Holy Prison

Chapter 943: To Phoenix Ridge

"Master, the Silver Wing was severely affected, and it will take about three months to repair some necessary parts." The milky voice said. "Start repairing." Chu Feng tried to pass the sound into the token space.

The flying boat was taken by Chu Feng. Although many of the strong people were unwilling to do so, but there was no way. This world is like this. The strong are respected. At this time, Chu Feng is showing a strong edge. The strong of God's perfection will definitely suffer!

After receiving the flying boat, Chu Feng knew that these strong men needed to be comforted, and many strong men were invited to that manor by Chu Feng.

After the food and drink, what happened this time seems to have passed. Although there must be some uncomfortable feelings among the strong, but Chu Feng has done enough face time to make others difficult to pick.

"Little friend Chu Feng, Feizhou, you have already accepted it, don't you know if you can let us feel it?" At the banquet, a god-excellent powerhouse smiled authentically.

The idea of ​​this strong **** is also the idea of ​​many other people. When he said this, many people looked at Chu Feng. Chu Feng smiled and said: "My friends, if you can use it now, I want to try it too. It's just that the flying boat hasn't been used for countless years. It was estimated that it has been attacked by a powerful force before, so it has suffered a lot. Now it has entered the self. During the repair, I don’t know when it will be repaired."

"So that's it!" The god-level powerhouse sighed.

Knowing that Feizhou was temporarily unavailable, several strong men stood up.

"Little friend Chu Feng, the deity left first. If there is something in the future, you can come over by yourself or let someone come to inform you. Ten human affections, the deity will not fail to say anything!" Venerable Qiye smiled.

"Chu Feng, you guys, I'm leaving too, Chu Feng, use your favor earlier, and if you run out early, I'll be at ease!" said another strong man who respected God and perfected!

One by one the strong said their goodbyes, and Chu Feng quickly stood up: "You are good to go. Maybe you will come to visit if you have time. When that happens, you friends will not be unwelcome!"

"Welcome, it will definitely be welcome. If the little friends of Chu Feng and Fairy Miao have a wedding, don't forget us hahaha!" The **** Qiye smiled and left. After he left, a lot of time has passed. The strong are gone!

Time slowly passed, and in the end, only Chu Feng, Miao Feiying, Bi Shijiang, Bailan, Jin Menghao and the three powerhouses, Sun Cheng and He Feng!

"Senior Chu, brother and I are also going to say goodbye. Although our strength is low, if Senior Chu can use us, please send someone to notify us." Sun Cheng respectfully saluted.

"Senior Chu, this thing" He Feng said, a spatial ring arrived in front of Chu Feng, Chu Feng swept away his spiritual sense, and the two protective light armors were in the spatial ring. "He Feng, what do you mean, these two things have already been given to you, do I have any reason to take them back?" Chu Feng said solemnly, "Take them away!"

"Thank you senior!" He Feng and Sun Cheng said in the same voice, and the spatial ring He Feng still put away. "Several seniors, then we will leave." He Feng and the others said they quickly disappeared into the manor.

Rankin smiled and said: "Brother Chu, I'm gone, I should go too." "Little Jiu, you don't want to ask what memory you have lost?" Chu Feng said.

"Thinking, but since we have all lost part of our memory, we’re afraid that part of the memory is not suitable for us to know, or we don’t know! Brother Chu, you have to work hard, otherwise my cultivation level will surpass yours the next time we meet. That's it!" Rankin laughed. "Easy to go, if you want to find me, just go to the Academy of Divinity." Chu Feng said.

Rankin nodded: "I see, I will go over and see if there is nothing to do, and go, Fairy Miao, seniors, goodbye!"

Rankin left Bi Shi and Jiang Bai quickly also left. In a short period of time, Chu Feng Miao Feiying, Meng Hao Jitian Liao and Bruin were the only ones in this manor.

"Senior Menghao, Senior Ji, and Senior Bruce, in the next ten thousand years, we will trouble the three seniors." Chu Feng bowed to Menghao and the others.

Meng Hao waved his hand: "Chu boy, this is our promise, and we will definitely fulfill it, but your boy, it would be better to save us a little bit of worry in the next ten thousand years. Something that is too embarrassing, we will not I did it for you, don’t kill this school today, you will kill the other one tomorrow!"

Jitian Liao said indifferently: "Chu Feng, the most important thing is our own strength. Although our strength is good, it can protect you for ten thousand years. To be honest, I am not optimistic about you after ten thousand years! Nothing else. After ten thousand years, the Fei family will definitely make trouble for you! Although there are many strong men owe you favors, if there is no protection from the three of us, the time will come."

"You'd better not mention the unsuitable requests, lest we hurt each other's harmony if we refuse." Bruin's tone was very calm.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "I will remember the warnings of the three seniors. Three seniors, do you have anything to deal with? Next, I want to go to Phoenix Mountain!"

"No!" Jitian Slaughter and Bruin said in the same voice, they still have relatives, but it is normal that they have not seen their relatives for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Neither did I. Chu Feng, you can decide where to go. As long as you have no special requirements, we will follow wherever you go. If you have special requirements, we will leave, but if you die when you leave You asked for it. Of course, if this happens, we will avenge you!" Menghaodao.

Since Meng Hao and the others had nothing to do, Chu Feng and the others set off quickly. In order to avoid some trouble, Chu Feng and Miao Feiying changed their appearances, and Meng Hao and the others also changed their appearances.

Chu Feng and the others headed towards Phoenix Ridge. Before they reached the Phoenix Ridge, some members of the Feng Clan had already received some news from Duolun City.

Feng Clan Discussion Hall. Feng Yi walked in hurriedly, and now there are a lot of Feng Clan experts gathered in the hall!

"Patriarch, why did you gather us all in such a hurry?" Feng Yi bowed slightly. Feng Man said indifferently: "Elder Yi, gathering everyone in such a hurry is naturally something urgent! Elder Yi, about Feng Bingning."

Feng Yi said solemnly: "Patriarch, are you going to regret it? A ten-thousand-year agreement was made at the beginning. After ten thousand years, Feng Bingning will be my grandson's gentle woman!"

"Elder Yi, Chu Feng is estimated to be coming here towards Phoenix Ridge. You can talk to Chu Feng then!" Feng Man frowned. She was a little irritated at this time, and she regretted what she did. She didn't do anything wrong with her position, but what she didn't expect was that Chu Feng would rise so fast!

Feng Yi raised his brows: "Chu Feng is here? He still dares to get me to Phoenix Ridge. When the time comes to kill him, the patriarch will have no objection, right"

A mere Chu Feng, although his talent is good, his cultivation hasn't risen yet and he can't put it in Feng Yi's eyes!

"Elder Yi, with Chu Feng, there are two powerhouses who respect the Dzogchen and a peak powerhouse who knows the skills of true self!" Someone transmitted to Feng Yidao.

Feng Yi's face changed slightly, and an incredible color appeared in his eyes. "Which elder and Elder Yi talk about what happened on the other side of the Ark Domain!" Feng Man said indifferently.

"Patriarch, I'll come!" said an elder who was close to Feng Yi, and that elder spoke in detail. At this time, the Feng Clan knew better about the situation on the other side of the Ark Region.

A few minutes later, when the elder finished speaking, Feng Yi's brow wrinkled into the word "mountain". "What do the patriarch think?" Feng Yi asked.

Feng Man whispered: "Elder Yi has a good plan?"

Feng Yi thought about it for a while and said solemnly: "Chu Feng is lucky this time. There are three strong people to follow, and some strong people owe him favor, but his own strength is still such rubbish. I think we can. Drag, as long as it is dragged for ten thousand years, then there will be no three god-level powerhouses to follow a small Chu Feng to my Feng Clan like ants!"

"I'm afraid Chu Feng is not such a fool!" Feng Man said. "Patriarch, my Feng clan is not a small force, but there are three powerful god-excellent powers to follow. Chu Feng dare not be presumptuous in my Feng clan," Feng Yi said solemnly, "He should go to Phoenix Ridge. Come, let me meet him for a while!"

A few days passed in an instant, and the five of Chu Feng and the others had already appeared in the teleportation formation in Phoenix City. "Here, he is finally here again!" Chu Feng's excitement finally calmed down.

"Chu Feng, you go to see Feng Bingning, or do I avoid it first?" Miao Feiying said with a little embarrassment. Although her strength is strong, Feng Bingning and Lan Wen were the first women to become Chu Feng. She was a latecomer, and at this time she had those traces of anxiety in her heart.

Chu Feng considered it for a while and nodded slightly: "Feiying, then you should enter the treasure space first. Lan Wen wakes up now. Let's talk to her."

"This is all right." Miao Feiying nodded, in her opinion, it is better to face Lan Wen first than to face Feng Bingning first!

Miao Feiying entered the sacred prison space, "Old Meng, let's go over!" Chu Feng said. It has been more than two months since we left Duolun City. Chu Feng and Menghao are also familiar with them. Hao and the others don't like Chu Feng's predecessor on the left, and his predecessor on the right, so Chu Feng now has some changes in his name.

"Well, Chu boy, you don't have any conflicts with Feng Clan, do you?" Meng Hao said. Chu Feng hadn’t said anything about Feng Bingning before. At this time, Chu Feng took a deep breath and said: “One of my wife Feng Bingning has a relatively high blood density. The patriarch of the Feng clan, Ai Cai, left Bing Ning in Feng. Practice within the clan!"

Although Chu Feng didn't say it clearly, Meng Hao and the others were all mature characters. At this time, all three nodded slightly. "Boy Chu, this matter needs to be handled properly, the Feng Clan is not a small force, don't be impulsive." Meng Hao said solemnly.

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