Holy Prison

Chapter 978: Scarlet Wedding (1)

Shenchu ​​City. "Wen'er, what's the result?" Chu Feng said. Now he is the only one and Feng Bingning and the other women here. Of course, this one is the deity, and the others are talking about his clone.

Lan Wen's complexion was not pretty: "Brother Feng, it is not a good omen, but the calculation is fierce. I seem to see **** rays!" Feng Bingning frowned and said, "Brother Feng, there seem to be many people. I don’t want to waste this opportunity. Usually you and we don’t know where you are going, and it’s even harder to know what others say, but this time, everyone knows that your deity will definitely be in the city of God!"

"Chu Feng, or else, the wedding has been cancelled, or some familiar people can get together and simply do it. If there is any damage to my wedding, then it is really better not to do it!" Miao Feiying Tao.

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Feiying, this is not a child's play house. There is no reason to cancel it. However, the wedding is really not suitable for too many casual people. At that time, all the restaurants in Shenchu ​​City will be covered. If you are not invited or have not reached certain qualifications, please have a drink and tea at the restaurant and teahouse in Shenchu ​​City."

Feng Bing condensed a little: "Brother Feng, what specific criteria must be met to enter Chu Mansion?" "Emperor God level, it is the Emperor God level. If it reaches the Emperor God level, then even if it doesn't. If you are invited, you can also go to the Fuzhong for a wedding drink." Chu Feng said.

"Brother Feng, what if someone kills indiscriminately in the city? Even if only a few ordinary people die, it will be a destruction to the wedding." Lan Wen said with some worry.

Chu Feng frowned. This is indeed a problem. Even if there is a flower in the blood, it can prevent someone from killing, but can it prevent suicide? Can you prevent self-destruction? Can some people get countless dead bodies out of their space ring?

Feng Bingning and the others have not spoken for the time being. Chu Feng walked around the room. He just wanted to simply get a wedding and happily marry Miao Feiying, but if there is no certain preparation, Chu Feng has a hunch , This time the wedding will definitely make him unforgettable for life, but it is not good to make him unforgettable!

"Miao Xian'er, do you have any good ideas?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "No, this time your wedding, I'm afraid it's impossible not to see the bloody!" Miao Xianer said, "Chu Feng, you have to be careful, you are definitely the first goal, as long as you die, and some strong people short time If the murderer cannot be found internally, then even if the murderer is found in the end, it will probably be gone."

Chu Feng stood still and said in a solemn voice: "There is no impermeable wall in the world. As long as which force takes action, other people will know it sooner or later. Bing Ning immediately sent out a notice. If someone makes trouble during the wedding and compares Seriously, if I die, then as long as the troublemaker is found out, as long as that force is killed, a god-level powerhouse will give me a favor! Many god-level powerhouses owe me ten Favor, for those people, if I had such a notice first, it would be impossible for them to break through and reach a saint if they didn’t pay off my Favor cultivation base!"

"I want to see, in such a situation, how many forces still dare to do it, a strong person who loves a god-level, there will always be a strong person who wants to reach a saint who can't help but do it!"

Both Feng Bingning and their eyes were full of worry, "Feng, I'm going to make announcements." Feng Bingning said. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, go."

"Chu Feng, how many people have you provoke? Is it so serious?" Miao Feiying said. Chu Feng smiled bitterly: "I have provoked a lot of people, and it's not just me, you have a lot of people, those ghosts and ghosts may not usually come out, but when we get married like this, It's normal for someone to come out and make trouble!"

Miao Feiying frowned slightly and said: "We should have done the wedding quietly at the beginning." "It would have done it quietly, that would have wronged you too much." Chu Feng said, "Feiying, I saw some blood in the wedding this time. I'm afraid it is unavoidable. If you are prepared for this, then some are just disgusting means, we can ignore."

"Chu Feng, do you think I have never seen a **** little girl? Since someone can't let us have an ordinary wedding, then let's have a **** wedding!" Miao Feiying said with a smile, "Yes Quite a few god-level powerhouses owe me favors, and it's time for them to pay them back. I will ask them to come over and maintain the wedding order."

"How many people are there?" Chu Feng said. He knew that Miao Feiying was a master refiner, but how many strong people owed her favors, Chu Feng didn't know.

"There are thirty or so god-level powerhouses, and fifty or so emperor-level gods, and now there is half a month before the wedding. If I send a message, at least half of them should be able to come."

Chu Feng shook his head: "Forget it, you still don't want to use these favors for the time being. In Shenchu ​​City, there is no need! Do you treat those safflowers as decorations? They will find out any changes in any place in Shenchu ​​City. Deal with it! Feiying, I know you don’t want your wedding to be bloody, I will try my best to guarantee it.”

"Chu Feng, their main goal is you. As long as you are good, I don't care about the rest. Or, your deity will not appear at that time, let the clone complete some of the wedding procedures?" Miao Feiying said.

"How can it be done? If I do that, then my heart will leave a knot forever, and I will never want to reach the realm of a saint in this life!" Chu Feng said, "Don't worry, my life will be taken away so easily. !"

August 6, 263 in the Chu Feng calendar, this day was the day of the wedding of Chu Feng and Miao Feiying. The time was approaching day by day, and the festive atmosphere enveloped the entire Shenchu ​​City. Almost every household in Shenchu ​​City was hanging up. Red lanterns, after knowing that there was a habit of burning firecrackers in Chu Feng's hometown, many firecrackers appeared in Shenchu ​​City, and a large number of firecrackers were bought by many people in Shenchu ​​City.

Shenchu ​​City is the Shenchu ​​City of the Nine Profound Empire, but as long as you are not confused, you know that the current Shenchu ​​City is the Shenchu ​​City of the Chu Family. Chu Feng is not the city lord, but in Chu Feng City, who doesn't want to cheat him? Ordinary firecrackers can't cost much, even the poorest people in Shenchu ​​City can afford them.

"Feng, that flower is so red." Feng Bingning smiled authentically. They were in Chu Mansion at this time. In Chu Mansion, there are four branches of flowers in blood, and each branch has two red flowers. flower.

Chu Feng looked up, the flowers in the blood were dazzlingly red, "They are excited, the flowers in the blood, the flowers in the blood, and there is a word of blood in their names. It is impossible not to see blood this time, how can they not be excited? "Chu Feng said indifferently, he has completely calmed down, as long as the wedding is not completely messed up, and as long as the people are okay, then things are actually successful. If someone makes trouble, then slowly settle the accounts!

"Brother Feng, you will be the first target, is there really no problem?" Feng Bing condensed. Chu Feng hugged Feng Bingning and smiled and said, "Bing Ning, this is the eighteenth time you have said this. Let me put it this way, if I am still dead in this Shenchu ​​City, then my limit is up, and I should die. Outsiders only know that the blood flowers in the first city of God have the strength of the Emperor God level, they don't know that among those blood flowers, there are 55 blood flowers that have the strength to reach or even a little bit more powerful than the power of the Emperor God. !"

At this moment, Chu Feng's heart moved. He had a clone on the other side of the teleportation formation. Now, news came from the clone on the other side of the teleportation formation, and Feng Man actually came here!

"Bing Ning, Patriarch Feng is here." Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning said strangely: "What did the patriarch come here for?"

"I'll know soon." Chu Feng said, Fengman arrived in Deshenchucheng, only a short time before he arrived at the gate of Chu Mansion, "Clan Chief Feng, please come in." Chu Feng's voice spread to Feng Man. In his mind.

Feng Man frowned secretly. She was the patriarch of the Feng clan anyway, and came here in person, but the treatment seemed too bad, and Chu Feng didn't come out to greet her in the mansion.

Entering the mansion, Feng Man left a phantom, and his real body instantly reached Chu Feng. "Clan Chief Feng, it seems that ten thousand years have not passed. Chief Feng came too early." Chu Feng said indifferently. For Feng Man, Chu Feng doesn't have much dislike, but she doesn't have a good impression either. It was the patriarch of the Feng clan, and he and Feng Bingning were forced to separate her on that day.

"Chu Feng, your attitude is a little too bad." Feng Man frowned slightly. Chu Feng waved his hand: "Patriarch Feng, sit down, there is nothing to do. It is estimated that a big man like you will not come to a small place like me, Chief Feng, I listen carefully."

Feng Man sat down, Chu Feng sat down opposite Feng Man, Feng Bingning stood beside Chu Feng and did not sit down. "Chu Feng, you and Bing Ning are together, there is a Lan Wen, and now we are married to Miao Feiying, but my Feng clan has some dull faces!" Feng Man said coldly, "Just one Lan Wen, another Miao Feiying, what do you think of as the goddess of my Feng clan?"

Chu Feng took out a tea set and poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip: "Clan Chief Feng, of course I use Bing Ning as my wife. As for other things, it is not that important to me. Chief Feng, if you drink tea, you can do it yourself. Come on, come here today, is it just for this bit of trouble"

Feng Man looked up at the two red flowers on the tree next to him and asked an unrelated question: "Chu Feng, these red flowers are not only powerful men who can threaten the Emperor God level?"

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