Holy Prison

Chapter 949: Plant blood flower

"Old Bu, thank you very much!" Chu Feng said quickly. Bruin was able to help Chu Zhen and the others, which made Chu Feng more happy than he was able to help himself. "It's a trivial matter." Bruin waved his hand. "I haven't used this chicken rib formation a few times since I created it. The materials I prepared before are also stored there."

After chatting for a while, Bruin went to portray the formation, and a fist-sized blood-colored stone appeared in Chu Feng's hand beside him. "Hey, Chu boy, your stone seems not easy." Meng Hao stared at the stone in Chu Feng's hand in surprise.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Get it out of the underground palace!"

This red stone is naturally the body of the flower in blood. Chu Feng has already dripped blood once, and then he needs to put it in the ground and then drip a drop of blood a second time!

"It must be a good thing from the underground palace!" Meng Hao said. Chu Feng put the bloodstone on the ground, and then he broke the **** and dripped a few drops of blood on the bloodstone.

In Menghao's surprised gaze, that piece of bloodstone quickly melted into the ground and disappeared, while in the same place, a small sprout grew out! The flower in the blood, if the original owner dies and a relatively long time has passed, its body will appear, and then you can recognize the Lord again. If the owner is not dead, the body of the flower in the blood will not appear Yes, even with Menghao's cultivation base, they couldn't find where the body of the flower in the blood went.

"Strange things!" Jitian said, the flower in the blood was based on their knowledge and had never heard of it. This thing is also a very good thing in the eyes of the immortal saints, their level is obviously lower!

At this time, Chu Feng was also surprised to look at the tender seedling, he could sense the tender seedling, and even at this moment could sense the little thoughts of the tender seedling: hungry, hungry, hungry.

The only message that the tender seedling of the flower in blood sent to Chu Feng was that it was hungry! When you are hungry, you need to eat. Chu Feng smiled bitterly. It is estimated that he was bleeding heavily today. There are two aspects to the bleeding!

The flower in the blood has already recognized the master, so Chu Feng knows the idea of ​​the flower in the blood. It wants spar energy and also wants to absorb some of Chu Feng’s blood. It also wants to produce spar and blood. This is not two. Bleeding!

A few drops of blood could not satisfy the appetite of the flower in the blood. Chu Feng's finger nail of his right hand swiped lightly on his left wrist, and a lot of blood spattered out of his left wrist.

"Feng'er, what are you doing?" Mo Xiu asked in surprise. "Mom, don't worry, just feed this little thing." Chu Feng smiled authentically. Mo Xiu also reacted subconsciously. After speaking, she knew that Chu Feng would definitely have nothing to do. Chu Feng was not an ordinary person, so what was it to cut his wrist and put a little blood?

At this moment, Bruin has given the formation to enhance Chu Zhen's strength, "The formation is complete, you enter into the formation, and you can practice as you normally do!" Bruin watched. After Chu Zhen, they glanced indifferently.

"Thank you, senior!" Chu Zhen said quickly. He and Mo Xiu quickly got into the deployed formation and sat down cross-legged. The formation is not large, and it occupies only a dozen square meters, but Countless array patterns are carved in these ten square meters.

Chu Zhen and the others entered, and Bruin's mind immediately activated the formation, within the formation, green mist soon rose up, and Chu Zhen's figures were looming in the green mist, and Chu Feng let out blood. While taking a glance at Chu Zhen and them, a trace of green mist entered Chu Zhen's body at this time. With Chu Feng's knowledge, he knew that the green mist should be used to adjust and activate Chu Zhen's body, so that their The body is more active, so that the improvement in a short time can minimize the side effects!

"Miao Xian'er, the clinic is activated. If your dad and the others get hurt during the promotion, they will be cured!" Chu Feng ordered in his mind.

"No problem." Miao Xian'er said, for such a short distance, it is of course possible for the doctor to treat Chu Zhen and the others.

There was no problem with Chu Zhen. Chu Feng focused on the blood flower. After absorbing part of Chu Feng's blood, the tender seedling grew to a height of half a meter in a short period of time.

"The greedy guy!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart. Several pieces of the best crystals were thrown near the root of the tender seedling. The tender seedling trembled. Obviously, it had discovered the delicious food that Chu Feng brought out.

Under the gaze of Chu Feng and the others, in just over ten seconds, those top quality crystals were a little smaller, absorbing a lot of energy, and the blood flower, which was only half a meter high, reached one meter. Come high.

"Chu boy, what on earth is this? Why do I seem to have a familiar feeling." Meng Hao frowned. Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Old Meng, it shouldn't take long for you to see it, or you should see it by yourself when the time comes. Isn't it more sense of accomplishment?"

"You kid!" Meng Hao said with a smile.

The blood kept pouring out, and Chu Feng kept taking out the spar, and those spars that were taken out quickly disappeared. At the beginning, some of the spars that were taken out could last for ten seconds. Later, Chu Feng Feng took out hundreds of spars at once, but in less than a second they would be swallowed by the blood. Such a sight shocked Meng Hao and the others.

You know, what Chu Feng took out were all relatively good crystals, top-grade crystals, and top-grade crystals. The energy contained in these pieces is extremely high. Just absorb the energy in hundreds of top-grade spars! But the tender seedlings that have just grown are so powerful!

"What is it, what the **** is it?" Meng Hao tugged at his own hair and thought. Jitian Liao and Bruin, who was now the main line of Chu Zhen and the others, also thought, but they didn't think of it in a short time. what is this.

A large amount of blood absorbs a lot of energy, and the flower in the blood grows rapidly. In about a minute, it is only one or two meters high. After five minutes, it is already 20 meters high. After ten minutes, the flower in the blood is already It grows up to a hundred meters high and lush and lush, like a big tree.

"Don't grow like this, spread it out!" Chu Feng passed a thought to the flower in the blood, and the flower in the blood received Chu Feng's thought, and soon a tender seedling emerged from the ground a hundred meters away from Chu Feng and the others. The young seedling grew rapidly, and it only took a minute to grow into a beautiful landscape tree.

The first branched tree grew out, and soon the second, third, and fourth branched trees also grew out. Chu Feng and the others had grown up around the manor, but the branched trees did not grow. The main tree is so tall that it only grows to more than ten meters high.

"Chu Feng, is this thing for defense?" Meng Hao said. Chu Feng nodded slightly. If the blood flower grows like the blood flower in the underground palace, then Menghao and the others have already seen it, but the blood flower can grow as much as the flower. The difference is that Chu Feng made the blood flower grow like a tree, so it grows like a tree.

Time passed continuously, one hour, two hours, three hours, four hours. Some other places in Shenchu ​​City also grew some trees. Those trees grew out of little difference from ordinary trees and did not make much difference. People surprised.

When in the underground palace, the flower in blood only grows in the garden, but this does not mean that it can only grow in one place. The flower in blood at that time has no owner, and the flower in blood at this time , Then there is a master Chu Feng!

"Master, you can't bleed like this anymore!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. By now, Chu Feng has been bleeding blood for more than ten hours. It is based on his cultivation base. Bloodletting will also cause certain damage to his body! "Yeah." The wound on the left hand between Chu Feng's thoughts was already healed. He stopped bleeding here, and the flower in the blood immediately stopped the growth of the branch tree.

The flower in the blood couldn't bloom at the beginning, but when the body grew, it was already able to bloom. It was only when Chu Feng let it branch and expand, and it didn't bloom.

"Old Meng, you will soon know what it is." Chu Feng smiled authentically.

Meng Hao and the others had already waited a little impatiently. At this time, they were all refreshed when they heard what Chu Feng said. "It's finally time to wait, it's not easy!" Menghaodao walked to Chu Feng's side.

"Old Meng, retreat a little bit!" Chu Feng said that he retreated a bit first, and Meng Hao retreated with him. At a moment of Chu Feng's thoughts, countless **** crystals piled up around the tree in the blood.

A lot of roots stretched out. In just a few minutes, all the countless **** crystals were absorbed by the flowers in the blood. On a branch of the main tree, a flower bone flower appeared quickly at this time, and the flower bone flower was red. , The same color as blood.

"It's really a big stomach king. Fortunately, I have some wealth. Otherwise, it won't be enough for you to absorb." When a large number of spars were released, Chu Feng didn't expect that the flower in the blood was just a flower bone flower.

A large number of **** crystals were released again, and as the number of **** crystals decreased, the flower bone blossomed slowly into a red flower. "This" Monhao Bruin and Ji Tianluo's eyes were full of horror.

The safflower in the underground palace, Menghao and others are absolutely impressed, the red flower that bloomed is exactly the same as the red flower that bloomed in the underground palace!

"Is it beautiful?" Chu Feng looked up at the red flower with a smile. "You guy, you actually got that thing out!" Meng Hao said in shock.

Shi Hua said with some doubts: "Is there anything special about this safflower? It doesn't seem to be anything special." "You are not its opponent!" Meng Hao said, "Chu Feng, how did you get this thing? Its strength is as strong as in the underground palace"

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