after this trip.

"Then I guess we will die if we get closer." Rankin said, "Brother Chu, I'm sorry, maybe you shouldn't have pulled you down this trip. I didn't expect the situation below to be so strange. Two flying boats, Is it worth the hard work, alas!"

Chu Feng said, "Xiao Jiu, there must be an abnormal change in this, and the Shishui Lake is like that. In fact, it's not too strange that it looks like this! This room is safe, and the kid just didn't feel it. As far as our existence is concerned, let Sun Cheng and the others come out to analyze and analyze. In this regard, they are more professional than ours."

"Yeah." Lan Jin nodded slightly. Sun Cheng and the others can actually analyze the space treasure, but if they can't personally feel the outside environment there, the result of the analysis may not be so correct.

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