Holy Prison

Chapter 941: Depressed Fei family

Feizhou domain, Duolun city.

Duolun City is only a small city, but this small city has been unstable for a while. Many powerful people have arrived in Duolun City, and Chu Feng and the others came out of the underground palace to get to this Duolun City.

A manor in Duolun City was contracted by Chu Feng and the others, and then many strong men brought out good wine. In this manor, there are only people who came up from the underground palace, and the rest of the strong men are now except.

"Little friend Chu Feng, this time, we will all be supporting actors. You have become the protagonist. Don't you say a few words for the protagonist?" Jiang Hanhong smiled authentically.

Chu Feng poured himself a glass of wine and lifted it up: "Everyone, Senior Jiang was joking. I am not a protagonist. This time, it's just that I have better luck. I offer a glass to all seniors, and I hope I haven't been able to respect the gods. Seniors with cultivation bases can reach the Dzogchen Dzogchen quickly, and the seniors who already have the strength of Dzogchen Dzogchen can further achieve the honor of saints!"

"Achieving a saint, I like this, drink it!"

"Little friend Chu Feng, with your speed of improvement, it will probably not take long for you to reach the Great Perfection, and we will have to call you some senior Chu Feng!"

"It is not easy to be able to come out alive and drink leisurely like this, let's have a toast!"

One by one, the strong men said and laughed, they all put the wine in their glass into their mouths. "Brother Chu Feng, we went down to get the key to Feizhou, but we didn't even see the shadow of the key. I don't know if Brother Chu Feng got the key? Brother Chu Feng is most likely to get the key here." An Emperor God level powerhouse, his cultivation is much higher than Chu Feng, but at this time he is also called Brother Chu Feng, the godly level powerhouse dare to call out the little friend Chu Feng, Emperor God level As for the characters, they generally dare not call it that way and would not call it that way.

The three masters of the Fei family, Chu Feng, ordered to be killed, let alone the emperor gods? There is no idiot here. Although Chu Feng was a voice transmission at the beginning, all of them are extremely clear in their hearts!

"Little friend Chu Feng, even if you get the key, there are three great masters following to protect you. We dare not have any ideas. Little friend Chu Feng, please satisfy our curiosity." The person smiles authentically.

When these two people talked about the key, Chu Feng suddenly rang and got the key, but Miao Xian'er hadn't told him that he had obtained the merit points. "Miao Xian'er, what are my current combat points?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Chu Feng, don't worry, you will not lose your merit points after completing the mission! You used to have a little more than 430,000 points, but now it has increased by one million, which is more than 1.43 million points. Click on it, but the follow-up mission is not completed yet, come on! More than one million combat merit points, not bad, these merit points can be exchanged for an entourage with the full strength of the gods!" Miao Xian'er was in Chu Feng's mind Middle way.

Chu Feng was very happy. Meng Hao and the others would follow him for thousands of years. Although it made him happy, they were not his subordinates after all. They would help, but some orders might not be accepted by them, and the merit points were exchanged. The minions are different, the minions exchanged for the battle points are 100% obeying his orders!

Moreover, Menghao and the others are only ten thousand years old, and as long as the followers who have been exchanged for their merit points will not die, they will always follow his orders! "This time, the gain is really not small." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

This time, it didn’t take long for a month, but the harvest was really huge. First of all, his strength was improved to Wangshen Dzogchen. At this point, he originally planned to spend more than ten years. Saved more than ten years of time! Secondly, I got a part of Nuwa's body; thirdly, I got so many favors, and got the tens of thousands of years to follow Menghao and other strong men!

Fourth, I got the key to the flying boat of an immortal saint. Although the flying boat hasn't got it yet, Chu Feng really doesn't believe that he can't get it with his current strength!

Fifth, I got the body of the flower in blood. This treasure has first-class defense. Even the immortal saint powerhouse also said it is very good. One can imagine how precious it is.

Sixth, I got a friend of Rankin, which is a big gain from this trip!

"Little friend Chu Feng, others will know about such things sooner or later, everyone is taking an adventure together, let us know in advance to satisfy our curiosity."

Several powerful people spoke, and Chu Feng was not happy. At this time, he said and smiled slightly: "Everyone, I did get a key, just one."

"Sure enough, little friend Chu Feng, don't you mind if we take a look?" Jiang Hanhong said. At this time, no one would dare to **** it, and the golden token appeared in his hand with a move of Chu Feng's mind: "This is the thing, obtained from the Black Blood Ten Thousand Evil Platform."

One by one the strong looked at it carefully, and Chu Feng collected the token ten seconds later. "Brother Chu, this trip, your gains really make us jealous! The cultivation level has been improved, the treasures have been obtained, and the favors have been gained one by one!" An emperor-level powerhouse exclaimed.

"Luck, it's just good luck this time. There are more than one flying boat, and everyone is likely to get it." Chu Feng smiled authentically.

Chu Feng and the others were happily drinking here, but many people in Duolun City were very upset. Among them, the Fei family's powerhouses in Duolun City were the most depressed!

There are more than one hundred people in Chu Feng. It is not easy to keep some news secret. Several Fei family experts in Duolun City have long received news that the three Fei family experts were actually killed by Chu Feng!

"What to do, everyone tell me what to do? Could it be that my Fei family can't bear this breath?" An old man in a red robe from the Fei family flushed with anger.

"Otherwise, what should we do? Within ten thousand years, three masters around Chu Feng guarded, two strong gods and great perfection, a strong **** with the true self skills at the summit of gods, whoever dares to kill him is even successful Killing him, that greatly damaged the face of the two gods, Dzogchen, and Jitian slaughter. They would be polite to our Fei family? We must bear it!" The white-clothed old man who was speaking was also angry in his heart. But on the surface he remained calm.

"Now we absolutely can't touch Chu Feng, and his family is the same! If Chu Feng uses those favors madly, ten or so gods, great perfection, and hundreds of others, will make the move. Our Fei family absolutely cannot bear it! Do it, it will not be until the three strong men of Menghao and the others leave Chu Feng after ten thousand years!"

The red-robed old man yelled: "Nin, this he will endure the illness! Our Fei family is also a strong god-level master with a hundred or so, and unexpectedly three died this time!"

"I can't bear it, there will be more than three, maybe thirty or fifty! Fei Nian will die and the foundation of our Fei family will not move, but if dozens of them die, then our Fei family will be in big trouble. , The enemies of our Fei family will jump out one by one and gnaw our Fei family so that there are no bones left!"

"Fifth, this time I have to bear it, the family is important!"

The red-robed old man's fire pressure went down a little: "This time, what about the next time? What about the next time? If Chu Feng is addicted to kill one after another, we have been unable to bear him, just a King God-level ant. , Actually we have to endure it, **** hell!"

"Chu Feng is a smart person, and he is a smart person with a lot of emotions. He won't. Fei Nian was out of luck. They just hit the edge of the knife after killing Miao Feiying.

"We have to pass this news to the family soon. There must be an order from within the family to never do anything to Chu Feng and his family within ten thousand years!"

Inside the manor, there was a little smile on the corner of Chu Feng’s mouth. He had spotted the Fei family’s powerhouses a long time ago. Heavenly Eye locked one of them, and Chu Feng could know clearly about ten meters around that person, so several Fei family powerhouses Chu Feng heard everything.

"Count you guys!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that the Fei family didn't want to confront him at this time, and Chu Feng didn't want to have a hard encounter with the Fei family at this time. If Chu Zhen, Tang Ming and their relatives and friends were hurt, it would be too late to regret!

In Duolun City, at this time, not only the Fei family's strong, but also the Feng Clan's strong came. "This news must be spread to the clan immediately, the current Chu Feng is not the previous Chu Feng!"

"Well, I'm afraid it won't take long for Chu Feng to visit the Feng Clan!"

Several Feng Clan experts quickly left Duolun City, and there was no point in staying here. At this time, Chu Feng was also thinking about the Feng Clan. He wanted to meet Feng Bingning and Defeng Clan immediately, but before that, he still had to see if he could get the flying boat.

An immortal saint's flying boat can definitely increase his strength a lot if he has the key. Now that the key is in his hand, how Chu Feng doesn't want to get that flying boat, but he has no idea how to get the flying boat!

Thinking of the flying boat, Chu Feng's mind moved into the key of the flying boat. The key of the flying boat was imprinted with the soul brand. As long as he did not die, this thing would be useless if others got it.

"The token is placed in the holy prison space and the flying boat can't sense each other." Chu Feng thought in his heart, the token came out of the holy prison space and merged into his body, and it had been branded with soul. , Then it is natural for him to integrate into the body.

"Huh!" Chu Feng looked in one direction and his eyes showed surprise. As soon as the token was integrated into him, he had a vague feeling for Feizhou!

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