Holy Prison

Chapter 945: Lovesickness

"Chu Feng, the Goddess Peak is right in front of you." Feng Ye said softly, Chu Feng nodded with a shock, "Thank you for reminding Feng Ye, you will go home first."

The colorful bird flew forward, and when it was about to reach the Goddess Peak, the colorful bird uttered a loud and crisp call.

Inside the Goddess Peak, Feng Bingning was disappointedly preparing to enter the room, the sound of the colorful bird came over. Feng Bingning flew up into the sky above the Goddess Peak for a moment, staring at Feng Bingning. Next, a colorful bird flew slowly towards her. It was not Chu Feng who was standing in front of the colorful bird!

Above the colorful bird, when she saw Feng Bingning's figure, Chu Feng had reached Feng Bingning's side as soon as she flicked. Behind him, the colorful bird quickly left.

"Big wife, isn't the food of the Feng clan not very good? Big wife, you have lost a lot of weight!" Chu Feng hugged Feng Bingning tightly in his arms and smiled authentically, the beautiful woman is in his arms, and Chu Feng is in his heart at this time A piece of peace! "Husband, am I not dreaming, am I?" Feng Bingning muttered, thinking of countless times, now she was held in her arms by Chu Feng, but Feng Bingning was a little panicked. She was afraid that this was a dream. Among Feng Clan and Chu Feng didn't know where!

"Oh!" Feng Bingning screamed and his face flushed, Chu Feng stroked Feng Bingning's pretty hip with his right hand and grabbed it slightly, "Bing Ning, it's not a dream, hehe." Chu Feng smirked.

"You rotten egg, if you haven't seen each other for so long, you bully me as soon as you meet!" Feng Bingning squeezed Chu Feng's waist fiercely, "What should I do if others see it on this."

Chu Feng inadvertently swept one direction. In that direction, someone was indeed looking at this side. "Bastard thing, move my woman!" In the distance, Feng Qingyang hated him, this guy was also shameless, Feng Bingning was clearly Chu Feng's wife, but he regarded Feng Bingning as his own woman. Up!

"Feng Bingning, this stinky bitch, I will let you sorrow, then I will see if I'm not in bed and torture you fiercely! Then I will catch Chu Feng and let him watch me torture you fiercely. By the way, there are Lan Wen and Miao Feiying! I'm going to toss you hard for three thousand years!" Feng Qingyang thought to himself that the muscles on his face were twisted.

Inside the Goddess Peak, Chu Feng sneered secretly, Feng Qingyang's expression could be clearly seen through the eyes of the sky, this person and his grandfather Feng Yi would die when the time came, but now it is not convenient to kill them!

Feng Yi, a great elder, is not compatible with Feng Man, a patriarch, but Feng Yi is a member of the Feng clan. If you kill Feng Yi now, you will be completely opposed to the Feng clan. It is not a wise choice for the race to be completely opposed!

"Little beast, let you live with that old beast a little longer!" A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. "Feng, what do you think?" Feng Bingning stroked Chu Feng's face lightly.

Chu Feng shook his head: "It's nothing, Bing Ning, let's talk in the treasure space."

Feng Bingning nodded, Chu Feng thought that the two of them would be in the holy prison space the next moment. "Feng, love me!" Upon reaching the sacred prison space, Feng Bingning let go, and the clothes on her body slipped from her body like silk in her eyes!

Chu Feng didn't speak, his actions replaced words. There will be no outsiders here. Chu Feng didn't hold Feng Bingning into the bedroom and pounced on him, and he threw Feng Bingning to the ground!

Pieces of clothes fell apart, and the two bodies quickly tangled together, "Feng, work harder, harder!" Feng Bingning let out a seductive moan!

Both bodies are very tyrannical, Chu Feng and Feng Bingning love tirelessly, from the room to the outside, and from the outside to the room, Chu Feng and they all tried various poses. After that, the battle lasted for nine days, Feng Bingning closed his eyes contentedly and fell asleep.

Feng Bingning fell asleep, but Chu Feng didn't fall asleep. Seeing the shallow smile in Feng Bingning's sleep, Chu Feng was really satisfied!

"Chu Feng, excuse me, there is a small question." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "What?" Chu Feng replied in his mind.

"Chu Feng, Feng Bing's cultivation base has reached the Dzogchen Dzogchen, and it is estimated that I will reach the Dzogchen Dzogchen before you. The speed of training is fast, but it is estimated that she is too desperate, so she has left a lot of hidden injuries. !" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng's heart trembled: "Miao Xian'er, there is no problem with those injuries, right?" "The clinic can treat part of it, and the other part needs her to take care of it for a while." Miao Xian'er said.

"Treat, hurry up and treat."

"Okay, let's cure it!" Miao Xian'er hummed a little uncomfortably. "Miao Xian'er, okay, okay, don’t be jealous, so you can talk to me every day, and Bing Ning and I have not seen each other for more than 100 years!" Chu Feng said, for more than 100 years of cultivation It is not long for the people, but for those who miss it, a year is also long, let alone more than a hundred years and nearly two hundred years!

"I'm not jealous." Miao Xian'er hummed lightly and her tone was better. "The treatment has started. It is estimated that the treatment will be over when she wakes up!"

After five or six hours, Feng Bingning awakened with a cry. "Feng Bingning, what's the matter?" Chu Feng said quickly. "It's okay, it's just a dream, just a dream!" Feng Bingning said that she had lingering fears. She had a dream just now, and when she dreamed that Chu Feng was covered in blood, she woke up all at once!

"Feng, promise me, don't take risks, okay? I just dreamed that you were covered in blood." Feng Bingning hugged Chu Feng tightly.

"Why is our eldest wife so stupid? Dreams and reality are generally opposite." Chu Feng gently patted Feng Bingning's back with a smile, "Bing Ning, don't worry, there are two people beside me now A strong man who respects the gods of great perfection, a strong man who has true self skills at the peak of the gods protects."

Feng Bingning was stunned for a moment: "Feng, what's going on?" Feng Bingning is naturally aware of the power of a strong person who respects the pinnacle of the gods and the great perfection. Her current cultivation of the great perfection of the gods is also considered a master at infinity. But it is completely incomparable with the powerhouse of the peak of the gods and the great perfection!

Next is the time to tell the story. Chu Feng talked about some things in the past hundred years. There were a lot of things. Several hours have passed since this story was finished.

"Bing Ning, don't worry now, there are three strong people guarding, and there are so many strong people's favors, I am safe now!" Chu Feng smiled authentically.

Feng Bing said quietly: "Feng, you have had a lot of things happening over the years. If I can spend the years with you, it would be great! Feng, I want to visit my parents, yes, if Possibly, I would also like to see Xiaolong and Han Xiang and others. Feng, will you come over this time and take me away?"

"Bring it, of course!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice. Before he got here, Chu Feng hadn't determined whether he took Feng Bingning away, but he often came to see Feng Bingning. He knew that the Feng Clan should have nothing. Opinions, but if you take them away, it is estimated that the Feng clan’s opinions will be bigger!

However, now, Chu Feng has completely made up his mind to take Feng Bingning away! He didn't want to taste that kind of longing, and Feng Bingning didn't want to taste it again!

"Feng, the Feng family is afraid that they won't let me leave." Feng Bingning said softly, drawing circles on Chu Feng's chest. "I'll take away my wife. It's a matter of course and righteousness. If the Feng clan opposes it, it will be a big deal to kill him!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"You, you are also over two hundred years old. Why do you still say such childish words? Now you are still not strong enough to face the Feng Clan." Feng Bingning gave Chu Feng a white look, "Feng, Fei Ying Aren’t they here too? Where are she and Lan Wen, I’ll talk to them, think about it first, don’t be impulsive."

"They are in the next room. Go ahead." Chu Feng smiled. Under Chu Feng's gaze, Feng Bingning slowly put on her clothes and her face was a little blushing and said: "Feng, they didn't see ours before."

Chu Feng pretended not to understand and said: "What that?" "You pretend to be confused, and I will join Lan Wen and others to deal with you again." Feng Bingning snorted and opened the door to the next door.

When Feng Bingning left, Chu Feng thought about it quietly. It might be easier to take Feng Bingning away, but it might also be very difficult!

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Feng moved out of the holy prison space. "Senior Chu Feng, the patriarch would like to please!" A woman in green quickly appeared beside Chu Feng respectfully.

"Please lead the way." Chu Feng said indifferently, talking with Feng Man, this must be an indispensable thing. The woman in green blew a whistle, and quickly a white crane flew down.

"Senior Chu Feng, please!"

When the two of Chu Feng arrived on the back of the crane, the crane crossed the beautiful mountain fronts with Zhongqi and finally stopped in front of a very tall mountain.

"Lü'er, bring Chu Feng in." Feng Man's voice came from within the mountain. "Yes!" the woman in green said, "Senior Chu Feng, the patriarch has been waiting for a long time!"

The green-clothed woman was in front of Chu Feng, and soon Chu Feng and the others were within that mountain. There was no tall building within the mountain peak, and Chu Feng and the others arrived in front of a small wooden building.

"Good place." Chu Feng said lightly. This small building is very ordinary, but it must have lived in a strong sage level, which Chu Feng can still judge now.

"Chu Feng, please come inside!" Fengman's voice came out, "Lü'er, you should withdraw first." "Yes, the patriarch!" The green-clothed woman said with a respectful voice and quickly stepped away. .

Chu Feng stepped up, the wooden steps were very ordinary, but because he had lived with a saint, every step Chu Feng felt his soul trembled slightly.

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