Holy Prison

Chapter 927: Interactive killing

There were a total of about 7,000 people who entered the underground palace, and only about 2,500 people. The corpse energy in their bodies was exhausted. The remaining 4,500 people had died before the many people left. , The remaining more than four thousand people, about three thousand people left the hall to find the slim hope of survival!

"Woo!" The children's crying sounded, and many people in the hall changed slightly. The children's crying, which will not make people feel negative emotions when heard from the outside world, but in this underground palace In the middle, the cry of a child is definitely not what most people want to hear. Together with the cry, it is very likely to be death or despair!

"Go to hell, **** thing!" Someone yelled and attacked desperately, but the people in the hall knew that those people's desperate efforts were of little use. Each of the perverted children had the strength of the gods. And those who go out, the highest strength is only the high-level emperor god, the difference between the high-level emperor **** and the god-exalted level is ridiculous!

"All deaths linger inside and outside the hall, alas!" Miao Feiying sighed slightly. It is estimated that most of the three thousand people who went out will die in a short time, and some of them are very likely to survive. Will become a living corpse. In the hall, the people who had corpse energy in their bodies and did not leave were also dying one by one.

"I beg you seniors for pity!"

In a short period of time, dozens of people died in the temple. Among the remaining people, a woman of the king **** level knelt down. After that woman knelt down, many others also knelt down quickly. They begged, and the beggers sometimes turned into living corpses and were destroyed. Chu Feng didn't want to watch more of this scene, so he looked at Chu Feng a little and closed his eyes.

"Miao Xian'er, do you think it is better to be content or to be positive?" Chu Feng sighed in his mind. "Chu Feng, you are not an old man, do you ask?"

"These people, if they are content, they can live well now. With their cultivation strength, they can have a good position, can have a wife and son, can drink bubble tea every day, and find someone A place to bask in the sun. They entered it because they wanted to get a better promotion, but in the end, they waited to die in it!" Chu Feng said in his mind a little helpless expression on his face .

"Chu Feng, what do you think? Which is better?"

"If the world is hard and contented, many times it is waiting for death, being positive, many times, looking for death! I don't want to wait for death, but I can only try to prevent myself from looking for death. I hope I can leave alive this time. Entering, I didn't expect that just such a short period of time would have been nearly half of the discount!"

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, Lan Wen is sober, do you want to talk to her?" Chu Feng is not easy to enter the holy prison space, but it is very difficult for the divine consciousness to form a body in the holy prison space. Easy.

"Wen'er, not bad, it shouldn't take too long to reach the peak of the king god, right?" Chu Feng's divine sense in the holy prison space formed a body with a smile.

"Brother Feng, I'm still far from the peak of King God, Sister Bing Ning is probably not far from the Emperor God level right now!" Lan Wen said with a smile and got into Chu Feng's arms, "Brother Feng, I I feel a little restless, so I withdrew from the training. Nothing happened to you, right?"

Chu Feng patted Lan Wen on the back and smiled: "It's okay, how can I have anything to do, but if you say you feel uneasy, something may have happened, I will ask about Bing Ning and their parents. Yes." "Brother Feng, what are you doing now? I'm going outside." Lan Wen laughed.

"Wen'er, it's not very convenient right now. My deity is practicing in retreat now. If it weren't for seeing you wake up, I wouldn't have gotten into it." Chu Feng patted Lan Wen on the back, "Wen Son, you should practice first. During this time, I will hurry up to reach the Emperor God's Great Perfection. At that time, I might reach the Emperor God level by accident."

"Then, okay, Brother Feng, be careful." Lan Wen's eyes flashed a hint of worry, she noticed something strange about Chu Feng, but she didn't say anything, "Brother Feng, then I have to hurry When you reach the peak of King God, if there is anything, Brother Feng, you will send the message to Taiwu Tower."

"Yeah, good." Chu Feng nodded, holding Lan Wen and Chu Feng's heart calmed a lot. For Lan Wen and the others, he also needs to have a stronger power, but he has to be careful in everything.

Lan Wen entered the Taiwu Pagoda to practice, and Chu Feng returned to his heart. "Chu Feng, why don't you talk to Lan Wen?" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"She wants to practice. She probably knows that I may be in a more dangerous environment now, so she doesn't want to waste time and wants to improve her strength quickly." Chu Feng said, he guessed Lan Wen's thoughts. Nine out of ten, I still haven’t guessed that it is because Lan Wen doesn’t want to lag behind Feng Bingning too much in the future. Now her training speed is not slow, but she knows that it should be better than Feng Bingning. Slower.

There were fewer and fewer people kneeling, and that sentence was repeated over and over again. When Chu Feng and Miao Xian'er Lan Wen were talking, those people repeated it at least a hundred times!

"The deity can't stand it anymore!" A strong man with a great **** and great perfection said in a deep voice. Chu Feng's eyes were surprised. He thought that someone would not be able to watch it, but he didn't expect it to be this person. According to Tianyan's information , This person’s guilt value is much higher than the good value!

"Thank you, senior!" The two hundred people who were kneeling were overjoyed. Some of them were covered with corpse spots. That was really terrifying!

"Don't thank you!" The face of the strong man who has the deity of great perfection shows a strange color, "Let the deity send you on the road!"

"Blood inflammation!"

The sound of a cold drink sounded, and hundreds of people were immediately enveloped in the blood-colored flame. The temperature of the blood-colored flame was terribly high. Those who were kneeling had no strength to resist. Even if they were strong, they The power is also unable to resist a strong man who respects God and reaches perfection!

The blood inflammation disappeared in just a few seconds. After the blood inflammation disappeared, hundreds of people who were still alive were already burned by the blood inflammation to the point that there was no residue left!

"The world is finally clean, everyone, this deity gives them a good time, no one has any opinions, right?" The strong man who respected the gods and perfected himself with a smile.

Chu Feng frowned secretly, and he was really surprised just now. It turned out that this powerful man who respected the gods and Dzogchen couldn't stand it anymore but killed them and stopped watching!

"It's altogether dead. If we become living corpses by then, maybe we won't be like them." A strong man at the peak of the gods sighed lightly.

"No objection, Brother Situ decisively gave them a joy."

It was a strong man who respected God and Dzogchen, and those who were present were indeed relieved. What opinion can those present?

In the night, the people in the main hall did not go out. The night passed, and the sun in the underground palace rose as usual the next day. However, most of the people in the underground palace were already dead!

"Everyone, we can't stay in this underground palace forever. Although we might get corpse aura again when we go out, there is no way. Everyone should try our best to find the dead beasts and kill them. After the underground palace is cleaned up, we will Act separately and see who has better luck to find the key to the flying boat or get other treasures!" Jiang Hanhong glanced at everyone in the palace.

"Open the door, I can only wait to die here!"

The gate of the palace opened, and all of Chu Feng and the others came out of the palace. There were still corpse qi in the air, but it made all of Chu Feng and them feel terrible!

As Jiang Hanhong said, the search and hunt for places without fog started immediately! In a blink of an eye, half a day passed, and Chu Feng and the others went around where there was no fog. The corpse beasts and corpses did not kill too many, but they also killed more than ten hiding corpses and more than twenty. Corpse beast.

"Chu Feng, some guys from the Fei family probably discovered me." More than two thousand people reached the edge of the white mist, Miao Feiying said. "What's the matter?" Chu Feng frowned.

"The three members of the Fei family seem to have approached deliberately several times. I think they are sure even if they are not completely sure!"

Chu Feng thought about the sound transmission and said: "Don't worry, they don't know that I met you before, and I have a good relationship with you here. As long as you don't leave my side, they should not attack you. However, a few of them are troublesome after all. If there is a suitable opportunity, we will get rid of them!"

Chu Feng was talking with Miao Feiying here, and the three Fei family members also secretly communicated, "There should be nothing wrong, that person is Miao Feiying, it should have been confirmed long ago, but I didn’t expect that Miao Feiying’s temper would come. You have to come from a place like this!"

"Now that it's confirmed, let's send her out of this wonderful world here, haha!"

"Brother Nian, Brother Bin, we can't do it casually. That one Miao Feiying is also smart, and he actually got involved with Chu Feng. Now the relationship is better. If we face Fu Miao Feiying in front of Chu Feng, I'm afraid There will be a lot of trouble, this Chu Feng is not such a benevolent person, and he killed the two previous strong gods!"

"Chu Feng, a king god-level little guy shouldn't worry about it, but we have promised him a favor. If we do it in front of him, it is really not good. Then it will be an obstacle to our practice! The three of us, She is just a person, and her strength is not higher than any of us. Slowly find a chance to kill her."

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