Holy Prison

Chapter 930: Black Blood Terrace

Ten red monsters, two deaths and eight, these eight monsters are actually entangled at this time, but only six monsters are effectively entangled, and there are two monster opponents that are stronger than Their strength is low, as long as they are given a little more time, they can kill their opponents, and then the rest will be unlucky!

"Go!" Chu Feng thought, and another red petal flew towards a monster. The petals were very powerful. Chu Feng was really reluctant to use it, but at this time, if they lose too much, they will Don't even mention getting the key, it's a question of whether you can survive!

The second petal was released, and Chu Feng did not hesitate to release the third red petal immediately!

Three red petals solved three monsters, plus the one solved before, ten red monsters solved a total of four. At this time, the rest of the people did not solve even one monster. This is a monster. Reasons, but there are a little other reasons!

"Chu Feng, don't waste the last two petals. Some of those guys must have not done their best. Since they are not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry?" Miao Feiying said in a voice transmission.

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid yet." Chu Feng said, the remaining two red petals may be of great use by then, but he won't use it at this time!

"Little friend Chu Feng, your petals are really amazing, we may not be able to bear it here, please do me a favor!" A god-level powerhouse a hundred meters away from Chu Feng said loudly.

Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart: Grandma's, the old thing is really shameless! "Senior, I'm sorry, I'm a little weak, and I can no longer use the remaining two petals at this time!" Chu Feng raised his voice.

"It's okay, you may let other people in your team use it or shoot me here and I can use it." That god-level powerhouse said.

"Senior, I have no problem using that thing. Other people's words are a little bit worried about the person who swallowed the thing instead of swallowing the monster. It is not good for the people in our group. Give it to Senior for your own use." Chu Feng said. "Since this is not easy for others to use, let's forget it." The powerhouse of the **** swept the safflower, who was digesting a few monsters, but he was a little scared!

"Brother Chu, this old thing is really shameless." Rankin said, "You'd better not use the remaining two petals anymore. With them in hand, Brother Chu is much safer."

"Don't worry, I know." Chu Feng smiled slightly, and Rankin really regarded him as a friend now.

Chu Feng didn't use the red petals anymore, but he and Jiang Hanhong helped the rest of the people together. Although the people in their group didn't give their full strength, it didn't take long after they joined. The fifth red monster in time is finally dead!

There are only four red monsters left. It is much simpler at this time. Five minutes have passed, and the remaining four red monsters have all died!

"The casualties are heavy!" The survivors gathered together, and a god-level powerhouse from another team sighed lightly. Before, there were about two thousand five hundred people. In less than ten minutes, one thousand five hundred people died. Now there are only one thousand people. Among the 1,500 people who have just died, there is even a **** of great perfection. The powerhouses and many powerhouses who have reached the strength of the gods!

"Everyone, it seems that there are no monsters anymore. Let's act separately, or gather together to act like this, even if we find the key, who will get it?" A strong man who respected the gods and perfected himself indifferently.

Chu Feng glanced at a black-robed old man in the team, "Chu Feng, this guy is afraid that he has discovered something." Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

"I agree. Although the ability to resist danger is much stronger in gathering operations like this, if the treasures appear, the casualties may be even greater if they fight!"

"Then, act separately."

Each team expressed their opinions. Chu Feng and their team Jiang Hanhong glanced at all of them, "They are not afraid, what are we afraid of?" Chu Feng smiled slightly, the others did not speak, but they were all Wei Wei Nodded.

"We also agree." Jiang Hanhong said solemnly. "Little friend Chu Feng, thank you very much just now, I wish you good luck, let's go!" Venerable Qiye arched his hand to Chu Feng and left the team immediately.

As soon as Venerable Qiye's team moved, all the other teams left in a short time! "Several seniors, we can't go up from here on this mountain, but maybe elsewhere." Sun Cheng said in a low voice, except for him and He Feng, all the powerhouses of the Conferred Gods. In the team, but they are more worried!

"Yes, the people in the rest of the team probably thought of this, so they left. Let's go and look for the way up the mountain!" Jiang Hanhong said solemnly.

Lan Xiu and the others have no objection. Chu Feng and his team also acted immediately. The low mountain is not high, but it feels as if they are close to the horizon. Chu Feng and his team went around that low mountain. It took three hours to turn half a circle!

"Hey, several seniors, how about stopping for a while?" He Feng looked up suspiciously. Although He Feng was only platinum-level strength, the team stopped immediately.

"He Feng, have you found it?" Chu Feng said. He was secretly surprised. He Feng's level is really good. The black-robed old man who is good at corpses and one of the three powerhouses of the Fei family Chu Feng locked the Sky Eye. They were in two teams, and all three of them lost their feelings here!

He Feng frowned and said: "The terrain here is a bit strange, Junior Brother, you know a lot about corpse qi, if you feel it, there seems to be something unusual about corpse qi here!"

Sun Cheng bit his right middle finger, and a little bit of blood was spotted on the center of his forehead by Sun Cheng, "Blood Demon Eyes, open!" Sun Cheng shouted, and a blood-red eye appeared on his forehead. Chu Feng watched this scene twice. It's no stranger to come back, Jiang Hanhong and the others will not be surprised if they are so knowledgeable. This Gorefiend eye was cultivated the day after tomorrow, and it is not particularly rare, but it is not easy to cultivate!

Under the blood demon's eyes, Sun Cheng could see more things than he could see with his eyes. After a second, Sun Cheng's face gradually became pale. The blood demon's eyes were very energy-consuming, about fifteen seconds. In the past, Sun Cheng's body shook slightly and the blood demon eyes disappeared! "There, every ten seconds in that place, there should be one second for us to go up the mountain!" Sun Cheng pointed in a direction. There was no way to the top of the mountain, but Chu Feng didn't care about this. Yes, now that there is no road, there may be a road then, and the place that seems to have a road may be impassable!

Lan Xiu and the others released their spirits with all their strength. After a while, a faint smile appeared on their faces. With their strength, it would be weird if they knew that there was a weird situation here if they couldn't find a little!

"He Feng, Sun Cheng, you two brothers are good!" Jiang Hanhong smiled slightly. "Thank you seniors for your praise!" He Feng and Sun Cheng are excited in their hearts. Most people who respect the gods and achieve perfection will never see a single one in their lives. It is a great thing to be praised by those who respect the true perfection. glory.

Of course, He Feng and Sun Cheng are more excited not because of this, but because of that affirmation, they can make a contribution, which makes them feel that they are not a waste in this team!

"Everyone prepare, four, three, two, one, rush!" Jiang Hanhong counted down. When talking about rushing, Chu Feng and the others moved. The channel only appeared for a short time, but Chu Feng and the others were there for a short time. All of the time passed through that channel.

"Ah!" Sun Cheng exclaimed.

Chu Feng and the others all had a vision. The sight they just saw disappeared. What appeared in front of them was another sight. The low mountain peaks that seemed to be low at this time seemed to be tens of thousands of meters high. The 10,000-meter-high mountain looks like a pyramid, but the surface is not flat but has countless steps!

"Brother, this is, this is" Sun Cheng said incoherently. "This is the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform!" He Feng said in a daze, "I didn't expect to see this thing today!"

"Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform?" Jiang Hanhong said, they hadn't heard of this thing, and Chu Feng hadn't heard of it. They didn't expect He Feng and the two low-cultivation people to know it.

He Feng took a deep breath and said, "We have been to an ancient tomb before and got something in it. One of the jade slips contains some records about the Black Blood and Ten Thousand Evil Platform. This is extremely evil. , I didn’t expect it to appear here! The Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform is generally used to punish people. If the scene we have seen before is not wrong, this Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform may be used to punish that saint. !"

"Brother, it is recorded above that the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform has another function, which can inspire the power of the Ten Thousand Evil to suppress powerful characters!" Sun Cheng also returned to God at this time to add.

Chu Feng's heart moved, "Is it possible to suppress a certain part of Nu Wa's body for a person who has been repressed?" Chu Feng said in his heart that this possibility is relatively large. Even a part of Nu Wa's body is not ordinary. If it can be suppressed, there is the aura of Nuwa in it, so it is very likely that part of the body of Nuwa is in the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform!

"He Feng, Sun Cheng, do you know more about the Black Blood Platform? What is the danger if we go up?" Rankin asked aloud.

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