Holy Prison

Chapter 952: Emperor God

In the endless desert, Feng Bingning, Lan Wen and Miao Feiying's three daughters gathered together. The three of them talked and laughed. Not far from them, Menghao Bruin and Jitian Liao also gathered together.

"Sister Bing Ning, Brother Feng's emperor's calamity is coming soon, where is your emperor's calamity? Has it been sensed?" Lan Wen said, she is still only the cultivation base of the king's peak, but Feng Bingning is the king In terms of the cultivation base of the Great Perfection, Lan Wen is weaker than Feng Bingning, but it is hard to say who is strong and who is weak in the battle. We must know that Lan Wen still has the black dragon of Xiaobai and the saint. The beetles help each other, and, if you are lucky, you can still catch a powerful witch beast!

Feng Bing stared at the figure of Chu Feng in the distance and shook his head: "I haven't sensed it yet. I feel it at close range. I don't know if I can sense my own emperor's calamity by then!"

"Chu Feng is coming soon." Miao Feiying smiled slightly, her voice fell, a muffled thunder sounded, and countless dark clouds appeared in the sky in the blink of an eye.

Dark clouds gathered around the top of Chu Feng's head, "Boom!" A huge voice sounded, thick and thick lightnings shuttled through the dark clouds, and those lightnings were like terrible monsters ready to choose people to eat!

"Retreat a little." Chu Feng's voice sounded beside Feng Bingning and the others. They are relatively close now, and dark clouds have appeared above their heads at this time.

"Yeah." Feng Bingning said softly, she and Lan Wen, and they immediately backed away. Not far from them, Meng Hao and the others also moved. At this time, they separated and went in one direction. The three directions around Chu Feng were locked, and they couldn't be disturbed when the robbery was rescued. Although the three of them are here, it is unlikely that someone will come and make trouble, but they are not afraid of ten thousand and just in case!

Feng Bingning and the others retreated, and Chu Feng stood quietly on the top of a sand dune. Most people are more afraid of catastrophes like the Emperor's Tribulation, but he doesn't have much fear, even if his Emperor's Tribulation is better than ordinary people's. The Emperor God's Tribulation is so powerful that Bei Chu Feng is not afraid!

"Come on!" Chu Feng had a faint smile on his face. He was a powerhouse of the Emperor God level after the Emperor God Tribulation. This is indeed something to be happy about!

The robbery clouds rolled, and those robbery clouds covered thousands of kilometers above Chu Feng's head, and the world became dark within the thousands of kilometers!

"what happened?"

There is a small city tens of thousands of clouds from Chu Feng. At this time, many people in that small city are shocked. There seems to be a lot of lightning power floating in the air, and many people’s hair is formed by the effect of lightning power. With explosive heads one by one, the hair on his body is also standing upright at this time!

So far away, the lightning power will not hurt people at all, but there is indeed a lot of free lightning power in the air, and Chu Feng is dying, and a lot of lightning power is gathering there!

"In such a situation, someone should save the calamity! Such a strong thunder and lightning reaction should not be a disaster below the **** level, it is probably a god-level powerhouse at the king god-level powerhouse or a king god-level powerhouse. In the emperor's divine calamity!" said an elder with a broader knowledge.

"Not far from the city, the strong man is bold enough, he is not afraid that his enemy will arrive! The general strong do not choose a place off the beaten track"

Chu Feng waited quietly at this time. He didn't know that many people were flying over here to watch the excitement, but even if he knew it, he wouldn't pay attention to it. Menghao and the three of them would protect him. The troublemaker does not need his heart!

The earth-shaking sound rang, and the first thunder catastrophe of the Emperor Chu Feng's divine calamity turned into a huge thunderball and slammed over. The lightning flashes on the surface of the thunderball with a diameter of one meter. There are signs of unbearable shaking constantly!

"Drink!" Chu Feng sighed, facing the thunderball Chu Feng soared up, Hei Ming appeared in Chu Feng's hand, and then Chu Feng fiercely inserted Hei Ming into the thunderball!

Hei Ming plunged into the thunder ball, and a force followed Hei Ming into Chu Feng’s body in an instant. Chu Feng's body trembled slightly. The amount of thunder power was really terrifying, that is, his body was extremely powerful. Such a strong resistance to thunder and lightning, if you change to another Emperor God level powerhouse, then doing so is likely to instantly turn your body into fly ash!

The thunder light flickered on Chu Feng's body surface for about ten seconds. There was no longer any thunder light flickering on Chu Feng's body surface. The lightning energy had been completely absorbed by his body!

Without giving Chu Feng any time to rest, the second thunder catastrophe formed quickly and then blasted down quickly. The first thunder catastrophe was only turned into a thunder ball, and the second thunder catastrophe was more normalized into a sharp sword. Stabbed towards Chu Feng.

Hei Ming in Chu Feng's hand disappeared at this time, and Chu Feng moved instantaneously and appeared at the hilt of the thunder sword. "Hey!" Chu Feng laughed strangely, his body grew a lot bigger and he grabbed the hilt of that thunder sword!

Lei Jian was originally intended to kill Chu Feng, but when Chu Feng caught it, it became extremely violent. Rays of lightning flashed on the sword and then rushed to Chu Feng's body.

"Comfortable!" Chu Feng chuckled. Chu Feng let his body bear the thunder and lightning strikes. Under the baptism of thunder and lightning, Chu Feng felt that a lot of trash hidden in his body was cleared out. Then it was wiped out, each cell absorbed the power of thunder and lightning and became even stronger!

Lei Guang had nothing to do with Chu Feng. After ten seconds or so, the thunder light disappeared, but that Lei Jian was not reconciled to lose like this at this time. In an instant, the hilt of the Lei Jian turned into the blade and the blade turned into the hilt. After that, Lei Jian stab Chu Feng fiercely in the chest!

Chu Feng used the space imprisonment. At the same time, he simply used the Beiming Tuntian skill to actively absorb the power of the thunder sword. When a large part of the power in the thunder sword was absorbed, Chu Feng released the space imprisonment. The Thunder Sword plunged straight into his chest.

"Ah!" At a distance of 2,000 kilometers away from Chu Feng, the thunder sword was inserted into Chu Feng's chest, Lan Wen exclaimed. "Lan Wen, Chu Feng is okay. The Thunder Sword doesn't have much power anymore, and it can't hurt Chu Feng." Miao Feiying said, "This guy is far superior to the average King God Great Perfection powerhouse, this Emperor God Tribulation It's too easy for him to save."

It was Chu Feng who took the initiative to insert the Thunder Sword into his chest. Of course he did not suffer any injuries. The Thunder Sword was inserted into Chu Feng's chest, and the power of the Thunder Sword was quickly absorbed by Chu Feng!

After the thunder sword disappeared, the second layer of thunder robbery passed so easily, or after sensing Chu Feng's contempt, the robbery cloud in the sky rolled angrily for several minutes without the thunder thunder falling down.

In the distance, Miao Feiying's expression became a little dignified, and Jie Yun's performance indicated that the next Thunder Tribulation would definitely be much stronger than the previous one!

Chu Feng raised his head and looked at the sky. At this time, he also put away the contempt in his heart, "Increase the intensity, you really can see me." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

The third layer of Thunder Tribulation was finally bombarded for a few minutes. It was weird. This was a light red lightning. The lightning formed a small dragon and fell quickly towards the top of Chu Feng.

"Soul attack." Chu Feng was surprised. He didn't expect the soul attack to fall so quickly! Many physically strong people generally have relatively weaker soul strength. Such people are more afraid of soul attacks. Chu Feng is physically strong, but Heaven and Earth got it wrong this time. He is not a person afraid of soul attacks. His soul The protection of the merit crown and the protection of the holy prison!

Without resistance, Chu Feng allowed the light red dragon-shaped lightning to enter his mind. "Hey, don't run away when you come in!" Chu Feng smiled secretly in his heart. This Thunder Tribulation that can attack the soul is actually a good tonic for the soul. The Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation is very pure in power and can be directly absorbed by the soul!

In Chu Feng's mind, the crown of merit immediately released a lot of holy flame of merit, and the holy flame of merit formed a cage to surround the pale red little dragon!

The sacred flame of merit has made all things and destroyed all things, the light red little dragon dashed around in the cage, but did not dare to hit the cage! "I suck!"

Chu Feng secretly shouted that the little dragon couldn’t escape. Chu Feng’s north-swallowing power was running, and the little dragon’s power was slowly drawn out. After those powers were drawn out, they were not honest, but the power was integrated into Chu Feng’s powerful soul. Resistance is nothing to Chu Feng's powerful soul!

Time passed by, a trace of power was constantly being extracted, Chu Feng's soul absorbed a lot of power, and a lot of power entered the merit crown, and the merit crown absorbed those forces and changed little by little.

The soul infant condensed crown is a sign of reaching the Emperor God level. Chu Feng already has the merit crown. His soul infant cannot wear two crowns at a time, so the condensed soul infant crown will blend with the merit crown. !

Even though the little dragon looks small, but the energy it contains is very powerful. Chu Feng absorbs the power of the little dragon faster and faster, but it took almost ten minutes to fully absorb the power of the little dragon. At this time, Chu Feng's functional crown has changed a lot!

"Yes, that's right, it's a big make up! When the time comes to save the robbery, it is estimated that the soul strength is much stronger than the average Emperor God junior powerhouse!" Chu Feng showed a smile on his face.

"Boom!" The fourth layer of thunder robbery appeared, and a huge magic hand appeared in the sky. The magic hand was two to three hundred meters long, and each finger was more than one hundred meters long. In contrast, Chu Feng was a humble one. The little one!

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