Holy Prison

Chapter 911: Flower Thief (1)

The corpse people, all kinds of corpse beasts, some act alone, some in groups, Chu Feng and the others in the palace are an eye-opener!

In addition to the corpse and the corpse beast, Chu Feng also saw other things. There is a kind of strange snake, which is very small, only about a foot long. It has two heads, one of which is green and the other is red. , Chu Feng and the others found a very strange thing. When the red head of that kind of strange snake was raised and the green head lowered, other corpse beasts looked a little afraid of it, and when that kind of strange snake was green When the head is raised, other corpse beasts are not afraid of it.

There is also a kind of corpse ant. The strength is estimated to be not too strong. The weak may only be the strength of the gods, but they do not act alone. In the end, dozens or hundreds of them act together. If they meet the corpse beast, it will happen. war! They also saw a lot of children like Chu Feng that they had seen before. Some were three to five years old, and some were older and more than ten years old. The youngest seemed to be just like a baby who was just born!

Those children are not all red-haired. There are a few children Chu Feng who saw that they have green hair. In addition, children with yellow hair and other colors of hair also have them.

Throughout the night, the group of demons danced wildly, and various calls continued to flow into Chu Feng's minds. In addition to watching those monsters, Chu Feng and the others also wrote down the sounds of those monsters. Come down, maybe they will be able to save their lives at that time!

When a round of red sun slowly rose, the entire underground palace slowly quieted down. All the corpses and beasts found a place to hide, and there were scary children running everywhere. The ground also disappeared.

"Huh! This night is really an eye-opener." Rankin exhaled, "Brother Chu, do you not pick those flowers?" "I want to pick them, but there is a small problem. No monsters entered the garden overnight. Let's enter, can we get out?" Chu Feng said.

"It must be dangerous in there. Those monsters are afraid. It is probably not a normal danger. I don't know if there is a key in it. If there is a key in it, we don't need to venture around looking for the key!" Rankin said.

Chu Feng glanced at Sun Cheng and He Feng: "Sun Cheng, He Feng, after watching all night, do you have any opinions?" Sun Cheng smiled bitterly: "I don't have any opinions, I'm just thinking, we will I won't be one of them too!"

"The two seniors, those little children, seem to be born from the corpses inside." He Feng said softly. Chu Feng and their eyes were surprised. The corpse gave birth to a child. Isn't this too weird, but in the environment like this, there seems to be no surprise that such a weird sight appears!

"I was pregnant before I came here?" Rankin said. He Feng shook his head: "I'm afraid it's not, but the corpses inside were born from the union of each other."

At this moment, Chu Feng's mind suddenly came up with a sentence: Life will find a way out soon!

The corpses here have been trapped here for many years. They may not be very intelligent, but they must have a little wisdom. It is not impossible to combine with each other to give birth to offspring!

"A very reasonable explanation. Those children are not normal lives. They seem to have both corpse qi and life aura, but the corpse qi is still much heavier." Chu Feng said.

Sun Chengdao: "No matter what they are, they are dangerous things for us. Those children are more terrifying than those corpses and beasts. Their strength is very powerful, and they seem to be more intelligent!"

"Brother Chu, what should we do? Are we going out or not going out today?" Rankin said. Chu Feng said: "Don't go out first. The divine consciousness can be used but it is not easy to use. Let's use the power of science and technology to understand this clearly before speaking."

Chu Feng thought that a dragonfly-like flying machine appeared in his hands. Chu Feng started it, and the dragonfly-like flying machine immediately flew up, but what made Chu Feng frown was that its energy was consumed rapidly, supporting it in a short time. The energy of flight is completely exhausted. "Brother Chu, are you a toy?" Rankin said funnyly.

"Xiao Jiu, this is not funny. If it is outside, the energy it has can support it to fly continuously for 10,000 years, but here, the energy leakage is very serious, and this space has been sucked away!" Chu Feng said.

Rankin's smile faded, which is really not a funny thing. "Brother Chu, the problem is big. The super scanner can't scan anything, and such a thing can't be used. The restriction on scientific and technological power here seems to be very large!" Rankin said.

"Miao Xian'er, in this environment, is there anything that works well?" Chu Feng said in his mind. Miao Xian'er detected it much faster than his speed!

"Chu Feng, it seems that you can only rely on your own power here, but the Tianwei can be used. In addition, the entourage should also be able to exert power here." Miao Xianer said, "Chu Feng, your second mission coming."

Chu Feng's heart suddenly felt that he would be happier if he got a task at another time, but here, he really didn't want a task to come over, and he didn't expect to be afraid of anything. "Miao Xian'er, is it an optional task?" Chu Feng said. "No, it must take the task!" Miao Xianer said.

"Go ahead, what task?"

"The mission, get at least one key to the flying boat, the mission time is one hundred years, the mission failed within one hundred years, and the mission is completed within one hundred years; this mission has a follow-up mission, follow-up mission, get a ship Flying boat, after getting the key, you will get the success of the flying boat mission within one thousand years, and the mission will fail after one thousand years. Follow-up missions are not mandatory, but optional tasks. If you choose to give up, you will get no reward for flying boat and no punishment if you don’t get it. !"

"The mission reward, the mandatory mission is a C-level mission. Successful missions will reward 500,000 merit points. If completed within ten years, the reward will be doubled. If the mission fails, 500,000 merit points will be deducted. Negative number! The follow-up mission is a D-level mission. Successful mission rewards 100,000 merit points. If it succeeds within ten years, the reward will be doubled. If it fails, 100,000 merit points will be deducted!" Miao Xianer said.

After listening to what Miao Xian'er said, Chu Feng smiled bitterly in his heart. He now has more than 400,000 combat points. If the mission fails, he will be deducted at least 500,000. If he chooses the follow-up mission, the first mission Failure means that the second one is also a failure, in which case 600,000 will be deducted!

But if you succeed, you can get a lot! If he can get half a million combat merit points, plus what he already has, there are nearly one million. One hundred thousand combat merit points can have a general god-level follower, and one million combat merit points can have ten general ones. A follower of the exalted **** level or a follower of the peak of exalting the gods and great perfection, if there is such a follower, it will be much better, even if you encounter a strong person of the exalted **** level, you are not afraid!

"Chu Feng, follow-up tasks, do you accept it or not?" Miao Xianer said. "Take it, why not take it, if you are lucky, the first mandatory task can be completed, I don't believe that the second task cannot be completed!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"The follow-up mission is accepted. If the first mission fails, you will be deducted 600,000 merit points. Chu Feng, work hard, you don't want your merit points to be negative," Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind. . "Miao Xian'er, you should think of a way too. My combat merits are negative and it is not good for you." Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng and Miao Xian'er talked a lot, but the time passed a little bit. After Rankin finished speaking, Chu Feng and the four of them were silent for a while.

"Brother Chu, I think it's better for us to get some flowers. Those flowers should be of great use! And there may be other good things in the garden." Rankin said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Then let's make a decision. Let's be a flower picker and find a way to pick a few flowers. We'd better control the number and not pick too much. If we pick too much, there may be bad consequences. Xiao Jiu, you said before that it was only three days. Three days, I think, is not enough for us to find the key. There may be other strong people coming in!"

"Come in as soon as you come in, this horrible place may be accompanied by some people. If other people don't come in, we face the monsters alone, and the chance of getting the key may not be greater than that of them coming in!" Rankin said, "Before them, we just picked some flowers. There are not many flowers blooming in that garden. If there are many people coming in, then the people behind will probably not want to pick them!"

Sun Cheng said: "We'd better do it as soon as midday. At that time, the chances of encountering danger are less, and it's better to come one by one, so that it won't be finished all together.

Chu Feng and the others nodded, and Lan Jin said, "I'm the first one. I have practiced the doppelganger art. Even the death of an ordinary clone will not affect me much!"

"Xiao Jiu, we need to know what kind of flowers are effective." Chu Feng said. Sun Chengdao: "Senior, this is a good judgment. Flowers that can keep the corpse away will be useful. If there is no such effect, it will definitely be useless! We can't just focus on flowers, or maybe something else. Things, such as the grass and dirt in the garden!"

Rankin said: "I'll try it out. I will act when it's half an hour before noon."

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