Holy Prison

Chapter 913: The law of clone

"Brother Chu, I'm sorry, I didn't expect the flowers to be picked, but they didn't get them out." Lan Jin sighed authentically. Chu Feng waved his hand: "Xiao Jiu, what you said, you let the clone go out to pick the flowers, but you didn't pick it back. What is your embarrassment if you try your best. If the three of us who don't know how to do it go out, I guess now. It has become the fertilizer for that flower."

At this time, Chu Feng also moved the idea of ​​owning a clone. In fact, he had moved before, but he had never looked down on the clone owned by the criminals caught at that time, so he didn't have a clone at this time.

If it is self-cultivation, it will take a lot of time, and Chu Feng needs to practice a lot, so he has not made this determination for self-study.

"Miao Xian'er, it seems that one of the researchers caught is very good at clones, right?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Well, a senior emperor god, he almost grabbed his clone that time and shocked his deity. Fortunately, he noticed it, otherwise he wouldn't be in the holy prison space now." Xianer said.

Chu Feng checked the information of the senior researcher of the Emperor God, and that researcher was really capable of a powerful clone method. Now that ability level is a holy spell master, this level is not low!

"Miao Xian'er, the exchange of a clone art shouldn't affect the true self skills, right?" Chu Feng said, the clone art is more useful in this underground palace, but it is still weaker than the true self skills.

Miao Xian'er said: "There is a certain chance that it will have an impact. About two to three percent chances will cause the true self skills to temporarily disappear, but even if it disappears, it shouldn't take long to recover. The avatar technique does not enhance Chu. Feng you the strength of a full blow!"

"Then exchange that ability for me. In order to take care of the true self skills, many times I have not exchanged various abilities. It is too scrupulous to talk about it. If you are so scrupulous, it will be difficult for the true self skills to reach higher levels by then. !" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Yes, usually, Chu Feng, it is better for you to exchange some skills that you may need." Miao Xianer said.

"Brother Chu, you don't know how to be cloned, only I will. It is only natural for my clone to go out." Rankin said, "The cloned technique is more useful here. Does Brother Chu have any plans to learn it? I have a comparison here. Good exercise."

Chu Feng smiled lightly and said: "The exercise does not require you. I have prepared the exercise of the clone technique a long time ago, but I have always been afraid that it will affect the skill of the real self, so I hesitate not to practice."

"Brother Chu, in fact, the avatar technique doesn't affect the real self skills. I was worried at the time, but after practicing it, it was fine." Lan Jin laughed, "With the training talent of Brother Chu, it is estimated that a little time will be enough. Learned some! Now we are not suitable for going out, Brother Chu may wish to practice and try."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Alright, let's practice it, I hope it's really easy!" I said before that I don't know how to use the clone technique. If I use it rashly, Rankin thinks he's panicking. , Now Rankin said that, taking this opportunity to exchange the clone spell, there will be no problem when it is used.

"He Feng, Sun Cheng, do you want to learn the method of clone?" Chu Feng said. He Feng and Sun Chengxiang both nodded their heads at all. They are not interested in learning the ordinary avatar, but if Chu Feng said that, it must be a very good exercise. If this opportunity is not required Catch that is a fool.

Chu Feng thought, two jade slips appeared in his hands: "These two jade slips, one is the Thousand Fantasy Real Body, and the other is the Wanhua Art. It should be more suitable for you. You can learn whichever you like. , Your cultivation base is not low, you should learn a little bit and it will not take too long."

"Thousand Illusion Real Body, Wan Hua Jue, Brother Chu, you have so many good things, I have the thought of robbing you haha." Rankin laughed, "He Feng, Sun Cheng, this is your blessing, so It’s hard to find a lot of money!"

"Thank you, senior!" He Feng and Sun Chengxi said. In fact, their cultivation is not low in infinity, but some top-level exercises are basically not for them. Now they are indeed lucky.

He Feng and Sun Cheng each chose the technique. Chu Feng sat cross-legged and let Miao Xian'er begin to exchange for the doppelganger technique. The advanced powerhouse of the emperor **** did not cultivate a thousand phantom real body but also a thousand transformations. Jue, in his capacity, the exercises he practiced are more advanced than these two exercises. It is not that the exercises Chu Feng could not give Sun Chengxue a congratulatory wind to them, but with Sun Cheng's talents, they learn That kind of exercise will not be achieved by learning Qianhuan Zhenbo or Wanhua Jugao!

After Chu Feng sat down cross-legged, He Feng and Sun Cheng also read the information in the jade slips and began to practice. They knew in their hearts that if they could learn the technique of avatar in this underground palace, even one A little bit will also have a lot of benefits, and it may save your own life when it is critical!

The exchange needs to consume the kindness value, a lot of the kindness value disappears, and a large amount of information quickly flows into Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng originally knew very little about the technique of clone, but he constantly absorbed that large amount of information, Chu Feng The knowledge of the art of clone is rapidly increasing!

Lan Jin smiled slightly when he watched the figure of Chu Feng practicing. He turned into the first clone in three days. Although that clone is not real and cannot exist for too long, it is only three days after all. At the same time, he wanted to see how long it would take Chu Feng to cultivate his clone!

Rankin has always been the envy of others, but Chu Feng is now practicing faster than him. Although he will not be jealous of Chu Feng with his pride, he still has a heart to test. .

Time passed by one minute and one second. Two hours later, Chu Feng had already completely absorbed the information. At this time, he could turn into a clone, but it would be terrifying if he turned out at this time. Chu Feng still Practicing quietly there, although this avatar exchange makes him feel like he has studied for countless years, he still needs to understand it well.

As the day passed and the night came, there was a flurry of demons dancing outside, "Xiao Jiu, what's the situation?" Chu Feng next to Lan Jin said, "It's almost the same as last night, huh, you" Lan Jin was horrified. The one beside him was not Chu Feng's deity but His clone, Chu Feng's deity is still sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Xiao Jiu, how is it?" Chu Feng cloned and laughed. "Awesome, amazing!" Rankin said twice. He still thought that Chu Feng was lucky enough to improve so quickly in a short time, but now it seems that there is something wrong with that understanding. This is not a day. At the time, Chu Feng had actually made a clone. Although this clone was not particularly real, it was a bit more real than the first clone he made!

Chu Feng's clone smiled and said, "Xiao Jiu, I can't compare to you in this respect. How many clones can you now? How much strength can each clone have you?"

"Brother Chu, if you only ask for the quantity, then there is no problem with a single avatar, but such a avatar can be seen. It does not have any strength. If it is found in this underground palace, it is estimated that it will dissipate when it comes out . If you want to guarantee your strength, let's do it ten at a time, with only about 50% of the strength of the deity, and it will not be useful for the time being to fight. This clone technique is still easy to learn but it is not easy to go deep." Lan Jin Dao said, "Of course, this is not easy for others. I guess it won't be too difficult for you, Brother Chu! By the way, Brother Chu, learning this clone technique does not affect your true self skills, right?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "This is not true. The clone technique has really little influence on the true self skills. Xiao Jiu, when did you learn the true self skills, I haven't congratulated you yet."

"Some time after I enlightened Tianbi, there was some enlightenment there, and then I realized it with good luck." Rankin smiled, "In terms of real self skills, I am far behind Brother Chu."

"I'm not much earlier than you." Chu Feng smiled, "Xiao Jiu, this clone of me is probably going to disperse. I have a little new insight. I will study it first."

Chu Feng's clone said that this clone immediately turned into a stream of light and entered the body of Chu Feng's deity. Lan Jin looked at Chu Feng's deity and turned his head and showed a faint smile on his face, "Good talent, very good. I hope there is such a person who can be stronger than me, so that I will surpass the goal." Rankin's eyes showed a firm color!

The night slowly passed, and Chu Feng's clone appeared after a while. At the beginning, Chu Feng's clone was still a bit unreal. Slowly, Chu Feng's clone became real, and Rankin also felt Chu Feng's clone's strength. It continued to strengthen. In the middle of the night, the clone that Chu Feng turned into was only about the golden level. When the sun began to appear, the clone that Chu Feng turned into already had the power of a high-level god!

When the sun was shining brightly, Chu Feng transformed into another clone. The clone's strength had already reached the high level of King God. Such a clone was already 30 to 40% of the strength of Chu Feng's deity. Little effect. "Illusion!" Chu Feng's deity stood up at this time, he gave a soft sigh, and immediately there were a dozen people exactly like him in the palace, and each of them had the high-level strength of the King God!

Rankin opened his mouth. He was so shocked that he was a little speechless. This was too powerful. In just a day or so, he was able to turn out so many powerful clones at the same time.

"Brother, are people so far apart?" It was not only Rankin who was hit, He Feng and Sun Cheng were even more hit. They also succeeded in making a clone for a day of practice, but they did it. The clone looks too fake, and it will disappear after ten seconds!

"It seems to be." He Feng smiled wryly. He always thought that his talent was not bad, but it was far behind Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was a little embarrassed. This deceived them. If it were not for the exchange, he should be able to make a clone in a day, but it would not be so powerful. Now, there is no way to get such a powerful one in such a short time. In such an underground palace, maybe it will be needed at that time.

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