Holy Prison

Chapter 961: Strict State Administration


"Wu Hanxi!"


Time passed by minute by minute, and every few moments, Chu Feng would call out a name, and when a name was clicked, dozens of people would be mentioned, but as many as tens of thousands of people would fall to the ground!

"Sect master, sect master! I confessed it, I just confessed it!" Chu Feng clicked on another name, the name was clicked, and a king-shen-level junior powerhouse's face changed drastically and he quickly got to the center of the hall to kneel and beg for mercy. !

Chu Feng said indifferently, "You did confess, but you may not have heard what I said before. I said that only when I confessed clearly will I open the Internet. You should ask yourself, do you have the rest? People, if you explain it, it’s best to explain it clearly. Then I will definitely check whether you have explained it clearly one by one. If there are deceptive behaviors, I will kill you!"

"Sect Master, I confess, I confess, I confess immediately!" That one of the kingshen junior powerhouse knocked his head heavily, and the sound of that knocked head made some people in the hall trembled.

"It's late! Win the general, execute! Zhao Yan, outside the hall, beheaded Liu Hao and lifted his head in!" Chu Feng said solemnly. "The master, please spare! The master, please spare!" Liu Hao shouted pale.

"Shut up!" With a cold shout, Zhao Yan dragged Liu Hao to the outside of the hall, and soon Zhao Yan returned with Liu Hao's head in his hand. "Door, Liu Hao Has been executed, the head is here!" Zhao Yan said on one knee.

Looking at the head in the middle of the hall, many people are beating their hearts. "Everyone, even if this hall is full of heads today, I will not hesitate!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "If you don't explain it, you can continue to stubbornly one by one! If you explain it honestly, just explain it clearly. , In the future, if you make good contributions to Trumen for the Kingdom of Trumen, then I can let you make up for it. If there is a deception, then Liu Hao’s fate is definitely the fate of the deceiver!"

Chu Feng's voice fell, and many people began to transmit their voices to Chu Feng again. In a short time, Chu Feng received hundreds of people's voice transmissions. By now, more than 20 people have been named. Look at Chu Feng If you don't explain this posture well, I'm afraid that you may not be able to get out of this hall today!

Thirty, forty, fifty, two hours later, a dozen people were collected by Chu Feng, and seventy or eighty people were killed. Seventy or eighty heads were placed on the main hall. The shock.

"Win the general and take these heads away." Chu Feng took a deep breath. Many people who won the government breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing this, today's punishment has come to an end temporarily. "Yes, the master!" Ying Zheng said as he personally collected those heads and cleaned the blood in the hall!

Chu Feng's eyes swept across all the people in the hall: "Everyone, loyal to Chumen and serving in the Chumen Kingdom, then it will certainly benefit you, but if you secretly use your hands and feet, there are many examples today! Win the general, The welfare of all the people in the hall has been increased by one third on the previous basis!"

Killed a lot of people today, it can be said that it was a slap in the face. If you don't give a sweet date, then it is inevitable that people will fluctuate. There are rewards and punishments, and rewards and punishments are clearly the way to go!

"Thanks to the master!" Yingzheng said in unison in the six thousand people in the hall. Chu Feng said indifferently: "Everyone, there are still some of you who have not confessed. I will not pursue them for the time being. Forget the previous ones. In the future, if there are unfavorable behaviors between the Chumen and the Chumen Kingdom, then add Punish all the previous ones!"

Chu Feng said that his divine emperor lamp appeared on the table in front of him. As soon as the emperor divine lamp appeared, without Chu Feng controlling it, bursts of orders came from the flame of the emperor divine lamp. The creepy voice.

"Kill me, kill me hurts, it hurts, let me die!" Ruoyouruowu's screams spread into the ears of everyone in the hall.

"Emperor magic lamp?" Someone whispered. There were so many powerful people in the hall, and several people recognized what the lamp was. Chu Feng smiled slightly: "It seems that some people have recognized what it is, but more people don't recognize it. Let me explain it to everyone. This is the Emperor's Magic Lamp. Does the name sound good?"

"The lamp body is made from the bones of the Emperor God-level powerhouse. The lamp oil is refined from the flesh and blood of the Emperor God-level powerhouse. The lamp core is the soul of the Emperor God-level powerhouse. This lamp can burn for hundreds of thousands of years. Extinction. The soul burns for hundreds of thousands of years, it must be more painful, don't you say?" Chu Feng said.

Many people in the main hall changed their expressions slightly. They knew what Chu Feng meant. In the future, I am afraid that someone who is not loyal to Chu Sect will be made into such a lamp!

"This emperor's magic lamp, someone may know that it was made by Miao Feiying of the Red Moon Empire. Now Miao Feiying is my woman. If there is any unloyalty to Truman in the future, then I will not be put to death directly. To make such a lamp, it is still possible to use waste!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Many people in the hall are not afraid of death, but if their souls burn for hundreds of millions of years and suffer for hundreds of millions of years, then few people are not afraid!

"You guys, I don’t want something like that to happen, you guys don’t want it either. Okay, the previous things have passed. From now on, it will depend on your performance. I hope you can work hard to make Chumen a more glorious tomorrow. To everyone!" Chu Feng said, raising the wine in the glass again.

The people in the second cup of wine in the hall drank quickly, but compared with the first cup of wine, the mood when drinking the second cup of wine was a lot more complicated.

Some people are happy and some are sad. For those who are loyal to Chumen, it is natural that they are happy that Chu Feng handles it like this, but for some who are not very loyal, today this wine is really very disturbing.

One hour later, the banquet was finally over.

Within the City Lord's Mansion.

"Win General, General Chi, and Zhao Yan, keep these three pieces of jade slips! If you regret, then you can forget about the previous ones. If you still do things that are unfavorable to Chumen and the Kingdom of Chumen, then deal with them strictly!" Feng Shen said.

"Yes, the master!"

Yingzheng, the three of them looked at the information in the jade slip, and they all got angry. "Damn guy, some of the people in it, I usually use them again. I didn't expect the sect master, I am guilty!" Ying Zheng said solemnly.

Chu Feng waved his hand: "You do have some faults, and you will be more cautious in the future. However, being strict is not to let you kill indiscriminately. You have to be clear about this."

"Sect Master, we understand." Yingzheng said. "Well, these things are causing me a headache, you can take care of it yourself, don't let me down." Chu Feng disappeared in front of them in an instant after speaking.

After leaving the city lord's mansion, Chu Feng quickly left Huangji City, and he also left with him coldly and naturally. "The emperor is really not so good." Chu Feng sighed slightly. This time, only a few dozen people died in the hall, but the people of those people didn't know how many people fell to the ground under his orders.

If it can't be involved, then Chu Feng doesn't want to do it, but if the law is not strict in a big empire, then who would be the law is one thing?

Leaving Huangji City, Chu Feng headed towards Aojia Village, he hadn't been to Deaojia Village for a long time!

Several months passed in a blink of an eye. Chu Feng went around from city to city. Without rushing on his way, it took five or six months to move to the vicinity of Aojia Village. He caught it in a few months. Some people at the Emperor God level have been arrested, but at such a speed of arrest, it would be impossible to catch 100,000 Emperor God level criminals in less than two to three thousand years!

The speed of catching one hundred thousand Emperor God level criminals in two to three thousand years is actually extremely fast. If there is no help from such a god-exalted powerhouse, it would not be possible to catch him within ten thousand years, but Chu Feng This speed is still not very satisfying, if it can be caught a thousand years ago, it is not bad.

Aoga Village, Chu Feng's eyes light up near Deaoga Village. Compared with the previous Aoga Village, the current Aoga Village is much larger. However, like before, the Aoga Village still looks ordinary. Each of the villagers hide their strength as if they were an ordinary villager.

"village head!"

In Aojia Village, the strongest person now is Shaoye. When Chu Feng arrived near Deaojia Village, Shaoye was the first person to discover Chu Peak and then appeared in front of him.

"Song Ye, that's right, the strength is actually at the middle level of the Emperor God." Chu Feng was surprised. The increase in the strength of the Song Ye was really beyond his expectation. He thought that Song Ye was still the junior level of the Emperor God, no I thought that I was already at the intermediate level of the Emperor God.

Song Ye lightly hummed: "The village chief, you haven't been back for a long time this time. The village chief, how many geniuses have you brought back since you haven't been back for so long this time?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "I didn't bring back much this time, just three hundred." Before the holy prison was upgraded, Sky Eye could check the information of everyone whose strength was below a certain level, but now, Sky Eye can only check the criminal's information. The Holy Prison can still sense the talent level of some people, but it can only sense when they are very close. Perhaps the sensing distance can be increased after upgrading, but now, Chu Feng estimates that he can find a dozen geniuses in a year!

"So few?" Feiye was slightly taken aback. In fact, more than 300 are already quite a lot, but compared to the amount that Chu Feng brought back before.

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